Unit 5 Using language ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、Unit 5 Into the UnknownUsing languageLearning objectives1.Review the noun clauses in the passgae the Mysteries of the Maya2.Clarify and master Subject Clause, Object Clause, Appositive Clause,and Predicative Clause3.Imagine and express the reason for the disappearance of dinosaurs using noun clauses

2、 ChallengeChallengeNoun ClausesNoun ClausesInto the unknown理解探索未知话题理解探索未知话题理解和思考探究探索理解和思考探究探索未知话题未知话题表达表达: :探索未知话题探索未知话题starting out starting out 第第1 1课时课时Using lanaguage Using lanaguage 第第3 3课时课时Listening: The Listening: The mystery of human mystery of human brainbrain第第4 4课时课时Understanding ideasUn

3、derstanding ideasThe Mysteries of the The Mysteries of the MayaMaya第第2 2课时课时Developing ideasDeveloping ideasDiving DeepDiving Deep第第5 5课时课时Writing :Writing :The The unexplainedunexplained第第6 6课课时时Presenting ideasPresenting ideas第第7 7课时课时单元大观念单元大观念:理解表达探索未知话题理解表达探索未知话题,培养学生科学求真的精神,引,培养学生科学求真的精神,引导学生积

4、极探索未知,加深其对人类命运共同体的认识。导学生积极探索未知,加深其对人类命运共同体的认识。Although loneliness has always been a friend of mineIm leaving my life in your handsPeople say Im crazy and_I am blindRisking it all in a glance_ you got me blind is still a mysteryI cant get you out of my headDont care _ is written in you historyAs long

5、 as youre here with meI dont care _ you are,_ youre from,_ you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere youre fromDont care _ you didAs long as you love meHowwhatwhowherewhatwhatthatObject宾语Subject主语Object宾语Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. a Athough his theor

6、y has been dismissed by scholars, it shows how powerful the secrets of Ancient Maya civilisation are among people. b But the greatest mystery of all is what caused the Maya to abandon most of their great cities.c Why Maya civilisation collapsed remains a mystery. Which sentence contains a clause tha

7、t serves as the subject of the sentence?as a subject Which sentence contains a clause that serves as the object of the sentence?as an object Which sentence contains a clause that gives further information about the subject in the sentence?as a predicative名词性从句主语从句Subject Clause宾语从句Object Clause表语从句P

8、redicativeClause同位语从句AppositiveClause1. Why Maya civilisation collapsed remains a mystery.2. Through comparison, he found that the locations of the 117 known Maya cities correspond to the positions of the stars.3. But the greatest mystery of all is what caused the Maya to abandon most of their great

9、 cities.4. The fact that Maya society was technologically primitive makes its achievements all the more incredible and mysterious.1. Through comparison, he found that 2. Based on this, he believed .3. What is how they were built without the use of wheels, metal tools or even animal power.Object Clau

10、seSubject Clausethat4. The fact that Maya society was technologically primitive makes its achievements all the more incredible and mysterious.5. Some research seems to indicate that the Maya people themselves may have played a part in their downfall.6. By changing the landscape in this way, it is po

11、ssible that the Maya people unkonwingly reduced their ability to deal with natural disasters.Object ClauseSubject ClauseAppositive ClauseThat she was beautiful was plain to everyone.How a book will sell depends much on the reviewer( (评论者评论者) ).Whether hell come hasnt been decided.= It hasnt been dec

12、ided whether hell come. That he speaks English so well surprises all of us. That she became an artist may have been due to her fathers influence.1.1.that在主语从句中在主语从句中不充当任何成分,也无意不充当任何成分,也无意 义,只起连接作用,不能省略义,只起连接作用,不能省略。 Its uncertain whether/if hell come this evening.2.2.whether和和if: whether与与if 引导主语从句引

13、导主语从句 位于句中有时可换用位于句中有时可换用。 It was doubtful whether/if Tom really saw Sharon.用用不用不用 的情况:的情况:1.1. Whether well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. It makes no difference whether you will go today or tomorrow.2.2. Whether or not he will come still remains a question. Whether well succeed remains

14、 to be seen.1.1.主语从句主语从句时;时;2.2.从句后有从句后有或紧跟或紧跟时时 certain clear important necessary probable possible主语从句常用主语从句常用it作作形式主语形式主语放放句首句首, , that引导的引导的从句从句放在放在句末句末。常用句型有:常用句型有:It is/was+that clause1. It+be+形容词形容词+that从句从句2. It + be + 名词词组名词词组 + that从句从句 pity shame duty It is a pity that he missed such a go

15、od chance.It is / was a+ that clause It is a shame that youre sick. 很遗憾他错过了这么好的机会。很遗憾他错过了这么好的机会。真遗憾你病了。真遗憾你病了。3. It + be + V-ed + that从句从句 said reported thought hoped believed known It is+ that clause It is said that he is the best student in the class. It is thought that Joe drives badly.据说他是班上最好的学

16、生。据说他是班上最好的学生。人们认为乔开车开得不好。人们认为乔开车开得不好。 It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all. It happened that I was out that day. It appears to me that you dont want to come to the party. 4. It + seem, happen, appear等不及物动词等不及物动词 + that从句从句。爱丽丝似乎不来参加晚会。爱丽丝似乎不来参加晚会。碰巧我那天外出了。碰巧我那天外出了。在我看来,你不想来参加聚会。在我看

17、来,你不想来参加聚会。I dont care whether he is rich or not.Ive made it clear I will never go back there.I feel it our duty to keep the classroom clean, so we made it a rule that whoever litters should be punished.我感觉保持教室卫生是我们的职责,因此,我们规定:乱扔垃圾者罚。宾语从句的宾语从句的时态时态取决于主句的时态取决于主句的时态主句是主句是现在的时态现在的时态, 从句的时态可从句的时态可根据实际情况

18、而定根据实际情况而定。主句是主句是过去的某种时态过去的某种时态, 从句一定要用从句一定要用过去的某种时态过去的某种时态。 注意:如果宾语从句表述的是注意:如果宾语从句表述的是客观真理、自然现客观真理、自然现象等象等时时, 不管主句是什么时态不管主句是什么时态, 从句都要用从句都要用一般现一般现在时在时。He said that light travels much faster than sound.Does anyone know where I can find a home?We didnt know why she had missed the flight. The fact is

19、that he has not been seen recently. My suggestion is that we should turn the land into rice fields.1. My suggestion is that we all _ (take) an active part in the coming sports meet. 2. His proposal was that the work _ (finish) in five hours.(should) be finished(should) take如果引出表语从句的名词是一些表示如果引出表语从句的名

20、词是一些表示 “建议建议”或或者者“命令命令”之类的词如之类的词如advice, suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea等等, 那么从句中的动词那么从句中的动词通常用通常用(should)+动词原形动词原形。The fact that we cannot travel faster than light means that it will take a long time to reach those planets.He cant answer the question how he got the money.I have no idea wher

21、e he comes from.同位语从句同位语从句常常放在抽象名词放在抽象名词,如,如fact, idea, news, information, order, belief, suggestion, reply, answer, thought等等之后之后,以具体说明,以具体说明这些词的含义。这些词的含义。 在某些名词在某些名词(如如demand, suggestion, wish, advice, request, proposal, order等等)后的同后的同位语从句谓语动词用位语从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形动词原形”,should可以省略。可以省略。We followed

22、 his advice that we (should) turn to our teacher for help.We all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to Beijing for sightseeing. I can understand their wishes that they (should) have a holiday.同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句性质性质实例实例定语从句是从句定语从句是从句对其对其先行词的修饰或限制先行词的修饰或限制,属于属于形容词性从句形容词性从句的的范畴范畴同位语从句是从句同位语从句

23、是从句对对前面抽象名词的进一前面抽象名词的进一步的说明和解释步的说明和解释,属,属于于名词性从句名词性从句的范畴的范畴The news that our team has won the game is true. 我们队赢了那场比赛的我们队赢了那场比赛的消息是真的。消息是真的。(同位语从句同位语从句, 补充说明补充说明news到底是一个什么消到底是一个什么消息息) The news that he told me yesterday was true.昨天他告诉我的那昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的。个消息是真的。(定语从句定语从句, news在从在从句中作句中作told的宾语的宾语)同位语从句

24、同位语从句定语从句定语从句先行先行词词实例实例同位语从句前面的名词同位语从句前面的名词只能是只能是idea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestion, proposal, word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility, promise, order等等抽象名抽象名词词定语从句的先行词可定语从句的先行词可以是以是名词、代词、主名词、代词、主句的一部分或是整个句的一部分或是整个主句主句He told me the news that he would come home from abroad soon.Word came th

25、at he had been abroad. Our team has won the game, which made us very happy. (同位同位语从句语从句)(定语从句定语从句) (同位语从句同位语从句)同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句引导同位语从句的词有引导同位语从句的词有:that, whether, what, who, whom, whose, when, where, how等。等。that引导同位语从句引导同位语从句只起连接作用只起连接作用,无,无具体意义,在从句中不作成分,不能具体意义,在从句中不作成分,不能其其他替代他替代,不能省略。,不能省略。有些引导词

26、如有些引导词如how, whether, what不能引导定语从句不能引导定语从句。that引导定语从句时,引导定语从句时,不但起连接不但起连接作用作用,而且,而且在从句中作成分,作宾在从句中作成分,作宾语时可以省略语时可以省略定语从句的先行词可以是定语从句的先行词可以是名词、名词、代词、主句的一部分或是整个主代词、主句的一部分或是整个主句句The order that we received yesterday was that we should send a few people to help the other groups. 同位语从句前面的名词只能是同位语从句前面的名词只能是id

27、ea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestion, proposal, word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility, promise, order等等抽象名词抽象名词定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句1. The news that we had successfully sent up another communication satellite spread throughout the world.2. Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. 3. T

28、hats the best piece of news Ive heard.定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句1. Is there any hope that he will be home at 7:30? 2. The possibility that you referred to doesnt exist at all.3. The fact that we talked about is very important.4. There is a strong possibility that we may be in France for the next wee

29、k.定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句名词性从句2. The students completed this experiment to make come true _ Professor Joseph had said. A. that B. what C. when D. where 2020 2020 天津卷天津卷 1. It is not a problem _ we can win the battle; its just a matter of time. A. whether B. why C. when D. where 2020 202

30、0 江苏卷江苏卷 4. Scientists have obtained more evidence _ plastic is finding its way into the human body. A. what B. that C. which D. where 2019 2019 江苏卷江苏卷 3. The gold medal will be awarded to _ wins the first place in the bicycle race. A. whomeverB. wherever C. whoeverD. whatever 2018 2018 天津卷天津卷 5. Wh

31、at students do at college seems to matter much more than _ they go. 2019 2019 北京卷北京卷 where6. The gold medal will be awarded to _ wins the first place in the bicycle race. A. whomeverB. wherever C. whoeverD. whatever 2018 2018 天津卷天津卷 3. Over thousands of years, they began to depend less on _ could be

32、 hunted or gathered from the wild, and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown. 2020 2020 浙江卷浙江卷 what4. Scientists have obtained more evidence _ plastic is finding its way into the human body. A. what B. that C. which D. where 2019 2019 江苏卷江苏卷 1. 他建议我努力学习。(suggest/suggestion)He sugge

33、sted that I (should) study hard.宾语从句It is suggested that I (should) study hard. He gave me a suggestion that I (should) study hard. What he suggested is that I (should) study hard. 主语从句同位语从句主语从句+表语从句2. 众所周知,没有什么比健康更重要的。We all know that nothing is more important than health.宾语从句Its known to us that n

34、othing is more important than health.We all know the fact that nothing is more important than health.What we all know is that nothing is more important than health.主语从句同位语从句主语从句+表语从句1.众所周知,学好英语是很重要的众所周知,学好英语是很重要的. (主语从句)(主语从句)_.2.那是因为它为未来打开了一扇大门那是因为它为未来打开了一扇大门.(表语从句)(表语从句)It is_ /The reason is_.It i

35、s known to all that it is important to learn English wellbecause it opens a door for your future.that it opens a door for your future.3.我的愿望是能被一所重点大学录取。(表语从句)我的愿望是能被一所重点大学录取。(表语从句)My hope is_that I can be admitted to a key university.4.在我看来学习的成功主要取决于一个人是否有决心。在我看来学习的成功主要取决于一个人是否有决心。(宾语从句宾语从句) .In my

36、opinion, success in study depends mainly on.5.我现在要做的是采取措施学好我现在要做的是采取措施学好英语。(主语英语。(主语从句)从句)What _ .6.我坚信我会掌握好英语的。我坚信我会掌握好英语的。(同位语从句同位语从句)_ Ill have a good command of English .I hold the firm belief thatI should do now is to take measures to master Englishwhether one can have great determination It is

37、 well-known that it is important to learn English and the reason is that it opens a door for your future. My ambition is that I can be admitted to a key university. Unfortunately, I am not expert at English. However, in my opinion, success in study depends mainly on whether one can have great determ

38、ination. What I should do now is to take measures to master English. I hold the firm belief that Ill have a good command of English. Complete the passage using noun clauses with words in brackets.P53 2what we thinkwhat they looked like/how they lookedwhy they hadthat they depended onTalk about what

39、caused the disappearance of dinosaurs using noun clauses where appropriate. You may use the notes to help you.P53 3Among the many unsolved mysteries about dinosaurs, what really interests me is their disappearance. I strongly agree with the opinion that.Self-assessmentRanksDo I know what noun clause

40、s are?Can I use noun clauses to express my opnion?Can I write correct sentences by using subject clause, object clause, appositive clause,and predicative clause?1. Draw a mind map of the noun clauses.2. Write down the reasons of disappearance of dinosaurs with some noun clauses.7. Without his support, we couldnt be _ we are now. A. how B. when C. where D. why 8. This is _ my father has taught me-to always face difficulties and hope for the best. A. how B. which C. that D. what9. By boat is the only way to get here, which is _ we arrived. A. where B. when C. why D. how


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