(2021新)人教版高中英语高一必修第三册 Unit 2看图学词ppt课件.pptx

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1、UNIT 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES morals: principles and beliefs concerning right and wrong behaviour 道德virtues good qualities or ways of behaving美德moral dilemma: 道德困境,道德两难morale:/mrl/ 士气,斗志to boost/raise/improve morale 鼓舞提高士气;增强信心complain v 抱怨,发牢骚;投诉complain to sb about/of sth compaint n. 抱怨, 投诉faint v. 晕倒

2、,昏厥 faint from hunger 饿晕 adj.不清楚的, 微弱的 a faint light 微弱的光illustrate: vt.(举例)说明;阐明; 给书或文章加插画illustrate your point 阐明你的观点illustration:n. 阐明,阐述;插画precious: 宝贵的,珍贵的precious memory/jewels/ time 珍贵的记忆/珠宝首饰/时间同义词:valuable/rare/important entrust:v. 委托,托付 make sb responsible for doing sth or taking care of s

3、bentrust the task to his nephew entrust his nephew with the task carry sb through 帮某人度过难关 get sb through carry on (with) sth 进行;继续carry out 实施,执行carry forward 发扬,弘扬marriage: 婚姻an arranged marriage 包办婚姻tuition fees :学费fee/fare/cost 费用respond v. 回复;回应;有改进,见起色respond to sth respond to sb/sth with sth 近

4、义词:reply/answer/react/workresponse n 回应;反应in response to 作为对.的回应、反应scholarship :奖学金scholar: 学者,学生hardship 艰难,苦难friendship 友谊craftsmanship 工匠精神sportsmanship 体育精神relationship 爱情关系、性关系sponsorship 赞助、资助ownership 所有权championship 冠军地位membership 会员的身份或资格leadership 领导地位,领导素质、领导权hire: 聘任;雇佣;租用同义词:employ/ ren

5、tcolleague:同事形近词:college大学,学院同义词:coworker/associatereject v. 拒绝接受; 不录用; 不出版,不出售;器官排斥rejection:拒绝接受;否决同义词:refuse/reject/decline/ turn down appoint:任命,委派;安排,确定(时间地点)appointement: 约会,预定;任命,委派disappoint:使失望disappointment 失望clinic: 诊所private clinic 私人诊所elect:选举,推选election:选举,推选;当选election campaigns 竞选活动e

6、lection results 精选结果to vote in an election参加投票选举presidential electiontend: 照顾,照料;趋向,趋势tendency 倾向,偏好,性情;趋势,趋向trend 动态,动向,倾向look after/take care of / care for staff: 员工,全体员工同义词:crew/facultywhisper: v/n 耳语,低语,小声说,交头接耳同义词:murmurretire: 退休;(因伤)退出(比赛等)retirement n. 退休, 退休生活retirement age 退休年龄a retirement

7、 pension 退休金 operate v. 操作(use and control);经营,管理(run);运转(function);做手术;采取军事行动operation n. military operation军事行动principle: 原则;原理;观念,信条stick to your principle坚守你的原则in principle 原则上,理论上;大体上,基本上principal:校长 head teacher/headmaster passive:被动的,消极的反义词: activepositive:积极的;肯定的;阳性的;乐观的;有益的;正的negative:坏的,有害

8、的;不乐观的;阴性的;否定的sharp: 锋利的;急剧的;灵敏的,敏锐的;尖锐的,严厉的;剧烈的a sharp knife 锋利的刀a sharp drop in prices 价格的骤降a sharp rise in crime 犯罪率的急剧上升a sharp increase in unemployment 失业人数的剧增sharp criticism 尖锐的批评 a sharp pain 剧痛kindergarten 幼儿园insurance 保险insure v. 给.投保ensure v. 确保make sure 确保scare: vt. 惊吓,使害怕 vi. 受惊吓 同义词:fri

9、ghten1. scare sb away/off: to make sb go away by frightening them 把吓跑They managed to scare the bears away. 他们设法把熊吓跑了。2. scare sb into doing sth 威胁某人做某事3. scare the shit out of sb 把某人吓得屁股尿流scaring/scary adj.scared adj.energy: n 能量;能源 Its a waste of time and energy. 那是浪费时间和精力。 Shes always full of ener

10、gy . 她总是充满活力。 an energy crisis 能源危机energetic adj. 精力充沛的 replace : 替换,代替replace A with B change A for B/ change A to BB takes the place of AB takes As placesubstitute B for A accident n. 事故;意外,偶然;车祸by accident 偶然地,意外地 反: on purpose/ delibrately形近词: incident 事情,事件midnight 子夜,午夜middle midst 在.中间middle-

11、aged 中年的export: n/v.出口,出口商品import: n/v.进口,进口商品include:v. 包括,包含 inclusive 包含的,包括的exclude:v. 排除 exclusive 独有的,排外的,专一的introvert:内向的人extrovert:外向的人pole:柱子,棍子,杆;(行星的)极,地极;磁极,电极a curtain pole 窗帘杆the North/South Pole 北极;南极形近字: hole black hole lap: (坐着时的)大腿部;(跑道等)的一圈laptop:便携式电脑calf 小腿thigh 大腿bite: n/v 咬 bi

12、t /bt/ bitten /btn/ Bite me 咬我啊A bite of Chinachew v. 咀嚼,嚼碎 He is always chewing gum.他一直在嚼口香糖。lip: 嘴唇lipstick 口红wear bright red lipstickassist sb in/with sth assist sb in doing sthassistant 助手,助理assistance 帮助,援助come to ones assistance 来帮助某人come to ones aid with the assistance of 在.的帮助下with the aid o

13、f with the help of diepass away sb has gone His time has come.He has climbed the golden staircase.His number is up.His sands have run out.His star has set.He has joined the majority.He is sleeping the final sleep.He is resting in peace.He has met his end.He has breathed his last.He has joined the an

14、gels.chairman : (委员会、组织机构、公司的) 主席 (会议、辩论的) 主持人memory n. 记忆,记忆力,内存memorize v. 识记in memeory of 纪念in honor of 为向.表示敬意chain:n. 链条;相关的人或事;连锁店;限制,约束 v. 用锁链拴住或者固定a bicycle chain 自行车链条a chain of events 一连串的事件(a series of )a chain of supermarkets/a supermarket chain 连锁超市the chains of fear/misery 恐惧的桎梏;苦难的枷锁w

15、aitressactresshostessprincesspregnant adj. 怀孕pregnancy n. 孕期Shes six months pregnant. 她怀孕六个月了。Many women experience sickness during pregnancy . a pregnancy test 妊娠化验When is the baby due?预产期什么时候?give birth to a boy deliver a babymidwife 助产士,接生婆miscarriage 流产disguise:v. 假扮,伪装;掩饰,隐蔽 n. 伪装disguise sb (a

16、s sb/sth) 假扮,装扮,伪装She disguised herself as a boy. 她女扮男装。She made no attempt to disguise her surprise. 她毫不掩饰自己的惊奇。The star travelled in disguise. maple: 枫叶,枫树cart:(两轮或四轮)运货马车;手推车a shopping cart 购物车spill:使洒出,泼出,溢出First, no use crying over spilt milk.Besides, we have far more important matters to discu

17、ss.首先, 木已成舟, 哭也无用。而且, 我们还有更重要的事情要商量。告别有晴天The Remains of the Day空气中透着chill(寒意) 感觉就要fall ill(生病) 吞下了两颗pill(药丸)手拿着一瓶milk(牛奶) 出门走走,决心去学门skill(技能)一定把梦想fulfill(实现) 心里激动身体thrill(发抖) 牛奶不慎被spill(洒落)唉!天不从人will(意愿) 还是卖肉回家grill(烧烤) 先把肚子fill(填满)trip 绊;绊倒; 将绊倒;使跌倒She tripped and fell. 她绊了一下摔倒了。Someone will trip o

18、ver that cable. 有人会让那条电缆绊倒的。As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up. 我经过时,他伸出腿来想把我绊倒。limp:v. to walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured 瘸着走;跛行;蹒跚She had twisted her ankle and was limping. 她把脚踝扭伤了,一瘸一拐地走着。 Matt limped painfully off the field. 马特忍着痛歪歪斜斜地走出了运动场。stroll

19、闲逛,散步 stroll along the bench mince 碎步走 toddle 婴儿学步,摇摇晃晃地走 tiptoe 蹑手蹑脚 shuffle 拖着脚走 march列队走 stride大步走 strut 趾高气扬地走 stalk 昂首阔步地走 sneak 偷偷地走,溜 creep sidle 侧身走 limp 瘸着走 stumble 跌跌撞撞地走 stagger 蹒跚 trudge 吃力地走,步履艰难地走plod 沉重缓慢地走 wade 涉水wander 漫步saunter 闲逛英语里的各种英语里的各种“走走”tear:n. 眼泪 v. 撕破,撕碎(tear,tore,torn)i

20、n tears 含着眼泪,哭着 A tear rolled down his face. 一滴眼泪沿他的面颊流下来。Tears streamed down his face. 泪水顺着他的脸往下流。 She left the room in tears (= crying) . 她哭着离开了房间。 He suddenly burst into tears (= began to cry). 他突然放声大哭起来。 As he listened to the music, his eyes were filled with tears . 他听着音乐,眼睛里噙着泪水。 Desperately sh

21、e fought back the tears (= tried not to cry) . 她竭力忍住没让眼泪流出来。 to shed tears of happiness 喜极而泣 tears of pain, joy, etc. 痛苦、喜悦等的泪水 The tears welled up in his eyes. 他热泪盈眶He tore the letter in two. I tore the package open. despair:the feeling of having lost all hope 绝望He gave up the struggle in despair .

22、 他绝望地放弃了斗争。A deep sense of despair overwhelmed him. 深深的绝望使他痛苦不堪。Dont despair! Well think of a way out of this. 别灰心!我们会找到出路的。Theyd almost despaired of ever having children. 他们对生孩子几乎不抱任何希望了。 harm n/v 伤害 harm sb/sth cause/do harm to do sbs harm be harmful tomight strength power energy might: great stre

23、ngth, energy or power 强大力量;威力Americas military might 美国的军事力量I pushed the rock with all my might . Almighty God,have mercy on us.strength: the quality of physically strong power:the ability to contol people or things energy:the ability to put effort and enthusiasm into an activity, work, etc. 精力;活力;干

24、劲Knowledge is power.Chairman Mao is a great man of energy and has committed himself to fighting for the happiness of the people. a good/great deal : much; a lot 大量;很多They spent a great deal of money. 他们花了大量的钱。 It took a great deal of time. 这费了很多时间。 Im feeling a good deal better. 我感觉好多了可数不可数都可以a lot

25、of/lots ofplenty ofheaps of 成堆的a flood ofa large quantity of例句:plenty of eggs/money/time 充裕的鸡蛋钱时间Dont worry. We have plenty of time. The post office collect a flood of letters during Christmas. 只修饰可数名词的词组many / numerous a good manya great manythousands ofmillions ofa great number ofa large number of

26、a huge number of例句:A great number of factories have been set up in China during the past 30 years. Designs are available in a good many of colours.设计方案提供多种颜色。只修饰不可数名词的词组a good deal ofa great deal ofa large amount ofa great amount of例句:I have spent a good deal of money this semester. 我这学期已花了很多钱。While

27、 water evaporates, a large amount of heat is absorbed. 当水蒸发时,大量的热被吸收了。fable 寓言故事moral 寓意court 朝廷;法庭;球场 flexible:1. able to bend easily without breaking 柔韧的;可弯曲的;有弹性的flexible plastic tubing 挠性塑料管2.able to change to suit new conditions or situations 能适应新情况的;灵活的;可变动的a more flexible approach 更灵活的方法flexi

28、ble working hours 弹性工作时间tense /tens/ 1. ( of a person 人 ) nervous or worried, and unable to relax 神经紧张的;担心的;不能松弛的Hes a very tense person. 他是个神经非常紧张的人。2. ( of a situation, an event, a period of time, etc. 形势、事件、时期等 ) in which people have strong feelings such as worry, anger, etc. that often cannot be

29、 expressed openly 令人紧张的(或焦虑的、满腹愤懑的等)I spent a tense few weeks waiting for the results of the tests. The atmosphere in the meeting was getting more and more tense. tension: UCusually pl. (between A and B) a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each other, and which may cause them to attack each other 紧张局势(或关系、状况)There is growing tension along the border. 边境局势日趋紧张。 international/racial/political tensions 国际紧张局势;种族间的紧张关系;政治上的紧张状况wage/wages 按周结算的工资,一般较低劳动水平salary 年薪 医生老师等专业从职人员的工资、薪水earnings 挣来的钱,劳动所得pay 劳动所得income 收入,包括理财等其他手的所得钱


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