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1 Look, listen and say What do you like? I like grapes. I like grapes, too. No, I don’t. I like peaches. Do you like grapes? Let’s buy some peaches and grapes. What about you, Mum? Lesson 1 I like grapes. one ◆ Listen again and act OK! 2two Ask and answer Do you like peaches? No, I don’t. I like bananas. 3 A Little Monkey 1. Is the little monkey happy? 2. Do you like the little monkey? Why? I’m a little monkey. I am very hungry. Wow, so much big corn! I like corn. Wow, nice peaches! I like peaches. I don’t like corn. Wow, what big watermelons! I like watermelons. I don’t like peaches. Where is the rabbit? Where is the corn, the peaches and the watermelons? I’m still hungry. Oh, a rabbit! I like the rabbit. I don’t like watermelons. three ◆ Read again and answer Picture story 4 Make a survey What do you like, Ann? Tom, do you like grapes, too? I like grapes. four No, I don’t. I like apples. Ann likes grapes. Tom likes apples. ◆ Make a report Fruits bananas oranges apples grapes watermelons pears … Ann Tom √ √ 5 Pronunciation five My family like fruit very much. My father likes . My mother likes . And I grapes, too. a /eɪ/ name make game face cake Look and fill What do you like? I like grapes. Do you like grapes? No, I don’t. I like peaches. What about you? I can express my likes and dislikes with:I know these words: about buy fruit Check and tick 6 Look, listen and say What day is it today? It’s Wednesday. My favourite subject is PE. What do you have on Wednesday? We have Chinese, maths, science and art. When do you have PE? What’s your favourite subject? We have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Lesson 2 What’s your favourite subject? six ◆ Listen again and act 7 Chinese Maths Monday English Science Tuesday Chinese PE Wednesday Maths Music Thursday Art Science Friday seven A: What day is it today? B: It’s Monday. A: What do you have today? B: We have English and science. A: What’s your favourite subject? B: My favourite subject is English. Ask and answer 8 My maths teacher is funny. What’s your favourite subject, Larry? Music. When do you have music? Do you like maths? Yes. My maths teacher is funny. Why? First, she says two and five is seven. Then, she says three and four is seven, too. 1. What is Larry’s favourite subject? 2. Does Larry like his maths teacher? Why? 3. Do you like Larry? Why? eight We have music on Monday and Thursday. ◆ Read again and answer Picture story 9 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday nine Make a schedule Write down your subjects at school. Lily: Feifei: Lily: Feifei: What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is art. When do you have art? I have art on Monday and Thursday. ◆ Talk about your timetable ◆ Tick your favourite subjects MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Chinese MathsMathsMaths Maths MathsMaths English Science Music Chinese Science Computer Art Chinese English Art Music Chinese Chinese Art English English Chinese PE Art PEPE PE Science Timetable 10 Mum: Girl: Mum: Girl: Mum: Girl: Tomorrow is . What do you have Monday? We have maths, , music, science and PE. What’s your favourite subject? My subject is maths. When do you have maths? We maths from Monday to Friday. Pronunciation Fill in the blanks Monday Chinese favourite have on ten a /æ/ apple cat bag fan taxi What do you have on Wednesday? We have Chinese, maths, science and art. What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is PE. When do you have PE? We have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. I can talk about school subjects with:I know these words: favourite subject Chinese maths science art PE music from Check and tick 11 Lesson 3 I often play sports. Look, listen and say eleven I often play sports. What do you do on the weekend? Do you play football? What do you do on the weekend? I often go camping with my parents.Do you play sports? Yes. I often play football. Yes, I do. Sometimes, I play basketball, too. ◆ Listen again and act 12 Tom: Ann: Tom: What do you do on the weekend? I often go swimming.Do you often go swimming? Yes, I do. Sometimes, I play basketball, too. twelve read booksgo to the cinema fly kitesplay football go swimming play basketball Ask and answer 13 Picture story thirteen Kim and Ken are twins. Their father works in a zoo. On the weekend, they often get up early and go to the zoo with their father. They also ride bikes with the monkeys. Sometimes, they play games with their friends in the zoo. They are all very happy. 1. What do Kim and Ken often do on the weekend? 2. What do they do with the pandas? 3. What do they do with the monkeys? ◆ Read again and answer The Twins’ Weekend In the zoo, they often play football with the pandas. 14 Mary: Steven: Mary: What do you do on the weekend? I often play football. What about you? I often listen to music. fourteen play computer games listen to music draw pictures watch TV play football Saturday Sunday What do you do on the weekend? Let’s chant read books What do you do on the weekend? Do you often play football? Yes, I do. Yes, I do! What do you do on the weekend? Do you often listen to music? Yes, I do. Yes, I do! What do you do on the weekend? Do you often play games? Yes, I do. Yes, I do! Look and say 15 On the weekend, I often books and play computer . Sometimes, I TV. My parents do housework. Sometimes, they also play . Pronunciation sports watch games read often fifteen Listen and fill e /i:/ he she me we these What do you do on the weekend? I often play sports. Do you play football? Yes, I do. Sometimes, I play basketball, too. I can talk about sports with:I know these words: often sport sometimes parent their work early panda also game friend Check and tick 16 Look, listen and say Lesson 4 He goes to school at 7:30. sixteen Who’s this boy? He always gets up at 6:30. When does he get up? He has breakfast at 7:00. When does he have breakfast? He goes to school at 7:30. When does he go to school? He is my new friend, Jack. He is an English boy. ◆ Listen again and act 17seventeen He gets up at 6:30. When does Jack get up? get upgo to school have maths classhave lunch have music classhave art class Ask and answer 18eighteen It’s so bad. Lucy is thirsty. She wants something to drink. She sees some juice and a bottle of beer on the table. “Dad drinks beer every day. I also want to have a try,” she thinks. She opens it and smells it. She can’t smell anything. 1. What does Lucy want to do? 2. What does she see on the table? 3. What does she think of the beer? She drinks a little. “Poor dad!” she thinks.“How can he drink beer every day? It’s so bad.” ◆ Read again and answer Picture story 19 Tom, when do you get up? I get up at 6:30. nineteen Tom gets up at 6:30. He goes to school at 7:30. He goes home at 5:10. He goes to bed at 9:15. Make a survey ◆ Make a report Names Tom Ann … … … … get up go to school go home go to bed 6:307:305:109:15 20 Pronunciation drinks goes plays Fill in the blanks twenty Look! This is my dog, Carl. Every day I go to school. Carl to school with me. I play football. Carl football with me. I eat bread. Carl milk. We are good friends. e /e/ red egg hen elephant pen When does he get up? He always gets up at 6:30. I can talk about daily life with:I know these words: new always lunch bad of every try think Check and tick 21 Look, listen and say She’s my aunt. What does she do? Is that your father? No, he is my uncle. What does he do? He is a policeman. He helps people. Lesson 5 What does she do? twenty-one Who’s this woman? She’s a teacher. She teaches art. ◆ Listen again and act 22twenty-two Miss Zhou writer/write books Mr Song worker/make cars Mr Zhang teacher/teach Chinese Mr Li Who is he? He’s Mr Zhang. He is a worker. He makes cars. What does he do? driver/drive a bus Ask and answer 23twenty-three Mr Bear: Kangaroo & Frog: You have strong points. Find your strong points. You can find a good job. You’re right. Thanks a lot. Mr Bear: Do you want to have a good job? Let me help you. Please come here! Kangaroo: Mr Bear: Kangaroo: Mr Bear, I can drive. What can I do? You are very clever. You can be a good taxi driver. Good idea! Thanks. Frog: Mr Bear: Frog: Mr Bear, I like singing. But people don’t like my songs. Don’t worry. You are good at swimming. You can be a good swimmer. Thank you. Let me help you. Picture story ◆ Read again and answer 1. What does Mr Bear do? 2. What does Mr Bear say to the kangaroo? 3. What is the frog good at? 24 What does your father do? What about your mother? He is a writer. She is a doctor. writerdoctorteacher nurseworkerdriver twenty-four I am a teacher, teaching the computer. You are a farmer, growing cucumbers. He is a waiter, at your service. She is a singer, singing songs. They are drivers, go go go. We are football players. What a goal! Talk about your parents Let’s chant What do you do? 25 Pronunciation Steven: Bob: Steven: Bob: Look at that man. He is and tall. Who’s he? He’s my father. He is a in our school. He teaches . What does your mother do? She is a . She works in a hospital. teacher PE doctor strong twenty-five Fill in the blanks white ride bike light five i /aɪ/ What does she do? She’s a teacher. She teaches art. I can talk about people’s jobs with:I know these words: people clever idea song worry strong find Check and tick 26 Revision 1 twenty-six Andy works by the sea. He helps people all the time. Andy likes his job. He also likes swimming in the sea. ◆ Read again and retell He doesn’t work on Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday he often plays sports or visits his friends. Andy always gets up at 6:30. He goes running every morning. He has breakfast at home. On Thursday, he often goes to the cinema. Sometimes, he reads books in the library. Look, listen and read 27twenty-seven Read and match 1. He always goes to bed late. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. go to bed latewatch TV get up earlyeat apples A. He gets up at 6:30. B. He works by the sea. C. He plays sports or visits his friends. D. He goes running every morning. E. He often goes to the cinema. always √√√often√√√sometimes 1. Where does Andy work? 2. What does he do every morning? 3. What does he do on Tuesday? 4. When does he get up? 5. What does he do on Thursday? ◆ Look and make sentences with“√” go running drink coffee 28twenty-eight fruits eyes funny subject Tuesday often sports Wednesday favourite always strong play My friend is . He goes to school at 7:30. His subject is PE. He has PE on Monday and . He likes . He often sports on the weekend. My friend is . She has big . She likes . Her favourite is science. She has science on and Friday. She goes camping on the weekend. Listen and say ◆ Listen again and fill 29twenty-nine A Clever Panda His mother says, “What a clever boy!” The little panda is very happy. 1. What does the little panda see? 2. How does he get the pumpkin home? 3. What do you think of the little panda? ◆ Read again and answer A little panda sees a pumpkin. He wants to get it home. But it is too big and heavy. Then he sees a bear on a bike. “I have a good idea. I can roll the pumpkin home.” He rolls it home. His mother sees the pumpkin. “Oh! How can you get it home?” she asks. The little panda answers, “It’s very heavy, but I can roll it.” Picture story 30thirty Choose a fish, do in pairs. Answer,“What do you have on Wednesday?” Ask your friend,“What day is it today?” Answer,“What’s your favourite subject?” Make a sentence with “teach”.Ask a question with “when”. Make a sentence with “sometimes”. Ask a question with “do”. Answer,“What does your father do?” Play a game 31 Read and fill sports swimming favourite friend Monday thirty-one I’m Peter. I’m 11 years old. I go to school from to Friday. I love my school. My subject is maths. My maths teacher is very funny. I like . I often play basketball with Bobby. Bobby is my . We often read books and play games. Sometimes, we go on the weekend. We’re very happy. Sing a song Where does Andy work? He works by the sea. I can talk about people’s jobs with:I know these words: by visit heavy bear answer Check and tick London Bridge 5213 4556342453 4556453453 My fair la - dy. fall - ing down. Lon - don bridge is fall - ing down. Lon - don bridge is fall - ing down, fall - ing down, Anonymous 32 What would you like for dinner, Mike? What would you like for dinner, John? I’d like some tomato soup and vegetables. Look, listen and say Lesson 6 What would you like for dinner? thirty-two Thank you, Mum. I’d like some chicken. Dinner is ready. ◆ Listen again and act 33 Ask and answer What would you like? I’d like some bread. watercake candiesapplespears thirty-three milk 34 Picture story I’d like some jiaozi. Steven: Peter: What are those? Those are jiaozi.They are Chinese food, too. Peter: Tony: Steven: What would you like? I’d like some zongzi. I’d like some jiaozi. 1. What would Tony like? 2. What would Steven like? 3. Do you like jiaozi or zongzi? Tony: Peter: Wow, it tastes good. Can I have some more? Sure. thirty-four ◆ Read again and answer Tony: Peter: Are these vegetables? No. They are zongzi, a kind of Chinese food. 35 Food PeterMike. fish√ chicken√ potatoes tomatoes noodles√ rice√ zongzi tea juice Make a survey Our Lunch thirty-five What would you like for lunch, Peter? I’d like some chicken and rice. What about you, Mike? I’d like some fish and noodles. Food 36 Pronunciation Look, read and fill potatoes some chicken fish thirty-six i /ɪ/ big fish ship with thin What would you like? I’d like some . OK. I’d like some , too. All right. Can I have tomatoes? Here you are. Can I also have some ? No, dear. That’s too much for you. Mum: Boy: Mum: Boy: Mum: Boy: Mum: Boy: Mum: What would you like for dinner? I’d like some chicken. I can talk about food with:I know these words: dinner chicken vegetable kind food noodle dear Check and tick 37 Look, listen and say I’m thirsty. Can I have a Coke? No, you can’t.You can have some water. It’s cold. Please close the window. All right. Can I watch TV? Sorry, you can’t.You need a good rest. Can I read a book? Lesson 7 Can I have a Coke? No, you can’t read in bed. thirty-seven ◆ Listen again and act 38 Peter: Mum: Mum, it’s dark. Can I turn on the light? Yes, you can. tired/
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