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1、崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Unit 1 Chemical industryStand germany in good stead:使德国得到很大的好处The lions share:最大的份额Intermediate:中间体The difficulty comes in deciding at which point in this sequence the particular operationceases to be part of the chemical industrys sphere of activities.在这个生产过程中,区分哪些属于化学工业活动是困难的。-blo

2、cker: 阻断药Crease-resistant:抗皱的Non-iron免熨烫的Weathering:侵蚀All weather:全天候Pitch;沥青Commitment:投入崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Unit 2 Research and developmentWe can pick out a number of areas of R&D activity in the following paragraphs but ifwe were to start with those which were to spring to the mind of the academic,

3、ratherthan the industrial, chemist then these would be basic, fundamental (background) orexploratory research and the synthesis of new compounds.Academic: 学术的Synthesis:合成在随后的段落中,我们可以挑选出很多研究开发行为的领域。如果这些是学术性化学家而不是工业化学家所从事的研究开发行为,那么这些行为将是基础、开创性的研究和新化合物的合成。Exploratory:开创性的Blue sky:高高在上的,基本的崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工

4、英语阅读Unit 3 Typical activities of chemical engineersConstant temperature bath: 恒温水浴Reactant:反应物Distillation column:蒸馏塔Scale up:放大Chemistry:化学原理Civil:土木Metallurgical:冶金Piping:管道Utility:公用物质Pilot plant:中试厂Flow sheet:流程图Corrosion allowance:腐蚀裕度Logistic:后勤保障Startup:开车Initial commissioning:交工式运转Shift work

5、:换班工作Inventory:详细目录Spare part:备件崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Unit 5 Basic ChemicalsConsolidation: 巩固、合并合并May well: 可能Swap: 交换The industry will move more to serving the rest of the chemical industry and less to serving the farming industry. 工业将趋向于服务化学工业的其余部分,而不是农业。Another threat is the perceived environmental me

6、ssiness of many large-scale processes.Perceived: 感觉到的Messiness: 凌乱不整洁困境另一个威胁是很多大规模工艺所已经面临的环境困境。The industry may well see increased consolidation as 化学工业可能会日益巩固,当崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读The drive to increased recycling and the ideal of emission-free plants will be a major factor influencing the development

7、of the industry in the next decade.增加回收利用的动力和无废物排放工厂的理想在下个十年里是影响工业发展的主要因素。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Unit 6 Chlor-Alkali and Related ProcessesBulk chemical industry: 大化工The segment is normally taken to include.氯碱工业包括。Ever since:从那时到现在自从The peculiar economics of electrolytic processes mean that you have to mak

8、echlorine and caustic soda together in a fixed ratio whatever the relative demand for the two totally different types of product, and this causes swings in the priceof caustic soda which can render soda-ash more or less favorable as an alkali. Swing:波动Render:呈递, 归还, 着色, 汇报, 致使致使, 放弃, 表演, 实施按照固定的比率生产

9、氯和苛性钠而不论这两个完全不同类型的产品的相对需求,这种电解工艺的特殊经济特性会造成苛性钠的价格波动,这会偏向于用纯碱作为碱。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读翻译长句子的规则和经验:1.抓住长句子中的主句,一般是长句子中的第一句。其它部分是围绕主句展开的。2.搞清楚其它部分的主语是指的主句中的哪个部分,或者是修饰主句中的 哪一部分,或和主句有什么关系。4.在清楚关系后,先翻译主句,然后根据主句翻译其它部分,再理顺他们之间的 关系,相互关联翻译,不要独立于其它部分之外翻译。5.不要按照字面翻译,而要意译,翻译流畅而要忠于原文原意。3.搞清楚从句之间的关系,是否后一从句和前一从句是从属关系,和主

10、句又有和 关系。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Readily:容易地Brine:盐水Limestone:石灰石Ready:有准备的有准备的, 准备完毕的, 甘心的, 情愿的, 现成的现成的, 迅速的迅速的Complex:复杂,合成物,络合物,联合企业联合企业Laid down (Lay down): 放下形成Laid down over geological time by various marine organisms.Over:在.期间, 在.时间内Geological time:地质时期在一段地质时期内由海洋生物形成的。About 40% of the output of the

11、lime industry goes into steel-making, where it is Used to react with the refractory silica present in iron ore to give a fluid slag whichFloats to the surface and is easily separated from the liquid metal.大约40%的石灰工业的产出投入到钢铁的制造中,它被用来和铁矿石中的高熔点的氧化硅反应形成液渣浮到液体金属的表面并被容易的分离出来。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Remotely:遥远地,

12、 偏僻地非常地Strength: 浓度Ammonia absorber: 氨吸收器Nominally: 微少的The process , which was perfected by ernest solvay in 1865, is based on the precipitation of NaHCO3 when an anmmoniated solution of salt is carbonated with CO2 from a coke-fired lime kiln.于1865年被ernest solvay完善的这个工艺,是基于氨化的盐溶液和焦炭煅烧的石灰窑中产生的二氧化碳所形成

13、的碳酸反应生成碳酸氢钠沉淀。Debatable: 成问题的,可争辩的Light soda-ash: 轻质纯碱崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读These are used by industries that need the liquid sodium, mainly in the production of tetra-alkyl lead petroleum additives, though the petroleum additive companies are diversifying and other uses may appear.Diversify:使多样化这些(指钠和氯)

14、被需要液体钠的工业所使用,尽管石油添加剂公司正在多样化它们的产品,钠的其它用途也许会出现,但是它主要用来生产石油添加剂四烷基铅。Memberance cells are really the only technology that is viable for new capacity inmodern plants, but a large amount of old capacity still exists and many companieshave not found it economical to replace even their mercury cells, despite

15、 the enviromental implications. 膜电池对于现代化工厂中新增的生产能力是唯一可行的技术,但是相当大量的旧生产能力仍然存在,许多公司发现甚至用膜电池来替换存在环境问题的汞电池在经济上也是不划算的。Uphill:上坡的,向上的Gloriously:光荣的,辉煌的非常的崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读In turn: 依次,轮流继续Sort out: 挑选出,理清解决崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读refer to sb. sth. as:称某人物为Unit 9 PolymerConvention:习俗, 惯例Bulk polymer:本体聚合物Coil: 线圈sw

16、eep out:扫掉、清除占据Make up: 组成Aliphatic:脂肪族的Aromatic:芳香族的Elastomer: 人造橡胶Liability:责任, 义务Sparingly:节俭地, 保守地崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Advanced performance: 高性能Random copolymer: 无规共聚物Alternating copolymer:交替共聚物Block copolymer: 嵌段共聚物There are many different grades of the same polymer, depending on the final applicat

17、ion, e.g., different MW, MWD, extent of branching, crossing-linking, etc., and these variations are multiplied when copolymers (random, alternating and block) are condidered.Extent of branching: 支链长度Crossing-linking: 交联同一聚合物根据最终的应用有许多不同级别,例如说,不同的分子量、分子量分布、支链长度、交联等等,当考虑到共聚物时(无规共聚物,交替共聚物,嵌段共聚物),这些级别还会

18、增加。Multiply: 增加崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Up-grade:越级别Off specification: 超规格Paramount:极为重要的Other than: 除了Step-growth (polymerization):分步增长聚合Monofunctional: 单官能的Propagation:增长反应Thus monofunctional impurities in step-growth, and radical scavengers, chain-Transfer impurities and catalyst poison (e.g. water in io

19、nic propagation) in chainPolymerizations are all significant.Radical scavengers: 官能团清除剂在链式聚合反应中,分步增长聚合中的单官能团杂质、官能团清除剂、链传递杂质、使催化剂中毒的物质(例如,离子增长反应中的水)都是非常重要的。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Exothermic: 发热的Tubular: 管状的Unless economics dictate a changeDictate:口述, 口授, 使听写, 指令, 指示, 命令, 规定除非证明改变的经济性Non-volatile:不挥发的Steam

20、stripping:汽提, 蒸汽脱附Emulsion: 乳液Nevertheless, precipitation by using a non-solvent followed by centrifuging, or byCoagulation of an emulsion or latex and removal of the solvent by steam-stripping(to keep the temperature down and prevent decomposition) can be used. Devolatilisation of the solvent or un

21、used monomer from the polymer can be Performed during pellitization in an extruder.然而,通过非溶剂沉淀随后离心分离,或者通过乳液或乳胶絮凝,或者通过汽提过程除去溶剂(保持温度不升高,避免聚合物分解),这些过程都是可以使用的。从聚合物中脱除溶剂或未反应的单体可以通过挤压机进行挤压来实现。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Unit 10 What is chemical engineering?In a wider sense: 更广义来说Presentation:介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达Facility: 设

22、备Particular:特殊的, 特别的, 独特的,特定的Above all:首先Adapt:使适应, 使适合,改写, 改编In doing so, however, it does not simply copy their findings, but adapts them tobulk chemical processing.Bulk: 整个In doing so:在这样做应用即使这样,化学工程不是简单的重复化学的发现,而是把发现应用到整个化学加工上。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Best of all: 最好的The principal objectives that set ch

23、emical engineering apart from chemistry as a purescience , is to find the most economical route of operation and to design commercialequipment and accessories that suit it best of all.set apart:使分离, 使分开, 留出时间, 金钱等区别使化学工程和作为纯科学的化学区别开的化学工程的首要目标是找到最经济的操作路线,并且设计最符合这个目标的商业化设备和辅助设备。Inconceivable:不能想像的, 难以

24、相信的Inconceivable 和without构成双重否定Largely:主要的崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读The expansion of the chemical process industries on the one hand and advancesin the chemical and technical sciences on the other have made it possible to lay theoretical foundations for chemical processing.Lay foundation: 打基础一方面化学加工工业的扩张和另一方

25、面它在化学原理和技术上的进步,已经使给化学加工打下理论基础成为可能。Advance:进步In ones own right: 凭本身的能力或资格come into being:形成Turn out:打扫, 驱逐, 使外倾, 生产, 起床, 翻出, 制造, 关掉For all the rhetoric of nineteenth-centry academic chemists in Britain urging the priority of the study of pure chemistry over applied, their students who becameworks che

26、mists were little more than qualitative and quantitative analysts.Rhetoric:言语Urge:促进Priority:优先、优先权Qualitative:定性的 Quantitative:定量的Works chemist: 工程化学家19世纪的学术化学家促进了纯化学高于应用化学的观点,按照他们的观点,他们的学生变成了只是做定性和定量分析的工程化学家。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Dichotomy:两分, 分裂Firm:公司Content:使满足Consultant:顾问Possibly because the mecha

27、nical engineers who had already been introduced into works to maintain the steam engines and pumps in an industry of growing complexitywere the men who seemed best able to understand the processes involved.可能因为在复杂性正在增加的工业中从事维护蒸汽机和泵的机械工程师,正是看起来最能理解所涉及的工艺过程的人。Perspective:远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察Instead,

28、 the expectation was that the processes generic to various specific industrieswould be analyzed, thus making room for the introduction of thermodynamic perspectives, as well as those being opened up by the new physical chemistry of kinetics, solutions and phases.Generic:属的, 类的, 一般的, 普通的, 非特殊的相反,期望是分

29、析不同的工业所共同具有的工艺,因此除了正在开始的对动力学、溶液、相的新物理化学研究,要为动力学观点的研究让出空间。共同的崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Fledge:长羽毛, (幼虫)长翅(变成成虫)完整的neatly: 整洁地, 优美的, 巧妙的Encapsulate:装入胶囊, 压缩概括In effect he applied the ethics of industrial consultancy by which experience was transmitted from plant to plant and from process to process in such a w

30、ay whichdid not compromise the private or specific knowledge which contributed to a given plants profitability.实际上,他遵守了工业顾问工作的道德观,以一个不触犯给一个特定工厂带来利润的私有或特定知识的方式,从一个工厂到另一个工厂、从一个工艺到另一个工艺的进行经验传递,。Compromise:妥协, 折衷, 危及.的安全触犯Resolve:决心, 决定, 决心要, (使)分解, 溶解, 解决崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读SodiumPotassiumAAA A A A AA H H

31、eLi Be 固体元素人造元素B C N O F Ne Na Mg 气体元素液体元素Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs MtUun Uuu Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb

32、 Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr UraniumMagnesiumCalciumAluminumTitaniumVanadiumChromiumZirconiumTantalumMolybdenum崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Discipline:纪律, 学科Interdiscipline:交叉学科confluence:汇合、汇流The traditional level of size and complexity at which they have worked on theseproblems

33、might be termed the mesoscale.Mesoscale: 中间尺度The traditional level of size and complexity:传统规模和复杂性的层次他们解决这些问题的所基于的传统规模及复杂性的层次可以被定义为中间尺度。Microscale:Dimension:尺寸, 尺度, 维(数)Mesoscale:Macrosale:molecular eventsreactor, equipment, combinations of unit operations整体系统Multidispline: 多学科崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读There

34、 will be a special design challenge in established and emerging industries that produce proprietary, differentiated products tailored to exacting performance specifications.Proprietary: 有专利权的Differentiated:有区别的在已经建立的和正在出现的工业中将会有特殊的产品设计上的挑战,即根据设定的确切性能目标规格,生产有专利权的和区别化的产品。These products are characteriz

35、ed by the need for rapid innovatory as they are quickly superseded in the marketplace by newer products.Innovatory: 创新这些产品以快速创新的需求为特征,因为在市场中它们会迅速的被更新的产品所取代。Supersede:代替、取代Characterize:以.为特征Specification:详述, 规格, 说明书, 规范崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读The position of chemical engineering as the engineering disciplin

36、e with the strongest tie to the molecular sciences is an asset, since such science as chemistry, molecularbiology, biomedicine, and solid-state physics are providing the seeds for tomorrows technologies.作为工程学科,化学工程和分子科学的紧密联系是一个宝贵的财产,因为分子科学(例如.)给将来的技术提供了发展的基础。Chemical engineering has a bright future

37、as the interfacial discipline, that will bridgescience and engineering in the multidisciplinary environments where these new technologies will be brought into being.bring into being:使形成Interfacial discipline:界面学科作为界面学科,化学工程有美好的未来,它把科学和工程连接在多学科的环境中,这将促使新技术的形成。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Unit 12 What do we mean

38、by transport phenomenaTransport phenomena:传递现象Collective name: 统称Fluid mechanics: 流体力学Momentum:动量传递Heat conduction: 热传导Whereby:adv. 凭什么, 为何Differential equation: 微分方程Boundary conditions:边界条件 Nomenclature:术语,专门名词Solution:解变量These analogies, as they are usually called, can often be related to similari

39、tiesin the physical mechanisms whereby the transport takes place.这些相似性,就像它们通常所被认为的,就是指这些传递发生的物理机制是相似的。Vector:矢量、向量Scalar:标量、纯量崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Moreover, if the differential equations and boundary conditions are the same,a solution need be obtained for only one of the processes since by changing the

40、nomenclature that solution can be used to obtain the solution for any othertransport process.此外,假如微分方程和边界条件是相同的,就只需要对其中的一个过程求解,因为通过换相应的变量,这个解可以被用来得到其它传递过程的解。Parallel:平行的Instead of: 而不是Pedagogical:教学法的Serial:连续的Because it is impossible to cover heat and mass transport thoroughly without priorknowledg

41、e of momentum transport, one is forced under the serial approach to takeup the most difficult subject (momentum transport) first.Prior:优先的, 在前的因为不先了解动量传递,不可能完全理解热和物质传递,所以在连续性的方法中,不得不先去了解最困难的动量传递的问题。by reference to:参考Representation: 表达Vector notation:向量符号Partial differential equation: 偏微分方程崔洪涛化学生物理工学

42、院化工英语阅读化工专题新型绿色化工纳米催化剂Keywords: catalysis, catalyst, nanoparticle, naomaterials要求:1.英文综述2.引用英文文献,不能引中文文献崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读be concerned with:参与、干预Be of value:有利用价值的Compressor:压缩机Humidifier:增湿器Air cooler: 空气冷却器Fractionater:分馏器、精馏器Absorber:吸收器With regard to: 关于In turn:依次、轮流Correlate:使相互关联Dimensionless:无

43、因次Empirical:经验的It is of course a “practical” matter to be able to obtain the parameters, i.e., the heat-transfer coefficients that are used in design, and for that reason a transport phenomena course can be considered an engineering course as well as one inscience.获得参数,即在设计中使用的热传递系数,当然是一个实际问题;由于这个原因

44、,传递现象课程除了是一个科学上的课程,可以被认为是一个工程课程。i.e.:也就是、即崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Exothermal:放热的Sophisticated:复杂的Go into:进入, 加入, 探究, 变得Instead the theory and mathematical procedures of transport phenomena are essential, unless one wishes to go to the expense and take the time to buildpilot plants of increasing size and me

45、asure the conversion in each.相反,除非花费大量资金和时间建立大规模的中试厂去测量每个转换过程,利用理论和数学程序研究传递现象是必要的。Precarious:不稳定的Obsolete:过时的If engineering students are to have an education that is not become obsolete, they must be prepared, through an understanding of the methods of transportphenomena, to make use of the computat

46、ions that will be made in the future.假如学工程的学生要接受不会过时的教育,他们必须通过对传递现象研究方法的理解,准备好如何去使用在将来的工作中要进行的计算。崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读Chemical processes may consist of widely varying sequences of steps, the principles of which are independent of the material being operated upon and of other characteristics of the parti

47、cular system.不同的化学工艺由顺序不同的步骤所构成,它们的原理不依赖于所被操作的材料和特定系统的其它特性。Philosophy:基本原理Fundamental:基本原则The unit-operations concept in chemical engineering is based on the philosophy that widely varying sequences of steps can be reduced to simple operations or reactions,which are identical in fundamentals regardl

48、ess of the material being processed.化工工程中的单元操作的概念是基于一个基本原理:顺序变化很大的步骤可以被简化为简单的操作或反应,不管所处理的材料是什么,它们在基本原则上是等同的。Unit 13 Unit operations in chemical engineering The versatility of chemical engineering originates in training to (from) the practice of breaking up a complex process into individual physical

49、steps, called unit operations, and into the chemical reactions.in training:在学习中 versatility:多功能性(复杂性、多样性) 崔洪涛化学生物理工学院化工英语阅读The complexity of chemical engineering results from the variety of conditions as totemperature, pressure, etc., under which the unit actions must be carried out in different pro

50、cesses and from the limitations as to materials of construction and designof apparatus imposed by physical and chemical character of the reacting substances.化学工程的复杂性源于在不同的工艺中,单元操作的温度、压力等操作条件的多样性;化学工程的复杂性也源于反应物质的物理和化学特性所决定的建造材料和设备设计的极限。Humidification:增湿Sedimentation:沉降Classification:分级、分粒、选分Centrifug


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