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1、英语阅读教学英语阅读教学读书感受读书感受南昌市南昌市“青年英语教师青年英语教师成长沙龙成长沙龙”活动活动 南昌十五中南昌十五中 胡海燕胡海燕 英语阅读教学 作者介绍 程晓堂程晓堂北京师范大学外文学院院长,教授,博士生导师。北京师范大学外文学院院长,教授,博士生导师。中小学外语教学中小学外语教学主编,主编,山东师范大学外国语学院学报山东师范大学外国语学院学报主编。主编。 教育部外语专业教学指导委员会英语分委员会委员;教育部外语专业教学指导委员会英语分委员会委员;中国英语教学研究会常务理事;中国英语教学研究会常务理事;中国功能语言学研究会常务理事;中国功能语言学研究会常务理事;中国语言教育研究会副

2、会长。中国语言教育研究会副会长。本书是本书是外研社基础外语教学与外研社基础外语教学与研究丛书研究丛书.英语教师发展系列英语教师发展系列 之一之一 目录阅读动机阅读动机阅读教学目标阅读教学目标阅读教学模式与方法阅读教学模式与方法阅读准备活动设计阅读准备活动设计阅读教学活动设计阅读教学活动设计阅读教学过程设计阅读教学过程设计阅读策略阅读策略阅读评价阅读评价单击添加公司署名或副标题1有效激发学生的阅读动机有效激发学生的阅读动机 书中谈到:书中谈到:“阅读是人们生活的一部阅读是人们生活的一部分,是与人交流、自我发展的必需手分,是与人交流、自我发展的必需手段。段。 教学应尝试给学生提供外语阅读的教学应尝

3、试给学生提供外语阅读的真实目的、理由,而不只是培养学生真实目的、理由,而不只是培养学生阅读英文材料的能力。阅读英文材料的能力。 教学也不光是为了升学率,应该让教学也不光是为了升学率,应该让学生体验成就感和阅读所带来的收获学生体验成就感和阅读所带来的收获和快乐和快乐2 以学生为中心的教学方式以学生为中心的教学方式教学设计考虑学生的具体需求充分考虑到学生在阅读中的认知特点为学生阅读理解提供应有的支架促进学生阅读能力的发展3 灵活选择阅读教学模式灵活选择阅读教学模式 阅读教学模式(教学方法、教学阅读教学模式(教学方法、教学方式)的选择应该视教学对象、方式)的选择应该视教学对象、教学目标、教学内容而定

4、。没有教学目标、教学内容而定。没有必要机械的套用某一种教学模式。必要机械的套用某一种教学模式。情景教学模式情景教学模式PWP阅读教学模式阅读教学模式任务型教学模式任务型教学模式支架教学模式支架教学模式常见的阅读教学模式常见的阅读教学模式PWP教学模式背景图式的激活背景图式的激活话题的导入话题的导入任务的介绍任务的介绍策略准备策略准备兴趣的激发和语言兴趣的激发和语言常见的读前准备活动常见的读前准备活动 头脑风暴头脑风暴 构建语义图构建语义图 预测(根据文章标题、文中图片,相关话题信预测(根据文章标题、文中图片,相关话题信息)息) 相关话题讨论相关话题讨论 多媒体激活图式多媒体激活图式 故事法故事

5、法Festivals around the worldInternational Labor Daythe Spring Festivalthe Mid-Autumn FestivalWomens DayTeachers DayValentines DayPeople who play musicMusicInstrumentsType of musicFacilities concernedGoing to see people who play musicString instrumentTypes of musicMusicPerformanceConcertInstrumentClas

6、sicalWind instrumentRock and rollCountry musicPopJazzFolk musicBrass instrumentsViolinGuitarHornSymphonyMusicianPeople who play musicPop starBluesBandConductorOrchestra知识知识 领会领会 分析分析 评价评价具体信息识别具体信息识别推理判断能力的培养推理判断能力的培养逻辑关系及篇章结构分析逻辑关系及篇章结构分析阅读策略的培养阅读策略的培养单击添加公司署名或副标题Scan the reading passage and choose

7、 “T” or “F”.1.Martin Luther King .J r went to university when he was 18 . ( )2.Black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months. ( )3.Black girls couldnt marry white boys . ( ) 4.Rosa Parks was arrested for hitting a white man. ( )5.The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1965.( ) Fill in the c

8、hart with the important events in Martin Luther King . Jr s life .TIMEEVENTSIn 1929In 1955In 1963In 1964In 1965In 1968He was born in Atlanta Georgia .He led the boycott of a bus company .He made the speech “I have a dream”He received the Nobel Peace Prize . A new voting Rights Bill became law .He wa

9、s murdered.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. 1.How were blacks treated in the southern states at the time ? 2.Give three examples of such non-violent actions whichBlacks used to take : 3.Whats the situation in the USA after Kings death ? Match the beginnings with the endings to ma

10、ke sentences.1 Pandas eat bamboo2 The government has made a new plan3They will make bigger reserves4 The Chinese government is working hardA to save pandas and other animals.B to liveC to protect pandas better.D to make bigger forests and plant more bamboo. Task 1 Fill in the detailed information in

11、 the text.In _, the Chinese government introduced a law stating that by the year _ every Chinese child would have _ years of compulsory education.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) made a commitment to provide “complete, free and compulsory primary educatio

12、n for good quality for all children by _”. They called this goal “Education for All” .China and other countries found that even when children from the countryside do start school, they have a tendency to be and later. How people are can also affect the education system.The success of a country in br

13、inging education to all also depends on .In 1999,the Ministry of Education introduced in central and western China.Education for all children worldwide will be to achieve.19862000nine2015absentdrop out distributedthe economycomputerised teaching networksdifficult 阅读下面的摘要,剔除其中不正确的信息。阅读下面的摘要,剔除其中不正确的信

14、息。 I used to be a drug addict. At first I took cocaine. It increased the users heart rate and blood pressure. I bought it from the same who had sold me cannabis for ten months. As I had no money. I had to steal to pay for the drugs and as a result was caught by the police. When I learned that I coul

15、d die if I stopped taking drugs, I gave up immediately. Now I am working to help others stop taking drugs. Decide the best heading for each paragraph.Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Para 7Compulsory education for all Chinese childrenEducation for All an international targetEncouraging people in

16、rural areas to accept education Problems of number and location Meeting the cost Solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve可配合支架教学可配合支架教学Sub-point 2:_Sub-point3:_Conclusion: _Support:l_1)_Sub-point 1:_Central point _Suppo

17、rt:l_1)_Support:l_1)_可配合支架教学可配合支架教学模仿原文写作模仿原文写作制作海报制作海报/动画动画/网页网页写概要写概要新闻报道及采访新闻报道及采访角色扮演角色扮演回忆转述回忆转述单击添加公司署名或副标题4有效的选择活动组织形式有效的选择活动组织形式 活动形式的选择在教学设计中具活动形式的选择在教学设计中具有重要作用,将直接影响活动的有重要作用,将直接影响活动的效果。效果。 活动形式不当不仅不能促进学生活动形式不当不仅不能促进学生的参与,也达不到培养学生应有的参与,也达不到培养学生应有的阅读能力的目的。的阅读能力的目的。个体活动适用于信息辨认及推理的前期活动保证每个学生的

18、参与学生比较被动,缺乏活跃的气氛同伴活动适用于信息辨认及推理的后期活动同伴阅读小组活动适用于信息辨认及推理的后期活动评价性及应用性活动小组讨论帮助学生共同理解,互助学习全班活动适用于阅读前话题的导入不是十分有效的活动形式,任务不宜多,不宜难单击添加公司署名或副标题5 组织高效的反馈活动组织高效的反馈活动 1不要用反馈代替阅读不要用反馈代替阅读 2 组织形式要适当(语言回答与组织形式要适当(语言回答与非语言回答;个体回答与非个体非语言回答;个体回答与非个体回答回答 3 要保证学生的参与要保证学生的参与 4 反馈要有任务性反馈要有任务性 5 组织高效的反组织高效的反馈活动馈活动 Questions

19、 ABCDE1 When the teacher tells me the instructions, I understand better. 2 I prefer to learn by doing something in class. 3 I get more work done when I work with others 27 In class, I work better when I work alone. 28 I prefer working on projects by myself. 29 I learn more by reading textbooks than

20、by listening to lectures. 30 I prefer to work by myself A= strongly agree B= agreeC= undecided D= disagree E= strongly disagree Questions ABCDE1 When the teacher tells me the instructions, I understand better. 2 I prefer to learn by doing something in class. 3 I get more work done when I work with o

21、thers 27 In class, I work better when I work alone. 28 I prefer working on projects by myself. 29 I learn more by reading textbooks than by listening to lectures. 30 I prefer to work by myself 视觉型 听觉型 触觉型 动觉型 群体型 单独型 题号 得分 题号得分题号得分题号得分题号得分题号得分611123131071484181291615527241722192128292025262330总分2 以学生为中心的教学方式教学设计考虑学生的具体需求充分考虑到学生在阅读中的认知特点为学生阅读理解提供应有的支架促进学生阅读能力的发展THANKS FOR WATCHING谢谢大家观看为了方便教学与学习使用,本文档内容可以在下载后随意修改,调整。欢迎下载!时间:20XX.XX.XX汇报人:XXX


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