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朗交 外研社 @外语教学与研究出版社 FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHlNG AND RESEAR CH PRESS 串LONGMAN胡文 飞二马人J C ' OMJCEftl 学生用书 Students' Book L. G. Alexander (英I_. Julia Alexander (英RoyKingsbury (英)由 J , 学生用书 Students' Book 4‘ L. G. Alexander (英)斗 Julia Alexander (英RoyKingsbury (英)吾 Rhianwen Roberts (瑞典)插图 , ~ :0:忧13剧 g LONGMAN朗文 北京BEIJING nv11 , 147 』A h笃t d叫 h L 讯们?…V叫、~;i 全套教材共分为3个级别,每个级别含学生用书、练习册、教师用书和课堂用带。 。学生用书 每级学生用书分为人B两个分册,每分册由15个单元组成,每个单元有两课:第1课 包括课文、对话练习等;第2课包括语音、句型练习、书面练习、昕力练习等。每册学生 用书后面均附赠-张M阳光盘和一张动画DVD光盘,方便学生课后自学时使用。 届擅自赢Þ1ñ. 91点刁册 每本学生用书均配有相应的练习册,为每单元设计了3页的书面练习。这些练习形式 多样,不仅可供学生在课堂上使用,也可以当作家庭作业留给学生,让他们在课下巩固所 学的知识。 0,教师用书 中文版的教师用书方便教师迅速、准确地把握教学活动。教师用书详细地介绍了本套 教材的编写理念、编写大纲,每种练习活动的作用,并提供了非常详细的教学步骤,大大 减轻了教师的备课负担。 尤其值得一提的是,教师用书中提供了更多的语言材料和教学资源,如:每单元的语 音练习中不仅包括了学生用书中已有的例词、例句,还有更多的词语和句子供练习使用, 让教师更加自如地掌控课堂教学。每级教师用书附赠两张MP3光盘,除了学生用书中的所 有音频材料,还包括教师用书中补充的语言材料以及哥大谣和歌曲的录音。 。动画DVD 每本学生用书附赠的动画DVD光盘生动地呈现了每单元的主课文以及歌谣和歌曲, 让学生在观看有趣的动画片的过程中理解课文情景、记住关键语言点,并增强他们的学 习兴趣。 Oi采堂用带 除了每本教师用书附赠的教学MP3外,本套教材还提供了课堂用带方便教师选用。课 堂用带中包括所有的对话(或课文)、语音练习、句型练习、昕力练习、昕写、歌曲和歌 谣,以及“听、说和写“练习的录音。 本套教材的全部录音由英国BBC专业人士分角色录制,以英式发音为主,同时根据角 色需要加入少量的美式发音,让学生适当接触不同的口音,培养他们全面的语音意识和跨 文化交际意识。 青少年的内心世界是多姿多彩的,他们需要置身于令他们身心愉悦的环境中去体验语 言、接受语言、领悟语言、使用语言。可以说,令人耳目一新的《新概念英语青少版》正 为他们提供了这样的环境。我们相信,通过学习《新概念英语青少版》这套非常实用的教 材,青少年朋友定能体验到英语学习的快乐,收获丰硕的学习成果! 《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语“教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专 家路易·亚历山大、朱莉娅·亚历山大和罗伊·金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英 语初学者编写。整套教材分为3个级别,每个级别的学生用书和练习册分为A、B两个分册。 《新概念英语青少版》在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,更加强调语法 大纲的渐进性,讲授新的语法结构之前,都会不断地循环复习前面学过的语法知识。此 外,教材针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。课文以 一个英国家庭以及他们的朋友的故事为主线,语言精练幽默。精心设计的昕力、口语、阅 读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,使他们能够逐步充满自信地运 用英语进行交流! 教材简介 ~' J 。完善的教学体系 全面的知识和技能体系帮助学生系统地学习英语语法、词汇和语音,全面提升他们的 昕、说、读、写能力。教材内容涵盖了我国新《英语课程标准》对中小学生的知识和能力 要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了他们实际交际运用的需要。 配到Ijll吉ZSE 。渐进的语法大纲 教学内容参照语法大纲循序渐进地编排,由浅入深,注重新旧知识的结合,重点内容 的复现率高,使学生的语言能力螺旋式上升。 。清晰的故事主线 所有课文都基于一个英国家庭和他们的朋友间发生的曰常故事,语言材料真实地道、 精练幽默,向学生介绍当代英国文化的同时,也帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养他们 的跨文化交际意识。 。丰宫的教学支持 内容详备的教师用书,为教师提供完整的教学方案,帮助教师快速掌握授课方法,节 省备课时间和精力。每单元均配有丰富的练习活动,便于教师创造性地运用教材,灵活掌 控教学进度。 协 。精彩时尚的设计 全套教材配有出自国外画家之子的大量彩色插图,人物形象活j发生动,版面设计时尚 清新,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力。 。专业的录音 所有音像产品均由BBC专业人士录音,发音地道纯正、生动传情。 ' 电- e E , B Unit 16 What's your middle name? 你的中名是什么? Lesson 31… ·…“… ….…2 Lesson 32….…….6 Read the label! 看标签! Lesson 35…….……“…… 18 Lesson 36… …….22 An ordinary life 平凡的生活 Lesson 39….……34 Lesson 40 .…“…………38 Unit 22 I always behave myself! 我会规规矩矩的! Lesson 43 .………“….…50 Lesson 44… “…·………………54 Unit 24 A quiz 小测验 Lesson 47 !. …川…….66 Lesson 48… ·…………·…70 • 录 Unit 17 A cuckoo in the nest 鸟富中的布谷鸟 Lesson 33 ….10 Lesson 34……“…….…14 A problem with squirrels 松鼠问题 Lesson 37………“….…26 Lesson 38……·………“…………30 Unit 21 The weather forecast 天气预报 Lesson 41……·………42 Lesson 42………“………….46 Unit 23 Qui恒恒“. and qui恒striking! 相当高. .也相当引人注目! Lesson 45………“….…·…58 Lesson 46…“….….……62 Unit 25 Karen saves some money 卡伦省了些钱 Lesson 49…·……“…….…74 Lesson 50….……….…… 78 Unit 26 School reports 成绩单 Lesson 51…“……… …82 Lesson 52…“……………86 Unit 28 She doesn't even exist! 她甚至不存在! Lesson 55 ……“….…98 Lesson 56…….…什02 Unit 30 A giant squid 巨型鲸鱼 Lesson 59………….….114 Lesson 60………川…“………118 Unit 27 Pocket money 零花钱 Lesson 53… ·………90 Lesson 54….…….….…·川94 Unit 29 b在中 No one's better than Paul! 没人比保罗好! Lesson 57 …………………川106 Lesson 58….……110 Rhymes and Songs ….……………… ……………………122 Vocabulary ….…………….….… … “… …………….… …126 Appendix …………………….………….…·….………………131 、 6 What's your middle name? 你的中名是什么? LESSON KAREN: Then, Daisy called m巳 on my mobile, and w巳talkedabout the w巳巳k巳nd. W巳discussedplans for Sunday. Th巳nw巳finishedthe call. 。SEZEEE噩噩噩噩噩 '叶门 Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Where were Karen's car keys? 听录音,然后回答问题:卡伦的车钥匙在哪儿? WILLIAM: Is th巳resom巳thingwrong, K盯en? KAREN: It's OK. 1'm being silly. WILLIAM: That's impossible. You'ren巳versilly. KAREN: Oh, but 1缸丑1 l' m silly all the time Believe me! KAREN: Then 1 looked for my car keys. 1 looked in my bag, in my coat, in the kitchen, 巳verywh巳re. WILLIAM: And wher巳W巳r巳th巳y? @ KAREN: 1 did something very silly this moming. 1 picked up som巳shopping in town. @ KAREN: 1 arrived hom巳 at about 10 0' clock, and parked the c缸inthe driv巳. 1 unlockl巳dthe hous巳 with my house keys. rA E σb - nH ρuw l t t I 出叫 i 15 丑n·I K0 , s ii1 vd 缸 EE mwmm ngmm 汀 nSI nf‘山 附吁叽刷 YLMbm ρLVρuv1tA hh 凡 wd TTHnt N 阻 A K 。 - 3 @ 2 3 [!~(A'OIf.lc:mf.*'ít“èi:J')i4ii(.l陌生词和短语】 middle name /'mldl ,nelm! compound n 中名(名和姓中间的名字) wrong /ml]/αdj有问题的 impossible /Im'poslbal! adj.不可能的 all the time adν(time)一直 park /pa:k/ν停放(车辆) drive /draIV/ n. (从私人住宅通往大街的) 车道 unlock /An'lok/ν.开(某物)的锁 discuss /dl'skAS/ v.讨论,商议 ,~向比 .ω[íi.)n!lþjjt.1?01 OAn酬叫u创ωtionsa呻bou川且 a创)Example: Karen'、Ssilly all the time, ÌSn't she? Yes, she i怡s. plan /plæn/ n.计划,安排 eve叩where/'evriwe~/ adv. (place)各 处,到处 key-ring /'ki:nl]/ n钥匙圈 finger !'fIl]g~/ n.手指 silliness /'sIlinas/ n愚蠢,糊涂 for example /f~r Ig'za:mpal! adv. (connectiνe)例击。 keep /ki:p/ v保存,保留 1卡伦 相信i l卡伦 廉伦 威卡 制时 dUM 才 钥 事仁、门 的归家 俊问 用 RZ 我 '开 前 。 同L 上 面刊道 早东 忖车 天买 口 了门 今里约 在家 , 我城大停了 5 Daisy called her on her mobile, didn't she? 6 They discussed plans for Sunday, didn't they? 7 Karen looked everywhere for her car keys, didn't she? 8 The keys were in her hand, weren't they? b) Example: Did Karen pick up some shopping at aρiend's house? No, she didn't. She picked up some shopping in town. 1 She did something silly this morning, didn't she? 2 She picked up some shopping in town, didn't she? 3 She didn't arrive home at 12, did she? 4 She arrived home at about才oo'clock, didn't she? .“““,,“““叩 [[~叫随111m课文注释】 1 Did she arrive home at about go'clock? 2 Did she park the car in the streer? 3 Did Polly call her on her mobile? 怎么了,卡伦。 没什么。我真傻。 不可能,你不傻啊。 唉,我是的l我一直很傻。 我! 1 18 there something wrong? 通常我们在疑问句中用anythiI毡,但当提问者是在期 待肯定的回答时,可以用something。 2 1am←?当am后没有其他的词时,不能用其缩略形式I'mo 3 on my mobile一各种通讯工具,如radio,TV, phone, computer等,与介词。n搭配, 表示“在(收音机、电视、电话、电脑等)上“。 4 sil1iness 其形容词形式是sil1y0 4 Did they talk about last week? 5 Did they discuss plans for Monday? 6 Then did she look for her house keys? 7 Were the keys in her handbag? c) Example: What did Karen do this morning? She did something very silly. 1 What did she do in town? 2 What time did she arrive home? 3 Where did she park the car? 4 What did she unlock the house with? 5 Who called her on her mobile? 6 What did they talk about? 然后黛百打了我的手机,我们讨 论周末的事,讨论周日的计划。 然后挂了电话。 e Ask questions about tl削ext.根据课文提问。 参考译文 廉伦廉伦 威卡威 卡 卡伦 卡伦 7 What did they discuss? 8 Where did Karen look for her car keys? 9 Why does she say‘四lliness“is my middle name'? Example: Karen / pick up / shopping / town / this morning? (When .?) A: Did Karen pick up some shopping in town this morning? B: Yes, she did. A: When did she pick up some shopping in town? B: This morning. 1 she / arrive home /才O 口'clock?(When .?) 2 she / park / car / drive? (Where .7) 3 Daisy / call her / mobile7 (Who .?) 4 they / discuss plans / Sunday7 (What .7) 然后我找我的车钥匙,在提包里 找、在上衣里找、在厨房里找, 到处都找遍了。 钥匙在哪? 就在我手里l钥匙环就套在我 的小手指上。威廉“傻“是我 的中名l • Ask each other these questions.互相提问。 1 Are you ever sill归Doyou ever do anything sill归What,for example7 2 Have you got your own house keys7 Where do you keep them? , ‘ s 叫 5 V句' L !~r:kí“.j.) i' ~*j, (,1 Æi ~陀ssions生词和短语j Ask and answer questions.问答练习。 A: Did she turn on the TV at lunchtime? 3 A: When did she turn on the TV? B: No, she didn't. She turned on the TV at B: She turned on the TV at teatime. teatlme 4 A: What did she.巧youdo at teatime? 2 A: Did you turn on the TV at lunchtime? B: Shell turned on the T\/. B: No, I didn't. A: Did you turn on the TV at teatime? 5 A: When did shelyou turn on the TV? B: Yes, I did. B: Shell turned on the TV at teatime LESSON 重P川Iilll叫语音I /tI asked looked /d/ arrived enjoyed discussed parked breathed showed at lunchtime lat 'IAntJtmml adv. (time) 干按时间 at teatime lat 'ti:talmlαdν(time)下午茶 时间 区‘l;l;l剖íIl怡lill川f , - 3 6 16 (sixteen) finished picked called turned V TA 川 巴巴 m tIi i 舍LHU叶u nMd nvpuwnu d-u m创 U r -- q a 俨A ( 阳 cleaned his teeth after breakfast (before breakfast) helped watched cleaned used 17 (seventeen) 70 (seventy) clean Ikli:nl v.清洁 tooth Itu:91 n. (pl. teeth )牙齿 collection Ib 'lekJ “nl凡收藏品 boyfriend I'b:llfrendl n.男朋友 called her parents at the weekend (on Monday) showed us their flat last week (yesterday) 18 (eighteen) 80 (eighty) parked in the road yesterday (last week) finished the job three weeks ago (last month) 19 (nineteen) 90 (ninety) looked at her photo collection six weeks ago (six months ago) discussed th巳 tnp ay巳arago (last winter) 7 32 Listen to the recording, and choose the right answers.听录音,选择正确答案。 Wilbur is Albi巳's一一一一4It's your birthday!一一一一! a) friend b) broth巳ra) Happy New Year c) cousin d) relative b) Many Happy Retums Albie was 65 years old一一一一c)Congratulations a) on Thursday b) two w∞ks ago d) WI巳11done c) yesterday d) on Tuesday 5 Albie sends it to Wilbur. Wilbur always sends Albie a) back b) again a) ajok,巳c)over d) also b) a present 6 Wilbur did it一一一一· c) a birthday card a) last b) first d) a note c) then d) now 2 3 (W巾Questions写问题t Write good questions for the answers, like the example.仿照例句,根据回答写出合 适的问题。 Example: '::Lt扣endid ne finisn tne iob'[ He finished the job last weekend. :~vmWhi iiMWI!'2l叫面练叮l o Patterns句型 飞Referto the Pattern Practice on page 6, and write out in full numbers 1 and 5.参照 第6页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型1和5,写出完整的对话。 飞eSentence Table句型列表 Write sentences like the examples, using the words in the table.仿照例句,用表格中 的词写句子。 ? No, sh巳didn't call h巳rboyfriend. She ca11巳dher parents ? 1 cleaned my teeth aft巳rdinn巳rlast night. ? Yes, they show巳dit to us. It' s a beautiful hous巳,isn't it? ?WI巳discussedthe holiday before lunch. ?Mycark巳ys?They were in my handbag ? We finished lunch at 4 0' clock in th巳aftemoon! 123456 [,!'/mgrm“mwø选择填空】 Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a, b, c or d. Then look at the text in Lesson 31.从a、b、E和d中选出正确的答案填空,然后查看第31课的课文。 d) was d) w巳E巳 d) discussed d) looked in c) did c)look巳dfor I一一som巳thingvery silly this moming. (pic. 2) a)had b)did c)picked I一←homeat about 10 o'clock. (pic. 3) a) p缸kedb) did c) arrived We __ plans for Sunday. (pic. 4) a) talk巳db) had Thenl一一_mycark巳ys.(pic. 5) a) looked b) looked at They were __ my hand! (pic. 6) a) in b) at 1 2 3 They Examples: ~Ne called tne doctor口 nSundav niant He c1e口nedmv bicvcle for me I口stweek:.end \ ø Guided Summary总结 Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 31, to make one paragraph.完整回答以下关于第31课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 at 9 o'clock. last weekend. six months ago. yesterday巳venmg. late last night. last September. at lunchtime on Sunday night. yesterday. the doctor us th巳irholiday photos our homework my bicycle for m巳 som巳shopping th巳t巳levision in London th巳holiday the car in th巳street discuss巳d cleaned tumed on parked showed picked up finish巳d arrived called I He 飞飞 飞 She We \ 飞 Who called her on her mobile? What did th巳ytalk about? (Use ., and) What did they also discuss? Th巳nwhat did Karen look ev巳rywherefor? How did she feel? Why? Where was th巳key-ring? (Us巳,because) 5 6 7 8 Who did something very silly this moming? Where did sh巳 pickup som巳 shopping? What tim巳didshe arrive home? Wher巳didshe park the c缸? (Use ., and) What did she do with h巳rhouse keys? 1 a飞 2 3 4 飞 飞 4 5 一时…一一一一…一 白白叫~. ,;;-γ , d) on c) for 9 8 “ 1 0 7 A cuckoo in the nest 鸟窝中的布谷鸟 LESSON 川、ι、 ~_.-卢 Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Who are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now?昕录音,然后回答问题:现在谁是观鸟爱好者? Paul's fath巳r,K巳nBruce is an engin巳巳r He's a1so an巳nthusiasticbirdwatch巳r. Last spring, two 1ittle birds appear巳d in his gard巳n.Ken insta11ed a webcam, 5 and invit巳dhis n巳ighboursto 10g on. Everyone watch巳denthusiastica11y. Soon, there was a 1ittl巳nest.Then, anoth巳rbird arrived. It was a cuckoo. The cuckoo watched patiently. Thr巳巳 10 littl巳eggsappeared in th巳nest. Th巳cuckoowait巳d.Sudd巳n1y,sh巳had her chanc巳.Th巳motherwasn't th巳r巳 The cuckoo darted to the nest. In two seconds, th巳rewas a fourth egg besid巳 15 th巳otherthree. Aft巳rtwe1v巳days,the young cuckoo hatch巳d.The 1ittle birds hurried to get food for the baby cuckoo Ken's neighbours watch巳dexcit巳d1y. 20 The baby cuckoo picked Up th巳other eggs巳asilywith its back, and pushed th巳mout of the nest. The birds returned and push巳dfood into its mouth. After twenty days,出ecuckoo was巳norrnous! 25 On 6th May, it open巳dits wings. In a moment, the nest was empty. The show 明lasover. Ken's neighbours are a11 enthusiastic birdwatch巳rsnow, of cours巳! 11 [[eJI“II削lij.J.L!24tiÜ!1 F可 U[~hV;'i“'l'iTPt*'ílel;f:J']i4iMIil二生词句军堕」 o Answer questions about the text.根据课文回答问题。 The young cuckoo hatched after twelve days, didn't it? Ken's neighbours were excited, weren't they? They watched excitedly, didn't they? On 6th May, the young cuckoo opened its wings, didn't it? The show was over, wasn't it? He's an enthusiastic birdwatcher, isn't he? Two little birds appeared in his garden, didn't they? He installed a webcam, didn't he? A cuckoo arrived one day, didn't it? The cuckoo waited patiently, didn't it? Example: Ken Bruce is an engineer, isn't he? Yes, he is. 6 7 10 Example: Is Ken an enthusiastic tennis player? No, he isn't. He's an enthusiastic birdwatcher. a) 8 9 2 qJ VAA 『仄 -u ) ku chance /tJa:ns/ n.机会 dart /da:t/ v急 冲 second !'sek:md/凡(时间的)秒 hatch /hætfl v破先而出,孵出 excitedly /Ik'sartldli/ adv. (manner)激动 池,兴奋地 easily /'i:zr!i/ adν. (manner)容易地 push /puJ/ v. 才在,椎动 out of /'aut ;)v/ prep. ý r enormous /I'n;):m;)s/αdj巨大的,极大的 wing /Wlfj/ n翅膀,翼 in a moment /10:;' 'm;)um:;,nt/ adν(time) cuckoo /'kuku:/ n.杜码,布谷乌 nest /nest/ n乌窝,巢 engineer /,end31'm;)/ n.工程师 enthusiastic /m,8j u:zi'æstrk/ adj. A且感兴 Did the baby cuckoo eat the other eggs? Did the cuckoo open its wings on 16th May? Are Ken's neighbours enthusiastic animal watchers now? 5 6 7 Did two birds appear in his garden last wintet1 Did Ken install a telephone? Did the cuckoo Iisten patiently? Did the young cuckoo hatch after two days? qLqO A斗 片刻,瞬间 show /J:;,u/ n.演出 be over /bi: ':;,uv:;,/ v. + adv. particle (intrans itiνe)结束 趣的 birdwatcher /'b3:d,WDtJ:;,/凡观乌者 appear /:;,'pr:;,/ν.出现 install /m'st;):1Iν.安装 webcam /'webkæm/ n.网络摄像机 invite /1口'vart /v邀请 log on /,Iog 'Dn/ν+αdv. particle (intransitil冽登录 enthusiastically /叫协:zi'æstIkli/ adν. (manner)很感兴趣地 p阳a剖甜tie怡en州1吮圳t创Iy/'p仰er巾J μ3♂;;n旧ltli/α dρv. (m阳αnne叫r吵)叶 egg /旭eg/n几-蛋 suddenly !'SAdmli! adv. (time) (manner)突然地 F--叩主辛辛a- Example: Who is Ken Bruce, and what do四hedo? He's Paul's father, and he's an engineer. The cuckoo darted to the nest. Then how many eggs were there? When did the young cuckoo hatch? Who watched excitedly? When did the young cuckoo open its wings? 5 au7,。。 What appeared in his garden last spring? What did Ken install? Which bird arrived and watched the nest? How many eggs were there in the nest? c) 2 3 4 a cuckoo in the nest -这句话在本i果课文中的意思就是飞窝中的布谷鸟但作 为固定短语,是指某人长期逗留在一个他本不属于、也不受欢迎的地方。 invited his neighbours to log on -invit巳这里的用法是invitesomeone to do something。 get food -get 这里的意思是“得到、获得“。 2 3 e Ask questions abol川削ext.根据课文提问。 Example: Ken / install / webcam / garden? (What .?) A: Did Ken install a webcam in his garden? B: Yes
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