Unit 5 The Value of Money 全单元 ppt课件-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册高一下学期.pptx

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1、Words and Expressions1.basisn.基础;根据;基点 (pl. bases )the economic basis 经济基础 on a regular basis 定期basic adj.基本的,基础的 base vt. 以为根据 base sth. on/upon sth 以为基础2.on the basis of.在某事的基础上;根据某事3.loann.货款;借款 vt. 借给; 出借loan sb sth=loan sth to sb 贷出钱给某人lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人borrow sth from sb=bor

2、row sb sth 向某人借某物4.take out a loan 取得货款5.plastic n. 塑料 adj. 塑料制的;塑料的plastic sorting 塑料分类塑料分类11. _(base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.2. I struggled for years with getting myself to call my grandfather _ a regular basis.3. Desktop computers,

3、_ (basis) mobile phones, and box-set TVs defined 1992. 4. The bank is happy _(loan) money _ small business.5. Chen spent all her savings and took _ _ large loan.Basingonbasicto loan to out a6.apologisevi.道款;谢罪(apologized/sed/ -apologizing)apologize to sb.for (doing) sth.因因(做做)某事向某人道歉某事向某人道歉=make an

4、apology to sb.for (doing) sth.apology n.道歉;辩白7.ignore vt. 忽视;对不子理会ignorance n.无知;愚昧 ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的8.in return作为回报;作为回应in return for. 作为的回报; 以报答= in reward for.return本身有come/go/be back的意思所以不能和back连用in turn 依次, 逐个地9.judgevt.vi.评价;评判;判断 n.法官;审判员;裁判员judging by/from.根据判断 judgement n. n.判断,看法make a

5、judgement on/ about 对作出评价in ones judgement 在某人看来210.scenen.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面on the scene 在现场,当场;登场 behind the scenes 在幕后;秘密地11.narrator n. (书、戏剧或电影中的)叙述者; 讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员12.narrationn.叙述;讲述;解说narrate vt.讲;谈到;叙述; 做旁白说明; 讲故事 vi.叙述; 讲述13.betn.打赌;赌注(bet-bet-betting) vi.vt.下赌注;用打赌;敢说I bet= Im certain我肯定b

6、et on. with sb=make a bet on.with sb 和某人在上打赌 have a bet打赌 win/lose a bet 打赌赢/输了do sth for a bet 为打赌而做某事14.make a bet打个赌31. Mrs. Black spent all her money _(bet) _ horses. 2. Andrew entertained them by _ (narrate) his new film, in which he has recorded the _ (narrate). So he was the _ (narrate) of th

7、is film. 3. He refused to make a _ ( judge) _ the situation. 4. The prisoner was taken before the _(judge). 5. _ ( judge) by his last letter, they are having a wonderful time. 6. I bought him a drink _(回报) his help. 7. The girls called out their names _(依次) . 8. They fought a long battle against pre

8、judice and _(ignore). 9. He felt himself very_ (ignore). 10. Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head,but I tried_(ignore) the pain.bettingonnarratingnarrationnarratorjudgementabout judgeJudgingin return forin turn ignorance ignorant to ignore15.servantn.仆人;佣人a public servant 公务员16.as a matter of

9、fact 事实上;其实;说真的= in fact/ in reality/ actually17.by accident偶然地;意外地 =by chanceby design = on purpose 故意地,蓄意地故意地,蓄意地18.sail vi.vt.(船)航行;(人)乘船航行 n.帆; 乘船航行go for a sail 乘船游览 sailor n. 水手;驾船人19.spotvt.看见;注意到;发现 n. 地点;处所;斑点;污迹spotted adj. 有斑点的;有污渍的a beauty spot 风景胜地 a historic spot 名胜古迹on the spot = on t

10、he scene 当场;在现场420.consulate n. 领事馆 consul n. 领事21.darevi. modal v. 胆敢;敢于dare modal 常用于疑问否定或条件句或与whether, hardly 连用22.sortn.种类;类别=kind vt. 整理,把分类all sorts of.= all kinds of. 各种各样的.23.miningn.采矿;采矿业mine n. 矿; 矿井; 地雷; 水雷 vt.& vi. 在中开采,开采;miner n. 矿工 mineral n. 矿物质24.patiencen. 耐心;忍耐力;毅力impatience n. 不

11、耐烦; 焦躁; 渴望lose ones / be out of patience with 对失去耐心 patient n. 病人,患者 adj. 有耐心的,能忍耐的impatient adj.没有耐心的; 迫切的; 不能容忍的patiently adv. 耐心地; 能忍耐地5dare de(r): v. 胆敢;敢于情态动词: 用于否定句、疑问句、if条件句;一般现在时无人称或数的变化, 均用原形, 后接动词原形。 一般过去时要加d 。实义动词: 有人称、数和时态的变化。 一般现在时第三人称单数作主语要加s,一般过去时要加d; 用do/does/did构成否 定句,疑问句及回答。后接to不定式

12、,to可以省去。 1)I darent stand on the top of the tower. There is something wrong with my heart.2)If you dare speak to your teacher like that, I will punish you.3) -Dare you swim in the river? -Yes, I dare. / No, I darent.1)I went to the American consulate to seek help, but . Anyway, I didnt dare to try a

13、gain.2)We dare (to) stand in the sun for about twenty minutes.3)She dares (to) jump down the building.4)He dared (to) cross the expressway yesterday.5)They will dare to ask such questions as sex.1. _a matter of fact, I landed in Britain _ accident.2. She seemed to do these things _ purpose.3. The co

14、uple first met each other _ chance not _ design. 4. I dont know whether he _(dare) try. 5. _(dare) you ask him? 6. Books on the shelf should _(sort) according to usage. 7. He said it as loudly as he _(dare) . 8. People have lost _ (patient) _ the slow pace of reform. 9. The foreign drivers who break

15、 the traffic law and do not pay _(当场) are likely to be fined up to $ 980. 10. In fact, these birds are _(难以发现), because they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.As byonbybydareDare be sorteddaredpatiencewithon the spothard to spotBe _ (patient) when you examine _(patient). Being _ (pat

16、ient) will cause bad results.给病人检查时要有耐心,没有耐心会导致不给病人检查时要有耐心,没有耐心会导致不好的结果。好的结果。patientpatientsimpatient25.to be honest说实话;坦率地说=honestly speaking= to tell you the truth常见的用作插入语的不定式短语还有:to be frank=frankly speaking 坦白地说 to be exact=exactly speaking 确切地说to make things worse 更糟糕的是26.ought to应该;应当ought not

17、 to do sth /oughtnt to do sth27.be about to do sth 即将或正要做某事be about to do . when 正要做正要做突然突然在含有在含有be about to do的句子中,不能再加时间状语。的句子中,不能再加时间状语。28.indicatevt.vi. 表明;显示 ;象征;暗示indication n. C & U 迹象;表示;标示629.beneathadv.prep.在(或往)下面;在的表面之下30.postpone vt. 延迟;延期;延缓=put off; delaypostpone / delay (doing) sth31

18、.oddadj. 奇怪的;怪异的;反常的 (odder- oddest ) oddness n. 奇怪,奇妙 oddly adv.奇怪/古怪/ 奇妙地32.obligation n. 义务;职责;责任a sense of duty/obligation 责任感/责任感;义务感fulfill ones legal/professional/financial obligationsduty 指道义上的责任,强调自觉性,作可数名词时指本职工作的任务 obligation 指合同或法律上规定的责任,义务,强调其约束力33.intentionn.打算;计划;意图;目的intend vt.计划;打算 i

19、ntend doing/to do sth 打算做某事intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事had intended to do sth 本来打算做某事(但实际未做)be intended to do/for .专门为;专门给7nounverbadj.adv.baseapologizeignorejudgenarratepatience/ patientindicationbasisbasicapologyignoranceignorantjudgementnarratorpatientpatientlyindicateThe sun is now beneath the ho

20、rizon.太阳在地平线以下。Sign your name below the line. 在行下面签名。Acatissittingunderthetable.一只猫正坐在桌子正下方。1. I have no (intend)of changing my plan. 2. They intend (launch)a campaign to raise money. 3. The headmaster intended Jim (deliver) a speech in front of the whole school. 4. I _ (intend)to come,but was preve

21、nted by the bad weather. 5. One ought not (oughtnt) _ (cross) the street against the red light.6. I was about to leave _ it began to rain. 7. In his letter, he _ (indicate) his _(will) to cooperate. 8. It was an unpopular decision _ (postpone) _(build) the new hospital. 9. He makes the _(oddly ) mis

22、takenothing too serious. intentionto launch/launchingto deliverhad Intendedto cross whenindicatedwillingnessto postponebuildingodd34.nowhereadv. 无处;哪里都不 (nowhere放句首要倒装)with/have nowhere to live/stay 没地方住 be nowhere to be seen/found 哪里也见不到/ 找不到 get/go nowhere 毫无进展 get sb. nowhere 使某人一无所获 nowhere,neve

23、r,hardly,neither,nor, little,seldom,by no means 等表示否定意义的副词或词组以及 not only,not until, hardly(. when),no sooner(. than.)等词(组)开头的句子中,要用部分倒装。35.in case以防;以防万 in case of 万一,如果 in most cases 在多数情况下 in that case 既然那样in no case 绝不 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样)as is often the case 情况常是这样的(非限制性定语从句) case,point,situat

24、ion,occasion,stage 等表抽象地点的名词作先行词且关系词在从句中作状语时,常用where 引导定从。836.extentn. 程度;限度;大小;范围37.to. extent 到程度;在程度上to a certain extent 在一定程度上to some extent 在某种程度上the extent of damage 损失程度38.opera n.歌剧 play n. 戏剧 see/watch a playPeking Opera 京剧 see/watch an opera 看歌剧39.musicaln.音乐剧 adj.音乐的musician n. 音乐家 music

25、n. 音乐40.dinosaur n.恐龙 (pl.) dinosaurs41.hug (hugged-hugged-hugging) vt.vi. 拥抱;抱紧 n. 拥抱hug sb=give sb a hug42.pursuevt.追求;致力于 pursuesth./sb.pursue ones dream 追求梦想 pursue a goal/aim 追求目标pursuitn.追赶;追求;职业;工作91. _(在那种情况下), it is both convenient and economical to buy books according to the ratings.2. Thi

26、s time, we stayed together, _(以防) anything else unusual happened.3. In the film The Million Pound Bank Note, Henry Adams is stuck in a foreign country without money and friends, and _ nowhere _(stay) . 4. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and,_ a lesser extent,wildlife. 5

27、. He has changed to _an extent that I no longer recognized him. 6. They are hugging.= They _.7. Doyouhavethecourage_(pursuit) thedreams?in caseIn that casewithto staytosuch are giving a hug to each othertopursue43.dutyn. 责任;义务;职责;值班have a duty to do sth. 有做某事的责任/ 义务a sense of duty 责任感 do ones duty 尽

28、职,尽责 Its ones duty to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任。feel it ones duty to do sth. 感觉做某事是某人的责任 44.on duty值班;值勤off duty 下班;不值勤 out of duty 出于责任 45.hesitatevi.犹豫;迟疑;顾虑hesitatetodosth.迟疑做某事,不愿做某hesitateabout/in/at/over(doing)sth.(做)某事犹豫不决hesitateabout疑问词todosth.做某事犹豫不决hesitationn. 踌躇; 犹豫withouthesitation毫不犹豫地havenoh

29、esitationindoingsth.毫不犹豫地做某事1046.sequence vt. 按顺序排列 n. 顺序;一系列a sequence of . 一系列.; 一连串.a sequence of plays/accidents 连续剧/一连串事故out of sequence 失序 in a particular sequence 按一定顺序47.eventually adv. 最后;终于event n.事情; 事件;大事; 比赛项目finally 最后; 终于 in the end 最后; 终于at last 最后; 终于 in closing 最后; 在结束时48.tailorn.(

30、男装)裁缝 vt. 专门制作;定做at the tailors 在裁缝店 at the doctors 在诊所at the butchers 在肉店111. Only one doctor is duty todaythe other doctor is off. 2. Local volunteers have a duty _(serve)the community. 3. (是我们的责任)to defend our country. 4. Donothesitate _(laugh)atanythingyoufindamusing.5. Shehesitates_aboutthechoi

31、cebetweenthetwodresses.6. The beautiful suit _(tailor) in Shanghai last yeat.onto serveIts our dutyto laughabout/in/at/overwas tailored49.clerkn.职员;文书;店员 (pl.) clerks 50.mannern. 举止;行为方式;方法; pl 礼貌;礼仪in this/that manner(way) 用这种/那种方法have good/bad manners 有/没有礼貌It is good/bad manners to do 做.是有/无礼貌a m

32、anner of doing sth 做什么的方法a way of doing/to do sth: 做什么的方法an approach to (doing) sth: (做) 什么的方法a method of/for (doing) sth: (做) 什么的方法51.in a. manner以一种的方式;带着一副的样子in a friendly manner in a calm manner1252.downstairs adv. 顺楼梯而下;在楼下;往楼下 n. go downstairs/upstairs 下楼/上楼53.stair n. 楼梯:梯级 (pl.) stairs climb

33、 the stairs 爬楼梯 go down/up the stairs 下楼/上楼run up/down the stairs 跑上/下楼梯 on the stairs 在楼梯上54.aside adv. 到旁边;在旁边;留;存set aside留;存储; 留出putaside节省; 存储; 把.放/搁置一边lay aside: 积蓄(钱); 留出(时间); 把.放/搁置一边stand/move/step aside 站/靠一边55.frownn.vi. 眉with a frown. 皱眉 frown at sb 对某人皱眉 131. He serves _ _ clerk in a ba

34、nk.2. The _(clerk) at the shop are friendly to customers.3. The girl has good/bad _(manner) .4. It is bad _(manner) to talk to your teacher like that. 5. Everybody was downstairs _(watch) a German film.6.Downstairs _(be) two small rooms: a kitchen and a sitting/living room. 7. I will _ aside some mo

35、ney for my grandchildren.8. Why are you _(frown) _ me?asaclerksmannersmannerswatchingare set/lay/putfrowningat56.in that case既然那样;假使那样的话in case 假如;以防;以防万一 (just) in case 以防万一in case of 假如; 在的时候in this case: 既然这样; 在这种情况下in any case: 无论如何;不管怎样in no case: 决不; 绝不 (在句首,句子要倒装)57.option n. 可选择的事物;选择;选择权opt

36、ional adj. 选择性的;可自由选择的; 随意的; 选修的have no choice/option but to do 别无选择只能去做.58.broad adj. 宽阔的;广因的;广泛的a broad/wide street/river 宽宽的街道/河流broad shoulders/back/chest 宽宽的肩膀/背/胸/额头broadly adv. 宽广地; 完全地; 大体上1459.indeedadv. 其实;实际上;当然;确实deed n.行为; 行动 do a good/bad deed 做好/坏事60.normaladj. 典型的;正常的;一般的;精神正常的 n. 常态

37、;通常标准;一般水平normally adv. 通常; 正常地 as normal 照常;平常abnormal adj. 反常的; 不正常的; 变态的; 畸形的return to normal 恢复正常61.willing adj. 愿意;乐意willingly adv. 乐意地,愿意地; 积极肯干地; a willing helper/volunteer 乐意帮忙的人/志愿工作者62.be willing to do sth 愿意或乐意做某事be ready to do sth 乐意做某事; 准备做某事be/get ready for. 为.做好准备151. A friend in need

38、 is a friend _(实际上).2. In another part of the shop, where there is a wide range of _(option) for Henry to choose _.3. I will have no option but _(turn) _ the local government for help.4. The river is about100 metres _(宽) .5. After he left, I just tried to carry on the work _normal.6. He did it quite

39、 _(willing) . indeedoptionsfromto turntobroad/wideas willingly63.elementn. 要素;基本部分 (pl.) elements factor n. 因素; 要素64.plot n. 故事情节;布局;阴谋 (pl.) plots65.ambassadorn. 大使;使节;代表 (pl.) ambassadors66.upper- class adj. 上流社会的;上等阶层的 lower-class 下层阶级的; 底层社会的 middle-class 中产阶级的; 中等收入阶层的67.upperadj. 上面的;上层的;靠上部的

40、lower adj. 下面的;下层的; 在底部的68.the upper class上流社会;上等阶层 the lower class 下层社会;下等阶层161. She considers herself to be a member of _ (上等阶层) .2. There is a restaurant _(楼上) .3. Both _(中产阶级和上上层阶级) people are against the law.4. Mr Cui is the Chinese _(大使) to the USA. 5. Is the _(情节) clear and exciting enough?6.

41、 Read the scene again and find an example for each of the following _(element) . the upper class upstairs/on the upper floorthe middle-class and upper-classAmbassador plotelements69.maintainvt.维持;保持;维修;保养maintain discipline 维持纪律 maintain world peace 维护世界和平maintainance n. 维护;保养70.permission n.准许;许可;批

42、准;许可证with ones permission 在的许可下; 经某人允许/批准without ones permission 没有的许可/允许/批准71.permit vt.vi. 允许;准许;使有可能allow/permit doing 允许做. allow/permit sb to do 允许某人做.72.saying n. 谚语;格言;警句as the saying goes , 常言道; 俗话说; 谚语说1773.externaladj. 外部的:外面的:外来的externally adv.在/从)外部/面,外表上externality n. 外在性; 外形; 外部事物; 外部效应

43、externalize vt. 给以外形,使客观化,使具体化internal adj. 内部的; 体内的; 国内的; 内心的import vt./n. 进口 export vt./n. 出口74.Roderick罗德里克75.Oliver奥利弗76.Henry Adams亨利亚当斯77.The Phantomof the Opera歌剧魁影(音乐剧)78.Reid里德 79.Todd 托德80.Portia Langham genom波希亚兰厄姆181. The house is large and difficult _ (maintain) .2. He left the hospital

44、 with his doctors _(permit) . 3. Visitors _(not permi) _(take) photos at the Mogao Caves.5. Ill come tomorrow, weather _(permit) .6. All roads lead to Rome, _ the old _(say) goes.7. Vitamins can be applied _(external) to the skin. 8. why does sun school ask the students to do the _(maintain) ?to mai

45、ntainpermissionare not permittedto takepermittingassayingexternallymaintainanceListening,Speaking & Talking on Page 50Before listening-Small talk1.We know money is very important. What can you use it to do ?2.What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life? 3. What can people not buy with mo

46、ney ?We can use it to do a lot of things, such as buying what we want, helping others, harm or hurt others. Some necessary thing to lead a good life, such as a house, beds, clothing, food,.buy love, friendship,.Listen to the news report and match the people with the correct information.While-Listeni

47、ng-Task 11. Chen Liyan A. the owner of the lost money2. Wang Zheng B. a cleaner at Taiyuan railway station3. Ma DongbaoC. a police officer living in Chens apartment building4. Liu XiaD. Chens 16-year-old daughter Listen again and put these events in the correct order.While-Listening-Task 2_ Chen Liy

48、an found Wang Zhengs money and returned it to him._ Chen gave an interview to the local newspaper._ Wang built a website to help raise funds for Liu Xia._ Ma Dongbao shared Chens story with Wang._ Chen spent all her savings and took out a large loan._ Wang offered Chen 5, 000 yuan.136542 4. Listen a

49、gain and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1 It was the first time Chen Liyans story was reported.2 Chen found 10,000 yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railway station.3 Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldnt offer her more money.4 Chen took out a large loan

50、 to cure her daughter.5 Wang set up a fundraising website for Chens daughter after Chen told him about her situation.FIt was reported in the newspaper.F100,000 yuanFHe a for the inconvenience.TFMa told him about Chens daughter. Recently, a cleaner by the name of Chen Liyan has made the headlines for


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