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1、Unit 4Body Language 1. 很可能很可能;有希望;有希望_ 2. 不可能不可能_ 3. 后退;退后后退;退后_ 4. 互相问候互相问候_ 5. 似乎似乎_ 6. 表达情感表达情感_ 7. 相反相反_be likely to be unlikely tostep backgreet each other as ifexpress ones feelings on the contraryKey Phrases 8. 口头语言口头语言_ 9. 舒适;安逸;悠闲舒适;安逸;悠闲_ 10. 丢脸丢脸_ 11. 背对;不理睬;背弃背对;不理睬;背弃_ 12. 保卫保卫以免受以免受_ s

2、poken languageat easelose face turn ones back to defend against 13向向介绍介绍_14接近接近_15与某人握手与某人握手 _16对某人点头对某人点头_17误解误解_18正视某人正视某人 _introduce.toclose toshake hands with sb.nod at sb.be wrong about sb./ sth.look sb. in the eye19伸手伸手 _20使某人平静使某人平静/安逸安逸 _21握紧拳头握紧拳头 _22总的来说总的来说 _reach out ones handput sb. at

3、easemake a fistgenerally speaking (=in general)1. _ n. 陈述;说明陈述;说明_vt. 陈陈述;声明述;声明2. _ vt. 代表;象征代表;象征_n. 代表代表_n. 代表代表(人人)3. _ n. 社团;联系;联想社团;联系;联想_vt. 联想;联系联想;联系4. _ adj. 好奇的好奇的_ adv. 好奇地好奇地_ n. 好奇心好奇心5. _ vt. 保护;保卫保护;保卫_ n. 防御防御;保卫;保卫;防御用的,防御性的防御用的,防御性的adj._statementstate representrepresentationassoci

4、ationassociatecuriositycurious curiouslydefenddefencerepresentativedefend the city/oneself, in defense ofdefensive6. _ adj. 主要的;主要的;v.主修;主修;n. 主修主修专业专业_ n.大多数大多数, 大部分大部分7. _ adj. 口语的口语的(反义词反义词) _adj. 非口语的;未说出口的非口语的;未说出口的8. _ n. 功能功能,职能职能,作用;作用;vi. 起作用起作用,运转运转_adj. 功能的功能的, 实用的实用的9. _ adv. 真实地;真诚地;真正地

5、真实地;真诚地;真正地_adj. 真实的;正确的真实的;正确的_n. 事事实;真相实;真相 majoritymajorspokenunspoken functionfunctionaltrulytruetruth10. _ n. 怒火;怒气怒火;怒气_ adj. 生气生气的;恼怒的的;恼怒的11. _ v.&n. 尊敬尊敬_ adj. 恭恭敬的敬的_ adj. 值得尊敬的值得尊敬的angerangryrespectrespectfulrespectable 1. represent vt. 表现表现, 表示表示, 描绘描绘, 讲述讲述, 代表代表, 象征象征这幅画这幅画描绘描绘的是海上暴风雨。

6、的是海上暴风雨。This painting _(represent) a storm at sea.她她代表代表学校发言。学校发言。She made a speech, _ (represent) her school. n. represent_ 代表n. represent_ 代表(人)ationativerepresentsrepresentingadj.昨天,我和另一个昨天,我和另一个同学去首都同学去首都国际机场迎接今国际机场迎接今年的国际学生年的国际学生。Yesterday,another student and I went to the Capital International

7、 Airport to meet this years international students. 我们代表我们大学的学生会。我们代表我们大学的学生会。We represent our universitys student association. Yesterday,another student and I,representing/on behalf of our universitys student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international stu

8、dents. vt. 引进引进; 采用采用;介绍介绍请允许我自我请允许我自我介绍介绍一下。一下。Allow me _ _ myself. 主席把讲演者主席把讲演者介绍介绍给听众。给听众。The chairman _ the speaker _ the audience. 2. introduceintroducetointroducedto土豆最初是由南美土豆最初是由南美引入引入欧洲的。欧洲的。Potatoes _ first _ _ Europe from South America._ new techniques 采用新技术采用新技术n. introduc_introducedwerei

9、ntointroducetion3.touch vt./ n. 接触接触, 触摸触摸, 碰到碰到, 感动感动, 触犯触犯, 他从不喝酒。他从不喝酒。He never _ alcoholic drinks. 参观者请勿触摸展览品。参观者请勿触摸展览品。 Visitors are not allowed _ _ the exhibits. 我被他为我所做的感动了。我被他为我所做的感动了。I _ _ _ what he had done for me.touchestouchtowas touched by和和.取得联系取得联系get in/into touch with 和和.保持联系保持联系ke

10、ep in touch with和和.失去联系失去联系, 对对.变得生疏变得生疏lose touch with4. approachv.) 接近接近,靠近靠近 come near考试的日子近了,放假的日子还会远吗?考试的日子近了,放假的日子还会远吗? If the time for exams _, will the time for vacation _? 我们听到一辆汽车驶近的声音。我们听到一辆汽车驶近的声音。We heard a car approaching.n.) (距离或时间上的距离或时间上的)靠近靠近 (待人接物或思考问题的待人接物或思考问题的)方式方式,方法方法 通路通路 is

11、 approaching.be far away 她没有听到他走近的声音,所以开门时吓了她没有听到他走近的声音,所以开门时吓了一跳。一跳。你知道学习外语的最佳方法吗你知道学习外语的最佳方法吗?通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队守卫。通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队守卫。She hadnt _ and jumped as the door opened.Do you know the _ studying a foreign language?_the palace were guarded by troopsheard his approachbest approach ofAll the approach

12、es to5. majoradj.) 主要的主要的,较大的较大的a major roadto play a major role major international companiesvi.) 主修主修, 专攻专攻minor要道要道起重要作用起重要作用大跨国公司大跨国公司She _(主修历史主修历史)at Stanford.n.) 主修课程主修课程,专业课专业课他的专业是法语他的专业是法语.His major is French.n.) major_ 大部分大部分,大多数大多数majors in historyminority 少数少数ity6. expressvt. 表示表示, 表达表达

13、, 表现表现我帮助了她,她表示感谢。我帮助了她,她表示感谢。 She _ _ _ for my help. 微笑表达了她对这个消息的喜悦心情。微笑表达了她对这个消息的喜悦心情。 A smile _ her _ at the news. 她听说自己的儿子被哈佛大学录取了她听说自己的儿子被哈佛大学录取了,脸上显出脸上显出非常高兴的样子。非常高兴的样子。Her face _ great joy when she knew that her son had been _ _ Harvard. expressed herthanksexpressedjoyexpressedadmitted ton. 快

14、车快车, 快递快递, 专使专使 尽力乘尽力乘9:30去上海的去上海的快车快车。Try to get on the 9:30 _ to Shanghai.adj. 快的快的快车快车an _ train n. express_ 表达,表情表达,表情expressexpressionExpress Mail Service邮政特快专递服务邮政特快专递服务 7. likely 1. 很可能的+to-v+that今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。 John _ _ _ be in London this autumn. = _ _ _ _ John will be . 2. 适当的,正合要求的(+for)The

15、park is a _ place for the picnic. 这公园倒是个适合野餐的地方。 副词副词 ad. 1. 很可能We will most _ be late.is likely toIt is likely thatlikelylikely8. avoidvt. 避免避免; 回避回避; 防止防止, 撤消撤消 avoid sth./ doing sth.为为避免避免被车撞上,他不得不急被车撞上,他不得不急 转弯转弯。_ _ the car hitting him, he had tomake a sharp turn.我加快脚步走到路的另一边,我加快脚步走到路的另一边,避免避免与

16、他碰面。与他碰面。I quickly walked to the other side of the road to _ _ (meet) him.meetingTo avoid avoid只能用只能用动名词动名词(不能用动词不定式)(不能用动词不定式)作宾语的动词:作宾语的动词:avoid ;advise, suggest, finish, practise, dislikeenjoy, consider(思考)(思考), imagine, excuse, miss, mind, forbid, allow, permit, escape, admitImportant sentences1

17、. The first person _ was Tony. 第一个第一个到达的到达的是是Tony (1)We want water _(drink). (2) He is a pleasant person _ (一起共事)一起共事). (3)The building _(将要建的)(将要建的)is our library. 2Tony approaches Julia,touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek. (P26,L22)托尼走近史托尼走近史密斯女士,摸了摸她的肩,亲了亲她的脸。密斯女士,摸了摸她的肩,亲了亲她的脸。 句型句型

18、:(这类常见动词有:这类常见动词有:take,strike,lead,seize,hit,beat,pat,knock,etc.)如:如:不要打他的脸。不要打他的脸。Dont hit him in the face. Important sentences 模仿造句(1)男孩牵着老人的手穿过了马路。_(2)老师拍拍我的肩,说我考得不错。_(1)The boy _ the old man _ and crossed the street.(2)The teacher _ me _ and said I did a good job in the examination.3The first pe

19、rson to arrive is Tony Garcia from Columbia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. (P26)第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼加西亚,加西亚,随后紧跟着的是随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅英国的朱莉娅史密斯。史密斯。 词语归纳follow:vt.跟随,接着跟随,接着 follow sb.vt.遵循,听从,领会,依照遵循,听从,领会,依照行事行事follow the advice/the rules 即学即练(1) The teacher came in , _ the st

20、udents.(2) The teacher came in, _by the students.(3) The results are as _:First was Sweden,and then Germany,then Ireland.(4)They went to Paris for further study the _ day.following followingfollowedfollows 4Not all cultures greet each other the same way. (P26)不是所有人都是以相同的方式来互致问候的。 句型: the boys footba

21、ll. 并不是所有的男孩都喜欢足球。 Some boys dont like football. (2) Both of the answers are not right. 并非两个答案都是对的。 = One of the two answers is wrong.1. Yesterday, another student and I _ (代表代表) our universitys student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students.

22、 2. I saw several young people enter the waiting area _ (look) curiously.3. I stood for a minute _ (watch) them and then went to greet them.representinglookingwatching4. The first person _ (arrive) was Tony from Colombia, closely _ (follow) by Julia from Britain.5. She stepped back _ (appear) surpri

23、sed and put up her hands.6. The man from Japan came in _ (smile), together with George Cook from Canada.to arrivefollowedappearingsmiling7. When Darlene from France came _ (dash) through the door, she recognized Tonys smiling face. 8. People also express their feelings _ (use) unspoken language thro

24、ugh physical distance, actions or posture.9. Most people around the world now greet each other _ shaking hands.dashingusingby10. She sat near the desk, _ (read) the newspaper.11. _ (not have) enough money, I decided not to buy the book then.12. _ (finish) her homework, she began to watch TV.readingN

25、ot havingHaving finished短文改错短文改错The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smileits function is to show happiness and put people inease. It does not always mean that we were truly happy, however. Smiles around the world can be false, hide other feelings as anger, fear or worry. There is

26、unhappy smiles, such as when someone “loses face” and smile to hide it. Therefore, the general purpose of smilingis show good feelings.atsmileshidingtoareHoweverarelike How about showing that I am boring? Look awayfrom people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be interested. However,

27、if I turn toward andlook someone or something, people from almost everyculture will think that I am interested. If I roll my eyes and turn my head away, I most like do not believe whatI am hearing it or do not like it.boredlikelyLookinguninterestedat 一一 根据中文写出相应的英文单词或词组。根据中文写出相应的英文单词或词组。 1. 地方的地方的 2

28、好奇的好奇的 3引进引进 4 接近,靠近接近,靠近 5 表达表达 6. 姿态姿态,手势手势 7. 避免避免 8. 喜剧喜剧 9. 误会误会 10 相似的相似的 local curious introduce approach express gesture avoid comedy misunderstand be similar to 11 打哈欠打哈欠 yawn 12 处罚处罚 punish 13 一般说来一般说来 generally speaking 14 代表代表 represent/stand for 15 可能可能 be likely to do 16. 点头点头 nod at s

29、b. 17. 面部表情面部表情 facial expression 18. 表示同意表示同意 show agreement 19. 沟通沟通 communication 20. 口语口语 spoken language 二二 根据中文翻译句子根据中文翻译句子 1. 经过两个小时的热烈讨论经过两个小时的热烈讨论, 他们就这个问题他们就这个问题达成了协议达成了协议. After two hours of heated discussion, they came to agreement on this matter. 2. 我们是通过你的行为而不是你的语言来断定我们是通过你的行为而不是你的语言来断

30、定你是否诚实你是否诚实. Well see your honesty through your actions rather than your words. 3.摩托车手危险驾驶应当受重罚摩托车手危险驾驶应当受重罚. Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving. 4.喜剧是为了给人们带来娱乐和生活的真喜剧是为了给人们带来娱乐和生活的真谛而设计的谛而设计的. Comedies are designed to give people amusement as well as the truth of life. 5.请允

31、许我介绍我的朋友请允许我介绍我的朋友Miss wood给你给你. Please allow me to introduce my friend Miss wood to you. 6. 你一定要给她一个解释你一定要给她一个解释,以防她会误会你以防她会误会你. You must give an explanation to her, in case she might misunderstand you. 7. 在某些情况下在某些情况下, 手势比语言更能表达我们的手势比语言更能表达我们的感情感情. In some cases, our feelings can be expressed bett

32、er with gestures than spoken language. 8.现代的毛利人过着与他们的祖先类似的生活现代的毛利人过着与他们的祖先类似的生活. Modern Kooris are living in a similar way to their ancestors. In no case, in case of, in any case 9.教育的主要目标之一是让学生用现代的知识教育的主要目标之一是让学生用现代的知识武装自己武装自己. One of the major aims of education is to have students equipped with mo

33、dern knowledge. 10.他绝望地举起了双手他绝望地举起了双手. He raised his hands in a gesture of despair. 一、不定式作定语只能用一、不定式作定语只能用的情形的情形 1不定式所修饰的名词和不定式中的动词不定式所修饰的名词和不定式中的动词所表示的动作是逻辑上的所表示的动作是逻辑上的主谓关系主谓关系(此时,(此时,该不定式短语可转化为一个定语从句)。该不定式短语可转化为一个定语从句)。 例如:例如: He is always the first (person) to come and the last to leave. 2不定式与它修

34、饰的名词是逻辑上的不定式与它修饰的名词是逻辑上的动宾关系动宾关系,且主语是不定式中的动词所表示动作的逻辑主语且主语是不定式中的动词所表示动作的逻辑主语或在句中能找到其逻辑主语。例如:或在句中能找到其逻辑主语。例如: He has a lot of work to do today 今天他有大量的活要干。今天他有大量的活要干。 Do you have anything more to say? 你还有什么话要说吗?你还有什么话要说吗? Our teacher arranged us six exercises to do at home 老师给我们安排了六道练习题在家里做。老师给我们安排了六道练

35、习题在家里做。 (us是是to do的逻辑主语)的逻辑主语) Father always bought his son some toys to play with after his business 父亲每次出差回来都给他的儿子买玩具玩儿。父亲每次出差回来都给他的儿子买玩具玩儿。 (son是是to play with的逻辑主语)的逻辑主语) 3有些句子中,尽管行文上没有不定式的有些句子中,尽管行文上没有不定式的逻辑主语,但是从句意角度可以体会出不逻辑主语,但是从句意角度可以体会出不定式中隐含着定式中隐含着“for sbto do”结构。此时,结构。此时,不定式应该用主动式。例如:不定式应该

36、用主动式。例如: There is nothing(for us) to worry about没有什么可值得担忧的。没有什么可值得担忧的。 That will be the only thing(for us)to do now 这恐怕是目前(我们)唯一可行的办法。这恐怕是目前(我们)唯一可行的办法。 It is a good opportunity(for us them)to learn from the farmers 这可是一个向农民学习的大好机会。这可是一个向农民学习的大好机会。 4部分形容词,如部分形容词,如eager,anxious,determined,able等,其后常跟不

37、定式,他们的等,其后常跟不定式,他们的同源名词同源名词后要用不定式的主动式作定语。例如:后要用不定式的主动式作定语。例如: (MrSmith was eager to get back to teach at the school) = MrSmiths eagerness to get back to teach at the school was quite obvious 史密斯先生急于回校教学这一点是显而易见的。史密斯先生急于回校教学这一点是显而易见的。 (He was anxious to know the results of the test) =We could see his

38、 anxiety to know the results of the test 我们看得出他很想知道这次测验的结果。我们看得出他很想知道这次测验的结果。 5部分动词,如部分动词,如attempt,promise,plan, intend,refuse等,其后常跟不定式作其宾语,等,其后常跟不定式作其宾语,它们的它们的同源名词同源名词后要用不定式的主动式作定语。后要用不定式的主动式作定语。 例如:例如: (They attempted to reach there before five oclock) =They failed in their attempt to reach there

39、before five oclock 他们试图在五点以前赶到那里,但是没有办到。他们试图在五点以前赶到那里,但是没有办到。 (You promised to give me a present on my birthday) =You havent kept your promise to give me a present on my birthday 你没有遵守在我过生日时给我礼物的诺言。你没有遵守在我过生日时给我礼物的诺言。 6在在“with without 宾语宾语补足语宾语宾语补足语”结构中,结构中,若宾语补足语是若宾语补足语是不定式不定式(作定语),不定式所表示的动(作定语),不定

40、式所表示的动作作将要发生将要发生,且句子的主语是该动作逻辑上的执行者,且句子的主语是该动作逻辑上的执行者,此时不定式须用主动式。此时不定式须用主动式。 With a lot of difficult problems _ , the newly-elected president is having a hard time(2002上海高考)上海高考) Asettled Bsettling Cto settle Dbeing settled With several meetings to attend,he couldnt go to the Great Wall with us 由于有几次

41、会议要参加,所以他不能和我们一起去长城由于有几次会议要参加,所以他不能和我们一起去长城了。了。 Without two members to come,wed better not start the meeting 还有两位成员未到,我们最好先别开始开会。还有两位成员未到,我们最好先别开始开会。 Without anything to do,he turned off the lights and went to bed已无事可做,所以他关灯睡觉了。已无事可做,所以他关灯睡觉了。 二、不定式作定语二、不定式作定语只能用只能用被动被动式式的情形的情形 1为了表达需要,强调不定式动作的为了表达需

42、要,强调不定式动作的执行执行者时,者时,须用被动式,常用须用被动式,常用by结构引导。例如:结构引导。例如: (1)2008 Olympic Games is the first great Olympic Games _ (hold) by Chinese 2008年奥运会是中国人首次举办的奥运盛会。年奥运会是中国人首次举办的奥运盛会。 2不定式所修饰的名词是不定式所修饰的名词是将要将要被做的事情时,不被做的事情时,不定式须用被动式。定式须用被动式。 (2)The problem _ (discuss) at the next meeting is of great importance 下

43、次会议上将要讨论的这个问题至关重要。下次会议上将要讨论的这个问题至关重要。 (3)The building _ (build) next year will be used as the office building 明年要建设的大楼将用作办公楼。明年要建设的大楼将用作办公楼。 to be heldto be discussedto be built1. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。 She associated happiness with having money.2. 我借助报纸上的一则广告找到了我的自行我借助报纸上的一则广告找到了我的自行 车。车。 I fou

44、nd my bike by means of a notice in the newspaper.3. 请允许我介绍我的朋友请允许我介绍我的朋友 Miss Wood 给你。给你。 Please allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you. 4. 我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向 四周张望。四周张望。 I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.5. 他戴着墨镜以防他的眼睛被强烈的太阳光晒他戴着

45、墨镜以防他的眼睛被强烈的太阳光晒 伤。伤。 He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.6. 他昨晚在晚会上一句话也没有说。他昨晚在晚会上一句话也没有说。 Not a single word did he say at the party last night.7. 这种设计反映了现代艺术中一种主要的新趋这种设计反映了现代艺术中一种主要的新趋 势。势。 This design represents a major new trend in modern art.8. 牙医很快使小女孩的情绪放松了。牙医很快使小

46、女孩的情绪放松了。 The dentist soon put the small girl at ease.9. 教育的主要目标之一是让学生用现代的知识教育的主要目标之一是让学生用现代的知识 武装自己。武装自己。 One of the major aims of education is to have students equipped with modern knowledge.10. 你一定要给她一个解释,以防她会误会你。你一定要给她一个解释,以防她会误会你。 You must give an explanation to her, in case she might misunders

47、tand you. 11. 在某些情况下在某些情况下, 手势比语言更能表达我们的手势比语言更能表达我们的 感情。感情。 In some cases, our feelings can be expressed better with gestures than spoken language.12. 经过两个小时的热烈讨论经过两个小时的热烈讨论, 他们就这个问题他们就这个问题 达成了协议达成了协议. After two hours of heated discussion, they came to an agreement on this matter.身体语言是与人交流的一种方式。然而,并


49、语言。因此,如果你身在国外,了解当地的身体语言因此,如果你身在国外,了解当地的身体语言是非常重要的。是非常重要的。Body language is a way of communication. However, not everybody can use the same body language to communicate with others. People from different cultures may misunderstand the gestures they use. For example, when we nod at somebody we mean we

50、agree to his opinion. But in some countries nodding ones head means disagreement. We will looksomebody in the eye to show that we are listening to him attentively, while in some districts, it means hostility. People may have different body languages even if they live in the same country. Therefore i


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