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1、一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利Topic 8Going shopping Period 1周军周军神湾中学神湾中学/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利重点词汇重点词汇 shoe,coat,scarf,jacket,shirt,blouse,sweater,sock,dress,shorts,T-shirt,hat cap, stocking,skirt,trousers/pants,shop,buy,sell,bill,change,price

2、,book/order,wear,dollar,color,size,shape,sell well ,pay for sth., sell out, try on /一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利重点句型重点句型 1. Would you like to try on this coat? 2. That blue skirt/dress fits me well , please.3. The CD that you want has been sold out.4. There are lots of beau

3、tiful skirts on sale in this shop.5. I want to buy a pair of sports shoes in size Nine./一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利二、完形填空二、完形填空 15 ADCBB 610 CBCAD三、短文填空三、短文填空1.course 2.With 3.interest 4.playing 5.bad 6worse 7.except 8.spend 9.a 10.but/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋

4、利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利四、读写综合四、读写综合 信息归纳信息归纳1. Coco2. Almost everything. 3. Because we could just see the pictures of the goods.4. Last week. 5. Some books.1.信息归纳信息归纳/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利四、读写综合四、读写综合 Shopping on the Internet Shopping on the Internet has become more and mo

5、re popular, we can buy almost everything on the net. I have had a try. I bought a schoolbag on Taobao. com. It was cheap but it looked different from the pictures of it. Though there were some differences. I still liked it. I think it is great to shop on the net now. Shopping on the Internet is conv

6、enient and the things on net are not expensive, you can save money from this. But it also has some disadvantages. You cant be sure whether the things are good or not and its not easy to choose a safe shop on net. If you have time, you can have a try. /一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少

7、数人谋取私利/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利Complete the conversation and practiceYou : Hello, _ I help you ?Girl : Yes, please. I need a _ .You :How about these purple _ ?Girl : Oh, I like this one. How _ is it ?You : Its only

8、_ dollars.Girl : Oh, good. Ill _ it.You :And what do you need ?Boy :Well, I need a pair of black _ for school.You :What about this pair ? Theyre _ twenty-eight _Boy :Great. And do you have shorts, too?You :Yes, our shorts are only _ dollars.Boy : Ok. Ill take the _ and the _ .Could/Can sweatersmuch6

9、0Take/buyshoesonlydollars15shoessockssweater/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利专项训练:购物专项训练:购物一、高频单词、短语与句型 绿色 2. 黑色3. 外套4. 衬衫 5. 连衣裙6. 卖7. 尺寸 8. 价格9. 美元10. 书店 11. 礼物 12. 流行的13. 便宜的 14. 贵的15. 超市 greenblackcoatshirtdresssellsizepricedollarbookstoregiftpopularcheapexpensivesupermarke

10、t白色 黄色 蓝色 紫色 粉红色灰色红色 white yellow bluepurplepinkgreyred/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利专项训练:购物专项训练:购物一、高频单词、短语与句型16. 试穿 17. 一双18. 付钱19. 付钱 20. 想要21. 什么颜色 22. 多少钱try ona pair ofpay forspend onwould likewhat colorhow much/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利23.

11、 能给我看另一件吗?24. 价格比商店里的便宜得多。25. 网上购物在我们的生活中变得越来越流行。Can you show me another one?The price is much lower than that in shops. Shopping on the Internet has become more and more popular in our life.show sb. sth=show sth to sb./一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利What do you always sell or

12、 buy?School thingsFood and drinksToysFurniture GoodsClothesCan you describe one of your favorite goods?/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利WhatWhats your favorite?s your favorite?fooddelicious tasty salty sweet hot bitter crispyhealthy spicymeat/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群

13、众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利cool sour sweet yucky/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利useful necessary cute fine good well/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利pantsshoessweaterjacketdresssocksshirtT-shirt100¥12.7015comfortablesuitablebeautifulcheap dearexpensive/一是作为领导干部一定

14、要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利 How muchWhat size What color clothes What size What color clothesSmall(S小码)Medium (M中码)Large(L大码)大码)/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利A: Good morning, can / may I help you?/What can I do for you?B: I am looking for/Id like a T-shirt.

15、A: What color would you like? B: Blue.A: What size do you want?B: Small.A: What about this one? Do you like it?B: Good, can I try it on?A: Of course.B: How much is it?A: 30 yuan.B: OK. Ill take it.A: a shop assistant B: a customerPair work/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利confid

16、entlyloudlyemotionallyclearlySpoken English/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利I went shopping by myself one day. When I was going to check out, I found I had forgotten to bring my credit card with me. The cashier put aside my order while I drove home to get it. My husband was hom

17、e, so he came along to help. As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw a man sitting in his car. My husband and I ran into the store, paid for what we bought and came out. As we walked to our car, the man came over. How did you do that? he said. You were in the store for only ten minutes. Ive been wa

18、iting for my wife for an hour! 朗读短文朗读短文. Read and answer/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利抓住关键信息点抓住关键信息点catch the key points根据答句来提问根据答句来提问ask questions according to the answers在中文提示中寻找答案在中文提示中寻找答案find the answers by the Chinese tips清晰准确的表述问清晰准确的表述问与答与答.ask and answer clearly and

19、 correctly.答题技巧答题技巧Skills /一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利角色:顾客和售货员角色:顾客和售货员情景:顾客到商店买一条情景:顾客到商店买一条80元的蓝色的裙子元的蓝色的裙子你将扮演售货员的角色你将扮演售货员的角色Good morning. Can I help you?考生:考生:Customer: Yes, please. Id like a dress.考生:考生:Customer:Size M.What size do you need?技巧:从答案里寻找信息。技巧:从答案里寻找信息。考

20、生:考生:Customer: It looks nice. Can I try it on?考生:考生:技巧:从中英文提示里寻找信息技巧:从中英文提示里寻找信息What about this blue one?Certainly. / Of course.Customer: Oh, good! Its just right. How much is it?考生:考生:Customer:Thats OK. Ill have it.Eighty yuan.技巧:从中英文提示里寻找信息技巧:从中英文提示里寻找信息/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能

21、为个人或少数人谋取私利Mar.11th. Look and say看图说话看图说话: 根据所给图画和文字信息点,根据所给图画和文字信息点,发挥你的想象发挥你的想象,请看图描述请看图描述./一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利专项训练:购物专项训练:购物二、完形填空 Every day, while you are watching TV, you always find some advertisements for shopping. People can turn on the TV and 1 many kinds

22、of things. Now teleshopping is starting in China. But in America and some European countries, not only have people 2 teleshopping for several years, but also the sellers have made a lot of money through it. For example, in Sweden, the biggest Swedish company have business in fifteen European countri

23、es and it 3 $10 million in one year. In France, there are two teleshopping channels where the people 4 about $20 million a year ordering what they like. Some people say teleshopping is wonderful 5 they can order just by telephoning. They dont need to go out and spend too much time hanging out. But 6

24、 , other people have different opinions about this way of shopping. They say they cant be sure whether the quality is good or not. That is because they cant see or 7 the products before they buy it. They can only see the pictures and the hosts description about the products. /一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的

25、发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利专项训练:购物专项训练:购物As for me, I am interested in teleshopping. I still 8 my first experience of teleshopping. One day, when I was watching TV and I saw an advertisement for a cleaner. From the advertisement, I found the cleaner could make the room very clean. I was curious

26、about(好奇) it. So I telephoned and ordered one. 9 two days, I received it. After I used it, I found it was really a good cleaner. Because of this experience I 10 teleshopping. So far I have ordered some things on TV( ) 1.A. bookB. order C. sell D. afford( ) 2.A. givenB. read C. enjoyedD. provided( )

27、3. A. earns B. succeeds C. learnsD. loses( ) 4. A. takeB. spend C. cost D. pay( ) 5. A. ifB. when C. since D. because ( ) 6. A. as a resultB.by the wayC. first of all D. on the other hand( ) 7. A. touchB. build C. buy D. hear( ) 8. A. forgetB. believe C. acceptD. remember( ) 9. A. ForB. In C. After

28、D. Before( ) 10.A.was used toB. fell in love with C. was good at D. looked forward to DBBBDDACCA/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利1.after reading do some writing practice Homework:/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利 Write a short passage“shopping on the internet”/一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的权力观和科学的发展观,权力必须为职工群众谋利益,绝不能为个人或少数人谋取私利 Write a short passage“shopping on the internet”/


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