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1、10Unit 1 It might snow.可能下雪可能下雪。1.学习并掌握表示天气的名词和形容词。学习并掌握表示天气的名词和形容词。 wind, cloud, rain, lightning, thunder, snow, shower, storm, sun, weather, temperature, degree (度度), minus(负负), plus(正正) windy cloudy rainy snowy sunny stormy foggy freezing(冰冻的冰冻的)2. 学习并掌握表示天气的句型:学习并掌握表示天气的句型:(1). - Whats the weath

2、er like ? = Hows the weather? - Its windy/ cloudy/rainy/ snowy/ sunny/ foggy/ stormy (2). - Whats the temperature? - Its 1525 degrees.3. 怎样做天气预报?怎样做天气预报?windcloudrainlightning and thunder snow shower stormsunWarming-up weather snowcloudrainstormwindshowersunnywindycloudyrainysnowysuncloud nyy晴朗的晴朗的多

3、云的多云的rainwindyy下雨的下雨的刮风的刮风的storm暴风雨暴风雨shower 阵雨阵雨yysnow下雪的下雪的freezing 冰冻的冰冻的y shower storm rain wind cloud snow fog 雾雾Weatherstormyrainywindycloudysnowywarmcoolcoldhotadj.n.sunnyfoggy描述天气的描述天气的形容词形容词:多云的多云的: 多雨的多雨的: 下雪的下雪的: 有风的有风的: 晴朗的晴朗的: 寒冷的寒冷的: cloudysnowysunnyrainywindyfreezingcool warmcold hot

4、描述天气的句型描述天气的句型:Whats the weather like? = Hows the weather?Its + adj. Its _. rainyIts _. foggyIts _. a heavy shower its_stormyWhats the weather like? = Hows the weather? Its _.Its _.Its _.Its _. snowy cloudy sunny windyWhats the weather like? = Hows the weather? may / might 表示表示“可能可能 ” (情态动词情态动词)It m

5、ay / might be sunny/ cloudy/ windy Say what the weather may or might be like in your town. tomorrow / next week / next monthmay / might 意为意为 “可能可能” . 是是情态动词情态动词, 后直接动词原形。后直接动词原形。may / might 没多大区别,形式上没多大区别,形式上might是是may的的过去式过去式,但,但推测将来推测将来可能情况时,可能情况时,语气更不确语气更不确定,可能性更小。定,可能性更小。It may / might snow tomo

6、rrow.It might be _ tomorrow.sunnyIt may be _ on Monday.rainyNext weekIt may be _ on Tuesday.cloudyMondayTuesdayThere may be _ on Monday.There may be _ on Tuesday.raincloudThursdayWednesdayIt may be _ on Wednesday.sunnyIt may be _ on Thursday.windyThere may be _ on Thursday.windFridayIt may be _ (晴转多

7、云晴转多云) on Friday.clear to overcast?It is a unit for temperature (温度温度).“” refers to degree, and centigrade.度度摄氏温度摄氏温度更详细一点来说表示天气的句型是什么?更详细一点来说表示天气的句型是什么?那就是用那就是用温度温度来表示。来表示。temperaturedegree(s)minusWhats the temperature? 温度温度是多少?是多少?Its minus five degrees. Can you read?-7 25 8between minus seven and

8、 plus two degreesfive to eight degreesminus seven to plus two degreesWhats the temperature?Its -7: 1: 5 8: -1 14:10 21:1720 :minus seven degrees one degreebetween five and eight degrees minus one to plus fourteen degreesbetween ten and twenty one degreesbetween seventeen and twenty degrees How can w

9、e know the weather?We can know the weather through the weather forecast.“the weather forecast” means “天气预报天气预报”Who makes the weather forecast?The weatherman makes the weather forecast. (天气预报员天气预报员)/ f:k:st / Shanghai58What will the weather be like tomorrow?-It will beWhat will the temperature be? -I

10、t will be1021GuangzhouWhat will the weather be like tomorrow?-It will beWhat will the temperature be? -It will be-71CWhat will the weather be like tomorrow?-It will beWhat will the temperature be? -It will be-Whats the _(天气天气) like today? -Its _ (多云的多云的).- Whats the _(温度温度)? -Its 1525 _(度度).-What _

11、the weather _(be) like tomorrow? -It _(可能可能) _(下雪下雪).Its a f_ day today. We cant see the things clearly away from the distance(远处远处).It will be a _(sun) day tomorrow. Shall we go for a picnic in the field? Key words : cloud shower snow storm cloudy rainy snowy windy might temperature degree skate th

12、ick ice joke although wet neither terrible wish probably come on2. key structure: And its cloudy too, so it might snow. Its probably sunny and hot there. 3. Ability: To understand conversation about weather. To talk about possibilities. Teaching aims/klaud/au/snu/st:m/klaudi/reIni/snui/sni/云,云雾云,云雾

13、n.cloud阵雨阵雨 n.shower雪雪 n.下雪下雪 v. storm暴风雨暴风雨 n. 多云的多云的 adj.snow多雨的;下雨的多雨的;下雨的 adj.cloudyWords and expressionssnowy晴朗的晴朗的 adj.rainy多雪的;下雪的多雪的;下雪的 adj.sunny/wIndi/skeit/Ik /aIs/duk/maIt/temprIt /maIns/多风的;刮大风的多风的;刮大风的 adj.windy滑冰滑冰 v.skate厚的厚的 adj.ice冰冰 n. 说玩笑;开玩笑说玩笑;开玩笑 v.笑话;玩笑笑话;玩笑 n.可能;也许可能;也许 v.au

14、x.joke温度温度 n.负的;零下的负的;零下的 adj.minusthickmighttemperature/dIgri:/:lu /wet/naI:ni:/terbl/wi/prbbli /come on度;度数度;度数 prep.degree然而;尽管然而;尽管 conj.wet下雨的;湿的下雨的;湿的 adj.terrible (某人或某事物某人或某事物)也不也不 adv.although使人烦恼的;可怕的使人烦恼的;可怕的 adj.neither但愿;希望但愿;希望 v.wishprobably或许;可能或许;可能 adv.快点快点-82CWhats the weather in

15、Beijing?ItsWhats the temperature?Itscloudy Work in pairs. Talk about the weather. Use the words in the boxes to help you.cloud rain shower snow storm sun windCloudy rainy snowy sunny windy 精选课件2. Listen and check the correct information in the table.精选课件3. Then correct the wrong information in the t

16、able.58 -42 Are you joking?Sounds great!Me neither.Come on!Then listen and read.Betty: Hey, boys!Tony: Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingling. Where are you going?Betty: Were going to the park to skate. Theres thick ice on the lake. Are you coming with us?Tony: Are you joking? Its really cold today.Daming: And its

17、 cloudy too, so it might snow.Lingling: Whats the temperature?Tony: Its between minus eight and minus two degrees! Winter is colder here than in England.Daming: Is it snowy in England in December?“去溜冰去溜冰”动词不定式表动词不定式表示目的示目的你在开玩笑吗?你在开玩笑吗?温度是多少?温度是多少?-8 -2 的读法有两种:的读法有两种: between minus eight and minus t

18、wo degrees 在在-8 到到 -2 之间之间 minus eight to minus two degrees -8 到到-2 Tony: Not usually, although this year it snowed quite a lot. Most Decembers are wet and rainy.Daming: Whats the weather like in America in winter, Betty?Betty: We have cold winters and hot summers. Its snowy in New York in winter.To

19、ny: Sounds great! I like sunny weather, and I like. snow as well. But I dont like showers or windy weather.Betty: Me neither. Rainy weather is terrible! I wish I were in Australia now. Its probably sunny and hot there.不常不常It sounds great!as well,as well,是固定搭配,意思是是固定搭配,意思是“ “也也” ”。我也不喜欢。我也不喜欢。Linglin

20、g: You can go to Hainan Island if you like sunny weather.Betty: One day I will.Lingling: Come on, better get going! We can skate in the park and get warm. = I will go there one day.= we had better go!最好现在去!最好现在去! had better “最好最好”的意思,后接动词原形的意思,后接动词原形e.g. -Shall we play basketball this afternoon?-Goo

21、d idea! But I think youd better do your homework first. There is little time left for the final exam. I think we had better study harder.Now check () the true sentences.1 Tony and Daming are going to skate.2 Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.3 It sometimes snows in England in winter.4 It i

22、s not hot in the USA in Summer. 5 It usually snows in New York in winter.6 Tony does not like windy weather.Betty and Lingling 5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperature When its very cold it might be safe to (1)_ on lakes

23、, but be very careful! Although it (2) _feel cold, it might not be safe. The (3) _ has to be at least (4) _ one or two (5) _ or even lower for several weeks. And the ice will be thick enough. Falling through the ice is(6) _.I am not (7) _ ! minusmaytemperatureskatedegreesdangerousjoking at least 至少至

24、少thick enough 足够厚足够厚1. 厚厚的冰厚厚的冰2. 你在开玩笑吗?你在开玩笑吗?3. -温度是多少?温度是多少? -在在-152 之间。之间。4. 美国的冬天天气如何?美国的冬天天气如何?5. -我不喜欢下雨天。我不喜欢下雨天。 -我也是。我也是。 Language points thick ice Are you joking? Whats the _? Its _ minus fifteen _ plus two degrees. _ the weather in America in winter? I dont like rainy weather.Me _. 6. c

25、ome on, better get going 快点,快点,最好现在走。最好现在走。 better get going = had better go如:如: Wed better get going. (=wed better go now), or well be late.我们做好现在就走,不然要迟到了。我们做好现在就走,不然要迟到了。 You _ _(最好最好) not go skating on the lake, or it will be _(danger).Language points6 Listen to the speaker asking a question or

26、showing surprise.Whats the weather like?Whats the weather like?7 Listen and write * if the speaker is asking a question or * if he is showing surprise. 1 When is the best time to visit your country?2 What clothes should she bring? 3 What is the temperature? 4 Where are you going? Now listen again an

27、d repeat. *8 Work in pairs. Tell the story.Make a weather forecast for different cities in China. Use the correct information in the table in Activity 2 to help you.Now say what the weather might or might not be like in your town. tomorrow next week next monthItll probably be cold tomorrow.明天可能会冷。明天

28、可能会冷。In summer its often _(rain) in China.Its _(wind) outside. its better to put on your coat.Please take a raincoat with you. Its _(cloud) and it is going to _(rain).Most people like a _ (snow) Christmas.Its clear in the sky. What a _(sun) day.The radio says there will be a _ (阵雨阵雨) in the east of

29、China.Dont _ (开玩笑开玩笑) ! He is a very serious man.There will be _(暴风雨暴风雨) in Hainan. I dont like it.The _(温度温度) is very high outside. Please stay at home.1. -It was a _ day yesterday, wasnt it? -Yes, it was. We went to the beach and enjoy the sun. A. cloudy B. snowy C. rainy D. sunny2. The ice is thick enough. Lets go _. A. swimming B. shopping C. skating D. skiing 3. Look at the black _ and its going to rain. A. snow B. cloud C. storm D. wind4. “Its a fine day” means “Its _.” A. snowy B. cloudy C. windy D. sunny5. Dont believe him. Its only a _. A. situation B. pain C. joke D. problem


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