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1、高中英语新高考语法冲刺练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 Passage 1 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。TheWorld Health Organization ( WHO ) has granted emergency approval for the Covid vaccine (疫苗) made by Chinese company Sinopharm.Itis the first vaccine developed by_1_non Western country to get WHO backing.The vaccine has already bee

2、n given to_2_( million) of people in China and elsewhere.The WHO had_3_(previous) only approved the vaccines made by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna.But individual health regulators in many countries, especially poorer ones in Africa, Latin America and Asia have approved Chinese j

3、abs (接种)for emergency use.With little data_4_(release) internationally early on, the effectiveness of the_5_(vary) Chinese vaccines has long been uncertain.But the WHO on Friday said it had confirmed the “safety, efficacy and quality” of the Sinopharm jab.The WHO said the addition of the vaccine had

4、 “the potential to rapidly accelerate (加速) Covid-19 vaccine access for countries_6_(seek) to protect health workers and populations_7_risk”.It is recommending_8_the vaccine be administered in two doses(剂) to those aged 18 and over.A decision_9_(expect) within days on another Chinese vaccine develope

5、d by Sinovac, while Russias Sputnik vaccine is under_10_(assess) .Passage 2 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Traditionally, Thanksgiving is a time _1_is “to give thanks” for a plentiful harvest, because it is celebrated _2_the last Thursday of November at the end ofthe harvest season.However, the his

6、tory of Thanksgiving is not clear, because the harvest season_3_(celebrate) in many countries and cultures.Americans_4_(common) celebrate the first harvest of thepilgrims(朝圣者), or the first colonists_5_(settle) in North America, in 1621.Many colonists came to the New World for religious_6_(free), be

7、cause England did not allow diversity in religion.Native Americans and colonists did not always live together peacefully, _7_ they did learn from each other by trading goods and farming _8_(method).So many people celebrate the first successful harvest of the colonists.Thanksgiving foods include Corn

8、bread English ,Cheese Pie ,Venison(鹿肉), Ducks & Geese ,Wild Turkey ,Garlic and Onions, Pumpkin Pudding and Indian Pudding.Other traditional Thanksgiving foods _9_(serve) with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie.Stores are said to sell_10_(much) food at Thanksgiving than at any oth

9、er time of the year.And many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year。Passage 3 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Unveiled(揭幕,展示)by Chinas National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center on Monday, the 10 representative cyber(网络)slang phrases are the Age of Aw

10、akening,YYDS (eternal God), double reduction,overwhelm,(压垮,破防)metaverse,(元宇宙)Brilliant with a capital B, lie down, Itsmore of an insult than injury, I didnt get it but was just in awe, and The strong country has me.Some reflect a new phenomenon topic being discussed 1._ (wide) in the Chinese society

11、, while others are used by Chinese youths to express their feelings and emotions.For example,The Age of Awakening is a 2021 hit red drama from the Chinese mainland,narrates the story of how the CPC was founded in 1921 and 2._ the founding fathers of the CPC had to establish such a Party in China.Ple

12、aserest assured(向。保证), my Party, the strong country has me, young people across China shouted loudly during this years 3._ (celebrate) to mark the centennial(第100周年纪念)of the founding of the CPC.To reduce the burden of homework and after-school tutoring for students from primary schools to senior hig

13、h school, China 4._ (release) the double reduction policy in April.The policy also wishes to ease the pressure of anxious Chinese parents who drown their children in schoolwork for the highly competitive college entrance exams.The idea of low material desire, low consumption(消费)and refusing to work,

14、 marry and have children, dubbed as a lying down lifestyle, recently struck a chord with many young Chinese, 5._ are eager to take pause to breathe in this fast-paced and highly-competitive(竞争激烈的)society.However, it is the same generation who vow We are working to revitalize(使恢复生机)the Chinese nation

15、 6._ (build) a bright future for the country and its people.The new concept of the Metaverse has become one of the trendiest 7._(buzzword) in Chinese society, although the jargon(行话)has almost instantly bewildered Chinese people.Despite that many say I didnt get it but was just in awe. Metaverseis a

16、lso turning 8._ to be a shortcut for inflated(使充气,膨胀)commercial success for some.Chinese youths say eternal God which resembles GOAT (Greatest of All Time) in English to praise their idols or things they are fond of.They use the word overwhelm not only to mean to destroy someones defense(防御)in a dig

17、ital game, but also that they 9._ (shock) or touched by certain information or news.They joke that Its more of an insult than injury to express their embarrassment.The event has been held since 2006, aiming at 10._ (encourage) Chinese people to record their life with language and to describe social

18、changes from Chinese perspective(态度).Passage 4 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Esther Snader, a retired American teacher, said_1_was hard to leave the Chinese university she had taught at for more than 19years, but that leaving her more than 1.200 books to the students was an easy_2_(decide).Snader

19、recently returned from Anqing Normal University in Anhui province to her hometown in the US.She couldnt help feeling sad as she waved goodbye to the students, who_3_(spend) much of their time not only studying the courses she taught, but also in her living room_4_(read).When she began working at the

20、 university, she found the students didnt have many English books to read, she made_5_(she) available to them every Wednesday afternoon in the living room of her apartment, which_6_(provide) by the university.Each time she went back to the US in the summer,she always chose some more books that she t

21、hought would be good for her students_7_shipped them to her Chinese address.Her library grew year by year and_8_(amaze), it had over 1,200 English publications before she left.Esthers Library was in Snaders apartment until her last year of teaching,_9_it was moved to the English department, with stu

22、dents volunteering_10_(maintain) it since then.Passage 5 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Tropical rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate, and according to a new reportby Rainforest Foundation Norway, humans are_1_(blame).The worlds dependence on coal, farming, soy, palm oil and mining has

23、resulted_2_two-thirds of Earths tropical rainforests being _3_(complete) destroyed, and the remaining ecosystems being put closer to a tipping point(临界点).Tropical rainforests once _4_(cover) 14.5 million square kilometers of Earths surface, but now, just one-third of that remains intact.Of the origi

24、nal area tropical rainforests once occupied, 34% is completely gone and 30% is suffering from degradation(损坏).All that remains is roughly 9.5 million square kilometers, 45% of _5_ is in adegraded state, the report says.Tropical rainforests are home to more than half of the Earths biodiversity and ha

25、ve_6_(much) carbon in living organisms than any other ecosystem.Along with_7_(support) significant animal life, tropical rainforests are also essential to slowing down global warming.“These highly specialized ecosystems are suffering from constant abuse, through our bottomless appetite for land and

26、resources,” said Anders Krogh, who authored the report.“We expect that upcoming UN climate and biodiversity summits provide specific targets and_8_(meature) to protect intact tropical rainforests.”The researchers also believe that the _9_(lose) of tropical rainforests puts the whole world at risk of

27、 future pandemics(流行病).“Massive deforestation is violating natures natural virus protection mechanisms,” Krogh said.“The aftermath of COVID-19 should bring rainforest protection to _10_ top of the agenda of all policy makers and world leaders concerned about preventing the outbreak of new pandemics.

28、”Passage 6 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In recent years,more Russians are learning Chinese.The number of Mandarin learners in Russia has grown from 17, 000 in 2007 to 56, 000in 2017, according to Sputnik News.“There are 170 universities teaching Chinese,_1_account for 20 percent of higher educati

29、onin stitutions in Russia,” said Aleksey Maslov,a professor of School of AsianStudies from Russia.In 2019, Mandarin became_2_elective foreign language in Russias college entrance exam._3_(general), Russian students learn Chinese in class.“Students choose to study Chinese because they have a passion_

30、4_Chinese characters or traditional Chinese culture such as martial arts(武术),” Zhou Qi told Sputnik News.Zhou is a Chinese teacher_5_(teach) students from Grade 6 to 9 in Russia.Another way_6_(learn) Chinese is by joining activities_7_(hold) by Confucius Institutes in Russia.Russian sinologist(汉学家)L

31、iudmila Veselova said that Confucius Institutes also help people learn about Chinese dramas, culture and_8_(tradition).“Our countries have very close relations.The more Chinese know Russian and the more Russians know Chinese, the_9_(strong) our relations will be,”_10_(say) former Russian president D

32、mitry Medvedevin 2010.Passage 7 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinese scientist Yuan Longping has died in a hospitalin Changsha at the age of 91.Yuan spent his life researching rice and was a household name in China, _1_(know)by the nickname “Father of Hybrid Rice.”Worldwide, a fifth of all rice n

33、ow _2_(come)from species created byhybrid rice following Yuans breakthrough discoveries.On Saturday afternoon, large crowds honored the scientist _3_marching past the hospital in Hunan province_4_he died, local media reported, calling out_5_(phrase)such as: “Grandpa Ye, have a good journey!”In _6_19

34、70s, Yuan developed a hybrid strain of rice that recorded an annual yield 20% _7_(high)than existing varieties meaning it could feed an extra 70 million people a year.His work helped transform China from “food deficiency(缺乏)to food security”within three decades.Yuan and his team worked with dozens o

35、f countries around the world _8_(address) issues of food security as well as malnutrition.Even in his later years, Yuan did not stop doing research.In 2017, working with a Hunan_9_ (agriculture)school,he helped create a strain of low-cadmium indica rice for areas suffering from heavy metal pollution

36、, _10_(reduce)the amount of cadmium(镉)in rice by more than 90%.附:参考答案第1篇1a2millions3previously4released5various6seeking7at8that9is expected10assessment第2篇1 which that 2 on 3is celebrated 4 commonly 5 to settle6 freedom 7 but 8 methods 9 served 10 more第3篇1.widely2.why3.celebration 4.released5.who6.to

37、 build 7.buzzwords8.out 9.are shocked 10.encouraging第4篇41it42decision43had spent44reading45hers46was provided47and48amazingly49when50to maintain第5篇1 to blame 2 in 3completely 4 covered 5 which 6 more7 supporting 8 measures 9 loss 10 the第6篇1.which。2.an。3.Generally。4.for。5.teaching。6.to learn。7.held。8.traditions。9.stronger。10.said。第7篇es3.by4.where5.phrases6.the7. higher 8. to address 9.agricultural10.reducing5


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