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1、新课程与教师新课程与教师角色转换角色转换景宁县教研室景宁县教研室 梅建平梅建平 “教师是蜡烛教师是蜡烛” 肯定肯定 奉献与给予。奉献与给予。 不足不足 忽视教师的持续学习与成长;忽视教师的持续学习与成长; 淡漠教师的内在尊严与劳动的欢乐。淡漠教师的内在尊严与劳动的欢乐。 “教师是园丁教师是园丁” 肯定肯定 田园式的宽松环境;田园式的宽松环境; 重视学生的成长历程;重视学生的成长历程; 注意了学生发展的个性差异;注意了学生发展的个性差异; 强调教师作用的发挥。强调教师作用的发挥。 不足不足 教育阶段顺序的固定性,教育缺教育阶段顺序的固定性,教育缺 欠的不可修复性(季节与时令);欠的不可修复性(季

2、节与时令); 存在着淘汰制(间苗);存在着淘汰制(间苗); 有人为的强制性(修剪)。有人为的强制性(修剪)。 “教师是人类灵魂的工程师教师是人类灵魂的工程师” 肯定肯定 工程师工程师-重要的职业;重要的职业; 灵魂灵魂-关注人心灵的发展。关注人心灵的发展。 不足不足 暗示一种固定、统一的标准,暗示一种固定、统一的标准, 忽视了学生的差异性;忽视了学生的差异性; 整齐划一,批量生产,整齐划一,批量生产, 易形成新的机械运动。易形成新的机械运动。 “ “要给学生一碗水,教师自己要有一桶水要给学生一碗水,教师自己要有一桶水” 肯定肯定 强调教师要有足够的知识和能力的储备;强调教师要有足够的知识和能力

3、的储备; 学科知识的有效的传递(很讲究学科知识的有效的传递(很讲究“倒倒”的过程和式)。的过程和式)。 不足不足 灌输式的教学:学生被当做知识的容器;灌输式的教学:学生被当做知识的容器; 传递内容的单一(只有水),教学内容的学科传递内容的单一(只有水),教学内容的学科 性过强,不利于知识的汇通;性过强,不利于知识的汇通; 教与学不是一个简单的教与学不是一个简单的“倒给倒给”,忽视了教学的,忽视了教学的 创造成分。创造成分。 “ “教师像警察教师像警察” 肯定肯定 维持必要的秩序,强调纪律性。维持必要的秩序,强调纪律性。 不足不足 对学生实施严格控制;对学生实施严格控制; 师生关系过于严肃,缺乏

4、亲和力;师生关系过于严肃,缺乏亲和力; 着眼于学生的问题与错误,挑剔多着眼于学生的问题与错误,挑剔多 而鼓励少。而鼓励少。 传统教师角色的四个强调和四个忽视:传统教师角色的四个强调和四个忽视:(1 1) 强调社会责任,强调社会责任, 忽视教师的个人生命价值与需要;忽视教师的个人生命价值与需要;(2 2) 强调教师的权威,强调教师的权威, 忽视教师与学生的合作关系;忽视教师与学生的合作关系;(3 3) 强调教师的学科素养与教学技能,强调教师的学科素养与教学技能, 忽视教师促进学生成长的专业意识;忽视教师促进学生成长的专业意识;(4 4) 强调教师劳动的传递性,强调教师劳动的传递性, 忽视教与学的

5、创造性。忽视教与学的创造性。 传统教师主要角色行为传统教师主要角色行为 :(1)教师作为学生学习的控制者。)教师作为学生学习的控制者。(2)教师与学生的关系是)教师与学生的关系是“教教”与与“学学” 的关系。的关系。(3)教师作为知识的仲裁者。)教师作为知识的仲裁者。(4)教师的教学以知识传授为主。)教师的教学以知识传授为主。(5)教师从成人的角度实施教学。)教师从成人的角度实施教学。 中国青少年研究中心与北师中国青少年研究中心与北师大教育系在全国做过一项关于大教育系在全国做过一项关于中小学生与发展的调查。调查中小学生与发展的调查。调查显示:因显示:因“喜欢学习喜欢学习”而上学而上学的小学生仅

6、有的小学生仅有8.4%,初中生仅初中生仅有有10.7%,高中生仅有高中生仅有4.3%。 基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)基础教育课程改革纲要(试行) 第第10段有关教学过程的内容段有关教学过程的内容 教师在教学过程中应与学生积极互动、共同教师在教学过程中应与学生积极互动、共同发展,要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,发展,要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习,促进学生在疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习。教师应教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习。教师应尊重学生

7、的人格,关注个别差异,满足不同学尊重学生的人格,关注个别差异,满足不同学生的学习需要,创设能引导学生主动参与的教生的学习需要,创设能引导学生主动参与的教育环境,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌育环境,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌握和运用知识的态度和能力,使每个学生都能握和运用知识的态度和能力,使每个学生都能得到充分的发展。得到充分的发展。 新课程条件下教师角色的三个方面转变:新课程条件下教师角色的三个方面转变:(1)(1)由传统的知识传授者向新课程条由传统的知识传授者向新课程条 件下的知识传授者的变化;件下的知识传授者的变化;(2)(2)教师成为学生的促进者;教师成为学生的促进者;(3)(

8、3)教师成为研究者。教师成为研究者。 一、由传统的一、由传统的知识传授者向新知识传授者向新课程条件下的知课程条件下的知识传授者的变化识传授者的变化 传统知识传授者角色的表现传统知识传授者角色的表现 信息交流的单向传输方式信息交流的单向传输方式(教师讲,学生听教师讲,学生听); 教师单独拥有权力,学生在教师的控制和教师单独拥有权力,学生在教师的控制和 监督下进行学习;监督下进行学习; 教学以知识传授为主,学生的情感、态度、教学以知识传授为主,学生的情感、态度、 价值观受教师关注不够;价值观受教师关注不够; 教学目标、内容、方法、进程、结果和质教学目标、内容、方法、进程、结果和质量评定等都由教师决

9、定和负责,学生的任务量评定等都由教师决定和负责,学生的任务和责任就是彻底的和责任就是彻底的“应试应试”和接受评定。和接受评定。 传统知识传授者角色形成的原因传统知识传授者角色形成的原因 教师是惟一的知识拥有者,学生是知识的教师是惟一的知识拥有者,学生是知识的 接受者;接受者; 以教师为中心,书本为中心,课堂为中心以教师为中心,书本为中心,课堂为中心 应试教育应试教育-这种方式提高考试成绩快,能这种方式提高考试成绩快,能 完成教学任务;完成教学任务; 习惯传承习惯传承-过去教我的人都这样,大家都这样过去教我的人都这样,大家都这样 简化的工作方式简化的工作方式-省时省力,见效快;省时省力,见效快;

10、 教学条件教学条件-班额、教具及设备等的限制。班额、教具及设备等的限制。 新课程条件下知识传授者角色的变化新课程条件下知识传授者角色的变化 由由“重传递重传递”向向“重发展重发展”转变;转变; 由由“统一规格教育统一规格教育”向向“差异性教育差异性教育”转变;转变; 由由“重教师的教重教师的教”向向“重学生的学重学生的学”的转变;的转变; 由由“重结果重结果”向向“重过程重过程”转变;转变; 由由“单向信息交流单向信息交流”向向“综合信息交流综合信息交流”转转变;变; 由由“居高临下居高临下”向向“平等融洽平等融洽”转变;转变; 由由“教学模式化教学模式化”向向“教学个性化教学个性化”转变。转

11、变。 二、教师成为二、教师成为学生的促进者学生的促进者 据联合国教科文组织的统计,据联合国教科文组织的统计,人类近人类近100年掌握的科学知识,占年掌握的科学知识,占有史以来积累的科学知识总量的有史以来积累的科学知识总量的90%。人类的知识在。人类的知识在19世纪是每世纪是每50年增长年增长1倍,倍, 20世纪是每世纪是每10年增长年增长1倍,而近倍,而近10年则是大约每年则是大约每3年增长年增长1倍。倍。 “教师是学生的促进者教师是学生的促进者”的主要表现的主要表现: 帮助学生决定适当的学习目标,并确认和协调达到目帮助学生决定适当的学习目标,并确认和协调达到目标的最佳途径;标的最佳途径; 指

12、导学生形成良好的学习习惯,掌握学习策略和发展指导学生形成良好的学习习惯,掌握学习策略和发展元认知能力;元认知能力; 创设丰富的教学情境,激发学生的学习动机,培养学创设丰富的教学情境,激发学生的学习动机,培养学习兴趣,充分调动学生的学习积极性;习兴趣,充分调动学生的学习积极性; 为学生提供各种便利,为学生的学习服务;为学生提供各种便利,为学生的学习服务; 建立一个接纳的、支持性的、宽容的课堂气氛;建立一个接纳的、支持性的、宽容的课堂气氛; 作为学习的参与者,与学生们分享自己的感情和想法;作为学习的参与者,与学生们分享自己的感情和想法; 与学生一道寻找真理,能够承认自己的过失和错误。与学生一道寻找

13、真理,能够承认自己的过失和错误。 三、教师成为三、教师成为 研究者研究者 教师成为研究者的必要性教师成为研究者的必要性教师成为研究者是自己教学实践的需要;教师成为研究者是自己教学实践的需要;教师成为研究者是知识经济时代的需要;教师成为研究者是知识经济时代的需要;教师成为研究者是教学理性提升的呼唤;教师成为研究者是教学理性提升的呼唤;教师成为研究者是自己教师专业化发展的教师成为研究者是自己教师专业化发展的 重要趋势;重要趋势;教师成为研究者是教育科学发展的重要途教师成为研究者是教育科学发展的重要途径。径。 今天我们讨论了新课程条件下教师角今天我们讨论了新课程条件下教师角色在三个方面的转变:色在三

14、个方面的转变:(1) 向新课程条件下的知识传授者的转变;向新课程条件下的知识传授者的转变;(2)向学生的促进者转变;向学生的促进者转变;(3)向研究者转变。向研究者转变。 新课程对于教师角色的要求是多方面新课程对于教师角色的要求是多方面的。教师原有角色要发生变化,还要不断的。教师原有角色要发生变化,还要不断地补充新的角色。地补充新的角色。 由由“居高临下的权威者居高临下的权威者”向向“平等中的首席平等中的首席” ” 转变;转变; 由由“传授者传授者”向向“促进者促进者” ” 转变;转变; 由由“管理者管理者”向向“引导者引导者” ” 转变;转变; 由由“单兵作战单兵作战”向向“紧密合作紧密合作

15、”过渡;过渡; 由由“单师型单师型”向向“综合型综合型”过渡;过渡; 由由“画地为牢画地为牢”向向“资源共享资源共享”过渡;过渡; 由由“囿于教材囿于教材”向向“开发课程资源开发课程资源”过渡。过渡。 教师们要渐渐学会在评价他人以及审视自己的教师们要渐渐学会在评价他人以及审视自己的过程中反思研究与提升。过程中反思研究与提升。教育的理想是为了一切的人,教育的理想是为了一切的人, 无论是城市的还是乡村的,无论是城市的还是乡村的, 富贵的还是贫贱的,富贵的还是贫贱的, 聪慧的还是笨拙的;聪慧的还是笨拙的; 教育的理想是为了人的一切,教育的理想是为了人的一切, 无论是品德的还是人格的,无论是品德的还是

16、人格的, 生理的还是心理的,生理的还是心理的,智力的还是情感的。智力的还是情感的。 Cedar Gulch was, in 1851, a flourishing camp. There had been some good findhat did he say? the new-comer asked. 15 I heard him say, It is no use your going on like that, mates. If you had gone down he would have got his friends, and then there would have bee

17、n a general fight, and several would have got hurt. When you have murderers like these you dont want a fightyou want an execution; and having a sort of natural knack with the pistol, I took it upon myself to be executioner. There was another case, although it didnt happen at the camp I was at, in wh

18、ich a woman was murdered by a half-breed Mexican. I did not hear the circumstances, but it was a shocking bad case. She left a child behind her, and her husband, a little German, went clean off his head. Next morning Limping Frank was missing. All that was known was that he had bought a horse of a m

19、an who had come in late the night before, and was gone. His two mates looked high and low for him, but said at last they guessed he would turn up again. It was well-nigh two months before he came back. He brought back with him a watch and some trinkets that had been stolen from the murdered woman, a

20、nd it seems that he had followed the fellow right down into New Mexico, and had shot him there. The man who told me said he never made any talk about it, but was at work as usual the morning after he came back. I tell you I would rather quarrel with Sim Howlett and English Bill together than I would

21、 get that little mans dander up. He is a peacemaker too, he is, and many a quarrel he has smoothed down. At one camp we were in we made him a sort of judge, and whenever there was a dispute about claims, or tools, or anything else, we went to him and he decided, and no judge could have gone into the

22、 case fairer or given a better judgment; and though, in course, those he decided against were not pleased, they had to put up with it. In thes by the first prospectors, and a rush had of course followed. In many cases first discoveries proved illusive, but it was not so at Cedar Gulch. The ground tu

23、rned out well, and although no extraordinary finds were made, the average was good all over the bottom, and there were few who were not doing fairly well. The scene was a busy one. Several hundreds of men were hard at work on the flat, which in winter was the bed of a wide stream, but which in summe

24、r was a mere thread of water among the rocks, scarce enough for washing purposes. Everywhere were piles of stones and rubbish that had been brought up from the shafts; men toiled at windlasses; others emptied the buckets as they came up into swinging troughs or cradles; others again kept these suppl

25、ied with water, and swung or rocked them, taking off the large stones that the motion brought to the surface, while the slush and mud ran out at the lower end. New-comers moved about watching the work with eager eyes, wishing that they had had the luck to get there among the early arrivals, and to t

26、ake up a claim, for every foot of ground far down the valley had already been occupied, and 12 there was now no getting into a claim except by purchasing a share or altogether buying out the present holders. One of the claims that was doing best was held by three men who had worked in partnership fo

27、r the last two years, and who had been among the first to arrive at Cedar Gulch. They were known among the others as English Bill, Sim Howlett, and Limping Frank. Sim Howlett was perhaps the leader of the party. He had been one of the earliest gold-diggers, and was a square, powerfully built man. He

28、 was a man of few words, but the words when spoken were forcible. He was by no means quarrelsome, but was one whom few cared to quarrel with, even in a place where serious quarrels were of constant occurrence, and where revolvers cracked so often that the sound of a fray excited but little attention

29、. English Bill was a tall wiry man, hot of temper, but a general favourite. Generous with his money, always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who was down on his luck, he also was a capital worker, and had, in spite of his rough clothes and the use of language as rough as that of his companions

30、, a certain air which told that, like many others in the diggings, he was a gentleman by birth. Why these two men should have taken up with Limping Frank as a comrade was a matter of surprise to those who knew them. They were both men in the prime of life, while he was at least ten years their senio

31、r. His hair was already white; his face was that of a student rather than a miner, with a gentle and almost womanly expression. His frame was slight, and looked altogether incapable of hard work, and he walked with a distinct limp, the result of a bullet wound in the hip. And yet there were men in t

32、he gulch who, having known the trio at other diggings, declared that they would rather quarrel either with English Bill or Sim Howlett than with Limping Frank, and as some of them were desperate fellows, and noted pistol shots, their report was quite sufficient to secure respect for a man who otherw

33、ise would have been regarded with pity or contempt. Very little of the hard work of the partnership fell upon 13 Frank. He cooked, looked after the shanty, did what washing and mending to the clothes was necessary, and occasionally came down and assisted to work the cradle and sort the stuff. They g

34、enerally addressed him as doctor. Not that he made any profession of medical knowledge; but he was always ready to give his services in case of sickness, and many a miner had he pulled through fevers which, had it not been for his nursing and care, would have proved fatal. I cant make out what yer m

35、ean by saying I had best not quarrel with that little old atomy you call Limping Frank, a big, powerful fellow who had recently arrived at the camp said to one who had been talking over with him the characteristics of several of the miners. I aint very pertiklar who I quarrels with; but what on arth

36、 there can be in that little chap to make one keep clear of him beats me. Can he shoot?年年此日一花开,却是石榴知立夏。杨花落尽浓荫日,芳草萋萋五月天。绿阴生昼静,孤花表春余。纷纷红紫已成尘,布谷声中夏令新。夹路桑麻行不尽,始知身是太平人。You bet, the other replied. He could put a bullet plumb between your eyes ten times following, the length of the long saloon up there. Th

37、ere aint no better shot nor quicker anywhere on the slopes. But he dont look as if he could speak up for himself, the other said. No; and he doesnt speak up for himself, though his mates would be ready enough to speak up for him if anyone said anything to him. There is nothing quarrelsome about him.

38、 He is always for peace and order. He is a sort of Judge Lynch all to himself. He has cleared out one or two camps I have been at. When a chap gets too bad for anything, and takes to shooting over and above what is usual and right, specially if he draws on quiet sort of chaps and becomes a terror, t

39、hen Limping Frank comes out. I was down at Dead Mans Gulch when there was a gang of three or four men who were a terror to the place. They had stretched out seven or eight between them, and Texan Jack, as the worst of them was called, one day shot down a young fellow who had just come into camp, for

40、 no reason at all, as far as any one knew. 14 I happened to be in the saloon five minutes afterwards, when Limping Frank came in. Texan Jack was standing drinking there with two of his mates, laughing and jawing. You would scarcely have known that little chap if you had seen him then! He had been nu

41、rsing a mate of mine only the night before, and as I had been sitting near him I thought what a gentle sort of face he hadmore like a womans than a mans. But now his eyes were wide open and his lips closed, and there was just a set look in his face that I knew meant mischieffor I had seen him once b

42、efore when his dander was upand I put my hand into my back pocket for my pistol, for I knew there was going to be a muss. He stopped in the middle of the room, and he said in a loud, clear voice that made every one look sharp round, Texan Jack, murderer and villain, we have borne with you too long.

43、If you are a man, draw. Texan Jack stared with astonishment. Are you mad, you little fool? he said. Draw, or I will shoot you down as you stand, Limping Frank said, and the Texan saw that he meant mischief. Frank had no weapon in his hand, for he was not one to take an advantage. The Texan carried h

44、is weapon up his sleeve, but quick as he was with it, Frank was as quick, and the two pistols cracked pretty well at the same moment. Frank got a ball in the shoulder, but the Texan fell dead with a bullet in the centre of his forehead. His two mates drew in a moment, but Franks revolver cracked twi

45、ce as quick as you could count them, and there were just three bodies lying dead in a heap. Then he put up his pistol, and said in his ordinary quiet voice, I dont like these things, but we must have peace and order. Will some of you tell the others that they had better git. And you bet they did git

46、. Limping Frank never said another word about it, but got his arm in a sling, and half an hour afterwards I saw him quietly cooking his mates dinner while they were both standing by blowing him up for starting out without them to back him初夏,带着劳动者的丝丝欣慰,伴着青春浓浓的热情,和这淳淳的舐犊情深,来到了五月,来到了这枝繁叶茂的五月。我从深春的窗前向着初






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