Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 知识点复习详解ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、必修二必修二 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage导入导入leading inTaj MahalYungang GrottoesPart 1section11. adj.有创造力的;创造性的 n. u创意c 创作者 creativity n. u 创造力;创造性 create vt. 创造 They have painted it red _ a feeling of warmth. (create) We set business free _ more jobs. (create) Let your imagination run wild and be _. (create)

2、 He uses _ ideas to improve city life. (create) Not all _ are so lucky. (create)to createto createcreativecreativecreatives2. mount vt.&vi. 骑上;爬上 vi. 逐步增加 n. 缩写为Mt(用于山名前,其前不用冠词) Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰The soldiers stood beside the horses, waiting for the order _. (mount) The death toll continues _. (mou

3、nt)to mountto mount3. former adj. 以前的,两者中的前者The former president paid a visit to China.To be honest, I prefer _ former to the later反义词 later 后者the4. vt. 促进,推动;晋升;促销;推广 promotion n. 晋升;促销;促进 We need _ exchange of ideas and information. (promote) The rest of us made efforts _ ourselves. (promote) The

4、hardest workers dont get _. (promote)to promoteto promotepromoted5. 5. applicationapplication n. cu n. cu 申请;申请表;应用 vi.&vt. vi.&vt.申请;应用My _ got lost in the post. (apply)Please fill out the _ forms before Thursday. (apply)She is too late _ for the job. (apply)I would like _ for the position of sales

5、 manager. (apply)applicationapplicationto applyto apply6. take part( in) 参加某活动 参加某活动 join 参加某团体、组织,成为其中成员 attend 参加、出席会议请用上面的词或词组正确形式填空: Which schools do they _? We were made _ meetings every day. They may apply _ the organization. He chose _ the company as a program designer. They decided _the fest

6、ival.attendto attendto jointo jointo join in/to take part in7. propose vt. 提出;提议;建议 propose doing sth;打算;计划propose doing/ to do; 求婚 propose that S+ should do I would like _ a toast to your pleasant journey. (propose)I proposed that he _ for coffee. (break)to propose(should)breakMan proposes and God

7、disposes8. likely adj. (常与more和 most连用)可能的 近义词 probable 反义词 be likely to do something it is likely that The job is_ to finish with a day. Its too difficult. (likely) She has been off sick all week. She is _ to come. (likely) Talks are likely _ next week. ( start) _ is likely that many have not even

8、heard of them.unlikelyunlikelyto startIt 9. limit nc 界限;边界;限度;极限 vt. 限制;限定 limit.to 将.限制在They wish _ the power of the state. (limit)The _ of a persons intelligence are fixed at birth. (limit)You have got to keep to _ speed limit.We have to set _ time limit for the work.I limit myself _ two cups of t

9、ea a day. to limit limitstheato 10. loss n.cu 遗失;失去;丧失;死亡;去世;亏损;损失 be at a loss 感到迷惑;不知所措 vt. 失去 adj. 丢失的;迷失的She will be _great loss to the company.The _ of jobs is highly disappointing. (lose)Thousands _ their jobs recently. (lose)She _ in the forest when she was alone. (lose)He found his wallet _

10、when he arrived at the office.The beautiful scene will leave you at _ loss for words.alosshave lostwas lostwas lost/losta11. contribution n.c 贡献;捐助; 捐款;捐赠物;稿件;作品 contribute vt.&vi. 贡献;捐助;促成;投稿;撰稿 Local businesses have agreed _. (contribute) He never _ ideas to the discussion. (contribute) Their _ wa

11、s of great value. (contribute) She contributed some money _ the Red Cross. Last year she _ a lot of articles to the magazine. (contribute)to contributecontributescontributiontocontributedThe two parties are divided on these _. (issue)The white house _ a statement yesterday. (issue)The police _warnin

12、gs for the coming tsunami. (issue)She went to Kunming to get his visa _.(issue)I am reading the last few _ of China Daily.12. issue n.c 议题,争论的问题;(报刊的)号;版次 vt. 公布;发布;发行issuesissuedwill issueissuedissues13. conduct vt. 引导;带领;指挥;实施;管理;进行;举止;表现 n. 行为;举止;经营方式;管理方式 So far we _ a series of experiments on t

13、he new medicine. (conduct) Next weekend the police _ breath test. (conducthave conducted will conduct14. forgive vt. 原谅;宽恕 forgive sb for doing sth.Will you forgive us _ doing such a foolish thing?Only I can choose whether an act can _ or not. (forgive)She knew what it is _. (forgive)forbe forgivent

14、o be forgiven15. process n. c 过程;进程;工序;步骤 vt. 加工;审核;处理 Losing weight is_ long and slow process. We are still in _ process of moving to the new town. Your order will _ as quickly as possible. (process) Fat and salt are needed _ the food that we eat. (process) It will take a week for your application

15、_ . (process)athebe processedto processto be processed16. opinion n.c 意见;看法;主张 u (群体) 的观点,舆论 c 专家意见;专业意见 have/hold an opinion 持有看法 就某人的观点 _ my opinion, learning a foreign language is fun. _on this are sharply divided. (opinion) It is very important _ an opinion when there is a chance. (voice) You ar

16、e allowed _ your opinions freely. (share)InOpinionsto voiceto share vt. _n._You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the worlds largest bald eagle preserve.The society was set up to preserve endangered species from dying out.归纳总结_随堂演练a. The tall walls are built _(preserve)the lions from _(escape) f

17、rom the zoo.b. -The town is so beautiful! I just love it. -Me too. The character of the town is well _(保存).保存;保护;维持保护区保护免受to preserveescapingpreservedvt. _ n. _He lost his balance and hurt himself when he went upstairs.Losing balance, he fell down from the balance beam.His mother told him the import

18、ance of a balanced diet.But what exactly is out of balance? keep(ones) balance_ lose (ones) balance_out of balance _ balanced adj. _使平衡;权衡平衡;均匀保持平衡失去平衡 不平衡平衡的19.【教材原句】 Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypts cultura

19、l heritage.【单词】likely a. _ adv._He is likely to leave for New York next week. We will most likely see him later.It is likely that I shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.可能的可能地20【教材原句】A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. 【单词】prevent v

20、t. _There were many ways to prevent this from happening.Pollution prevents people seeing objects in the sky that they could see quite easily in the past.prevent sb (from) doing sth_阻止;预防;防止 阻止某人做某事stop sb from doing sth _keep sb from doing sth _protect sb from doing sth _No one can prevent this plan

21、 from _(carry).没有人能阻止我前进的脚步。(汉译英)_ 阻止某人做某事 阻止某人做某事保护不受侵袭 being carried No one can prevent me from moving forward.21.【教材原句】Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project. vt. _The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake.Many people have donated that

22、type of blood.It is more meaningful to contribute books and sports goods to children in need.捐赠donate sth to sb =contribute sth to sb _donate blood _拓展make a /donations to _ n._即学活用The old man donated a lot of money _the local school.= The old man made a _of a lot of money to the local school.Medica

23、l science has proved that _ blood is good for _both physically and spiritually. (donate)把捐给某人献血 向捐赠捐赠者todonation donatingdonators短语phrase 联系拓展give in to _give up _give away _选词填空1.Officials say they wont _ the workers demands.2.Theyll have to _completely on certain of their studies.3.We have six cop

24、ies of the book to_. give way to give up give away give in to给让路;向屈服;对做出让步向屈服认输;放弃分发;泄露(秘密); 放弃(机会等)give way to/give in togive upgive away2.【教材原句】Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. lead to=result in _The captain led his team to victory.A lack of confidence can lead to a

25、lot of suffering.I learned that shouting and threats of punishment would result in a disaster._导致带领到达/取得(1) 骄傲让人失败。_(2)缺乏锻炼会导致抑郁和疲劳。_ Pride can lead to failure.Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion.3. 【教材原句】After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, a

26、nd citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.turn to sb (for help)_ 转向;求助于turn up _turn down _turn on _turn off _音量(调高);(人)到达,出现关小;调低(音量等);拒绝开(水、煤气、电灯等)关 (水、煤气、电灯等)He is the only one _I can turn.You should not have _such a fantastic job when you ha

27、ve been out of work for months. to whom turned down4.【教材原句】Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water. 【词块】 take down _piece by piece _put back together _be safe from _Drivers should keep

28、a safe distance from the car in front.The willows have grown tall enough to be safe from trampling. The missing children were found safe and sound.Road/ Food safety has been the great concern of our society.取下;记下;拆卸重新组装一块一块地不受而安全【词组】a path to_ run over _通往的路(车辆)撞倒并碾轧;翻阅;快速阅读run a programme _prevent(

29、from) doing _经营一个项目组织做句型sentence1.【教材原句】Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. 【句型】“Finding and keeping the right balance”是_做主语。Swimming is a good sport in summer.Smoking is not good for health. Their coming to help was a g

30、reat encouragement to us. It is no use/no good crying over spilt milk.It is a waste of time persuading such a person to join us.It is fun playing with children. 动名词归纳总结动词在句中做主语要用_形式,它的逻辑主语要用_的形式来表示。同时,它也用于一些固定搭配中,如“It is no use doing sth; It is fun doing sth; It is fun doing sth”。汉译英 打篮球是他的爱好。_他的加入让

31、我们队变得格外强大。_为打翻的牛奶哭泣是没有用的。_动名词所有格 Playing basketball is his hobby.His joining us made our team extraordinarily strong. It is no use crying for the spilt milk.2.【教材原句】 Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it w

32、as possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 【句型】这是一个由 not only. but also所连接的_句。 not only but also表示“_”,既可以用来连接两个名词、代词或短语,也可以用来连接两个句子。本句中连接的就是两个句子。第一个句子以词组 not only开始,助动词_被提到了主语 the countries之前,形成了_句。此句正常语序为:_复合不仅而且had倒装The countries had not only found a path., but had also

33、 learnt thatNot a single book have I read this week.Little did he realize that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.By no means will this method be satisfactory.归纳总结含有否定或半否定意义的词或短语置于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。当连接两个并列分句时,第_个分句要倒装,第_个分句不倒装。not, little, never, at no

34、time, by no means, under no condition, in no case, nowhere, seldom, few, rarely, hardly;一二拓展“Not onlybut also”连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词要根据_原则。Not only _he speak English correctly, but he also speaks it fluently. Not just the students but also their teacher _(like) playing football.句式转换We seldom think about how

35、 they work.Seldom _ We have not only finished reading the whole novel, but we also have finished the book review.Not only _ 就近doeslikesdo we think about how they work.have we finished reading the whole novel, but we also have finished the book review.3.【教材原句】Perhaps the best example is shown by UNES

36、CO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing. 【句型】 the best example is shown by这是一个_结构。被动A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.Finally, a document was signed, and the

37、work began in 1960.将下列句子变成被动语态。We expect you to work harder for your bright future.They gave their daughter a dictionary as a birthday gift.We will clean the classroom after the meeting.You are expected to work harder for your bright future.A dictionary was given to their daughter (by them) as a bir

38、thday gift.The classroom will be cleaned after the meeting.随堂演练1. 根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. The last houses _(让步)soybean fields.2. A lack of confidence can _(导致)a lot of suffering.3. Please_(向警察求助) when you are in trouble.4. The missing children were found _(安然无恙).5. He picked up the torn letter _(一片一片地).6

39、. _(曾经有一段时间)women were not allowed to go to school. give way to lead to turn to the police for helpsafe and soundpiece by pieceThere was a time when 2.单句填空1. No one can prevent this plan from _(carry).2. It is likely _I shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.3. Not just the students but also their teacher _(

40、like) playing football.4. Medical science has proved that _ blood is good for _both physically and spiritually. (donate)5. He has a walk every night, _does good to him.being carriedthat likesdonatingdonatorswhich III. 汉译英1. 我们决不能对他们的要求让步._2. 覆水难收。_3. 他手里拿着成绩单跳进了门,在我的脸颊上亲了一下。_4. 很可能我明天要去上海。_ 5. 风俗在节日

41、中起着重要的作用,但有时候他们也会随着时间的流逝而改变。_We must not give way to their demands.He jumped in, holding his school report, and kissed me on the cheek.It is likely that I shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.Customs play a significant role in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time.It is no use/no good crying over spilt milk.thank you!感谢观看


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