Unit4 History and traditions Period 2 Reading and Thinking 教学设计-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、新人教(2019)英语必修二Unit 4 Period 2 Reading and Thinking 教学设计课题Period2Readingand Thinking单元Unit4Historyand Traditions主题语境人与社会教材分析The theme of this unit is the history and traditions of the countries and people of the world, while the theme of the reading text is learn about a country through its history.

2、The text mainly introduces the history, geography and culture of the UK,and it indicates the importance of a countrys history for understanding a country.学情分析Students in Grade one has mastered some reading strategies, such as skimmingand scanning, but have some difficulties in concluding the text by

3、 timeline.教 学 目 标 与核心素养Knowledge objectives:To learn about the descriptive text and the history, geography and culture of the UK.Skill objectives:To learn to read a map and predict the main idea of a text according to the pictures and title.Emotional objectives:To learn about the importance of knowi

4、ng a countrys history, culture and traditions when learning the country.Thinking quality objectives:To cultivate students conclusion ability and think over the relationship between the past and the present.重点To learn to read a map and predict the main idea of a text according to the pictures and tit

5、le.To learn about the descriptive text and the history, geography and culture of theUK.难点To cultivate students conclusion ability and think over the relationship betweenthe past and the present.教学资源:multimedia教学准备:Some background information about the UK教学方法:Task-based method to make students intere

6、sted in what they will learn Fast reading to get the general idea of the passageCareful reading to get some detailed information in the passage教学过程教 学 环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre-readingStep 1Task 1:Look at the map on Page 40.StudentslookToLead-in1. What does the map show?at the map andactivate2. What do the

7、different symbols and colors stand for?thinkfirststudentsTask 2: Get some information about the UK in theabout what theownmap.mapshows,knowledgHow many parts make up the UK? What are they?and what theeandWhat is the capital of the UK?symbols mean.learnabouthowtoreadamap.Step 2Prediction:Students hav

8、ePractisePredictio1. What message can you get from the title?adiscussionpredictingn2. What is the passage mainly about?and state theircontextown opinion.andcontentfromimagesandthetitle.While readingStep 3Task 1:Read the text and match the main idea of eachStudents skimPractiseSkimminpartthe text and

9、 getskimminggthe main ideato identifyofeachthe mainparagraph andideaofthetextthetextaccordingtoand eachthetopicparagraphThe main idea of the text:The history of the United Kingdom Task 2: Make a minding map.sentences and. key words.Step 4Fill in the blanks according to the text.StudentsfindPractiseS

10、canningIntr oduHow to solve t he Getting to know a little bit abthe key words in the text andscanning tofindctiocaused by thgetsomesomenhiste different nam esin the centuryin the Wales was joined to the kingd Scotland was joined to detailed informationdetailed informati onorycenturyin the 19th cen t

11、uryin the centurym of Great Britain.The kingdom of Ireland was he United Kingdom of GreatThe southern part of Ireland b UK, which resulted in the full ingdom of Great Britain and NPeothe RomansBuilt towns and ple and Trathe Anglo-Sax onsintroduced the beginnings of t e, and changed the way peoplditi

12、 onsthe Vikingsleft behind lots of newthe names of many locations athe Normanshad castles built; made chang systemSu mm arythe capital city Londonan port city; es; lots of the museumsthe UKa fascinating odern cultureStep 5 Further-t hinkingRetell the text according to the timeline:Students find out

13、the time and key words to retell the textTo cultivate students ability of conclusio nPost-readingStep 6 Discussio nDiscuss the questions in groups.1. Why is it important to study the history and culture of a country before visiting it?2. What important things should visitors know about before they c

14、ome to China?Students have a discussion aboutthe questions and state their own opinions.To cultivate the spirit of critical thinking and creativethinkingHomeworkSearch the Internet to find more information about the UK.Blackboa rd Design教学评价:课程内容反思内容自我评价主题作者重点突出了什么内容?语篇语篇是什么体裁?结构特征是什么?语言知识能否根据时间轴复述英国的历史?语言技能能否通过图片,标题,主旨句及关键词来概括段落及文章大意?能否读懂地图?文化知识能否了解历史和文化对了解一个国家的重要性?学习策略哪些学习方法对自己的学习帮助最大?教后反思:学生能根据文中的时间了解 英语的历史及其文化,但对于文化和历史对国家的影响理解不到位。


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