Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land 单词 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语高二选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、unit 4 Jounery Across a Vast Land 1. airlineEg.Beijing to Guangzhou is a daily airline of CAAC.北京到广州是中国民航每天的定期航线。airplaneaeroplane1)航空公司2)航线Eg.The airline has checked his luggage out.航空公司已把他的行李运走了。对比记忆2.bay3.shore海湾海岸,海滨beach和shore均可指海滨。比较而言,beach指较为平坦、覆盖着沙子或碎石、适宜于游泳与日光浴的沙滩,海滩。shore则是笼统的说法,指毗邻大片水的陆地

2、,既可以包括beach,也可以指岩石突兀或陡峭的岸边。比较Shore 和 beach 4.antiques_ antique bottle antique mirror antique bowl antique _adj n.古董古老的5.pleasant adj 令人令人 愉快的愉快的 Eg: Its always pleasant to do what youre good at doing. 做自己擅长的事总是令人愉快的。pleased adj Eg:Im really pleased that youre feeling better. 你觉得好些了,我真高兴。 please v. E

3、g: Such a fine meal cannot fail to please Mr.Smith. 这样一顿好饭菜不能不使人满意/高兴。 Pleasure n. Eg: Reading for pleasure and reading for study are not the same. 读书以自娱和读书以学习是不相同的。 1) It gives me great _ to grow flowers.2) The barbecue was _and everybody was _, chatting and relaxing themselves.A.pleasant; pleased

4、B. pleased; pleasant C. pleasure; pleased D. pleased; pleasure3) Nothing _ them. They are always grumbling. pleasureAplease练一练6. arise 起身,出现,引起起身,出现,引起Eg: The girls arose early to take the train to Paris.Hardly had I solved the problem when a new one arose.Accidents often arise from carelessness,so

5、you cant be careful enough while driving.arise from/ out of sth 由.引起练一练1)with_(很多问题出现),he didnt know what to do next.起床起床出现出现由由. 引起引起 many questions arising7.bound 前往,一定会前往,一定会be bound to do sth. 一定会做某事;有义务做某事Eg: Youve done so much workyou are bound to pass the exam.(Be) bound for 前往,开往,驶往 Eg: She w

6、as on a plane bound for Moscow when she got sick.活学活用1)So long as we stick to our ideals ,we_(一定会取得成功).2)You will have to wait a long time if you don_ _ (乘坐下一班到印度逇轮船).are bound to take the succeednext ship bound for India 8.highlight n.最好或最精彩的部分;最好或最精彩的部分;v.强调,使醒目强调,使醒目Eg: 1)The highlights of the ma

7、tch will be shown later this evening. 比赛最精彩的片段将于今晚稍后播出 2)I have highlighted the important passages in yellow. 我用黄色标出了重要段落突出,强调 (同义词)stress, emphasize, underline 活学活用1)Although it may cost a lot to get to Florida, it _ (将是你的旅行中一个最精彩的部分).2) In recent years, scholars_ (强调.的重要性)listening comprehension i

8、n college English teaching.will be the highlight of your triphave highlighted the importance of 9.drill vt/vi/n. 钻(空);钻(头);训练eg:1) I drilled five holes at equal distance. 我钻了5个等间距的孔。 2)The coach had criticized him for not focusing on his soccer drills.教练批评他不注重足球训练。10. awesome adj 令人惊叹的;极好的;eg:1)Wow!

9、 Thats totally awesome!哇!真是棒极了!2)Italy has awesome architecture, culture and history. 意大利有令人惊叹的建筑、文化和历史,11.freeze 结冰,(使)冻住结冰,(使)冻住Eg: 1)If the temperature drops below 0C, water freezes. 温度降到零摄氏度以下水就会结冰。 2)She saw someone outside the window and froze. 她看见窗外有人,一下就呆住了。 3)The bank froze my credit card a

10、ccount after I reported it stolen. 在我报失信用卡后,银行冻结了我的信用卡账户。1)freezing adj 极冷的;冰冻的 above freezing 零上 below freezing 零下2)frozen adj 冷冻的;冻僵了的,僵住了的练一练1).on a _morning, the little girl was found_at the corner of the street.(freeze)2).It was cold and damp, the man pulled up his collar and put his hands on h

11、is _face.(freeze).freezingfrozenfrozen12.anticipate v. 预期,预料,期望,期盼预期,预料,期望,期盼Eg: We must anticipate the difficulties we will face in our work .1)anticipate doing sth 期待做某事 (expect to do sth ) It is widely anticipated 普遍预料2)anticipation n. 希望,预感 in anticipation (of) 预料,预计活学活用1)The more I anticipate _

12、(arrive) somewhere, the more disappointed I was .2)After months of _(anticipate), the holiday was a bit of a disappointment actually.3)We are glad that the eagerly _(anticipate)movie will be released next month.arrivinganticipationanticipated13.contrary adj. 相反的,相对立的相反的,相对立的 n. 相反的事相反的事contrary to 与

13、.相反, 违反on the contrary 反之to the contrary 相反的Eg: 1)Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite. 2)He is not selfish, on the contrary, he is very generous. 3) Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we ought to believe him.活学活用1)_(与普遍的看法相反), older people generally

14、do notr want to live with their children.2) To our disappointed, the result of the competition_(与所有人的意料都相反)Contrary to popular beliefis contrary to everyones expectation14.proceed v. 行进,继续做行进,继续做1)proceed to do sth 继续做某事 proceed with sth 继续某事 proceed from 出自,来自 proceed against sb 起诉某人2)process n. 过程

15、,步骤 procedure 程序,步骤Eg :1) After everyone was seated, the chairman proceeded to announce his plan.2) The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story.3) Lack of evidence meant that the Council could not proceed against Mr Naylor活学活用1).The whole trouble proceed _a misunderstanding.2)

16、.He outlined his plans and then proceed _(explain)them more detail.fromto explain15.astonish v. 使吃惊使吃惊, 使惊讶使惊讶1) astonished adj 感到惊讶的 be astonished at sth 对某事感到惊讶 be astonished to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶2) astonishing adj 令人惊讶的3) astonishment n. 惊讶,惊奇 to ones astonishment 令人吃惊的是 in astonishment 吃惊地活学活用1)_(a

17、stonish)at the amount of work in the new timetable,Lucy decided to leave her job immediately.2) She looked at the box for a long time, and then her eyes opened wide _astonishment.3) At the magic performance, I found it _(astonish)that a pigeon appeared out of the magicians empty hand.4) _(令人震惊的是),Ch

18、ina produces one third of the world cigarettes.AstonishedinastonishingTo our astonishment16.owe v 欠;欠; 归功于;归功于; 忠诚忠诚1)owe.to 把. 归功于 owe sb sth (=owe sth to sb ) 欠某人某物; 把.归功于某人 Owe it to sb that.多亏某人.2) owing to (=because of) 幸亏,由于, 因为活学活用1)_(owe) to engine trouble, the plane had to make a forced lan

19、ding.2)At last his effort paid off and he _(把他的成功归功于.)his family and friends.3)He lost his job and _a lot of money _ his brother.Owingowed his success to oweto17.toast n. 烤面包片;干杯烤面包片;干杯 v.为为.干杯干杯; 取暖取暖; 烤烤Eg: 1)we toasted the success of the new company. 2) Mary drank some tea and ate a little toast

20、.a piece of toast/ a slice of toast 一片烤面包片toast sb/sth (= drink a toast to sb/sth)为某人/事干杯propose a toast to 提议为.干杯活学活用1.with chicken_(toast) on the fire , I cannot leave even a minute.2.Here comes the time _(客人们为这对幸福的夫妻干杯)the happy couple.3.The hunter sat on a rock,_(在烤火取暖)toastedwhen the guests dri

21、nk a toast totoasting himself by the fire18. duration n.期间期间;持续时间持续时间for the duration 直到结束;在整个期间Eg:The school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war. 战争期间这所学校被用作医院。Eg:1)For the duration of the strike we will remain closed. 罢工期间,我们将停业。 2)The storm was of short duration. 暴风雨持续时间很短。duration

22、/during(prep)1)The bus drivers refused to work for the _ of the summer2)The campaign had begun _ his absence.durationduring 19.breath n. 呼吸呼吸; (空气的)微微流动,(空气的)微微流动,eg:Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. 深吸一口气,看你能在水里待多久。out of breath 上气不接下气hold ones breath 屏住呼吸take ones breath

23、 away 令人惊叹1)My first view of the island from the air_我第一次从空中看到这个岛时,叹赏不已。2)We were_after only five minutes.我们五分钟后便气喘吁吁了。3)_ and count to ten.屏住呼吸,数到十。breathe v.呼吸; 呼出; 低声说;breathtaking adj 惊险的; 惊人的; 激动人心的;活学活用take my breath away out of breath Hold your breath 20. enrol (l) vt/vi.(使)加入;注册;登记,招收(使)加入;注

24、册;登记,招收eg:You need to enrol before the end of August. 你必须在八月底前注册。 The college will enrol new students in August. 学院将于8月份招收新生。Currently there are 20 students enrolled in the new course. 目前有20名学生报名了这门新课程。现在分词: enrolling过去式: enrolled过去分词: enrolled 名词:enrolment /enrollment 练一练翻译:他们吸收他为俱乐会部员。They enrolle

25、d him as a member of the club. 21.coherent adj 有条理的;连贯的有条理的;连贯的; 清楚易懂的清楚易懂的;Eg: He marvelled that a man in such intense pain could be so coherent.一个男人在如此剧痛下还能这般条理清晰,对此他赞叹不已。The article is not coherent in theme. 文章的主旨前后贯串不起来。coherently adv coherence n翻译:她发病两小时之后才恢复了清楚地说话的能力。She only became coherent again two hours after the attack.练一练Watch 11 pictures and say the words.


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