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1、高中英语 Book 3 Unit 2知识点及检测Book 3 Unit 2知识点及检测1. majority 教材原句 P16 At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine.十八岁时,她没有像大多暂的女孩那样走上婚姻这一传统道路,而是选择了学医。majority n.大多数;大部分major adj.大的,主要的; vi.主修(+in); n.C主修课程majority n.大多数;大部分 a/the

2、 majority of 大多数 in a/the majority 占大多数-反义 minor vi.辅修(+in) adj.较小的,次要的minority n. 少数n.C辅修课程 少数派majority 用法(1) the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数形式均可;强调整体时用单数形式,强调个体时用复数形式。(2)a/the majority of+可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式:/the majority+集体名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数形式均可。应用融会:(1).A/The _ (major)of college students like sho

3、pping online, as they feel it is cheap and convenient.大多数大学生喜欢网购,因为他们认为网购既便宜又方便。(2).Generally speaking, a/the majority of the audience is/are willing to give the actors a big round of applause if the performance is very excellent.一般来说.假如演出很棒的话。大多数观众愿意为演员们热烈鼓掌。(3) My brother was admitted into Nanjing

4、 University in 2016,and majored _ math. 2. complain 教材语境 Why should girls learn so much? Finding a good husband should be their final goal! her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees.“女孩子读那么多书于吗? 找个好丈夫才是她们的归宿!想到高额的学费,她的哥哥抱怨道。 complain v. 抱怨,发牢骚 -complaint n. 抱怨;投诉complain (to sb )of /

5、about (向某人)抱怨/诉complain (to sb ) hat. (向某人)抱怨/诉a complaint box 意见箱 a letter of complaint 投诉信 make a complaint against/about.投诉 应用融会:(1).Id like to complain _ the neighbors about the noise , but I dont want to cause any bad feelings. (2). LiHua never complains_ the work that takes up a large part of

6、the day, as he knows the road to success will never be easy.(3).We received a number of_(complain) from customers about lack of parking.特别提醒complain 不能直接跟 sb.作宾语,应加介词 to。类似的词还有 explain(解释,说明),announce(宣告),apologize(道歉)等。I had to explain to him that I had lost his keys.我不得不向他解释我弄丢了他的钥匙。3. respond 教材语

7、境 P16She responded, Id rather stay single to study all my life!她回答:“我宁愿一辈子不嫁人,也要学习!respond vi.& v.回答,回复;vi.作出反应,回应 response n. C,U反应,响应;回答,答复 respond to.(with.)(以)对作出反应/回应 respond that. 回答说in response to.作为对的答复/反应make/give(no)response to.对(不)作出反应,对(不)予以回答应用融会(1).Dont respond _ any emails requesting

8、personal information, no matter how official they look.(2) In response to the audiences great demand, the play will be put on in the theatre twice a week.应观众的极力要求,这出戏将在剧院一周上演两次。(3) The reporter asked the presidents_( respond) to the social issue but the president didnt respond_ it. 4.impress教材语境P16

9、She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay.美国同行对她印象极佳,邀请她留下。impress vt.给留下深刻的好印象impress vt.使意识到(重要性或严肃性等) impress sb.with.以.给某人留下深刻印象 impresses sb. that.令某人印象深刻的是What impresses sb. is that.令某人印象深刻的是impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人意识到某事(如果宾语过长,可调整为 impress on/upon sb.sth.)impres

10、sed adj.(对)对印象深刻 be impressed by/with.impression n.C印象;感想 make/leave a deep impression on sb. 给某人留卡深刻印象give the impression of.给人以的印象 impressive adj.给人印象深刻的; 令人敬佩的,令人赞叹的(1).The candidate impressed us _his knowledge.It impressed me that she remembered my name after many years.(2). What impresses me mo

11、st is that he always wears a sincere and charming smile. 给我印象最深刻的是他总是带着真诚而迷人的微笑。(3).My parents impressed _me the importance of receiving a good education. 语境串记Bob is a boy of many talents. Last week, his _(impress)performance at the concert left a deep _(impress) on me. However, what _ (impress)me m

12、ost was his modest manner.5.appoint 教材语境P16 In 1941,Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.1941年,林医生被任命为北京协和医院妇产科主任,成为该院第一位中国籍女主任appoint (1)vt.任命,委派 appoint sb.(as/to be)+职务(其前不加冠词)任命某人担任某职务appoint sb.to sth.派某人任某职位 appoint s

13、b.to do sth.委派某人做某事appoint (2) vt.确定(时间、地点) appointment n.通常指按预约时间进行的约会appointed adj. 指定的,约定的appoint.(for sth.)(为某事)确定 appointed time/place 约定的时间/地点have an appointment with sh.与某人有约 make an appointment with sh.与某人约个时间make an appointment to do sth 预约做某事keep/miss an appointment 准时赴约/失约应用融会(1) Lucy _ (

14、 appoint) ( as/to be) monitor at the class meeting.(2) It is required that everyone ( should ) arrive at the lecture hall at the _(appoint)time.6.tend 教材语境P17 She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medicalresearch on care for women and children, and training the next generation of d

15、octors.她更感兴趣的是治病救人、发表妇幼护理医学研究成果、培养下一代医生。tend vt. 照顾;照料;护理;vi 倾向;趋于;易于写出下列句中tend的含义(1) (2020年天津高考)Scientists tend to be curious and ambitious. _(2) He tends to lose his temper when he hears bad news. _(3) Ambulance crews were tending to the injured. _点拨归纳(1)tend to do/be . 易于做/趋向 tend(to)sb./sth. 照顾/

16、护理某人/某物 (2)tendency n. 趋向;倾向 have a tendency to do sth. 倾向于做某事;喜欢做某事There is a tendency for sb. to do sth. 某人有做某事的倾向应用融会(1) Women tend_ (live) longer than men.(2) She had a tendency_(talk) fast when she was nervous.7.retire 教材语境P17 Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died, 22 April 1983. 林医生坚守在岗

17、位上,直到1983年4月22日她去世的那一天。retire ( 1)vi. &u.(使)退休(使)退职 (2)vi (因伤)退出(比赛等)retired adj已退休的 retirement 退休, 退职, 退休生活retire from.从退休 retire as.从职位上退休a retired doctor/teacher/worker已退职的通休医生/教师/工人take early retirement 提前退休Mr Green plans_(retire) as an engineer. The old man, who has put aside a lot of money for

18、_(retire) , is looking forward to travelling abroad with his wife - -a _(retire) doctor.格林先生打算从工程师的职位上退休。这位老人正盼望着与他的妻子 -一位退休医生去国外旅游,他已经为退休生活存了很多钱。8.scared教材语境P17 She was so scared during the interview that she completely forgot how she should respond to the questions.她在面试时吓得完全忘了该如何回答这些问题。scared adj.

19、害怕的,担心的 (近义词:afraid/frightened) scare vt.惊吓,使害怕 n.C恐惧,恐慌 scary adj.恐怖的,吓人的 scare.away/off将吓跑be scared of sth.害怕/担心某物 be scared of doing sth./to do sth.害怕做某事 scare sb into/ out of doing sth 恐吓某人做/ 不做某事be scared that.害怕(1).They lighted a fire to scare the wolves_.(2). We _( scare) to death when we fou

20、nd the ground shaking.(3). I am _(scare). The movie is too scary and it_(scare) me.9.replace教材语境P17 The student union will hold a special meeting in Janmary to elect someone to replace the secretary,学生会将在一月份举行一次特别会议,选举一个人来代替秘书。replace vt.代替,取代;替换,接替 vt.更换,更新 vt. 把放回原处replacement n.U替换,更换;C替代品;接替者rep

21、lace A(with/byB) (用B)接替/取代Areplace sb as. 取代某人为.代替,取代”的其他表达法: instead of 代替in place of sb./sth.=in sb.s/sth.s place 顶替/代替某人或某物take sb.s/sth, s place = take the place of sb./sth.代替/替换某人或某物应用融会】(1) Its not a good idea to miss meals and replace them _snacks.(2) Teachers will never_ ( replace) by comput

22、ers in class.(3)The librarian asked me _after reading.图书管理员让我看完书后把它放回书架上。你离开之前必须把书放回书架。10.whisper教材语境 P18 I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not wanting to be heard.我看见她对他耳语了几句,显然不想被人听见。 whisper(1)v. 小声说、耳语、低语 (2)n、C耳语(声),低语(声)whisper sth. in/into sb.s ear 在某人耳边低声说某事whisper about

23、 sth.低声说某事 whisper(sth.)to sb对某人低声说(某事)in a whisper/in whispers 低声地(1)Nervously facing challenges,I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words Be yourself”.当紧张地面对挑战时,我知道我将对自己低语那两个简单的词Be yourself”(2)His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him,_(whisper) support.他的老师托马斯惠利就在他旁边、低声表示支持。(全国I卷)(3)T

24、hey talked with each other _ a whisper in the corner.11. assist 11. assist 教材语境P18 Despite the difficult situation, Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people.尽管形势艰难,白求恩大夫还是尽其所能帮助中国人民。assist v.帮助,协助、援助 assistant n.IC助手,助理;售货员adj.助理的assistance n.U帮助,援助,支持assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某

25、事assist sb.in(doing)sth.帮助某人(做)某事 assist sb.with sth.在某事上帮助基人a teaching assistant 助教 an assistant manager 经理助理 come to ones assistance去帮助某人 with the assistance of. 在的帮助下I swam to Dad quickly and assisted him in climbing onto the boat.我迅速游向父亲,并协助他爬到船上。(1)Were looking for people who would be willing t

26、o assist us _the groups work. (2)With the _(assist) of the volunteers, he finally met his daughter who had been missing for 30 years.在志愿者的帮助下,他终于见到了失踪30年的女儿。12. aid 教材语境P18He helped to organize hospitals,taught doctors and nurses, and showed people how to give first aid. 他帮助组建医院,教医生和护士并向人们展示如何进行急救。a

27、id (1)n.U帮助,援助(完成某工作所需的)帮助,助手,辅助物 (2)v.帮助,援助first aid 急救 come to ones aid 来帮助某人 in aid of.为了帮助with the aid of.在的帮助下aid(sb./sth.)in doing sth.帮助(某人/某物)做某事 aid sb. in/with sth.在某方面帮助某人(1) The countrys economic recovery _(aid) by increased international trade in the last five months. I couldnt speak Fr

28、ench but a kind man came to my aid.我不会说法语.不过一个好心人过来帮助了我。Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. 为了帮助弱势群体,霍克再次开放了它的花园。(全国卷)With the aid of our teachers, we learned how to give first aid.在我们老师的帮助下,我们学会了如何进行急救。(2) We have aided him in _(finish) the work ahead of time. (3) The m

29、an is very kind-hearted, who always aids the students _ money.辨析比较 assist/aid/help 三者都有 帮助之意,但侧重点有所不同:help 最为常用,而aid 和assist 比较正式。aid 常指用金钱、物资帮助或”某物在某方面有帮助;assist则常有协助某人或给某人当助手之意。13. in memory of 教材语境P18 After Dr Bethunes death, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him, in which he prai

30、sed Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.白求恩大夫去世后,毛泽东主席写了一篇文章来纪念他,他在文章中赞扬白求恩大夫是一名英雄,将在中国被铭记。in memory of.意为作为对的纪念(通常用于已去世的人) He wrote a poem in memory of those who died in the earthquake.他写了一首诗以纪念那些在地震中死去的人们。由in+n.+of构成的短语介词,通常在句中作状语。归纳拓展 in+n.+of型的其他短语: in praise of 称赞,歌颂 in possession of

31、 拥有 in search of 寻找 in favour of 支持.赞同 in charge of 负责;管理 in need of 需要 in control of 控制 in aid of. 为了帮助 in support of 支持 in case of 假使,如果 in terms of 就而言 in honour of.为向表示敬意 应用融会(用以上短语填空)(1).There, a big memorial has been built_ him, who devoted all his life to the Chinese revolution and constructi

32、on.那里建了一座大的纪念碑来纪念他,他一生致力于中国的革命和建设事业。(2).Scientists are _a cure for the disease.科学家们正在寻找这种病的治愈方法。(3).Twenty years ago, his father was very rich and was_ a farm.二十年前,他父亲很富有,拥有一个农场。(4)._population, China is the larges country in the world.就人口而言,中国是世界上最多的国家。14. A moral dilemma is a situation in which yo

33、u have two or more difficult choices to make.道德困境是指你有两个或两个以上困难选择的处境。dilemman.进退两难的境地;困境When faced with a dilemma, we should think twice and make the right judgment.在面临两难境地的时候,我们应再三考虑,做出正确的判断。点拨归纳moral dilemma 道德困境 in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地 face a dilemma 面临进退两难的困境 get out of a dilemma 摆脱进退两难的处境 应用融会(1)

34、 I am grateful that you helped me get out of the dilemma I was_(2) Many moms _about whether they should go back to work or not.许多妈妈面临着是否应该回去工作的两难境地。15. If people strongly disagree with something, they might exaggerate their intonation.如果人们强烈反对某事,他们可能会夸大他们的语调。disagree with 不同意,与有分歧;不一致;不适应思考感知I disag

35、ree with the premise that economic development has priority over the environment.我不赞成经济发展应优先于环境这个前提。点拨归纳(1)disagree vi. 不同意;有分歧;不一致 disagree with sb.on/about/over sth. 与某人在某方面有分歧disagree with sb. (食物或天气)使某人身体不适 (2)disagreement n. 分歧;争论;不一致 in disagreement with 与不符合;与不一致应用融会(1) I disagree _ you on ho

36、w to decorate the house.(2) They have had several_(disagree) with their neighbors.(3) To be frank, I disagree with you _the matter.知识点答案: 1.majority; in 2.to; of; complaints 3. to ;response, to4.with; on ;impressive,impression,impressed 5.was appointed;appointed 6.倾向 ;易于 ;护理 ; to live ;to talk7. to

37、retire ; retirement; retired .8. away; were scared; (3) scared; scares9. with/by; be replaced ; to replace the book on the shelf10. whispering ; in11.with ;assistance 12. has been aided; finishing; with 13. in memory of ;in search of ;in possession of ; In terms of14. in ; face the dilemma15. with ;

38、 disagreements ; on/over/about知识点检测1. Though the _ (major) is/are against the plan, the boss still hopes to carry it out next year.2. Only a_(minor)of children like doing housework while most of them enjoy playing games. 3. Betty complained _Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk at yesterd

39、ays meeting.4.Carl responded _my question with a smile and said nothing.5.Linda _ (appoint)to the committee recently.6. The city of Hangzhou is really an_place. The famous West Lake always leaves a deep_ on visitors. I was strongly_by its beauty the first time I saw it.(impress)7.单句写作: 令我印象最深的是这个团队不

40、轻言放弃。_8.I dont like the books, which disagree_me.9.I have a _(tend)to talk too much when Im nervous. 10.She was _ (scare) to go into the yard because she was scared of _(bite) by the big dog lying at the gate.11.Do you think all workers will _(replace) by robots in the future? 12.The Dragon Boat Festival is held in memory _ the famous poet Qu Yuan知识点检测答案:1.majority 2.minority 3.to 4.to 5.has been appointed 6.impressive; impression; impressed 7. What impressed me most was that the team never gave up easily.8. with ; 9.tendency 10.scared ;being bitten 11.be replaced 12. of 17/17


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