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高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司1Book 3 Unit 1 单元检测单元检测单词拼写单词拼写(用本部分所学单词用本部分所学单词)1. Charles Darwin explained the o_of species on earth in his book that came out in 1859.2.They plant crops during the growing seasons and h_ them when the crops are ripe.3.They jumped with j_ when they heard that their class won first prize in the relay race.4.Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to g_a group of the most talented individuals,5. Choose the right clothes for different o_What you like is not necessarily going to be suitable for you.6. Tom likes sports so much that he d_ his room with some photos of sports stars.7. Usually, a childs behaviour can r_ his family environment,8. Lang Ping contributes greatly to volleyball in China, which makes her the most popular_(人物)in Chinasvolleyball history.高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司29. AI will surely be a_(特点)of future life,but it must be used in a proper way.10.Intellectual property(知识产权)is a product of the mind that has_(商业的)value.11. Many people hold a strong_(信念)that the cure for cancer will be found one day.12.I think the_(信任) that everyone has shown in him has touched him.13.Scientists predict that rising temperatures will have an impact on important_ (庄稼)like wheat and corn.14.The_(大众传播媒介)actually play a very _(有重大意义的) role in forming public opinion.15.Stop complaining that your teachers, your friends and your family dont put themselves in your shoes, and be_(感激的)for how much theyve helped and cared about you.词形转换词形转换1._vt 向(某人)道贺;(因某事)为自己感到自豪-_n.祝贺;恭喜2._n.起源;起因;出身-_vi.起源,发端于;vt.创立,建立一_adj.原来的,起初的;原创的-_adv.原来,起初高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司33._adj.感激的;表示感谢的-_n.感激之情;感谢-_adv.感激地,感谢地4._装饰;点缀-_n 装饰;装饰品 -_adj. 装饰性的5._adj.有重大意义的;显著的-_n.重要性,意义-_adv.显著地,明显地6._adj.典型的,有代表性的;平常的- _adv.通常,一般;典型地,具有代表性地7. _vt.显示;反映;反射-_n.反映;映像;沉思,深思-_adj.(指物体表面)反射热的,反光的;沉思的8._n 信仰;信心;信念-_(反义)n.不信,怀疑9._n 特别的事情(或仪式、庆典);(适当的)机会-_adj.偶尔的,临时的-_adv.偶尔,有时候单句语法填空单句语法填空1. In a word, to read the_(origin) work is better than to see the film based on it.2.Enriching your life means making your life as meaningful, satisfying and_(joy) as possible. 3.The advice they put forward at the meeting were of little _ (significant).4. Whenever the baby cried, I needed to figure_the reason: was the little one 高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司4hungry or did he need sleep?5. -John always thinks of others instead of himself.-So he does. It is typical_ him to offer help to others.6. You have no idea how she finished the relay race with her foot_(injure) so much.7. The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog_( follow) them.8.I am grateful _you_helping me walk the dog when I was on holiday.9.Words of_(appreciate) make others feel good about themselves.10.Red is a lucky color for Chinese people, so during the Spring Festival, many people decorate their houses_ red _( decorate).11.-You wont believe it,Tom.I have been chosen as an exchange student to China.-_(congratulation)!12. For many Chinese people, New Year means a big dinner, quality time and a chance to reflect_ they should cherish(珍惜).13. Its on such occasions_ his classmates get together that he misses his teachers.14. I will appreciate_if you can give me your advice.高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司515.The government has already permitted the company to use special materials to make it easier for the vehicle_( fly).单句改错单句改错1. The Summer Palace,the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall are represent of ancient civilization and the wisdom of ancient folks.2. -Alice, would you like to see a movie with us tonight?-Sorry, but I dont fancy go out today.3. When I am reading a book, absolute nothing can get my attention.4. Learn to play an instrument isnt easy in the beginning.5. It was amazed that our class ranked the second place and our efforts paid off.6. Today there are more airplanes carry more people than ever before in the sky.7.As I was about to give up hope, a man drove an old car came to my help.8. Actually, it is quite normal for the average people lived in a city to see several dozen ads every day. 9. Tom sat in the doctors wait room. There were many patients there.10.When I was a child, going to hospital was a very frightened thing to me.11. The speaker made such a moved speech that it left a deep impression on me.高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司612. That is a shop dealing in walked sticks.13. We greatly appreciate you give us a hand when faced with troubles.完形填空完形填空It was my tenth birthday and I would have the biggest party ever. The guest list began with a few close friends. But in the two weeks before that l._ Friday night, it had quickly grown from seven girls to a total of seventeen. Nearly every girl in my class had been invited. It would be a night of lots of 2._. But as I later realized, I would truly treasure only one gift I 3._ that night.The family room was filled with laughter. 4._ the doorbell rang. I walked toward the front door, then stopped.I could feel my face turning 5._, for there stood Sarah Westly - the quiet girl who sat next to me in music class - and she was holding a 6._ .How had I forgotten to 7._ Sarah to the party? T remembered that I only 8._a name to the list when someone had shown a(n) 9._ in me. But Sarah had 10._ done that. Never once had she asked me about my birthday party.I 11._the gift from Sarah and asked her to join the party. I cant 12._ , she said, looking down.“My dads waiting in the car.“Can you13._and stay for a little while? I nearly begged.“Thanks,but I have to go, she said, turning toward the door. “See you Monday.” I stood there with Sarahs gift in my hands and a(n) 14._ feeling in my heart.高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司7I didnt open the gift 15._ hours after the party had ended. Inside the small box was a ceramic(瓷的)cat with its tail in the air. I later found out that it16._exactly like Sarahs cat.Now I 17._ that Sarah was my one true childhood friend. While the other girls drifted away (逐渐疏远), Sarah was always there for me, always18._and understanding me. I might not have 19._ Sarah as a friend had I remembered to invite her to that 20._ tenth birthday party. 1. A. difficult B.historic C. comfortable D. special2. A. toys B.clothes C.presents D.bills3. A.received B.offered C.wrapped D.exchanged4.A.Surprisingly B.Suddenly C.Expectedly D.Fortunately5. A.bright B.black C. pale D.red6.A.book B.box C.card D. bag7.A.invite B. lead C.allow D. show 8.A.connected B.turned C. kept D.added9.A.trust B.curiosity C.interest D. patience10.A.never B. ever C. still D.already11.A.opened B. refused C.doubted D.accepted高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司812. A. continue B. hide C. stay D.wait13.A. go around B. come in C. hold up D. get out14.A.calm B.amazing C.empty D.warm15.A.until B.unless C. before D.since16.A.acted B. sounded C. looked D.smelt 17.A. realize B. suggest C. hope D. prove 18.A.following B.encouraging C.controlling D.satisfying 19.A.guessed B. decided C.thought D.discovered20.A.unbelievable B. unforgettable C.unprepared D.unexpected 语法填空语法填空No matter whether youre a woman 21._ a man, shoes are perhaps the most important accessories that you use in your daily life. A group of shoes of high quality can be the 22._ (good) part of your cupboard. Your shoes show your taste and your style. But at the same time, they can bring discomfort and pain if they 23._(choose) improperly.You may ignore the pain 24._( cause) by a pair of wrongly chosen shoes considering the situation and your 25. _(appear), but that will surely bring blisters and pain to your feet. And that is why you must be careful about choosing the 高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司9right shoes that not only make you look good, but also keep your feet comfortable. There are a large number of companies 26._produces comfortable and fashionable leather shoes for both men and women.Wearing 27._ (comfort) shoes can result in walking disorder, so you are to blame 28._it. They continuously require the body, especially the feet to adjust to the pain. And this adjustment affects your walking procedure by 29._(put) pressure on your back,ankles, etc. So, next time you buy shoes, you must remind 30._ (you) to get a pair that suits and fits into your feet.Book3 Unit1 单元检测答案:单元检测答案:单词拼写单词拼写(用本部分所学单词用本部分所学单词)1.origin2.harvest 3.joy 4.gather 5.occasions 6.decorates7.reflect 8.figure 9.feature mercial 11.belief 12.faith13.crops 14.media;significant 15.grateful词形转换词形转换1.congratulate ;congratulation2. origin ; originate ; original ; originally3. grateful ; gratitude ; gratefully高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司104. decorate ; decoration ; decorative5. significant ; significance ;significantly6. typical ; typically7. reflect ; reflection ; reflective8.belief;disbelief9.occasion ;occasional ;occasionally单句语法填空:单句语法填空:1. original 2.joyful 3.significance 4.out 5.of 6.injured 7.following 8.to;for 9.appreciation 10.with; decorations 11.Congratulations 12.what 13.when 14.it 15.to fly单句改错:单句改错:1. representatives 2.going 3.absolutely 4.Learning 5.amazing 6. carrying 7.driving 8.living 9.waiting 10.frightening 11.moving 12.walking 13. giving完形填空:完形填空:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了美国奥运体操冠军 Simone 的成长与获奖经历。高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司111.B 根据倒数第二段 Simone won five medals ”可知,此处是和下文呼应,指的是 Simone 赢得奖牌。2.A 此处和上文的 simple 作对比,尽管现在 Simone 令体操这项运动看起来很简单,但她登顶的路却根本不容易。根据通过下文对她成功过程的描述也可知她的成功来之不易。anything but“决不;根本不”。3.D 根据“Simones parents were not able to .和 by their grandparents 可推测 Simone的父母无法照顾她和她的妹妹。4.B 父母无法照顾 Simone 和她的妹妹,可推测她们是由祖父母抚养的。 5.C 祖父母养育了 Simone 和她的妹妹,祖父母就相当于是她们的“父母” 6.A 根据 at the age of six 可知,此处指的是 Simone 初次尝试体操。 7.D 由上下文可知 Simone 是一名体操冠军,应该有这方面的天赋,所以她所展现出的天赋令老师们惊讶。 8.B 根据下文的 With passion and determination 可知,Simone 是很喜爱体操的。 9.C 据下文可知 Simone 之后一直从事着体操运动,并且越来越好,由此可推知,她的母亲在体操方面经常鼓励她。10.A 根据下一句“She got better and better.”可知,Simone 的体操技术越来越好了,这是不断地训练(practicing) 的结果。11.D 根据倒数第二段的 her coach,Mrs Boorman 可知,此处指 Simone 跟着高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司12Aimee Boorman 教练训练。 12.B 根据 in national and international competitions 可知选 competing。 13.D 此处是引用了 Simone 队友的一句话,as 表示“正如所说的那样” 14.C 根据 blood 和 tears 可知选 sweat。金牌是由汗水、血和泪水铸就的。 15.C 下文提到 Simone 十六岁时成了世界冠军,这说明 Simone 的努力有了回报。 16.D 下文提到 Simone 获得了奥运冠军,这无疑是最高的荣誉,所以此处应该用 finally 来说明最终的成就。 17.A 根据 along with 可知,Simone 和教练一起参加了奥运会,即教练“也”被选参赛。18.B Simone 在奥运会上斩获了五枚奖牌,可以称为是最优秀的体操运动员了。 19.C 根据上文可知,Simone 在体操运动生涯上不断前进。 20.A 下文的 attends church 对应的是 faith(信仰),go to college 对应的就是education(教育)。语法填空:语法填空:【小题 21】or【小题 22】best【小题 23】are chosen【小题 24】caused【小题 25】appearance【小题 26】that/which【小题 27】uncomfortable高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司13【小题 28】for【小题 29】putting【小题 30】yourself高中英语 Book3 Unit 1 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司14高中英语 Book 3 Unit 3 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司1Book3 Unit2 单元检测单元检测单词拼写单词拼写 (用本部分所学单词用本部分所学单词)1. Taking plenty of exercise every day can make you feel more e_and efficient in your work.2 She c_to the company about its bad service and the manager sent her a written apology.3. After the old man r_, he went back to his faraway hometown, living an easy life with his wife.4. No wonder the Internet has now become the first place that the_(大多数)of people turn to for information.5. (2021山西太原质检)The doll is worn,but its_(珍贵的)to me because it was a present from my mother.6. Personally, I think in-store shopping will exist along with online shopping and will never be_(取代).7. Einstein was a brilliant man and he was ahead of his time but his theories were_(拒绝接受) by the people at that time.8. The editor wants to_ (出版)this book with the purpose of helping Chinese students overcome their difficulties in reading.高中英语 Book 3 Unit 3 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司29. The retired teacher donated most of his_(存款) to the school damaged by the earthquake.10. Tom studied very hard last year and his effort paid off. He finally won a _(奖学金)to study at Peking University.词形转换词形转换1._vt. (举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图-_n 图表,插图2._ vt.&vi(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶- n.结婚,婚姻-_adj.已婚的3._adj.大的,主要的 v 主修 n.主修课程-_n.大部分;大多数-_(反义)n.少数,少数派-_adj.较小的,次要的 vi.辅修 n.辅修课程4. _vt.&vi. 抱怨;发牢骚-_n.抱怨;投诉5 _vt.&vi 回答,回复;vi.回应-_n.反应,响应;回答,答复6._ vt.拒绝接受;不录用-_n 拒绝接受;否决7._vt.任命,委派-_n.任命;预约,约定-_adj,指定的8._vt.选举;推选-_n 选举;推选;当选9._n.精力;活力;能量-_adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的10_vt.接替;取代;更换-_n.替换;更换;替代品用方框内短语的适当形式填空用方框内短语的适当形式填空(有两项为多余选项有两项为多余选项)高中英语 Book 3 Unit 3 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司3whisper about with the aid of in memory of in aid of assist sb. in pass away1._the national hero, we set up a primary school named after him.2. Even though it was only October, my students were already_ their holiday plans.3. Through the Monthly Donation, this company has provided the general public with a means of making regular contributions _the needy.4. They planted roses in memory of the former Olympic champion who_last year.单句语法填空单句语法填空1. Forty percent of the land in the village has been flooded and the majority of the villagers _(move) to safe places so far.2. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession men are_the majority.3. Knowing basic first-aid skills will help you respond quickly _emergencies.4. He _as manager of the company. But to everyones surprise,he didnt accept the_.(appoint)5. A new engineer was appointed_(deal) with the products returned by 高中英语 Book 3 Unit 3 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司4customers.6. He was a little scared_(meet)us,but started to smile shyly after my mom hugged him.7. Having retired_the HR department, Ben makes an attempt to work as a trainee on a fashion shopping website.8. Sherlock is impressed_the teachers and the advanced equipment in his new school. In other words, the new school leaves a deep impression_him.9. We hope the building project will be completed as soon as possible because lots of citizens are complaining _ the noise.10.In our busy daily lives,there are moments when we tend_(think) about where we are heading in life.语法专项练语法专项练:用括号内词的适当形式填空1. On the last day of our week-long stay, we were invited to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars,_( listen) to musicians and meeting interesting locals.2.The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows,_(make)air conditioning unnecessary.3._(see) from the top of the mountain, we can get a wonderful view of the city.高中英语 Book 3 Unit 3 单元检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司54. This isnt as hard as it sounds, and it is far better than any other method because you improve your vocabulary while_( read) an interesting piece of literature.5. What she has told to us left us_( think ) that she experienced much when she was young.6._( work) in several countries, the young man seems to have the experience were looking for.7._( cover)an area of over 4,000 square kilometers, Qinghai Lake is also the the biggest saltwater lake in China.8. When the little girl found so many people_( surround) her, she felt very nervous.9. Kids usually finish school at 3:30 p.m. However, most parents work until 6 :00 p.m.,_( make )it hard for them to pick their kids up.10.-Mr Johnson, Im really sorry to have kept you_( wait) for a long time.-I know you are very busy at the moment.11. When_(teach) English, whether to children or adults , you h
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