Unit1 Reading and Thinking ppt课件 -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册高一上学期.pptx

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1、 To predict the content of a passage from its title and pictures in the passage. To learn about the problem of building the Aswan Dam and solutions to it. To think about the reason of other countries offering help to the Egyptian project. To think about the value of the protection of cultural herita

2、ge.目录页contentsPre-readingLanguage PointsWhile-readingHomeworkPost-readingPre-readingWhere can we find them?Do you know other tourist attractions in Egypt?Pre-reading: Lead-inIs there any link between the two pictures?TemplesAswan High DamPredicting the content of the text.1. Look at the pictures on

3、Page 4 in the textbook and predict what the text is about.Its about protecting a cultural site Predicting the content of the text.2. Read the title and guess what the problems might be.There were some problems when protecting a cultural site and people tried to find a solution.Predicting the content

4、 of the text.3.Guess more information that might be in the text.While-reading A committee was established to limit the damage.AThe project brought together governments from the whole world.B Keeping the balance between progress and heritage protectiong is a challenge.C The project is considered a gr

5、eat success.DThe spirit of the project is still alive.EChallenges can lead to solutions.FPara.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6 Draw a structure of the text according to the main idea of each paragraphIntroduction P Example P P P P conclusion 1. What was the problem the Egyptian government fac

6、ing with?Read the text again and answer the questions.The Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile but the proposal led to protests.2. Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam?They wanted to control floods and bring electricity and water to more fa

7、rmers in the area to help economic development. 3. Why did protesters protest the proposal?Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics. They protest for the reason of the protection of cultural sites.A solution _is needed. that can keep the right balance be

8、tween progress and the protection of cultural sitesn. 平衡;平均4. What were the solutions to the problem of building the Aswan Dam? The Egyptian government asked the United Nations for help, and a proposal was worked out with the help from other countries.5. How were the temples and other cultural sites

9、 saved?They were taken down piece by piece and moved to other places where they would be safe from the water.6. How long did it take to complete the project?The project took 20 years to complete.While-readingMake a Timeline Tip: Making a timeline that shows when different events happened can help yo

10、u understand how the events are connected to each other.While-reading:19591961Over the next 20 years1980The government asks the UN for help.The project starts.The first temple is moved.The temples and cultural relics are being rescued.The project is comp-leted.Complete the timeline with the informat

11、ionfrom the text. 1960Post-readingWork in group of four.Suppose you are all in Egypt,visiting the Temple of Abu Simbel.For each group,choose one as the local guide and the rest as visitors. The visitors ask questions about the moving and reconstruction of the temple.The guide answers the questions.L

12、ater,one of the guides comes to the front to answer questions from the whole class.Example :.Tourist: Do you think the moving and reconstruction did harm to the temple ?Guide :No .To move these cultural relics ,the government and the committee made great efforts.The activity brought together experts

13、 from all over the world .They prepared scientifically and moved them carefully .By doing so ,these relics were rescued .As we can see today ,it was not seriously damaged by the moving ,and it still tells us the story of thousands of years ago Language Points1from problems to solutions 2economic dev

14、elopment3give way to4preserve everything from our past5move towards the future 6keep the balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites7lead to great solutions经济发展经济发展给给让路让路保存我们过去的一切保存我们过去的一切走向未来走向未来保持发展与文物保护的平衡保持发展与文物保护的平衡Language Points: Important phrases (P4 P5)从问题到解决办法从问题到解决办法带来伟大

15、的解决方案带来伟大的解决方案8control floods9produce electricity10 supply water11 The proposal led to protests.12 destroy cultural relics 13 turn to sb for help14 the loss of cultural relics15 raise funds16 investigate the issue控制洪水控制洪水发电发电供水供水这项提议引起了抗议。这项提议引起了抗议。破坏文物破坏文物Language Points: Important phrases (P4 P5)向

16、某人寻求帮助向某人寻求帮助文物的流失文物的流失调查这个问题调查这个问题筹集资金筹集资金17make a proposal for18bring . together19be taken down piece by piece20countless cultural relics21It was considered a great success.22find a path to the future23work together to build a better tomorrow24run a programme25the global community对对提出建议提出建议把把聚在一起聚

17、在一起被一块块地拆开被一块块地拆开无数的文物无数的文物Language Points: Important phrases (P4 P5)它被认为是巨大的成功。它被认为是巨大的成功。找到通往未来的道路找到通往未来的道路运营一个项目运营一个项目国际社会国际社会携手共建更加美好的明天携手共建更加美好的明天Think: Whats the feature of “There comes a time ”? Sometimes, there are just two chairs and a table. There exists an ancient temple in this town, whi

18、ch attracts many visitors. 1. There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. Language Points : Important sentences (P4 P5)全部倒装:全部倒装句子结构: ;以引导词there开头的倒装句:表示存在的there be句型,主语在be之后。除be外,还可使用lie, live, come

19、, exist, sit, stand, remain等不及物动词。谓语谓语 + + 主语主语 There comes a time when. “ 的时候到了”。when在此引导定语从句,修饰a time.(1)This is/was a time when.这是曾是一个的时期(2)There was a time when.曾有一段时间.There comes a time when teenagers learn English on theInternet.青少年在网上学英语的时代到来了。_ I was not interested in English any longer. 曾有一

20、段时间,我对英语不再感兴趣。There was a time when2.2.But the proposal led to protests. lead to 导致;造成;通向;通往导致;造成;通向;通往leadled led, to为介词为介词,后面可跟名词或动名词。,后面可跟名词或动名词。他的粗心大意导致了这场交通事故。他的粗心大意导致了这场交通事故。众所周知,条条大路通罗马。His carelessness led to the traffic accident.As we know,all roads leads to Rome 3)Water from the dam would

21、likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypts cultural heritage. likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地 (1)be likely to do sth.可能做某事可能做某事 (2)It is likely that 可能可能 针对练习 单句语法填空 (1)He is likely _(make) rapid progress in English because he is studying hard. (2)_ is

22、 likely that the thieves dont know how much it is worth. (3)I think it is likely _ he will arrive tomorrow.to makethatIt4. A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. limit n限度;限制限度;限制vt.限制;限定限制;限定 limitto 把把限制在限制在内内拓展:拓展: limited ad

23、j.有限的有限的 limitless adj 无限的无限的 针对练习 单句语法填空 (1)There is no limit _ how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day. (2)They displayed only a part of their products because space was _(limit) (3)Each customer is _(limit) to four tickets.tolimitedlimited5. The group asked for contributions from different depa

24、rtments and raised funds within the international community. contribution n捐款;贡献;捐赠 contribute vi.&vt. 捐献;捐助(1) make a contribution/contributions to (doing) sth对作出贡献(2)contribute to 有助于;促使;导致 注意:该短语的to为介词句子翻译:每个人都愿意为无家可归的人捐献食物和衣服。 Everyone is willing to contribute food and clothes to the homeless pe

25、ople.6Fifty countries donated nearly 80 million to the project. donate vt. 捐赠;赠送;献(血) donation n. C捐赠物 U捐赠;赠送(1)donate .to .向捐赠(2) make a donation to . 给捐款句子翻译:那个商人给我们校捐了很多钱。 The businessman donated a lot of money to our school.7.Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run

26、 over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。 not only.but (also).意为“不仅而且.”,既可以用来连接两个名词、代词或短语,也可以用来连接两个句子。(1)not only.but(also).“不仅,而且.”,其中but后also可省略。(2)not only

27、. but(also).连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称与数遵循“就近原则”。(3)not only. but (also).连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,not only 所在的分句需使用部分倒装。The British and the Americans not only speak the samelanguage,but (also) share a large number of socialcustoms.英国人和美国人不但说同样的语言,而且有很多相同的社会习俗。Not only the students but also the teacher_(be

28、) against the plan yesterday.昨天,不仅学生们反对这个计划,这位老师也反对。Not only_us light,but also it gives us heat.太阳不仅给我们提供了光,还给予我们热量。wasdoes the sun8Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam? attempt n努力;尝试;企图;试图vt.尝试;企图;试图 (1)make an attempt to do sth. 尝试做某事 (2)attempt to do sth. 企图做某事

29、;尝试做某事句子翻译: 男孩子们想去游泳但被他们的父母拦住了。 The boys made an attempt to swim but were stopped by their parents.9Do you think it was worthwhile? worthwhile adj.值得花时间的;值得做的 Its worthwhile doing /to do sth. 值得做某事句子翻译:花两个小时读这本书是值得的。It is worthwhile to spend / spending two hours reading the book.比较:sth be worth doin

30、g 某事值得被做 这本书值得读This book is worth reading.随堂巩固 一.单句语法填空 1.What do you think of his_ (propose)that we should put on a play at the English evening? 2. It is said that junk food and a lack of regular exercise can lead_some diseases. 3. The amount of money we have is so _ (limit)that we cant buy the new

31、 house. 4. Their quick actions prevented the fire_ spreading. 5. As we all know, doing voluntary work will make a great_ (contribute) to the society. proposaltolimitedfromcontribution 6. The police have finished the _ (investigate) into the crime. 7. The singer felt pity for the infected people and

32、_ ( donate)much money to help them. 8. Many beautiful fishes are fast_ (appear) because of the serious pollution. 9. All _ (attempt )to control the spread of the disease have failed. 10. Personally, I dont think it worthwhile for them _ (spend) all the savings on this trip.investigationdonatedappear

33、ingattemptsto spend /spending. 二。课文语法填空 In the course of economic development, there comes a time 1._ the old must give way to the new. 2. _ (keep) balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a great challenge. In the1950s,the Egyptian government wanted 3. _ (build) a dam. H

34、owever,the project led 4._ protests,because the water from the dam would likely damage a number of cultural relics. So the government turned to the UN for help. A committee 5. _ (establish to deal with the challenge and the experts investigated the issue, conducted tests and made a 6._ (propose) to

35、save the cultural relics.7. ( final), the work began in1960.the temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece and moved and put back together again in a new place. Over the next 20 years, 8. _ (thousand) of engineers and workers rescued countless cultural relics. In 1980, the proje

36、ct ended, 9. _ was considered 10._ great success. It shows that if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.Keys .课文语法填空 1. when 2. To keep 3. to build 4. to 5. was established 6. proposal 7. Finally 8. thousands 9. which 10. a Homework

37、一.Search for more information and write a short passage about a successful example of protecting cultural heritage while developing economy.二。翻译下列句子。画出句子主干并标注定语从句 1. There comes a time when the old must give way to the new. 2.Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection

38、of cultural sites can be a big challenge. 3.Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypts cultural heritage. 4.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the governme

39、nt turned to the United Nations for help. 5.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water. 6. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 7.Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a program that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.


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