Unit2 Reading and Writing-ppt课件(含音视频素材)-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.rar

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  • Unit2 Reading and Writing-ppt课件(含音视频素材)-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册
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    • Unit2 Reading and Writing-课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册.pptx--点击预览


UNIT UNIT 2 2 Looking Into Looking Into The Future The FutureThe best way to predict The best way to predict the future is to create it.the future is to create it.Peter DruckerPeter DruckerWorkbookReading and WritingLearning AimsTo practice students reading skills;To broaden students horizons by exposing them to the technology of cloning;To think critically about the issues associated with cloning.Quick testWhat is the first cloned animal in the world?Dolly the sheep.Lead inZhongzhong and HuahuaIn 2017, the first monkey clones have been created by China.Lead inCloning: Where Is It Leading Us?1. How were they cloned?2. What is cloning?3. What are the uses of cloning?. .Scanning1. Where do you think this text might come from? A. A science magazine B. A research report C. A health magazine D. A book reviewScanning2. What might be the purpose of writing this article? To _ the technology of cloning.introduceRead for main ideaPara. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4Para. 5Para. 6Match the topics with the paragraphs.A Possible uses of cloning in the future B Whether cloning is good or badC Current uses of cloningD What cloning isE How cloning a sheep worksF Moral and ethical concerns about cloningadj. 目前的 adj. 道德的adj. 伦理的Read for information1. What are the two examples of natural clones?2. Wha are the two main uses for clones today?3. What future medical uses does cloning have?4. Why might cloning an extinct animal be a bad idea?5. Why do many people worry about cloned food?Read carefully and underline the answers to these questions.Read for information1. What are the two examples of natural clones?2. Wha are the two main uses for clones today?Read carefully and underline the answers to these questions. It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones; It also happens in animals when identical twins are produced from the same egg. First, gardeners use it to produce large quantities of plants for sale; Second, it is valuable for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals.Read for information3. What future medical uses does cloning have?Read carefully and underline the answers to these questions. For one thing, It could be used to breed animal species which are endangered, or even bring back species which are now extinct; For another, it could be used to grow human organs or tissues in animals, which could be used for human organ transplants or medical treatments. Finally, cloning could be used to breed animals that will provide us with higher quality meat, milk or eggs.Read for information4. Why might cloning an extinct animal be a bad idea?5. Why do many people worry about cloned food?Read carefully and underline the answers to these questions. If scientists brought an extinct animal back into existence, it would probably end up living in a zoo. Because eating animal products that result from cloning might be harmful to our health over time.Read for detailsDiscuss the following questions in groups.Further reading1. What are the moral issues involved with cloning?2. What does the author mean by “ What would happen if such knowledge ended up in the wrong hands?”3. If you had a chance to clone yourself, would you do that? Discuss the following questions in groups.Further reading1. What are the moral issues involved with cloning?Discuss the following questions in groups.For one thing, the cloning animals would be treated as toolsfor science instead of living creatures;For another, things will be more complicated when we clonehumans. Will they have the same human rights? Will they have the same consciousness(良心) as original humans? Will they live shorter?Further reading2. What does the author mean by “ What would happen if such knowledge ended up in the wrong hands?”Discuss the following questions in groups.It may be used for bad purposes. For example, cloned organs and tissue could be produced by some bad guys for commercial purposes. Further reading3. If you had a chance to clone yourself, would you do that? Post reading1. The writers reaction towards cloning is _.A. positive B. negative C. neutral2. What is the word “straightforward” in Para. 2 mean?A. honest B. easy C. direct2. We can draw conclusions except_A. Cloning is good for us. B. Cloning has two aspects.C. If cloning is used in a correct way it can bring many convenience to us.D. If cloning is used in an evil way it can cause much trouble.Language focus热议大量取得成功,得到回报器官移植解决,处理使.恢复存在结果做.;最终沦为.落入坏人之手当谈到.heated discussionslarge quantities ofpay offorgan transplantswork throughbring sth. back into existenceend up doing sth.end up in the wrong handswhen it comes to doing . Language practice1.结果所有的活儿都是我一个人干了。(end up doing sth.)I ended up doing all the work myself.2.他们怀疑这样干是否划得来。(pay off)They doubted whether all this work would pay off.3.一谈到做事,他就不中用了。(when it comes to doing .)When it comes to getting things done, he is useless.4.警察在他家发现了大量的毒品。(large quantities of)The police found large quantities of drugs at his home.5.要处理好这些情绪,首先你得把它们写下来。(work through)To work through these emotions, first you have to wirte them down.T TH HA AN NK KS S
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