Unit4 Period 1 Listening&Speaking-ppt课件(含音视频素材) 导学案-(2019)新人教版高中英语高一必修第二册.rar

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第 1 页 共 2 页Unit 4 History and TraditionsPeriod 1 Listening and Speaking 导学案导学案Step 1 Discuss and think(Theme picture & quote)Step 2 Lead inQ1: How much do you know about Confucius?Q2: What do you know about his ideas?Confucius_in the field of _many wise ideas about _ _ and behavior, especially his ideas about _ and _ _._influencing _ people in different countries with his _ sayingsStep 3 Three ConfuciusQ: What are they?_ _ _Introduction: The Three Confucius is famous for its rich cultural accumulation(积淀), long history, grand scale(规模), rich collection of cultural relics, as well as its scientific and artistic value(艺术价值). It was listed as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites. Step 4 Listen for detailsW: Excuse me, do you speak English? Im looking for the Confucius Temple, but 1._ theyre my Achilles heel!X: Oh, hello, yes. Come with me Im going to the temple right now. By the way, what does “Achilles heel” mean?W: Oh, it means that 2._ Im really bad with maps! So do you know much about Confucius? Hes one of my favourite philosophers. He was such a wise man.X:Oh, yes. I was born here. In fact, I believe I am a descendant of Confucius himself.W: No way, youre pulling my leg, right? So how do you know youre related to Confucius? Didnt he live over 2500 years ago?X:Yes, but his family tree is well recorded. He was over three million descendants. Sorry again, what does “pulling my leg” mean?W: Oh, sorry, it means to 3._. Anyway, so youre actually going to the temple to pay respects to your relative?X:Well, yes. But Im also meeting my study group there. We are doing a research project on Confucius ideas on education. You know, Confucius was a great educator, and he had many great ideas about education. For example, he talked about the 4. _ between learning and reflecting. He believed that learning without reflecting leads to confusion oh, look, the temple is just over there.W:Oh, great! Whats that big building over there?X:Oh, thats the famous Dacheng Hall. You know, its so well-respected in Qufu that no other building in the city can be taller than it. W:Oh, thats respect. Thats a little bit like my hometown Stratford-upon-Avon.第 2 页 共 2 页X: Wait, you mean where Shakespeare was from? What a coincidence Confucius and Shakespeare, 5._! I really want to visit the UK Im really interested in British history and culture.W:Oh, thats great! So later we can go for a cup of tea and have a chat about it. And it would be great if you could talk me somewhere to get my watch fixedX:Ok, no problem! So come and meet my study group we can tell you all about the temple. And how long are you staying in Qufu? I can show you 6._ and the Kong Family Mansion as wellW:Really? That so kind! I need all the help I can get - Im 7. _!Step 5 Discussion1. What do you know about Confucius ideas on education? Think of two or three examples.2. What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy?Extensive reading ConfuciusConfucius was an influential Chinese philosopher, teacher and political figure known for his wise sayings and for his models of social interaction.Who Was Confucius?Confucius, also known as Kong Qiu or Kung Fu-tzu, was a Chinese philosopher, thinker, educator, teacher and political figure. His teachings, preserved in the Analects, focused on creating ethical models of family and public interaction and setting educational standards. After his death, Confucius became the official imperial philosophy of China, which was extremely influential during the Han, Tang and Song dynasties.ConfucianismConfucianism is the worldview on politics, education and ethics taught by Confucius and his followers in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C. Although Confucianism is not an organized religion, it does provide rules for thinking and living that focus on love for humanity, worship of ancestors, respect for elders, self-discipline and conformity to rituals. Today Confucius is widely considered one of the most influential teachers in Chinese history. The philosophies are still followed by many people living in China today and has influenced thinking in Japan, Korea and Vietnam.Confucius Beliefs, Philosophy and Teachings1) The Golden RuleConfucius social philosophy was based primarily on the principle of ren or loving others while exercising self-discipline. He believed that ren could be put into action using the Golden Rule, Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. 2) On PoliticsConfucius political beliefs were likewise based on the concept of self-discipline. He believed that a leader needed to exercise self-discipline in order to remain humble and treat his followers with compassion. In doing so, leaders would lead by positive example. According to Confucius, leaders could motivate their subjects to follow the law by teaching them virtue and the unifying force of ritual propriety.3) On EducationConfucius philosophy of education focused on the Six Arts: archery, calligraphy, computation, music, chariot-driving and ritual. To Confucius, the main objective of being an educator was to teach people to live with integrity. Through his teachings, he strove to resurrect the traditional values of benevolence, propriety and ritual in Chinese society.Lead inPeriod 1 Listening and Speaking-Share views on historic sitesLearning Objectives To know about the historic sites in Qufu about Confucius To know about Confucius and his philosophy To realize the importance of historic sitesUnit 4 History & Traditions1. What can you see in the picture?2. Do you know all the buildings?3. Which country do they belong to?4. When was this picture shot?5. How do you like the photo?&Think and discussBig BenCalled the clock tower, a symbol of the UKThe Palace of WestminsterThe home of the UK governmentWestminster BridgeOne of the most famous bridges in the UKRiver ThamesRuns through the heart of Londoncomplex(建筑群)Built along River ThamesWhen was this picture shot?At twilight/dusk.How do you like the photo?beautiful, wonderful, colorful.The amazing twilight in the sky casts on River Thames and the complex alongside the bank, reflecting Britains time-honored history and traditions as well as its rich cultural atmosphere.天空中美丽的雾霭,投射在泰晤士河面及河畔的建筑群上,映衬出英国悠久的历史传统和厚重的文化气息。Is it important for a people to know their history and traditions? Why?Critical ThinkingA people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. Marcus Garvey What figure of speech does it use?How do you understand it?analogy类类比Critical ThinkingA people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. Marcus Garvey A tree stands for a group of people.A tree without roots may easily fall down and die.The roots of a tree cannot usually be seen, but they often spread deep and wide. Just like a people, its history also has deep roots which spread far and wide in its people.Without knowing their history, people will not learn from the past and wont be able to develop and progress well into the future.significance&importanceWarming upChina is a nation with more than 5000 years of civilization.hard-workingwiseintelligent聪聪慧the Great WallMogao CavesPingyaoTemple of Confucius(孔庙)Kong Family Mansion(孔府)Cemetery of Confucius(孔林)Are you familiar with the three historic sites?Have you ever been there?Where are they?Who are connected with these historic sites? Qufu, Jinan, Shandong provinceConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusHow much do you know about Confucius?What do you know about his ideas?Lead inConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusLead inConfucius _in the field of _many wise ideas about _ _ and behavior, especially his ideas about _ and _ _influencing _ people in different countries with his _ sayingspioneereducationeducationeducationeducationthinkerhuman naturehuman naturehuman naturehuman naturekindnesskindnesskindnesskindnessphilosophermanymanymanymanywisewisewisewise仁仁仁仁礼礼礼礼人性人性人性人性good mannersgood mannersgood mannersgood mannersborn in 551 BCE, politician, educator and founder of Confucianism(儒家思想).revised the Six Classics(六艺) ( Poetry “Book,Rites, Music, Yi and Spring and Autumn). Lead inAfter his death, his disciples(弟子) recorded the words and deeds, sayings and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples, and compiled them into the “Analects of Confucius”论语. His ideas have had a profound(深远的) impact on China and the world.Learning without reflecting leads to confusion.Wise sayingReflecting without learning ends in danger.The Three ConfuciusThe Three ConfuciusThe Three ConfuciusThe Three ConfuciusIt was listed as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites. Three ConfuciusThe Three Confucius is famous for its rich cultural accumulation(积积淀), long history, grand scale(规规模), rich collection of cultural relics, as well as its scientific and artistic value(艺术艺术 价值值). Temple of ConfuciusTemple of ConfuciusTemple of ConfuciusTemple of ConfuciusThree ConfuciusTemple of Confucius is built to honor the great sage(圣人). It is famous for its long history, unique architectural style and high artistic value. Three Confucius Kong Family MansionKong Family MansionKong Family MansionKong Family MansionKong Family Mansion was the historical home of the descendants(后代) of Confucius from where they managed sites and ceremonies in Qufu. Today it is a museum.Three ConfuciusCemetery of Cemetery of Cemetery of Cemetery of ConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusCemetery of Confucius also known as the Holy Forest(圣林), is the special cemetery for Confucius and his family. It is an ancient man-made garden.Video TimeKong Family MansionKong Family MansionKong Family MansionKong Family MansionTemple of ConfuciusTemple of ConfuciusTemple of ConfuciusTemple of ConfuciusCemetery of ConfuciusCemetery of ConfuciusCemetery of ConfuciusCemetery of ConfuciusThe Three ConfuciusPre-listeningWilliam Xiao KongA British tourist, William, asks a Chinese student, Xiao Kong, for directions when he wants to visit the Confucius Temple. On the way to the Confucius Temple, they talk about Confucius and his ideas. Listening Listening to a conversation and then write down what they say about Confucius. Fact/Opinion about ConfuciusWilliam1. Confucius is one of his favourite philosophers.2.3.Xiao Kong1. 2.3.a person who studies or writes about philosophy He was a wise man.He lived over 2,500 years ago.Confucius has over 3 million descendants.He was a great educator and had many ideas about education. He was one of the greatest minds in history. A persons descendants are their children, their childrens children. Listening Listen again and decide whether these statements are true(T), false(F), or not mentioned(NM). Then answer the question. 1. Confucius said that learning without understanding leads to confusion.2. Xiao Kong is doing a research project on Confucius philosophy.3. As one of Confucius descendants, Xiao Kongs name is recorded in the family tree.4. Dacheng Hall(大成殿) is the tallest building in Qufu.T F NM T F NM T F NM T F NM reflectingConfucius ideas on educationListening Listen again and decide whether these statements are true(T), false(F), or not mentioned(NM). Then answer the question. Why do you think William said his hometown was similar to Qufu?A. There are famous halls in his hometown.B. There are no tall buildings in his hometown.C. Both places have a famous person who was born there.D. His hometown doesnt allow other buildings to be more noticeable than the historic buildings. easy to see, recognise, hear or notice; obviousListen for detailsW: Excuse me, do you speak English? Im looking for the Confucius Temple, but 1._ theyre my Achilles heel!X: Oh, hello, yes. Come with me Im going to the temple right now. By the way, what does “Achilles heel” mean?W: Oh, it means that 2._ Im really bad with maps! So do you know much about Confucius? Hes one of my favourite philosophers. He was such a wise man.X:Oh, yes. I was born here. In fact, I believe I am a descendant of Confucius himself.W: No way, youre pulling my leg, right? So how do you know youre related to Confucius? Didnt he live over 2500 years ago?X:Yes, but his family tree is well recorded. He was over three million descendants. Sorry again, what does “pulling my leg” mean?W: Oh, sorry, it means to 3._. Anyway, so youre actually going to the temple to pay respects to your relative?X:Well, yes. But Im also meeting my study group there. We are doing a research project on Confucius ideas on education. You know, Confucius was a great educator, and he had many great ideas about education. For example, he talked about the 4. _ between learning and reflecting. He believed that learning without reflecting leads to confusion oh, look, the temple is just over there.Im not good at mapssomething is my weaknessjoke with someonerelationshipAchilles heel Achilles was the beloved son of the mortal hero(凡人英雄) Peleus and the sea goddess(海洋女神) Thetis, in an attempt to make his son invulnerable(刀枪不入的), set out to wash Achilles in an magic river. When doing so, she held Achilles by the ankle and therefore immersed every part of the babys body except the heel which she held in her hand. So the unwashed heel became the only weakness in Achilles body. At last, Achilles died of a wound after being hit by an arrow (箭) on that heel.Peter was the best athlete in the competition and everyone believed he would win the champion. But he lost it finally. After the competition, he said with great remorse(万分懊悔): “ Carelessness is my Achilles heel! I must get rid of it.”Example:Nowadays, “Achilles heel” is used to refer to the fatal weakness.Carelessness is my fatal weakness!Listen for detailsW: Oh, great! Whats that big building over there?X: Oh, thats the famous Dacheng Hall. You know, its so well-respected in Qufu that no other building in the city can be taller than it. W: Oh, thats respect. Thats a little bit like my hometown Stratford-upon-Avon.X: Wait, you mean where Shakespeare was from? What a coincidence Confucius and Shakespeare, 5._! I really want to visit the UK Im really interested in British history and culture.W: Oh, thats great! So later we can go for a cup of tea and have a chat about it. And it would be great if you could talk me somewhere to get my watch fixedX: Ok, no problem! So come and meet my study group we can tell you all about the temple. And how long are you staying in Qufu? I can show you 6._ and the Kong Family Mansion as wellW: Really? That so kind! I need all the help I can get - Im 7. _!the Cemetery of Confucius like a fish out of watertwo of the greatest minds in historySomeone who feels uncomfortable because they are in an unfamiliar place. Understand idioms An idiom is an expression which means something different from the meaning of the individual words. Some idioms present an idea or paint a picture that gives a hint as to the meaning. Other idioms can only be understood from the context in which they appear. Stratford-upon-AvonRiver Avon 埃文河畔Stratford斯特拉福德小镇埃文河畔的斯特拉福德小镇StratfordRiver Av
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