Unit 2 Wild life protection Reading for Writing ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册(1).pptx

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1、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionReading for WritingTo learn what a poster is and what a poster include;To read and understand two posters and then write summaries for them;To discuss to have a better understanding about the two posters;To learn to make a poster about an endangered animal. Look at the pict

2、ures. What are they?What are they?posterspostersWhat do these What do these posters posters express?express?Lead inLead inDiscuss in group. What should a poster include?pictures / graphstitleopinions orappealsposterdescription of the situation or problemsattractiveattractiveconcise (concise (简简洁洁) )

3、A poster A poster should be:should be:Look at the posters below. Which emotions do the photos communicate?P20 1funny surprising frightening sad I think its a little frightening! It doesnt look friendly and its teeth look sharp. I think theyre cute. They look soft and gentle. “Ugly” animals are just

4、as important as cute animals because nature needs variety to function properly.Cutting down trees to make paper destroys the natural habitat of many animals.Read the posters and write a one-sentence summary for each.P20 2Look at the posters again. Discuss the questions in groups.P20 31. What does ea

5、ch poster use to stir up emotions?2. Who do you think is the intended audience for each poster? Why do you think so?3. What does each poster want people to do? How do you know?4. In your opinion, which poster is more effective? Why?DiscussionDiscussionLook at the posters again. Discuss the Look at t

6、he posters again. Discuss the questions in groups.questions in groups.1. What does each poster use to stir up emotions?The first poster uses an ugly picture of an The first poster uses an ugly picture of an animal to get a reaction from the reader, but animal to get a reaction from the reader, but t

7、hen makes the point that this reaction is part then makes the point that this reaction is part of the problem, because all animals should be of the problem, because all animals should be protected, not just ones we think are cute. The protected, not just ones we think are cute. The ugly rodent is al

8、so framed by a Mickey Mouse ugly rodent is also framed by a Mickey Mouse outline, showing the difference between how we outline, showing the difference between how we see them in cartoons and how they really are. see them in cartoons and how they really are. The second has a cute picture and the hea

9、dline The second has a cute picture and the headline is written as if the koalas were speaking to is written as if the koalas were speaking to the reader which may make them more sympathetic.the reader which may make them more sympathetic.2. Who do you think is the intended audience for each poster?

10、 Why do you think so?The posters are intended for everyone because they appeal to protecting our planet which we all live on, and to our energy consumption which we all rely on.3. What does each poster want people to do? How do you know?The first poster wants us to consider “ugly” The first poster w

11、ants us to consider “ugly” animals just as important as cute ones, because it animals just as important as cute ones, because it asks us directly to do that. The second wants us asks us directly to do that. The second wants us to be aware of our paper consumption. It doesnt to be aware of our paper

12、consumption. It doesnt tell us to change directly, but it appeals to our tell us to change directly, but it appeals to our emotions to change because what we are doing is emotions to change because what we are doing is not fair to animals like koalas.not fair to animals like koalas.4. In your opinio

13、n, which poster is more effective? Why?I think the “Give Ugly a Chance” poster is more effective, because the viewer will react to the ugly animal first, but then read that this reaction is part of the problem that needs to be dealt with.如何制作海报海报属于应用文,它是一种带有装饰效果的宣传广告,内容多是大众喜闻乐见的消息,如影讯、展览和演出信息等。为了尽可能

14、使更多的人知道,海报通常会贴在人来人往而且非常醒目的地方,有时还配以绘画、图案以吸引观众。海报的标题写法较多,可单独在第一行中间写上海报的标题写法较多,可单独在第一行中间写上“海报海报”字样字样; ;也可直接用活动的内容做题目。也可直接用活动的内容做题目。海报的正文部分要用简洁的文字写清楚活动的目海报的正文部分要用简洁的文字写清楚活动的目的和意义,活动的主要项目、时间、地点等,还的和意义,活动的主要项目、时间、地点等,还要写出参加活动的具体方式等一些必要的注意事要写出参加活动的具体方式等一些必要的注意事项。项。海报要求署上主办单位的名称及海报的发布日期。海报要求署上主办单位的名称及海报的发布日

15、期。【标题】【标题】【正文】【正文】【落款】【落款】海报一般由标题标题、正文正文和落款落款三部分组成1.1.写作时语言要符合海报的特点,开门见山,直奔主写作时语言要符合海报的特点,开门见山,直奔主题。题。2.2.正确使用人称、时态和语态。文中应该大多用第一、正确使用人称、时态和语态。文中应该大多用第一、第三人称,邀请性的语句用第二人称第三人称,邀请性的语句用第二人称; ;时态为现在时态,时态为现在时态,多为一般现在时。多为一般现在时。3.3.海报一定要具体真实地写明活动的时间、地点及主海报一定要具体真实地写明活动的时间、地点及主要内容。要内容。4.4.注意海报的语言特征。文中可以用带有号召性的

16、词注意海报的语言特征。文中可以用带有号召性的词语,但不可夸大事实语,但不可夸大事实; ;海报的内容要简洁明了,篇幅要短海报的内容要简洁明了,篇幅要短小精悍。小精悍。Writing skillsIt will be held from . to at . The match will be wonderful! Call Lily at 51542636 or email . Please come and cheer for them I hope you dont miss it . Catch the chance, or you will regret. Sign up and have

17、 a good time There is a piece of news that . will be held . We are raising money to help the poor children.1.常用句型【模板素材】 It will be held in athi . The purpose of it is to . There will be Not only can you but also .Audiences .【写作模板】活动名称 时间和地点活动目的 活动内容 收获 注意事项 主办单位 时间请以学生会的名义写一篇关于保护濒危动物的海报,呼吁所有请以学生会的名义

18、写一篇关于保护濒危动物的海报,呼吁所有的学生保护濒危动物。的学生保护濒危动物。内容包括内容包括: :为什么要保护濒危动物为什么要保护濒危动物; ;怎么保护濒危动物。词怎么保护濒危动物。词数数:100:100左右。左右。1.1.写作分析写作分析人称、时态人称、时态: :使用第一人称,一般现在时文章结构使用第一人称,一般现在时文章结构: :写明海报的写明海报的标题标题第一段第一段: :为什么要保护濒危动物。第二段为什么要保护濒危动物。第二段: :怎么保护濒危动物。怎么保护濒危动物。第三段第三段: :总结。总结。2.2.词汇和句型词汇和句型濒危动物濒危动物 endangered animals en

19、dangered animals灭绝灭绝 die out die out 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 prevent sb from doing sthprevent sb from doing sth与动物和谐相处与动物和谐相处live in harmony live in harmony with animalswith animals【典例分析 】Protect Endangered Animals!Nowadays, a number of animals are in danger of dying out. The reason for this is that many peo

20、ple hunt them for their furs and skins to make profits. Besides, the living places of the animals are being destroyed, making their population decrease rapidly.As students, we should prevent people from killing them. Whats more, we mustnt buy things made of these endangered animals. As the saying go

21、es,“No buying, no killing.”Only by living in harmony with animals can the earth become a good place to live on.The StudentsUnion December 7,2020【范文 】本文是一则海报。文章结构清晰,段落层次分明,开头部分点明海报的主题,即保护濒危动物,引出下文保护濒危动物的具体做法,最后总结全文。【结构点评】【语言点评】文中使用了一些高级句式和句型。表语从句“The reason for this is that many people hunt them for their furs and skins to make profits.”;现在分词作结果状语“Besides, the living places of the animals are being destroyed, making their population decrease rapidly.”;倒装句“Only by living in harmony with animals can the earth become a good place to live on.”。Thank youThank you


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