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    • Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations 词汇检测-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit2 Morals and Virtues 词汇检测-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit3 Diverse Cultures 词汇检测-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit4 Space Exploration 词汇检测-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit5 The Value Of Money 词汇检测-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.docx--点击预览


第 1 页 共 7 页B3 U1 Festivals and Celebrations1、根据提示写单词1 祝贺 n. _ v. _ 2 宗教 n. _ adj. _3 喜悦 n. _ adj. _ 4 感谢 n. _ adj. _5 农业 n. _ adj. _ 6 装饰 v. _ n. _7 重大的,显著的 adj._ n. _ 8 反射,反思 v. _ n. _9 宗教信仰,信任 n. _ adj. _ 10 代表 v. _ adj./n. _11 优美,高雅 n. _ adj. _ 12 信仰,信任 n. _ v. _13 场合,时机 n. _ adj. _ adv. _14 尊重 n./v. _ adj. _ adj. _15 商业化的 adj. _ v. _ n. _16 高兴的,满意的 adj._ adj. (愉快的)_ n. _17 媒介,手段 n. _ n. (pl.) _18 figure n._, _, _ v. _19 fancy adj. _, _, _ v. _20 envelope n. _ v. _21 服装,戏装 n. _ 22 前进 v./n. _23 典礼 n. _ 24 起源 n. _25 特色 n./v. _ 26 典型的 adj. _27 气氛 n. _ 28 自治的 adj. _29 绝对地 adv. _ 30 简洁的 adj. _2、词汇运用1 毕竟 _ 2 包括从. 到. 之间_第 2 页 共 7 页3 逐渐消失 _ 4 不管,尽管_5 利用,欺骗 _ 6 有相同之处_7 坦白说_ 8 出发,动身,引发_9 祝贺你毕业_ 10 用春联装饰门_11 思考,反思_ 12 除.之外 _13 爆炸,走火_ 14 自命不凡 _15 弄清楚,理解_ 16 对.失去信心_17 对. 表示尊重_ 18 对.高兴、满意_19 以游行为特色_ 20 盛装打扮_3、根据所给词填空1 _ all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture.2 People celebrate to show that they are grateful _ the years supply of food. 3 People decorate churches and town halls and get together to celebrate _ a meal.4 Another example is Halloween, _ slowly became an exciting festival for children, in spite of its religious origins.5 Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with business _ (take) advantage of the celebrations.6 Others believe the increase in spending is good _ the economy and public happiness.7 They reflect peoples wishes, beliefs, faiths, and attitudes _ life.8 These days, festivals are becoming more commercial _ people spending more money on gifts.9 I just cant take my eyes off the _ (shine) lights on the Christmas trees everywhere.10 The festival falls on the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, usually _ (last) for three days.11 I saw a lot of people _ (wear) fancy Mongolian robes.第 3 页 共 7 页12 I absolutely enjoyed the archery, too, _ the horse races were my favorite part.13 Im finally back home now, _ (feel) rally tired, but celebrating Naadam with my friend was totally worth it.14 Mongolians travel every year from near and far to attend the festival, just _ their ancestors had done for centuries.15 Everyone who comes must be prepared to keep moving, _ it is too cold to stand and watch for long.16 The river is full of big chunks of ice, and if you _ (fall) in, you would freeze to death in under two minutes.17 A group of very cold tourists are sitting in a cafe in old Quebec, _ (drink) hot coffee to try to warm up.18 While _ (admire) the ice sculptures everywhere in the city, much like those in Harbin in China, you can stop off with others in an igloo for hot tea or coffee.19 More importantly, it is a special occasion to return home and _ (grateful) reunite with family members.20 It reflects _ important family is to Chinese people around the world.第 4 页 共 7 页B3 U1 Festivals and Celebrations4、根据提示写单词1 祝贺 n. _congratulation_ v. _congratulate_ 2 宗教 n. _religion_ adj. _religious_3 喜悦 n. _joy_ adj. _joyful_ 4 感谢 n. _gratitude_ adj. _grateful_5 农业 n. _agriculture_ adj. _agricultural_ 6 装饰 v. _decorate_ n. _decoration_7 重大的,显著的 adj. _significant_ n. _significance_ 8 反射,反思 v. _reflect_ n. _reflection_9 宗教信仰,信任 n. _faith_ adj. _faithful_ 10 代表 v. _represent_ adj./n. _representative_11 优美,高雅 n. _grace_ adj. _graceful_ 12 信仰,信任 n. _belief_ v. _believe_13 场合,时机 n. _occasion_ adj. _occasional_ adv. _occasionally_14 尊重 n./v. _respect_ adj. _respectable_ adj. _respectful_ adj. _respected_15 商业化的 adj. _commercial_ v. _commercialize_ n. _commercialization_16 高兴的,满意的 adj._pleased_ adj. (愉快的)_pleasant_ n. _pleasure_17 媒介,手段 n. _medium_ n. (pl.) _media_18 figure n._人物_, _数字_, _身材_ v. _认为_19 fancy adj. _精致的_, _花哨的_, _昂贵的_ v. _喜欢,认为_20 envelope n. _信封_ v. _包封_21 服装,戏装 n. _costume_ 22 前进 v./n. _march_23 典礼 n. _ceremony_ 24 起源 n. _origin_ v. _originate_25 特色 n./v. _feature_ 26 典型的 adj. _typical_27 气氛 n. _atmosphere_ 28 自治的 adj. _autonomous_29 绝对地 adv. _absolutely_ 30 简洁的 adj. _brief_5、词汇运用第 5 页 共 7 页1 毕竟 _after all_ 2 包括从. 到. 之间_range from . to._3 逐渐消失 _fade away _ 4 不管,尽管_in spite of _5 利用,欺骗 _take advantage of _ 6 有相同之处_have sth. in common_7 坦白说_to be frank_ 8 出发,动身,引发_set off _9 祝贺你毕业_congratulate you on your graduation/ congratulations to you on your graduation_ 10 用春联装饰门_decorate the doors with red couplets_11 思考,反思_reflect on _ 12 除.之外 _except for_13 爆炸,走火_go off_ 14 自命不凡 _fancy oneself_15 弄清楚,理解_figure out_ 16 对.失去信心_lose faith in ._17 对. 表示尊重_show respect for_ 18 对.高兴、满意_be pleased with_19 以游行为特色_feature a parade_ 20 盛装打扮_dress up _6、根据所给词填空1 _Of_ all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture.2 People celebrate to show that they are grateful _for_ the years supply of food. 3 People decorate churches and town halls and get together to celebrate _over_ a meal.4 Another example is Halloween, _which_ slowly became an exciting festival for children, in spite of its religious origins.5 Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with business _taking_ (take) advantage of the celebrations.6 Others believe the increase in spending is good _for_ the economy and public happiness.7 They reflect peoples wishes, beliefs, faiths, and attitudes _towards_ life.8 These days, festivals are becoming more commercial _with_ people spending more money on gifts.9 I just cant take my eyes off the _shining_ (shine)lights on the Christmas trees everywhere.10 The festival falls on the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, usually _lasting_ 第 6 页 共 7 页(last) for three days.11 I saw a lot of people _wearing_ (wear) fancy Mongolian robes.12 I absolutely enjoyed the archery, too, _but_ the horse races were my favorite part.13 Im finally back home now, _feeling_ (feel) rally tired, but celebrating Naadam with my friend was totally worth it.14 Mongolians travel every year from near and far to attend the festival, just _as_ their ancestors had done for centuries.15 Everyone who comes must be prepared to keep moving, _as_ it is too cold to stand and watch for long.16 The river is full of big chunks of ice, and if you _were to fall_ (fall) in, you would freeze to death in under two minutes.17 A group of very cold tourists are sitting in a cafe in old Quebec, _drinking_ (drink) hot coffee to try to warm up.18 While _admiring_ (admire) the ice sculptures everywhere in the city, much like those in Harbin in China, you can stop off with others in an igloo for hot tea or coffee.19 More importantly, it is a special occasion to return home and _gratefully_ (grateful) reunite with family members.20 It reflects _how_ important family is to Chinese people around the world.第 7 页 共 7 页第 1 页 共 8 页B3 U2 Morals and Virtues1、根据提示写单词1 道德的 adj. _ adj.(反)_ 2 阐明 v. _ n. _3 大部分 n. _ adj._ 4 抱怨 v. _ n. _5 答复 v. _ n. _ 6 内科医师 n. _ adj. _7 拒绝接受 v. _ n. _ 8 任命,委派 v. _ n. _9 选举 v. _ n. _ 10 tend v. _, _ n. _11 惊吓 v. _ adj. _ adj. _ 12 婚姻 n. _ v._ adj. _13 精力充沛的 adj._ n. _ 14 手术,经营 n. _ v._15 叮咬 v. _ p._ p.p._ 16 援助 v. _ n. _ n. _17 伤害 v./n. _ adj. _adj.(反)_ 18 力量,威力 n._ adj._19 紧张,焦虑 n. _ adj. _ 20 退休 v. _ n. _21 替换 v. _ n. _ 22 事故 n. _ adj. _adv._23 洒出 v. _ p. _ p.p. _ 24 记忆力 n. _ v. _25 困境 n. _ 26 珍惜的 adj. _27 昏倒,微弱的 v./adj. _ 28 学费_29 奖学金 n. _ 30 十年 n. _31 员工 n._ 32 原则 n. _33 耳语 v./n._ 34 进口 n./v._ 出口n./v._ 35 急救 _ 36 女侍者 n._ 37 灵活的 adj. _ 第 2 页 共 8 页38 收入 n. _ 39 保险 n. _ 40 被动的,顺从的 adj. _2、词汇运用1 将.委托给 sb. _ 2 帮助某人渡过难关 _3 对.做出回应 _ 4 易于做./往往会发生._5 去世 _ 6 作为对.的纪念_7 被.绊倒 _ 8 一瘸一拐地离开_9 流着泪 _ 10 处于绝望中 _11 大量 _ 12 对.造成伤害_13 面对 _ 14 起关键作用 _15 对.负责 _ 16 为响应. _17 试图做._ 18 成功做了. _19 在.的帮助下 _ 20 伪装 _3、根据所给词填空1 If I _ (be) ever in a situation like the girl faced, I would choose to leave the student who fainted to the teacher. 2 In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever _ (appoint) director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.3 _ (think) of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic.4 At Times she was seen _ (ride) a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.5 The New Peoples Republic of China saw Dr Lin _ (play) a key role.6 Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”, _ (deliver) over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.7 Dr Lin did not retire _ the day she died, 22 April 1983.8 And even as she lay _ (die), her final thoughts were for others.第 3 页 共 8 页9 I saw her _ (whisper) something into his ear, obviously not wanting to be heard.10 _ (feel) hurt by the rejection, she bit her lip and quietly walked away.11 In 1983, Bethune left for China, _ (hear) that many people were dying in the war.12 After Bethunes death, Chairman Mao wrote an article, _ (praise) Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.13 He wont accept payment, instead _ (tell) the lady to just show kindness to another person.14 Then the lady walks out, _ (leave) the change and a note for the waitress.15 After a while, a group of women came along, each _ (balance) a pot of water on her head.16 The king watched all day as many people complained about the stone, but he found nobody _ (make) an attempt to move it.17 If not, we surely must find the owner, _ he will certainly miss it.18 _ (impress) with her fluent English, the manager offered Judie a job interview.19 I try to treat my passengers how i want my mother _(treat). 20 Sometimes she asked me to just slow down while she sat _ (star) into the darkness, saying nothing.4、根据所给词填空1 _ (我相信这是我生命中做得最重要的事).2 _ (她和她的朋友都没想过把石头移出路面).3 _ (一个国家的人民只会抱怨对国家没好处) and expect others to solve their problems.4 _ (尽管处境艰难), Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people.5 _第 4 页 共 8 页 (对一个人而言,没什么比他们的生命更宝贵了).6 At age 18, _(不是像大多数女孩那样,跟随传统的婚姻道路), she chose to study medicine.7 _ (她立刻成为了第一个被聘任为住院医师的女性) in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.8 These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi _ (使我们窥探到这位非凡女性的内心世界,以及是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。)9 Confucius said, “ _(己所不欲,勿施于人)”.10 _(一个好人一生最好的部分,是他细小的、无名的、不被人记得的出于善良和爱的行为).B3 U2 Morals and Virtues keyPart1 根据提示写单词。每根据提示写单词。每题题1 分,共分,共 40 分。分。1 道德的 adj. _moral_ adj.(反)_immoral_ 2 阐明 v. _illustrate_ n. _illustration_3 大部分 n. _majority_ adj._major_ 4 抱怨 v. _complain_ n. _complaint_5 答复 v. _respond_ n. _response_ 6 内科医师 n. _physician_ adj. _physical_7 拒绝接受 v. _reject_ n. _rejection_ 8 任命,委派 v. _appoint_ n. _appointment_9 选举 v. _elect_ n. _election_ 10 tend v. _照顾_, _倾向_ n. _tendency_11 惊吓 v. _scare_ adj. _scared_ adj. _scary_ 12 婚姻 n. _marriage_ v._marry_ adj. _married_13 精力充沛的 adj._energetic_ n. _energy_ 14 手术,经营 n. _operation_ v._operate_第 5 页 共 8 页15 叮咬 v. _bite_ p._bit_ p.p._bitten_ 16 援助 v. _assist_ n. _assistant_ n. _assistance_17 伤害 v./n. _harm_ adj. _harmful_adj.(反)_harmless_ 18 力量 n._might_ adj._mighty_19 紧张,焦虑 n. _tension_ adj. _tense_ 20 退休 v. _retire_ n. _retirement_21 替换 v. _replace_ n. _replacement_22 事故 n. _accident_ adj. _accidental_adv._accidentally_23 洒出 v. _spill_ p. _spilt/spilled_ p.p. _spilt/spilled 24 记忆力 n. _memory_ v. _memorize_25 困境 n. _dilemma_ 26 珍惜的 adj. _precious_27 昏倒,微弱的 v./adj. _faint_ 28 学费_tuition fee_29 奖学金 n. _scholarship_ 30 十年 n. _decade_31 员工 n._staff_ 32 原则 n. _principle_33 耳语 v./n._whisper_ 34 进口 n./v._import_ 出口 n./v._export_ 35 急救 _first aid_ 36 女侍者 n._waitress_37 灵活的 adj. _flexible_ 38 收入 n. _income_39 保险 n. _insurance_ 40 被动的,顺从的 adj. _passive_Part2 填写词块和语义。每填写词块和语义。每题题1 分,共分,共 20 分。分。1 将.委托给 sb. _entrust sb. With sth_ 2 帮助某人渡过难关 _carry sb. through sth._3 对.做出回应 _respond to sth._ 6 作为对.的纪念_in memory of_7 被.绊倒 _trip over _ 8 一瘸一拐地离开_limp away_9 流着泪 _in tears_ 10 处于绝望中 _in despair_11 大量 _a great deal_ 12 对.造成伤害_do harm to ._13 面对 _be faced with_ 14 起关键作用 _play a key role _15 对.负责 _be responsible for_ 16 为响应. _in response to ._17 试图做._make an attempt to do _ 18 成功做了. _succeed in doing _第 6 页 共 8 页19 在.的帮助下 _with the assistance of _ 20 伪装 _in disguise_Part3 单句语法填空。每单句语法填空。每空空1 分,共分,共 20 分。分。1 If I _were_ (be) ever in a situation like the girl faced, I would choose to leave the student who fainted to the teacher. 2 In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever _to be appointed _ (appoint) director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.3 _Thinking_ (think) of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic.4 At Times she was seen _riding_ (ride) a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.5 The New Peoples Republic of China saw Dr Lin _playing_ (play) a key role.6 Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”, _having delivered_ (deliver) over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.7 Dr Lin did not retire _until_ the day she died, 22 April 1983.8 And even as she lay _dying_ (die), her final thoughts were for others.9 I saw her _whispering_ (whisper) something into his ear, obviously not wanting to be heard.10 _Feeling_ (feel) hurt by the rejection, she bit her lip and quietly walked away.11 In 1983, Bethune left for China, _hearing_ (hear) that many people were dying in the war.12 After Bethunes death, Chairman Mao wrote an article, _praising_ (praise) Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.13 He wont accept payment, instead _telling_ (tell) the lady to just show kindness to another person.14 Then the lady walks out, _leaving_ (leave) the change and a note for the waitress.15 After a while, a group of women came along, each _balancing_ (balance) a pot of water on her head.16 The king watched all day as many people complained about the stone, but he found nobody _making_ (make) an attempt to move it.17 If not, we surely must find the owner, _for_ he will certainly miss it.第 7 页 共 8 页18 _Impressed_ (impress) with her fluent English, the manager offered Judie a job interview.19 I try to treat my passengers how i want my mother _treated_(treat). 20 Sometimes she asked me to just slow down while she sat _staring_ (star) into the darkness, saying nothing.Part 4 根据课文原句和提示,补全句子。每根据课文原句和提示,补全句子。每题题2 分分, 共共 20 分。分。1 _I believe I have never done anything more important in my life._ (我相信这是我生命中做得最重要的事).2 _Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of the road. _ (她和她的朋友都没想过把石头移出路面).3 _Nothing good can come to a nation whose people only complain _ (一个国家的人民只会抱怨对国家没好处) and expect others to solve their problems.4 _Despite the difficult situation_ (尽管处境艰难), Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people.5 _To a person nothing is more precious than their life._ (对一个人而言,没什么比他们的生命更宝贵了).6 At age 18, _instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls_(不是像大多数女孩那样,跟随传统的婚姻道路), she chose to study medicine.7 _She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician_ (她立刻成为了第一个被聘任为住院医师的女性) in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.8 These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi _give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices_ (使我们窥探到这位非凡女性的内心世界,以及是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生.)9 Confucius said, “ _Whatever you dont like done to yourself, dont do it to others._(己所不欲,勿施于人)”.10 _The best portion of a good mans life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love._(一个好人一生最好的部分,是他细小的、无名的、不被人记得的出于善良和爱的行为)第 8 页 共
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