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1、.1money.2l1. Time is money. l2. Money talks.l钱能通神。l8. Money isnt everything. l钱不是万能的。 l4.Money makes the mare go. l有钱能使鬼推磨.l5. Money is the root of all evill金钱是万恶之源。 .3l6. A man without money is no man at all.l一分钱难倒英雄汉。 l7. It is easier to get money than to keep it. l挣钱容易攒钱难。l3. Money and treasures

2、will be plentiful.l招财进宝. l9. Wealth is nothing without health. l失去健康,钱再多也没用。 l10. Wisdom is better than gold or silver. l智慧胜过金钱。.4A Guessing Game money.5lGroup Discussionl If you were a millionaire, how would you spend your money?.6lgo traveling all around the world lbuild an orphanage lhelp the poo

3、r and the homelesslestablish a school , telephone , clothing lset up a fund , transportation lbuy large house with a garden ldonate the money to the Hope Project.7 As everyone knows, money is not everything, but without money we could do nothing. I have dreamed of being a millionaire. If I were a mi

4、llionaire one day, I would do three great things. If I were a millionaire, first of all, I would purchase a big and beautiful house for my parents and make them live comfortably and happily, because no one can deny that parents love for their children is the greatest love in the world. .8Its my pare

5、nts who give me the most precious giftmy life. Its my parents who have sacrificed most in bringing me up and educating me, never expecting for any return. So it is not surprising that I would think of their needs first if I became a millionaire.9n One day if I were a millionaire, I would travel arou

6、nd the world. Experiencing is believing. I have been dreaming of seeing other parts of the world since my childhood. Foreign cultures and customs are always appealing to me. My traveling experiences will certainly help me broaden my horizons (视野视野) and sharpen my language skills. .10n Last but not l

7、east, if I were a millionaire, I would establish a scholarship in my name. Nowadays some of my peers (同龄人同龄人) are worried about their tuition (学学费费) and living expenses on campus. If I were rich enough, I would help those who work very hard but have little money for higher education and further stud

8、ies. As a result, my money could help them upgrade their lives. .11 In a word, if I were a millionaire one day, I would not only fulfill my dreams but also would do my best to help others realize their dreams. I wish that day would come soon.12Words and Phraseslaspire v. have a strong ambition to ac

9、hievelaspiration 志气,抱负 laspirer 追求者laspiring 有志气的,有抱负的laspire 是很正式的用语,多与介词after, to连用。l He aspired after a greater knowledge.lHe never aspired to his own honors and position.13 depart ldepart from 从离开;ldepart for 动身去ldepart 还常用其引申意义:“脱离,背离”ldepart from truth 违背真理lWe decided to depart from our origin

10、al plan. l我们决定不按原计划做。.14financiallfinancial crisis 金融危机lthe financial year 会计年度la great financial center l巨大的金融中心.15Discuss the following questions in pairs. lDo you budget (预算预算) your money? If not, why not? If so, how?.16lYes, I budget my money, because I think money is important, especially for s

11、tudents. We get the money from our parents. lThey work hard to support us, so we should learn to save money and not to waste anything. That is why I usually budget my money. First, I put aside the money for food and books, because they are the most important part. .17lThen I can use the rest of the

12、money for entertainment, clothing, transportation and so on. Second, if I havent enough money left at the end of the month, Ill cut down on my daily expenses such as snacks, tapes, drinks and so on. I usually think carefully before I buy anything so as to avoid wasting money. .18lNo, I dont usually

13、budget my money. I know its a good idea to budget my money, but I just dont know how. Whats more, Im not used to arranging money matters by myself. I think its troublesome to write down what you have bought each time. .19lI can ask for money from my parents anyway. So I dont budget my money now. Per

14、haps later on I will have to.20stock(l.1)l纽约股票交易所于1929年大崩溃。l_crashed in 1929.The New York stock exchange.21le.g. The tools you ordered are now in stock.l你定购的工具是现货现货。le.g. The blue shirts you require are out of stork. l你要的那种蓝衬衣已经脱销脱销。le.g. You should take stock of your position.l你应该估量估量一下你自己的处境。.22or

15、derl巧记一词多义lHe ordered his secretary to place an order for 100 books and arrange them in order of size.l他命令命令秘书去定购定购100 本书并把它们按按大小顺序顺序排列。lWould you like to order now?l您现在要点菜点菜吗?.23lPlease put the dictionaries in order after use.l词典用后请放整齐整齐。lMy slides had got out of order.l我的幻灯片次序都搞乱搞乱了。lThe crisis wa

16、s resolved in relatively short order.l危机立即立即得到了解决。lThe textbook you require is out of stock ,but it is on order.l你所要的教科书没有货,但是已经订购订购了。.24have -to do with (l.3)lhave much /something /little/nothing to do with-l与-很有关系/ 与-有一些关系/ 与-没什么关系/与-没有关系le.g.- I thought I should tell you I saw your son smoking to

17、day. - Mind your own business, would you ? It has nothing to do with you what my son does.le.g.- what does Sheila do ? - oh, she has something to do with civil engineering. .25affect (l.4) V. 影响影响le.g. The disease only affects cattle.le.g. The divorce affected every aspect of her life.l易与此词相混淆的词是eff

18、ect, effect通常用作名词le.g. When will the new driving laws come into effect?l .26lElectronic games dont have much effect on grown-ups but affect students a great deal.l电子游戏对成年人影响影响不大,但对学生影响影响很大。lThey are determined to effect their plan though it has been much affected by the present conditions.l他们决心实施实施他

19、们的计划, 虽然目前的条件对此不利不利。.273. spend(1.6)l此词可表示“花钱”或“花时间”l1、表示“花钱”时,用人作主语。lE.g. 1) We spent a fortune when we were in New York.l 2) I just spent a lot of money on four new tires for my car.l当“cost”表示“花钱”时,用物或“it”作主语。lE.g 1) The trip will cost you $1000.l 2) How much does this book cost?l It costs $25.l 3

20、) It costs a lot to buy a house in this part of London.28l2、表示花“时间”时le.g 1)How would you like to spend the night?l 2) Hes spent most of his life working for the same company.l 3) The injured boys parents are spending all their time at his bedside.294、afford(1.7)l此词可接名词或动词不定式。后面多接某物、一段时间或一定数量的钱。 l e.

21、g 1) I cant afford to go out tonight.lIf you want to pass the CET-4 examination this semester,_ the online computer games. l你就不能花太多时间你就不能花太多时间去玩网络游戏。 you cant afford time for.305、instead of (l.8)le. g 1) You must have picked up my key instead of yours.l 2) We should do something instead of just talk

22、ing about it.lCompare: insteadl“instead of”是介词短语,后跟名词或动名词;“instead”是副词。le.g 1) If Mary cant attend the meeting, I can go instead.l 2) We didnt have enough money for a movie, so we went to the park instead.31cut back on (l.9)减少)减少le.g. I have decided to cut back on cigarettes.le.g. Many schools are c

23、utting back on staff at the moment.32lThere was expert anxiety on Wall Street and old-fashioned worry on Main Street.l华尔街自有专家忧心忡忡,大街小巷也不乏老百姓华尔街自有专家忧心忡忡,大街小巷也不乏老百姓传统的担惊受怕。传统的担惊受怕。 .33 consumelv. 1) use time, energy, goods, etc. 消费,消耗l consume much of ones time in reading l 2) fill the thoughts or fee

24、lings continuously, especially in a damaging way 心中总想着l be consumed with: 使全神贯注;使着迷;充满lShe is consumed with a great interest in stamp collecting .lRecently she was consumed with the desire that she could finally become the Miss World. .34l In my heart, I aspire to be like those lilies. But in my hea

25、d, I feel a need to hoard. (l.27)lAlthough I desire to live like those lilies in my heart, yet my reason tell me that I need save money.357、free from(l.28)l“free from / of something” means “without something that you dont want to have”.le.g. 1) These drugs will keep him free from pain.l 2) Is the Pr

26、incess ever free from the journalists following her around wherever she goes? .36breedlv. raise, feed (livestock) 饲养 lbreed 的过去式、过去分词都是bred. l1) breed 作不及物动词意为“繁殖” lSome animals will not breed when kept in cages. l一些动物被关在笼子里的时候,将失去繁殖能力。l2)作及物动词意为“产生,引起;饲养;培养,养育”。lThe captain bred his boy to be a sai

27、lor.l那位船长把他的儿子培养成了一名水手。.37ln. family or variety of animals; type, kind 品种,种类lbreed 常用作指动物的品种l a good breed of cattle 良种牛。本课有幽默的含义。 .38recall rememberlI remember her face ,but I cant recall where I met her .lremember 自然而然地想起lrecall 经过努力后才能想起lWe cant recall our lost youth .l青春已去唤不回。.398 、rather than(l

28、.35)l此词意为“而不是”。le.g. 1) Ill buy some apples rather than pears.l 2) I think youd call it a lecture rather than a talk.40 Several times he was all but bankrupt. lall but与almost,nearly同义,作“几乎”、“快要”解。lThe performance was all but over when we arrived.l当我们到达的时候,演出快要结束了。lThe job is all but finished. l工作几乎做

29、完了。.41lanything but 不见得,决不lHe is anything but a good headmaster. l他不见得是个好校长。 lnothing but 只不过,仅仅(不以为然,厌烦之语气) lThere is nothing but water in the bottle. l那瓶子里只有水。l Nothing/None but 除没有人/事lNothing would do but that he should be here. l一切都不管用,除非他来了。 .42in the light of lin view of, considering sth. 根据,按

30、照,借助lIn (the) light of what you told me, I shall act in a different way.lIn light of the lack of funds, we called off the project.439、lest(l.51)l“lest”引导的从句中一般用“should+原形动词”,“should”可以省略。le.g 1) The patient is not allowed to touch anything lest he pollute it.l 2) They built a statue for him lest peo

31、ple forget what he had done.44for fear (that),in case (that)同同lest用法用法 lin case (that)中的should通常不省去,但in case 句中可使用陈述语气。lBetter chain up the dog in case (that) he bites. l最好把狗用链子锁住,以免它咬人。lHe will hide it for fear that she (should) see it. l他把它藏起来,以免她看到。.45Reading comprehensionlWe are a people consume

32、d by financial stress. lMoney is a raw material to be used rather than amassed. l Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can .l root of all evil lThe couple in “Elias” lived a happier life when they became poor .lcan panic, hoard and worry.l a raw material to be plowed back into something

33、else. .46l1. I feel I should point out how dangerous it is .l2. Their opinion will not affect my decision .l3.When it comes to modern art, few people know more than Tom does.l4.When asked ,she confirmed that she was going to retire.47l5. The cough medicine tastes nice, but it doesnt do me much good.

34、l6. If we cant sell more goods ,we ll have to cut back on the production.l7. The film is all but three hours long .l8. I assure you that it is true ,lest anyone shout think my story strange.48scarce, rare这组词均含有这组词均含有“稀少的,稀少的,少有的少有的”的意思。的意思。 lrarel强调某种东西是很少见到的,或某种现象是很少发生强调某种东西是很少见到的,或某种现象是很少发生的,具有珍贵、

35、贵重的意味。它的反义词是的,具有珍贵、贵重的意味。它的反义词是common。lscarce形容的事物不一定有珍贵之意,而是指有些东西形容的事物不一定有珍贵之意,而是指有些东西(通常为日用品通常为日用品)因匮乏或难以得到而变得稀少或因匮乏或难以得到而变得稀少或缺少。它的反义词是缺少。它的反义词是plentiful或或abundant。此外,。此外,修饰时间表示频率时,则只能用修饰时间表示频率时,则只能用rare,而不能用而不能用scarce,此时此时rare的含义是的含义是“不经常发生不经常发生的”.49l熊猫是世界上稀有动物之一。lThe panda is one of the rare animals in the world.l撒哈拉沙漠上缺水。lWater is scarce in Sahara.


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