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    • unit1单元基础知识过关-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx--点击预览
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1高中英语选择性必修二 unit 1 单元基础知识过关一单词拼写1. It is well known that he is a g_ boy in painting and his paintings are well received by famous arts experts. 2. With this extra evidence, we could draw a conclusion that the dangerous gas was to b_.3. The traffic accidents in the city _ (减少) last year. 4. It is only by powerful armies that we can _ (保卫) our motherland and homeland.5. Dr. Zhong Nanshan is one of the most o_(杰出的,优秀的) scientists in the world.6. The prime minister was always demanding active _ (干涉,介入) early on. 7. We should transform our subjective world while t_ (改变) the objective world.8. There was a vast distance between psychological clues and c_ (具体的) proof. 9. John Snow _ (怀疑) that the second theory was correct but he needed evidence.10. He is a talent for painting and he is good at painting _(抽象的) pictures.11. She seemed to be placing most of the _ (责备) on her mother for the serious mistake. 12. The cholera outbreak was so _ (十分严重的) that more than 500 people died in ten days. 13. I need an _ (助手), who can help me play the PPT during my speech.214. It was reported that World Health Organization had been through the _ (开始的,最初的) testing on the drug.15. Computers can h_ (处理) huge amounts of data.16. The factory used 65% of the _ (生的,未经处理的) materials, the rest of which were saved for other purposes.17. After a long research, the scientists found that some ideas were slightly c_ (矛盾的). 18. He said he had not discussed the matter with her. F_ (此外), he had not even contacted her. 19. John Snow was _ (沮丧的) because no one could cure Cholera at first.20. The vaccine is developed to protect the whole population against _ (感染) of COVID-19. 二单句语法填空21. Chinas image is improving _ (steady), with more countries recognizing its role in international affairs.22. Frank Hurley, a confident and _ (gift) Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic, was hired to make the images, most of which have never before been published.23. Her friends came to help her when the war broke _. 24. The more experienced you are, the easier it is to find fault _ other peoples ideas.25. The truth is _ we are lucky enough to have clean water whenever we want, but this is not the case for many people around the world. 326. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. Thats _ I got wet through. 27. Thanks _the Beatles, a lot of opportunities opened up to new faces on the market. 28. He was struggling to make the _ (transform) from a single man to a responsible husband. 29. Regular air traffic links the city _ the rest of the country. 30. Some people were not concerned about it because they didnt think they could _ (infect). 31. When the wind shifted from south _ north, it began to get cold.32. You can take as many as you like, because they are free _ charge.33. The characters in the book are _ (vivid) presented. 34. Could I speak to whoever is _ charge of International Sales, please?35. The man, _ (suspect) of having stolen the jewels of the shop,was missing last night, although he was watched over by the police.36. It is you as well as your wife that are to blame _ your sons bad performance at school. 37. But the unpleasant feeling of coldness disappeared at the sight of his students _ (pour) out of their classroom to give him a warm, wordless welcome.38. It is strongly suggested that measures be taken to forbid factories _ (pour) waste into rivers by the government. 39. To our disappointment, the trip we had been looking forward to started in the _ (pour) rain. 440. At the conference , political leaders from many countries promised to work together to defend the world _ terrorism and other threats.41. This is _ my father has taught me to always face difficulties and hope for the best. 42. In my eyes, sincere friendship means a higher and _ (pure) state of life. 43. I worked in a village school for a whole year and had my life totally _ (transform) by that experience. 44. They have gathered the best _ (statistic) they can find and run them through their own computers.45. When they knew there was a panda in the park, the children could hardly wait_ (see) it. 三短文语法填空1Cholera used to be one of the most 46_ (fear) diseases in the world. In the early 19th century, 47_ an outbreak of cholera hit Europe, millions of people died. But neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. A British doctor, John Snow, wanted to solve the problem and he knew that cholera would not be controlled 48_ its cause was found. In general, there were two contradictory theories 49_ explained how cholera spread. The first suggested that bad air caused the disease. The second was that cholera was caused by an 50_ (infect) from germs in food or water. John Snow thought that the second theory was correct but he needed proof. So when another outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854, he began to investigate. Later, with all the evidence he 51_ (gather), John Snow was able to announce that the pump water carried cholera germs. Therefore, he had the 5handle of the pump 52_ (remove) so that it couldnt be used. Through his intervention, the disease was stopped in its tracks. What is more, John Snow found that some companies sold water from the River Thames that 53_ ( pollute) by raw waste. The people who drank this water were much more likely 54_ (get) cholera than those who drank pure or boiled water. Through John Snows efforts, the 55_ (threaten) of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease.2When Qian Xuesen was young, he realized China needed air force 56_ (defend) the country, so he went to America to study aviation. As a graduate 57_ (assist) at an institute, he helped conduct important research into rocket propulsion. Finally, he became a pioneer in jet and rocket technology. 58_ Qian Xuesen returned to China in 1955, he was put 59_ charge of developing Chinas rocket science, space and missile programme. China wouldnt have made so outstanding progress in rockets, missiles and man-made satellites 60_ his leadership. Because of this, he earned the name of the “father of Chinas aerospace”.Stephen Hawking was a 61_ (gift) scientist. Since he came 62_ with a disease causing him unable to walk or speak, his world became one of abstract thought. There was a theory on the origin of the universe explaining the universe 63_ (begin) at a single point in time and space. His own work on the big bang theory was proven by astronomers with 64_ (telescope) and a new star was born. He was brilliant, brave and determined. And he was willing to admit his faults. This 65_ (combine) of his characteristics made him one of the greatest thinkers of modern times.6高中英语选择性必修二 unit 1 单元基础知识过关参考答案一单词拼写1. gifted 2. blame 3. decreased 4. defend 5. outstanding6. intervention 7. transforming 8. concrete 9. suspected 10. abstract11. blame 12. severe 13. assistant 14. initial 15. handle16. raw 17. contradictory 18. Furthermore 19. frustrated 20. infection二单句语法填空21. steadily 22. gifted 23. out 24. with 25. that26. why 27. to 28. transformation 29. to 30. be infected31. to 32. of 33. vividly 34. in 35. suspected36. for 37. pouring 38. to pour 39. pouring 40. against41. what 42. purer 43. transformed 44. statistics 45. to see三短文语法填空46. feared 47. when 48. unless 49. which/that 50. infection51. had gathered 52. removed 53. was polluted 54. to get 55. threat56. to defend 57. assistant 58. When 59. in 60. without61. gifted 62. down 63. began 64. telescopes 65. combination71高中英语选择性必修二 unit 2 单元基础知识过关一单词拼写1. Doctors warn that one may develop skin cancer if his skin _ (暴露) to the sunlight for too long time.2. Mr. Li is so _ (有雄心的) that he wont lose heart in time of difficulty. 3. His parents have some great _ (期望) for his future. 4. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of which was very _ (合理的). 5. The plan is designed to _ (激发) employees to work more efficiently. 6. The author described the life of American working class with amazing _ (洞察力).7. My _ (陈述) will clarify any questions that you might have.8. Before leaving, he wanted to know information about arrivals and _ (离开) of the flights. 9. Nowadays middle school students are encouraged to i_ themselves actively in voluntary activities where they can gain experience for growth.10. Why have you suddenly changed your mind? Is money the real m_ behind the sudden change? 11. You are lucky enough to be picked out from so many a_ for the job. 12. What he said just now is really c_ (复杂的). I need some time to figure it out. 213. If you believe you will do it, you will be more m_ (有动力的). 14. “I used to study in this university twenty years ago, and there were not many international students then,” my tutor r_ (回忆).15. Take yourself out of your c_ (舒适) zone for a week, discover new personal qualities, and learn new skills. 16. Building up a dream team is more c _ (复杂的) than simply hiring the best talent.17. _ (适应) to a new culture can be difficult. However, you need to step out of your comfort zone. Remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.18. As an outgoing girl, she was always ready to p_ (参加) in the activities her college offered.19. Despite his poor living conditions, he remained actively e _ (参与) in his scientific research.20. As a _ (成熟的) young man, he knows that he should study hard to get the q_ (资格) for a doctor. 二单句语法填空21. We currently have six _ (tutor) available to help students with their homework.22. The book described the _ (adapt) of desert species to the hot conditions. 23. Take care not to keep your children _ (expose) to bad books. 24. I had some difficulty at first in _ (recall) why we were there.325. The government must maintain a strong sense of responsibility to the people and take forceful measures to solve the problems in order to live up to the _ (expect) of the people.26. We _ (firm) support the Asian, African and Latin American people in their struggle for liberation!27. My _ (motivate) increased as I thought of the wonderful world of future. 28. Ill talk to them, but I wont feel _ (comfort) about it. 29. Some of teenagers may become _ (involve) in tobacco or alcohol abuse.30. Upon graduation he asked to be sent to _ he was most needed. 31. Jack has obtained a medical _ (qualify).32. The students benefiting most from college are those who are totally engaged _ academic life, taking full advantage of the colleges chances and resources.33. This film is an _ (adapt) of a famous novel written by Mo Yan. 34. After only a short _ (expose) to sunlight his face began to turn red.35. Everyone was a bit puzzled by her sudden _ (depart). 36. As the wages were low, there was no _ (apply) for the job. 37. He made the suggestion _ we should watch out for the suspects movements.38. I liked the fact _ the work environment was so relaxing. 39. He was awarded the prize because of his efforts to achieve peace and international 4_ (cooperate). 40. There are few things in the world that can better or more rapidly treat _ (depress) than exercise such as running. 41. When you are _ (depress), the last thing you likely want to do is get up and go for a run. 42. Your daughter has _ good grasp of English. 43. Hes been informed that he doesnt qualify _ the scholarship because of his academic background. 44. As far as I am _ (concern), he is suitable for the position.45. Now lots of new technologies can be applied to _ (solve) problems in industry. 三短文语法填空1Xie Lei, a 19-year-old Chinese student, said goodbye to her family and friends in China and 46_ (board) a plane for London six months ago in order to get a business qualification. She was 47_ (ambition) to set up a business after graduation. It was the first time that she 48_ (leave) home. At first, Xie Lei had to adapt to life in a different country. She chose to live with a host family, who can help with her 49_ (adapt) to the new culture. When she missed home, she felt 50_ (comfort) to have a second family. Also Xie Lei had to satisfy academic requirements. Her tutor told her to acknowledge 51_ other people had said if she cited their ideas, and advised her to read lots of information in order to form 52_ wise opinion of her own.5Now halfway through her exchange year, Xie Lei felt much more at home in the UK. She said 53_ (engage) in British culture had helped and that she had been 54_ (involve) in social activities. She also said while learning about business, she was acting as a cultural messenger building a bridge 55_ the two countries.256_ worries my classmate Mary a lot these days is 57_ she puts on too much weight and she is frequently ill. She has some doubts 58_ she eats too much fast food high in fat or sugar. Also, with the college entrance examination approaching, she becomes more stressful and she cant sleep well these days. Maybe this is 59_ she becomes fatter these days, she thinks. 60_ she becomes slimmer and healthier has been her main task. So she wants to consult some experts and gain some instructions. But where she could get better suggestions and 61_ will give her better advice also puzzle her. It is her parents suggestion 62_ she should consult Professor Wang in Zhongshan Hospital. Professor Wang suggests 63_ she keep a balanced diet first. She should eat vegetables and fruit high in fiber, vitamin and protein. Whats more, if she wants to lose weight,she had better take regular exercise more than half an hour a day. Mary asked Professor Wang 64_ she should take exercise. Professor Wang advised her to take exercise at 5 oclock in the afternoon. That is 65_ she will have more time to do sports. It is with the help of Professor Wang that Mary has become much healthier now.6高中英语选择性必修二 unit 2 单元基础知识过关参考答案一单词拼写1. is exposed 2. ambitious 3. expectations 4. reasonable 5. motivate6. insight 7. presentation 8. departures 9. involve 10. motivation11. applicants 12. complex 13. motivated 14. recalled 15. comfort16. complex 17. Adaptation 18. participate 19. engaged 20. mature; qualification二单句语法填空21. tutors 22. adaptation 23. exposed 24. recalling 25. expectations26. firmly 27. motivation 28. comfortable 29. involved 30. where31. qualification 32. in 33. adaptation 34. exposure 35. departure36. applicant 37. that 38. that 39. cooperation 40. depression41. depressed 42. a 43. for 44. concerned 45. solving三短文语法填空46. boarded 47. ambitious 48. had left 49. adaptation 50. comfortable51. what 52. a 53. engaging 54. involved 55. between756. What 57. that 58. whether 59. why 60. How61. who 62. that 63. that 64. when 65. because8高中英语选择性必修二 unit 3 单元基础知识过关一单词拼写1. It will take you only half an hour to prepare the lunch if you follow this _ (食谱).2. There are three e_ (例外的) situations, which you must handle separately.3. The government has taken measures to bring down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market _ (稳定的). 4. We should try our best to be _ (乐观的) in the face of difficulties. 5. Large_ (大量) of water are needed for cooling purpose. 6. Countries around the globe have _ (消耗) large amounts of masks since January. 7. Computer programming needs someone with a _ (合逻辑的) mind. 8. I _ (真诚地) hope I
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