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1、必修三完形填空专项练习10篇Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations第一篇As a young man, Aaron was a skilled artist, a potter. He had a wife and two fine sons. One night, his older son developed a stomachache. Thinking it was some (1) disorder, neither Aaron nor his wife took the condition very seriously. But the illness w

2、as actually severe and the boy (2) suddenly that night. The sons death could have been prevented if he had only (3) the seriousness of the situation! Aarons emotional health got (4) under the heavy burden of his guilt (内疚). Whats worse, his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with hi

3、s six-year-old younger son. The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Aaron could handle, and he (5) alcohol (酒精) to help him cope. In time Aaron became an alcoholic (酗酒者).As the alcoholism (酗酒) (6) , Aaron began to lose everything he possessed his home, his land, his art objects, every

4、thing. (7) , Aaron died alone in a San Francisco motel room. When I heard of Aarons death, I reacted like most people who show no respect for one ending his life with nothing material to show for it. What a complete failure! I thought. What a (8) life!As time went by, I began to reevaluate my earlie

5、r cold (9) . You see, I knew Aarons now adult son, Ernie. He has a family and he is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known. I watched Ernie with his (10) . I saw the free flow of (11) between them. I knew that kindness and consideration had to come from somewhere. I hadnt

6、 heard Ernie talk much about his father. It is so hard to (12) an alcoholic. One day I worked up my courage to (13) him. Im really (14) by something, I said. I know your father was basically the only one to (15) you. What on earth did he do to make you become such a special person?Ernie sat quietly

7、and thought for a few moments. Then he said, From my earliest memories as a child until I left home at 18, Aaron came into my room every night, gave me a (16) and said, I love you, son.Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge Aaron as a(n) (17) . He had not (18) any materi

8、al possessions to his son. But he had been a kind loving (19) . He (20) one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known. (1)AcommonBstrangeCspecialDunusual(2)AcriedBdiedCachedDawoke(3)AdiscussedBquestionedCignoredDrealized(4)AconsideredBimprovedCdamagedDexamined(5)Aturned toBreferred toCpicked

9、upDgave up(6)AdecreasedBdisappearedCprogressedDapproached(7)AFinallyBSurprisinglyCNaturallyDObviously(8)AshortBwastedCrichDlonely(9)AspeechBjudgmentCwordsDattitude(10)AchildrenBfriendsCcolleaguesDpets(11)AthoughtsBbloodCloveDtime(12)AhateBhideCchangeDdefend(13)AmeetBinterviewCcallDask(14)Aembarrasse

10、dBpuzzledCfrightenedDharmed(15)AvisitBteachCleaveDraise(16)AkissBgiftCbookDlecture(17)ApityBprideCfailureDhonor(18)ApresentedBleftCofferedDshowed(19)AhusbandBadultCartistDfather(20)Afound outBleft outCleft behindDpointed out第二篇 The Amazon rainforest is so important that frequently regarded as the “l

11、ungs of the planet”. Scientists have found a small number of tree species that are doing the heaviest (1) as they help to (2) global warming. Their discovery that 182 species (3) half the rainforest wood-bound carbon suggests that the future of the worlds climate, and the lines of its coastal areas

12、are (4) with the fate of this small part of about 16,000 Amazonian tree species. Despite ongoing logging (伐木工作)and recent drought, the Amazon is (5) to perhaps a sixth of the carbon stored in living plants the world over, helping to keep (6) of climate-changing carbon dioxide (7) in the atmosphere.

13、The Amazon is a particularly important carbon stock, and its currently (8) a carbon sink,” Sophie Fauset said. ” What were trying to do is increase our understanding of (9) this carbon is going and which trees are storing it.” “There are a few species that seem to grow (10) and those are the huge on

14、es youd want to emphasize in the (11) of the forest,” said professor John Battles. “If you were managing to protect these forests, you would leave these trees.” One of the most carbon-hungry types of trees (12) in the study was the Brazil nut tree, which grows (13) that can easily go beyond a height

15、 of 100 feet. (14) total growth and productivity they ranked fourth overall, and they were found to (15) 1.3 percent of the forests carbon. “Given the huge biological diversity of tropical forests, (16) cycling would be more equally distributed among plant species,” Rosie Fisher said. “This (17) ove

16、rturns (推翻)the originally imagined pattern.” Fisher said she would be “ (18) to suggest the most obvious idea that we could store lots of carbon by planting these very large species”. Because so little is known about how (19) they are to the types of droughts and fires that are (20) to become more c

17、ommon in the future, nor whether they would thrive (茁壮成长) in managed forests.(1)AsweatingBsleepingCbreathingDswallowing(2)AslowBexpandCworsenDstrengthen(3)AconsumeBstoreCwasteDproduce(4)AfilledBsuppliedCpresentedDconnected(5)AhomeBcenterChabitatDheart(6)AstagesBpointsCquantitiesDlevels(7)AawayBdownC

18、offDout(8)Agetting intoBreferring toCresulting inDacting as(9)AwhereBhowCwhenDwhy(10)AfastBsteadyCbigDdeep(11)AmeasurementBprotectionCbeautyDfunction(12)ApreservedBplantedCcreatedDidentified(13)AtrunksBrootsCbranchesDleaves(14)AIn terms ofBIn spite ofCIn need ofDIn view of(15)AremoveBsqueezeCcontain

19、Dchange(16)AairBcarbonCvaporDtemperature(17)AdiversityBclimateCspeciesDdiscovery(18)AeagerBcontentChesitantDbrave(19)AobviousBbeneficialCsuitableDsensitive(20)AsupposedBopposedClimitedDintendedUnit2 Morals and Virtues第一篇I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have reall

20、y changed. I have started to think about other people (1) I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a (2) person. I think my (3) started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my (4) and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever (5)

21、to anyone in my class. By the end of my first semester, I was really (6) . It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So I tried a(n) (7) . I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I (8) to help. That was really a big (9) for me

22、. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of (10) are still my best friends today. A bigger cause of my new (11) , however, came when I took a part-time job at Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimers disease became my (12) . Every time I came into her room, she w

23、as so (13) because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never (14) her, so I took her place. She let me (15) that making others feel good made me feel good too. When she died, I was (16) , but I was also very grateful to her.I think I am a much (17) person today than I used to be, and I

24、 hope I will not (18) these experiences. They have (19) me to care about other people more than about myself. I (20) who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.(1)AsinceBbeforeCorDunless(2)AfamousBsimpleCdifferentDskilled(3)AeducationBcareerCtourDchange(4)AbalanceBhomeworkCdegreeDinter


26、weredCvisitedDtrusted(15)AexplainBguessCdeclareDsee(16)AhomelessBheartbrokenCbad-temperedDhopeless(17)AquieterBbusierCbetterDricher(18)AforgetBfaceCimproveDanalyze(19)AforcedBpreferredCorderedDtaught(20)AmissBlikeCwonderDexpect第二篇While driving around the corner of our townhouse, I always noticed an

27、old man sitting by his front yard. He seemed cold and (1) . One morning, while I was driving past him with my daughter, I decided to (2) him. At the beginning, he looked (3) and looked around there was (4) there. Then, I saw his hand go up (5) and he waved back shyly. Why did you wave at him? We don

28、t (6) him, my daughter said.I told her that it was just an act of kindness that didnt (7) anything, and it gave both him and me a sense of (8) . She told me she had thought waving to a stranger was (9) , but next time she would (10) it. It seemed not bad.Interestingly, we lived close to the old man,

29、 so we (11) him rather often. Whenever we drove by, both of us would wave at him and, pretty soon, the old man (12) waving at everyone who passed by his home.One day, my daughters friend came to visit and said that she just saw a(n) (13) old man who waved at her in a (14) way. She mentioned that she

30、 waved back at him (15) she didnt know him, and it was really (16) and even made her day. Upon hearing this, my daughter told her the (17) of how all the waving began. Her friend responded, Tell your mom thats really (18) !Her friends response taught my daughter that an act of kindness could be very

31、 (19) and effortless if you really wanted to do it. It showed us how giving happiness (20) both the giver and the receiver.(1)AlonelyBfunnyCbusyDhappy(2)Asmile atBturn toCwave atDlook after(3)AsurprisedBexcitedCworriedDfrightened(4)AsomebodyBnobodyCgrassDsnow(5)AbravelyBproudlyCsecretlyDslowly(6)Ali

32、keBunderstandCknowDvisit(7)AcostBgetClackDmean(8)AimportanceBhumorCjoyDrelief(9)AinterestingBwonderfulCparticularDembarrassing(10)AavoidBtryCrememberDreceive(11)ApraisedBcalledChelpedDsaw(12)AstartedBsuggestedCmissedDforgot(13)ArichBstrangeChonestDclever(14)AspecialBnormalCsillyDfriendly(15)Ain case

33、Bnow thatCeven thoughDas if(16)AgoodBsafeCnecessaryDfair(17)AtaskBplanCjokeDstory(18)AdifferentBcoolCsimpleDcommon(19)AdangerousBusefulCnaturalDhopeful(20)AcomfortedBsavedCcontrolledDbenefitedUnit3 Diverse Cultures第一篇Few Americans stay in one place for a lifetime. We (1) from the city to the suburbs

34、, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job (2) , from the home where we (3) our children to the home where we plan to live in (4) . With each move we are (5) making new friends, who become part of our new life.For many of us the summer is a special t

35、ime for forming new (6) . Today, millions of Americans go on vocation (7) , and they go not only to see new sights but also in those places where they do not feel too (8) with the hope of meeting new people. No one really (9) a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendsh

36、ip is possible. Surely in every country people (10) friendship?The word friend to American people can be (11) to a wide range of relationships to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a close business companion, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a (12) colleague. Ther

37、e are real (13) among these relations for Americans a friendship may be (14) , casual, situational or deep and lasting. But to a European, who sees only our surface behavior, the differences are not clear.As Europeans see it, all kinds of friends flow (15) of Americans homes with little ceremony. Th

38、ey may be parents of the childrens friends, house guests of neighbors, members of a committee, business associates from another town or even another country. (16) as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no (17) differences. The atmosphere is (18) . Most people, old and young, ar

39、e called (19) first names. Americans characteristic openness to different styles of relationship makes it possible for us to find new friends abroad with whom we feel (20) .(1)AdriveBcommuteCmoveDsettle(2)AabroadBelsewhereCsomewhereDnowhere(3)AdeliverBprotectCeducateDraise(4)AretirementBdeathCillnes


41、cesBvarietiesCdistinctionsDdiversities(14)AinformalBreliableCshallowDfragile(15)Ain and outBon and onCby and byDup and down(16)AMovingBFlowingCGoingDComing(17)AobviousBheavyCapparentDstrong(18)AweirdBstressedCrelaxedDstrange(19)AwithBonCforDby(20)Aat bestBat homeCat heartDat hand第二篇Its too late for

42、me, Susan. Im too (1) for school, said Sharron. How old are you? Susan asked. Im thirty. Susan pointed at the bruises on Sharrons wrists, Im familiar with (2) like these. Honey, its never too late to (3) your dream. Let me tell you how I know.Susan began (4) a part of her life few knew about. At my

43、(5) settlement, the judge gave our sons to my husband (6) I was only nineteen and he felt I couldnt provide for them. The (7) of him taking my babies left me weeping. To make things (8) , my husband took the boys and moved, cutting all contact I had with them. Just like the judge predicted, I (9) to

44、 make ends meet. I found work as a waitress, working for (10) only. Many days my meals (11) milk and biscuits. The most difficult thing was the (12) in my soul. I lived in a tiny one-room apartment and the loneliness would defeat me. I wished I could play with my babies and hear them laugh.Even (13) four decades, the memory was still painful. Sharrons eye


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