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1、The three major religions in the world By Zoe vChristianityvBuddhismvIslamChristianity Christianity is rooted in Judaism and founded by Jesus in a mid-century , and breakaway from Judaism as an independent religion in135 years. Early Christianity had been subjected to cruel persecution(迫害) and repre

2、ssion(镇压) of the Roman emperors. In 313, the Roman Emperor Constantine I issued “Edict(敕令) of Milan”, declared common freedom with Christianity and all other religions, without discrimination. Since then, Christianity became an official recognition of the legitimate(合法) religion. In 392, Christianit

3、y became the state religion of Roman Empire, and gradually became the main spiritual pillar of Medi European feudal society. In 1054, Christianity was split into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox. In the l6 century, with the rise of Western European nation-state and public class, the Reformation movem

4、ent broke out against rule of the Pope. After these, some of the new sect(教派), known as the Protestant, were split from the Catholic Church. So, Christianity is general of Catholic, Orthodox and ProtestantChristian classic is “Bible.” “Bible” is accounts of Gods revelation(启示录), is the Christian Gen

5、eral principles of faith and life skills standards, is the eternal truthMajor Christian festivals vChristmas vGood FridayvEaster vAscension DayvHalloweenvChristianity had a very big impact to Western civilization. Humanist tradition, as the center of freedom, equality, and fraternity(博爱), enjoyed bo

6、rn equal popular support, became heart of Declaration of Independence, Declaration of Human Rights, and a long-term spiritual driving force of the Western democratic. The main style of Christian Architecture Byzantine Romanesque GothicIslamvIslam was founded in the early seventh century ,the founder

7、 of Mohammed .vIn 622 A.D ,due to the opposition and persecution by nobility from Mecca ,he moved to Medina ,to preach(传教) .And established a theocratic religion commune(公社)organization .vIn 630 A.D ,he personally led the million people Muslim of the great army to conquer Mecca ,and Medina as the ce

8、nter ,unified Arabia Peninsula(半岛) ,established a theocratic state .The doctrines(教条) of Islamv six faithvBelieve in AllahvBelieve in messengervBelieve in angelsvBelieve in classicvBelieve the day of judgmentvBelieve in life after deathv five pillarsvShahadavPrayersvSaumvTaxationvPilgrimageObey to t

9、he five pillars is the basic reflection of the Muslim faith.The holy city-JerusalemvJerusalem is well known to the world ,because it is one of the oldest city in the world .The reason why we call it the holy city is that it has been seen as Judaism ,Christianity and Islam s common land and Jerusalem

10、 is three religious cradle. BuddhismTo get enlightenment(觉悟)What is Buddhism?vBuddhism is a religion to about 300 millions people around the world .The word comes from “bodhi”(菩提),to awaken .It has its origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha(佛陀) ,was himself awakene

11、d (enlightened) at the age of 35.Buddhist pathvTo lead a moral lifevTo be mindful and aware of thoughts and actionsvTo develop wisdom and understanding.Buddhism explains a purpose to life, it explains apparent injustice and inequality around the world, and it provides a code of practice or way of life that leads to true happiness.Thank you


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