1、The history of cell phone Between 19832013 As we know, mobile phone into our life has been for a long time.And as we can see,it has changed our life greatly:with a mobile phone,we can call for others,send emails,play games Further more,with a mobile phone,we can also do something more.For exampleLoo
2、k up a word(查单词) Project(投影)swiping card(刷卡)Control Cars (遥控汽车) SO how about the first mobile phone .1983big brother 大哥大OR a brick 砖头1995The first flip type mobile phone第一款揭盖手机摩托罗拉DynaTAC 8000XMotorola StarTAC1996第一款翻盖手机西门子 SL10The first slide phone(第一款滑盖手机第一款滑盖手机)1997Nokia 82101999The first bar pho
3、ne第一款直板手机第一款直板手机And then,in 2002,a revolutionary phone called NOKIA 7650 was born.The first camera phone 第一部照相手机The first color screen phone 第一部彩屏手机The first sybian smart phone 第一部塞班智能手机Since thenAfter 2006Windows MobileSymbian OSBlackBerry In 2007, Steve Jobs announced the first-generation iPhone,i
4、t has beautiful looks、intellegent system、sensitive touchscreen.Besides,it has a user-friendly interface which is easy to operat,so that every one want to touch it! 在2007年,乔布斯发布了第一代苹果手机。它不仅有着好看的外形、智能的操作系统、灵敏的触摸屏,而且它的还有这易于操作的人性化界面,对消费者产生了很大吸引力2007SAMSUNG is popular with students and business people Me
5、izu MX2 魅族MX2Xiaomi M2 小米M2Huawei P1 华为P1 Cost-effective(性价比高) Update soon(更新快) Quality in general(质量一般)Imitated by many, surpassed by none. 一直被模仿,从未被超越Now,the mobile phone is powerfulNext,how it will become?Transparency 透明化Laser Keyboard 镭射激光键盘Stereographic projection 立体投影Here is the video此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!