Unit 4 单词精讲 ppt课件-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 4单词精讲 1_ adj. 有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的 _ n. 智力;才智;智慧 做是明智的_ 机智的问题_ 有智力的生物_ 高/低智商_ intelligentintelligencebe intelligent to do an intelligent question intelligent beings high/low intelligence 2 _ vt. 查明;确定;决定 _ adj. 有决心的;意志坚定的_n. 决心,决定 决心做某事(表动作) _ 决定(做)某事_ 决心做某事(表状态) _ 3_ vt.& n. 发射;上市 使进入_ 开始发表,着手进行_dete

2、rminedetermineddetermination determine to do sthdetermine on/upon (doing) sthbe determined to do sth. launchlaunch sth./sb. into sth. launch into 4 _ n. 跳跃;剧增;剧变 vi.& vt. 跳过;跃过 (leapt, leapt or leaped, leaped) 纵身一跳;飞速增长_ 巨大的跳跃;巨大的增长_ 赶紧抓住;急不可待地接受(机会) _ 三思而后行 _leapmake/take a leap Giant leap leap at

3、sthLook before you leap 5 _ adj. 失望的;沮丧的 _ v. 使失望 _ n. 失望;沮丧;扫兴;使人失望的人(或事物) _ adj. 令人失望的;令人沮丧的 _ adv. 失望地 短语: 对感到失望_ 失望地做某事_ 对感到失望_ 令某人失望的是_ disappointed disappoint disappointment disappointingdisappointedlybe disappointed at/with/about be disappointed to do sthbe disappointed that to my disappointm

4、ent 6_ n. 渴望;欲望vt. 渴望;期望 急于想得到某物_ 渴望做某事_ 渴望做某事_ 期望某人做某事_ 渴望 _ desirehave a desire for sth. have a desire to do sth. desire to do sth.desire sb. to do sth. desire that . (should) do sth. 7_ adj. 独立的;自立的_adv. 独立地;自立地_n. 独立;独立(之日);自主;自立 独立于;不依赖于_ 8_ vt.& vi. 标志着;标明;发信号n. 信号;标志 independentindependently

5、independence Be independent of signal 9 _ n. 缺乏;短缺vt. 没有;缺乏 _ adj. 缺乏的;短缺的 因缺乏 _ 在不足_lacklackingbe lacking in for lack of 10 _ prep. 在更远处;超出 使某人无法想象(或理解、做等) _ 不可置信_ 无法控制_ 难以形容_ 难以忍受_ 出乎意料_ 没有指望_beyondbe beyond sb. beyond belief beyond control beyond description beyond endurance beyond expectation be

6、yond hope 11 _ adj. 热衷的;渴望的 _ adv. 热切地 _ n. 极其渴望 热衷于_ 热衷/渴望做某事_keenkeenlykeennessbe keen about be keen to do sth 12_vt.& vi. 论证;争辩;争论_n. 争论;争吵;论点 与某人争论某事_ 据理力争/反对某事_ 说服某人做/不做某事_ 无可争辩_ 争端_argue argument argue with sb. about/over sth. argue for/against doing sth. argue sb. into/out of doing sth. Beyon

7、d argument settle an argument 解决13导致;造成_由而引起的_因为,由于(because of) _毫无结果,徒劳_14_ adj. 有限的_ v. 限制;限定_ n. 限制;限度受限于_限定在范围内_限定范围在_是有限/无限的_在某种程度上;有一定限制 _ result in result from as a result of Without result limitedlimitbe limited to limitlimit . to set a limit to there is a/no limit to . Within limits 15_ vt.

8、 系;绑;贴 _ adj. 依恋的 把固定/附在上_ _ 认为有重要性/意义 附属于;依恋_Be attached to attach great importance/significance to sth. attach . to . attached attach1. determine vt. 查明查明; 确定确定; 决定决定(1)determine to do sth. 决心做某事(2)determined adj. 有决心的, 意志坚定的be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事be determined that. . . 决心(3)determinatio

9、n n. 决定, 确定*My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next. *Driven by heaven-knows-what motives, he determines to write a book. *His enemies are determined to ruin him. 【易混辨析】determinedecideresolvesettle(1)determine 指经过深思熟虑, 决心去做某事并坚持施行。*No matter what you determine to do, I would side

10、with you. (2)decide侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。*Whatever we decide to do in the school must be good for the students first. (3)resolve 语气较强, 强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事, 暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心。*Let us resolve to do all we can to contribute to a safer environment for journalists and a freer society for all. (4)settle指排除犹豫、怀

11、疑和争论之后做出明确的最终结论。*We havent settled how to get there. 2. disappointed adj. 失望的失望的; 沮丧的沮丧的(1)be disappointed at 对失望be disappointed in sb. 对某人感到失望(2)disappoint vt. 使失望(3)disappointment n. 失望; 沮丧to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是(4)disappointing adj. 令人失望的; 令人扫兴的*I am disappointed in myself when I think of

12、how much time Ive wasted. *You must be disappointed at losing the chance. 【即学活用】(1)To my _(disappoint), they refused my request. (2)We were all disappointed _ the news that our picnic was cancelled because of the rain. (3)My parents will be disappointed _ me if I fail to get the master degree. (4)Th

13、e author feels _(disappoint) about the solutions to problem of robocalls. disappointmentatindisappointed3. desire n. 渴望渴望; 欲望欲望 vt. 渴望渴望; 期望期望(1)desire to do 渴望做desire sb. to do 希望某人做desire that. . . 希望(从句中用should do结构, should可以省略)(2)a desire for sth. 渴望(3)desirable adj. 令人满意的; 值得要的desired adj. 渴望的;

14、 想得到的*She desires him to solve this problem. *She desires that he (should) stay with her. *Do you have an intense desire for truth and honesty?4. launch v.launches-launching-launched 发射;把(航天器、武器等)发射上天 开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)例1:美国国家航空航天局计划发射一颗卫星来研究宇宙射线。NASA plans to _ to study cosmic rays.例2:政府将于明年开始一项公

15、共工程计划。The government will _ next year.launch an public works programlaunch a satellitelaunch vehicle运载火箭product launch产品发布launch pad发射台launch site发射场; 发射区launch date下水日期; 发行日期; 上市日期launch into sth. 开始做, 投入launch out into sth. 开始从事, 投身于*It is time I launched out on my own. *He launched into a lengthy

16、 account of his career. *The police have launched an investigation into the incident. 5. orbit n. (天体等运行的)轨道(天体等运行的)轨道 v. (around sth.)沿轨道运行;围绕沿轨道运行;围绕运动运动orbits-orbiting-orbited例1:一颗新的人造卫星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。_例2:地球绕太阳一周要一年的时间。The earth takes a year to _.orbit the sunA new satellite has been put into orbit

17、around the earth.【拓展】 orbital adj. 轨道的 orbiter n. 人造卫星6. lack n. 缺乏缺乏; 短缺短缺vt. 没有没有; 缺乏缺乏(1)(a)lack of 没有, 缺乏; 不足, 不够for lack of 因缺乏; 因缺少; 因没有lack in=be lacking in 缺少(2)lacking adj. 缺乏的; 没有的; 不足的【名师点津】lack作及物动词时, 不能用于被动语态。形容词lacking不用于名词前。*The charges were dropped for lack of evidence. *I think you

18、lack in the power of decision. *This is what motivation or the lack of it can do. *Despite his lack of experience, he got the job. 【即学活用】(1)He _courage to do the work. 他缺乏做那项工作的勇气。(2) _could put the birds health at risk. 缺乏睡眠会危害鸟的健康。(3)They did not close _customers. 他们不是因为缺少顾客才关门的。 is lacking inLack

19、 of sleepfor lack of7. carry on 继续做继续做, 坚持干坚持干carry out进行, 开展, 执行(计划、命令)carry through 完成; 把进行到底; 使人渡过难关carry sb. back 使回想起; 回忆起carry off拿走; 夺走【拓展】carry away 拿走,带走;be carried up into space 被发射升空;carry out a plan/order/promise 执行计划/执行命令/履行诺言carry on 继续, 参与carry on (with) ones work 继续工作【即学活用】用carry的短语填

20、空(1)They will _the experiment regardless of what will happen. (2)The college team _all the prizes of the table tennis. (3)They _the discussion. (4)His determination _ him_ the difficulty. (5)The smell of the sea _ her _ to her childhood. carry outcarried offcarried oncarried throughcarriedback8. fig

21、ure out 弄懂弄懂; 弄清楚弄清楚; 弄明白弄明白find out 找出, 查明; 发现, 揭发work out 解决; 算出; 实现; 制定出; 弄懂; 锻炼【即学活用】(1)I _ at a gym or swim twice a week. (2)We must _how to solve the problem. (3)We _later that we had been at the same school. (4)I havent _ anything _ about him yet. work outfigure/work outfound outfoundout9. ar

22、gue vt. &vi. 争论争论; 争辩争辩; 论证论证(1)argue with和争吵argue about因为争论argue that 主张, 认为argue for赞成; 支持argue against反对; 据理反对(2)argument n. 争论【即学活用】用argue的相关短语填空(1)Lets not _money. (2)In this article I will point out some further explanations, and _one of them. (3)Listen! I am not going to _you. (4)He _the sugg

23、estion. argue aboutargue forargue withargued against*People in that city argue that their city is the most lively city in the world. *But there are many people who argue for changing their jobs. *The boy argued with his teacher about his homework. *It is very difficult to argue against the use of th

24、is drug. *Dont argue about this matter any more. 10. result in 导致导致; 造成造成result in 导致;造成result from 由于,因为as a result 因此as a result of.作为的结果例1:50%的公路交通事故致使头部受伤。Fifty percent of road accidents _head injuries.例2:很多头发问题是由你吃的东西引起的。Many hair problems _ what you eat.例3:他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。He made one big mistake

25、, and, _, lost his job. result fromresult inas a result【巧学助记】图解result in与result from11. run out 用完用完; 耗尽耗尽run out of用完用完wear out 用旧用旧, 穿破穿破; 使疲乏使疲乏区别区别run out与与run out ofrun out是不及物短语动词, 其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词; run out of 是及物短语动词, 表示主动含义, 主语一般是人。【即学活用】(1)Her money has been _and her patience is also runni

26、ng out. (2)Hes leaving this position, because his term of office _. (3)(句型转换)We ran out of time before the party. _before the party. (4)(2019天津高考)Weve all known people who run out of steam before they reach lifes halfway mark. 译: _run out ofhas run outOur time ran out我们都知道有些人在到达人生的一半之前就会失去动力。12. res

27、ource n. 资源;财力;物力资源;财力;物力 pl.resourcesresourceful adj. 资源丰富的;足智多谋的;机智的例:_ 人的资源 _ 水资源 一个国家最重要的资源是其人才库。 A countrys principal _ is its brainpower. 好家伙!我的孩子们多机智啊。 Oh boy! what _ children I have. human resourcewater resourceresourceresourceful13. limited adj. 有限的有限的 【反】unlimited adj. 无限制的;无界限的limit n. 限制

28、;限度;界线 vt. 限制;限定例1. 请把信函限制到125字或更少的字数内。 Please _ letters to 125 words or less.例2. 遗憾的是,我的时间有限。Unfortunately, my time is _. 例3. 凭本车票在七日内可自由乘车不受限制。The ticket gives you _ travel for seven days.limitlimitedunlimited(1)limitless adj. 无限制的; 无界限的limit v. & n. 限制limitation n. 限制, 能力上的不足(2)set a limit to. .

29、. 为设置一个限制/极限without limit没有限制, 无极限(3)limit sth. to将某物限制在范围内【即学活用】(1)单句语法填空There is _ (limit) time to finish the task. The organization committee set a limit _ the number of each delegation. I know my _(limit), so I wont do the things beyond my ability. limitedtolimitations14. attach vt. 系系; 绑绑; 贴贴at

30、tach. . . to. . . 把系到/贴到/附在某物上be attached to 喜欢, 依恋, 附属于attach(much) importance to. . . 认为(很)重要*Please attach these labels to your hand luggage. *I will attach a document to the letter . *He is deeply attached to the old camera. *This middle school is attached to a normal college. *Parents attach mu

31、ch importance to education. 【易混辨析】attach, add, fasten三者异同相同点: 三者都含有“把一件东西或一件事添加于另一件东西或事上”的意义。不同点: attach表示“多为外形上的结合, 可以连得上去, 也可拆得下来, 还可表示比喻的含义。add, 可用于有形的和无形的东西fasten结牢, 拴住, 有形的东西, 有时可与attach互换 【即学活用】(1)Do you _English well? (2)The little girl _her English teacher. (3)You had better _ a recent photograph _ your application form. attach any importance to learningis attached toattachtoUnit 4谢谢观看


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