国家开放大学电大本科《人文英语3》期末试题及答案(1 、3试卷号:1379).pdf

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1、国家开放大学电大本科人文英语3期末试题及答案3(试卷号:1379)一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.一Is your grandmother getting well now?A. Yes, she is much better now. Thank you.B. She gets up early and does exercise every day.C. 1 dont believe that she feels comfortable.2.一Could you please help me choose an MP4

2、 player online?- Im afraid I cant. _ A. Im using the player now myself.B. You shouldnt rely on others to do it for you.c. Something is wrong with my computer.3. -How long have you been graduated from your college?A. Yes, Ive been graduated there.B. Ive been graduated for five years.C. I graduated fr

3、om my college for five years.4.一1 find it hard to complete all the assignments while I an working every day. A. The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives.B. Great. Thats a nice way to expand our knowledge nowadays.C. You know,good time management is very important in online lea

4、rning.5. -Brand was Janes brother!一No wonder_A. Jane was very popular in the schoolB.B. rand never talked about the issuec. he reminded me so much of Jane二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。6. The_between face-to-face teaching and distance education are increasingly b

5、lurred. A.edges B. BoundariesC.distance7. The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to lea工neveryday just to stay current in the workplace. A.something new B.new somethingC. every new thing8.He reminded those in that their homes could bean open invitation to cr

6、iminals. A. tensionB.attentionC.attendance9. We all tend to think that we are safe in our homes, but_many homes are not as safe as theyare supposed to be. A. hopefullyB.unfortunatelyC. luckily10. This will not only make them feelgood, but may also gain you their respect. A. in returnB.on purposeC. b

7、y accident11. People often work overtime because of too much work in queue. A. to be waitedB. waitC.waiting12.He asked his neighbor to his house.A.keep an eye onB.keep their eyes on C. keep eyes open to13. Join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to _discipline.A. perfo

8、rmB.exerciseC.practice14.With the cost of living higher every single year, having a big family is no longerconsidered a practical option. A.to getB.gettingC.get15. You may try some games to play with your audience, but remember the games shouldnt betoo A. CompletedB. ConfusedC. complicated16. You ca

9、n contact your local police office to report Internet crimes and they will send aspecial agent tothe matter. A. look intoB. look atC. lookup17. On September 13, 2013, the State Council issued a guidelinethe development ofChinas elderly care services. A. to speedup B. to be sped upC.by speeding up18.

10、 The impact of technology on modern life is immeasurable, ? A. hasnt itB.wont itC. isnt it19. _you know the person. the quality of care you can provide. A.Betterhigher B. The best-the highest C. The better-the higher 20.The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us

11、 tolearnsomething new everyday just to stay_in the workplace. A. apparentB.currentC.applicable三、阅读理解(共40分,每小题4分)21-25题:根据短文内容在给出的选项中选择最佳答案Passage 1 Forces other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes(龙卷风)Sometimes,asthe wind passes a house, the walls and ceiling burst apart as if a bo

12、mb had gone off inside. Thisexplosion is caused by the low air pressure at the center of a tornado. The pressure at the center of a tornado is usually 13 pounds per square inch. However, insidethe house the air pressure is normal, about 15 pounds per square inch. The difference of 2 poundsper square

13、 inch between the inside and outside pressure may not seem like much. But supposea tornado passes over a small building that measures 20 by 10 by 10 feet. On each square inchof the building, there is 2 pounds of pressure from the inside that is not balanced by airpressure outside the building. On th

14、e ceiling, that adds up to an unbalanced pressure of 57600pounds. The pressure of the four walls adds up to 172800 pounds. lf windows are open in the building, some of the inside air will rush out through them. 咀lis will balance the pressure inside and outside the building. But if the windows are sh

15、uttightly, the huge inside pressure may cause the building to burst. Unfortunately, heavy rain often occurs in the storms that later produce tornadoes, so peopleoften shut their windows. This may cause far worse damage later. 21. What did the paragraph before this passage most probably discuss?A. Me

16、asuring rainfall from a storm B. The kinds of damage caused by explosions C. The powerful winds of tornadoes. 22.which of the following is the main topic of the passage?A.How tornadoes can be prevented. B. When tornadoes usually occur.C. why tornadoes cause so much damage.23. Tornadoes can destroy b

17、uildings because the A. force of a tornado increases the air pressure in a building.B.air pressure inside a tornado is less than the air pressure inside a building.C.air pressure at the center of a tornado is over 172000 pounds.24. What is the difference per square inch between the air pressure insi

18、de a building andtheair pressure inside a tornado? A. 2 pounds.B. 13 pounds.C. 15 pounds.25. What would happen if the windows are shut tightly in the stormy weather?A. Tornadoes may be formed. B. The house may bur apart. C. There may not be any pressure inside the building.26-30 题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确

19、,正确的在括号内写(T)不符的在括号内写(F) Passage 2Do you still get free plastic bags from the supermarkets? Things have changed.China has banned free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, and people have to pay forusing plastic bags. The rule started on June 1. It came because our country tried to make litterless.

20、Making supe广thin plastic bags has also been banned. The Chinese once used about 3, 000, 000, 000 plastic shopping bags a day, and they have causedpollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution becausethey are not easy to break and people throw them away here and

21、 there. So the Chinese peopleare encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping. What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring? Some students in Chongqing have a goodidea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send themto their parents as presents. They al

22、so ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags insteadof plastic ones. They think it is their duty to protect the environment. 26.People in China have to pay for using Plastic bags at shops and supermarkets now. F27.China made this rule because plastic bags were bad for the environment. T28. The

23、 Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for the shopping. T 29. Some students in Chongqing buy cloth bags for their parents. F30. The main idea of the article is that the bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution. F四、写作(共20分)31. 根据要求写作文。Describe the following case and the cri

24、minal suspect according to the notice in about lOOwords. wanted Crime: robbery Victim: a young man Time: at about 11. 00 p. m. last SaturdayPlace: on the 6th Street Loss: a handbag with a computer, mobile phone, his passport and something else Appearance of the suspect: short, slim; long, big face,

25、big eyes with cruel eyesight; long , dirty fingernails; wear a worn jacket, a pair of jeans and trainers Anyone with info. : contact 110 at any time Reward:RMB 5,000 备注:用100字左右的文字,根据通知描述以下案件和犯罪嫌疑人。通缉犯:抢劫罪受害者:一个年轻人时间:上周六晚11点左右地点:第六街丢失:一个装有电脑的手提包,手机,他的护照嫌疑人外貌:身材矮小,苗条;又长又脏的指甲;穿破旧的夹克,一条牛仔裤和运动鞋;又长又大的脸,大眼

26、睛里有残忍的视力。任何有信息的人:随时联系110奖励:人民币5000元答:last Saturday, a robbery took place at about 11. 00 p. m. on the 6th Street. A young manwas robbed and lost his handbag with his computer, mobile phone, his passport and somethingelse in it. The suspect looked short and slim. He has a long, big face with a pair o

27、f smalleyes. The victim saw cruel eyesight from his eyes and was very frightened. His fingernailsare long and dirty and he wears a worn jacket, a pair of jeans and trainers. lf anyone knowsanything about the robbery or the suspect, please call 110. You may get a reward of RMIB 5, 000. 国家开放大学电大本科人文英语

28、3期末试题及答案l(试卷号:1379)一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.一Linda, whats wrong with your grandmother?A.She is not retired. B. She hurt her leg.C. She got a new house.2. -How does it explain the causes for the increasing juvenile crimes?一lt explainsA. a heal thy surfing environment is nee

29、ded.B. part of the reason is the influence of Internet violence. C. the operating companies dont filter the content online.3. - doesnt it?一yes. it does. I like the color and styleA. The red dress fits me very much B. It is going to rain pretty soonC. You look very beautiful 4.-Where is John?l couldn

30、t find him. -A. He is very busy working on his project. B. I am sorry but Im afraid 1 cant agree with you.C. 1 suppose he could have gone to the meeting room.5.一How can I deliver my speech in an attractive way?A.Remember: the games shouldnt be too complicated. B. Im afraid that my audience may find

31、my speech boring.C. Make sure that you are talking, not just reciting your draft.二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。6.Parents transmit some of their to their children.A. characteristicsB. characterC.characteristic7. Tom won the first prize of oral English contest, wh

32、ich is beyond his A. reputationB.contributionC. expectation8.Encouraging the elderly people to participate games is very important.A.atB. inC. with 9. I want to know_A. what is his nameB. that his name isC.what his name is10. This is an opportunity to the reputation of the company. A. helpB. prevent

33、C. enhance11. John asked meto visit his uncles farm with him. A.how would I likeB. if or not would I likeC. whether I would like12. People_foxes clever but sly animals. A.considerto beB.consider-asC.consider-X13. Do you mind me_the window beside you.A. to open B . openingC. open14. But the Internet

34、can bring some_effects. too. The most common one, some teenagers a read dieted to computer games on the Internet. A. negativeB.positiveC. important15.Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keepA. fitlyB.fittingC. fit16.Having good friends means sharing happiness and sadness_each other.A.ofB.

35、withC.by17. She the children not to make any noise. A. tellB.toldC. said18.0ne big_ of formal education is the high cost. A. advantageB.disadvantageC. strength19.Smart phone makes it simple_us_take a photo.A.forbyB. for-toC. to. to20. The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives,

36、and requires us to learn everyday just to stay current in the workplace. A. something newB. new somethingC.everything三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。Green interior design is sometimes called sustainable design. It is about what is good andwhat is bad for peoples heal

37、th, for the environment and for saving energy, Of course, fashinn is a big part of green interior design. But it is not the only thing being focused on. Thekey words of green interior design a工粤e not cool, modern, stylishandnow ; butinstead sustainable, recycled,non-toxic, locally sourced,renewable

38、and organic. For example. Italian leather couches might be the hut word in style. But a green interiordesigner cares more about whether the leather is from an organic source, whether the wood is from a sustainably managed forest, whether there was any toxic glues used in making thefurni ture and wha

39、t was the ca工bon output in shipping Italian sofa from Europe to other areas,Green design is about analyzing all aspects of a building to find ways to save energy andwater, to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. to make the interior free of toxicchemicals and to use materials that are the m

40、ost environmentally friendly. Reducing energy bills is a primary aim of green interior design. Saving water is the secnnd aim of green interior design.Low Voc,zero voC andvoC free are new buzz phrases in the green design. From a green design point of view, the main concern is to c house indoorfloori

41、ng, furniture, paint that are free of chemicals that pollute and make penple sick. 21. Green interior design pays great attention to peoples health , saving energyand A.environmental protectionB.cool designC.unsustainable resources22.A green interior designer may not choose certain material if it is

42、.A.sustainableB. RenewableC. toxic23. The word cool in Line 4 means A. chillyB. stylish C.cold24. The primary aim of green interior design is_ A. saving waterB. reducing energy billsC. low voC25. The topic of this passage is about A.how to decorate homesB.reducing energy consumptionC. green interior

43、 design26-30 题:根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T,错误的写“F“,并将答案写在答题纸上Do you still get free plastic bags from the supermarkets?Things have changed. China has banned free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, and people have to pay forusing plastic bags. The rule started on June 1. It came because our country

44、tried to make litter less, Making super-thin plastic bags has also been banned. The Chinese once used about 3, 000, 000, 000 plastic shopping bags a day, and theyhave caused pollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollutionbecause they are not easy to break and peo

45、ple throw them away here and there. So the Chinesepeople are encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping. What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring?Some students in Chongqing have a goodidea They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send themto their pa

46、rents as presents. They also ask their pa工呤ents and friends to use cloth bags insteadof plastic ones. They think it is their duty to protect the environment. 26.People in China have to pay for using Plastic bags at shops and supermarkets now. T 27.China made this rule because plastic bags were bad f

47、or the environment. T28. The Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for the shopping. T 29.Some students in Chongqing buy cloth bags for their parents. F30. The main idea of the article is that the bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution, F 四、写作(共20分)31. 根据要求写作文Write a pass

48、age about an important person who has given you the most influence in your life or a special event that has changed you most. You may follow the ideas given. Think of an important aspect in your life, such as your career, family, health, love, etc.- Describe the person or the event. What happened ?-

49、 How were you influenced?- Any lessons learnt.备注:写一篇关于一个对你生活影响最大的重要人物或一件改变你最大的特殊事件的文章。你可以遵循所给出的观点。想想你生活中的一个重要方面,比如你的事业、家庭、健康、爱情等描述这个人或事件。发生了什么?你受到了怎样的影响?任何教训。答:The person who has the greatest influence on me. There is a person in everyones heart who has the greatest influence on himself. She affects

50、your feelings and thoughts and affects your whole life. And the person who has the greatestinfluence on me is undoubtedly my mother. My mother is nothing different from ordinary people, but what affects me the most is her tolerance, understanding, open-mindedness and silent lovereflected by her norm


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