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1、欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 2 页 共 2 页)广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2015年 考试科目代码及名称:F517-英语综合能力测试适用专业:050201英语语言文学友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!(1) 英译汉(共30分) 请将以下英语语篇翻译为汉语:Time and the MachineOur awareness of time has reached such a pitch of intensity that we suffer acutely whenever our travels take us int

2、o some corner of the world where people are not interested in minutes and seconds. The unpunctuality of the Orient, for example, is appalling to those who come freshly from a land of fixed meal times and regular train services. For a modern American or Englishman, waiting is a psychological torture.

3、 An Indian accepts the blank hours with resignation, even with satisfaction. He has not lost the fine art of doing nothing. Our notion of time as a collection of minutes,each of which must be filled with some business or amusement, is wholly alien to the Oriental,just as it was wholly alien to the G

4、reek. For the man who lives in a pre-industrial world, time moves at a slow and easy pace;he does not care about each minute,for the good reason that he has not been made conscious of the existence of minutes.(2)汉译英(共30分) 请用得体的语气和措辞翻译以下求职信及其回信:求职信亲爱的先生:我现申请到贵公司担任任何负责职务。我受过大学教育,曾搞过一些研究与发展工作。有时我们也提出一些

5、能赚钱的建议。我愿意在开始时以最低薪金供职,以便日后证明我对贵公司可能发挥的有益作用。 您的诚挚的爱德华凯斯求职信回函亲爱的凯斯先生:感谢您15日的来信。遗憾的是目前我们没有适合大学水平人才的职位。坦率地说,这里每个人都感到您的资历太高了。您的资历表明您如果能在一家可以充分发挥才能的公司任职,将会更加胜任愉快。承蒙对对公司关注,不胜感谢。 哈迪兰斯道恩(3)英语写作(共40分)Section 1 (25%)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children (aged from five

6、to ten) should be required to learn art and music in addition to language, math, science and history. Please write a passage of about 300 words to illustrate your viewpoint about the question. Section 2 (15%)Write a narrative essay in less than 150 words to account for a time when something significant changed in your life. 2


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