Unit 3 Food and culture Reading and Thinking (Useful words and expressions) ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册高二上学期.pptx

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Unit 3 Food and culture Reading and Thinking (Useful words and expressions) ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册高二上学期.pptx_第1页
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Unit 3 Food and culture Reading and Thinking (Useful words and expressions) ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册高二上学期.pptx_第2页
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Unit 3 Food and culture Reading and Thinking (Useful words and expressions) ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册高二上学期.pptx_第3页
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Unit 3 Food and culture Reading and Thinking (Useful words and expressions) ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册高二上学期.pptx_第4页
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Unit 3 Food and culture Reading and Thinking (Useful words and expressions) ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册高二上学期.pptx_第5页
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1、Useful words and expressionsUnit 3 Culture and cruisine1. cuisine U & C 烹饪烹饪, 风味风味(a particular type of cooking; 菜肴,饭菜菜肴,饭菜( the food served in a restaurant);Chinese/French cuisine 中式中式/法式烹饪法式烹饪Enjoy/Try the delicious local cuisine created by our award-winning chef.请享用、品尝我们获奖厨师烹制的佳肴。请享用、品尝我们获奖厨师烹制的佳

2、肴。2. share the same ideas/views/opinions/beliefs (as.) (与(与.)有共同的想法、观点、意见、看法)有共同的想法、观点、意见、看法4. Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.pDo sth and I/you. will/can. 如果如果.我我/你将会、能够做某事你将会、能够做某事5. Put (more) simply (更)简单地说(更)简单地说 (express or state sth in a particular way 说,表达说,表达)pto put

3、it mildly 委婉地说委婉地说pto put it another way 换句话说换句话说pas news reports put it 就如新闻报道所说就如新闻报道所说6. relate.to .把把.与与.联系起来,联系起来, 证明证明.与与.有联系有联系 =link.to/with. =connect.with. =associate.with. prelate to sb/sth 涉及涉及, 与与相关相关; 关于关于;谈到;谈到 (refer to concern) 理解,认同,体恤理解,认同,体恤7. However, Brillat-Savarin was actually

4、 referring to our personality, character and culture.prefer to sb/sth 提到,谈到,指提到,谈到,指 (mention, speak of); 描述描述, 涉及涉及, 关于关于(relate to, concern) 参考,查阅参考,查阅(ones notes/dictionary)Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew who she _ (refer) to.was referring 8. in many/some ways 从很多从很多/有些有些方面方面

5、pin every way 在各方面在各方面pin a/one way 在某种、一定程度在某种、一定程度/意义上意义上pin that way 在那方面在那方面9. Chinese cuisine is a case in point.pbe a case in point 是是明证明证、很好的例子很好的例子 =be a clear example of sth10. prior to coming to China 在来中国之前在来中国之前pprior to sth/doing sth (正式)(正式)在在之前的之前的 =before sth/ doing sth The plane see

6、med to cathch fire (a few seconds) prior to taking off / its arrival/departure.prior knowledge/agreement/approval /arrangement/notice/warning 事先、预先知道、协商、许可、安排、通知、警告事先、预先知道、协商、许可、安排、通知、警告ppriority C 优先处理的事,当务之急优先处理的事,当务之急 (pl.priorities)the/ones/a first/top/high priority 头顶大事头顶大事11. (ones/an/some) ex

7、perience with/of/in sth/doing sth (某人、一次)(某人、一次)与与.打交道、做某事的打交道、做某事的经历经历/经验经验my only experience with Chinese cooking与与中式烹任有中式烹任有关关或经历或经历It/This is my first experience with fireworks/of living alone. 那是、这是我第一次与烟花打交道、独自生活的经历。那是、这是我第一次与烟花打交道、独自生活的经历。Some prior experience with the software is needed. 要求事

8、先熟悉这个软件。要求事先熟悉这个软件。Ive got a lot of experience of lecturing/in fashion design. 12. (change/adapt sth) to suit all tastes / ones taste(s) /needs (改变、改编)以(改变、改编)以适应适应所有人所有人/某人某人的口味的口味/需要需要 There is Chinese food to suit everyones taste/every pocket. 有适合没人口味、所有价钱的中国食物。有适合没人口味、所有价钱的中国食物。 There are a rang

9、e of restaurants to suit all tastes.13. General Tsos chicken, which consists of fried chiken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers. 左宗棠鸡左宗棠鸡, 包括炸鸡,被淋上甜酱,用热红辣椒调味包括炸鸡,被淋上甜酱,用热红辣椒调味(划线部分为过去分词或短语作定语)(划线部分为过去分词或短语作定语)pbe covered in 被覆盖在被覆盖在.里里pbe covered with 被被.所覆盖所覆盖pbe flavoured wit

10、h sth 被用被用.调味调味have more/less flavour 味道更好、不太好味道更好、不太好U(好味(好味道)道)love bold, simple flavours 喜欢浓烈、简单的味道喜欢浓烈、简单的味道(某种)味道(某种)味道14. authentic adj. 正宗的,地道的,原汁原味的;原正宗的,地道的,原汁原味的;原作的,真迹的作的,真迹的(genuine, original)an authentic Chinese recipe 一个一个地道地道/正宗的中餐做正宗的中餐做法法(烹饪法,食谱)(烹饪法,食谱) an authentic work by Picasso

11、 毕加索的真迹毕加索的真迹 15. go looking/searching/hunting for (a good place to eat.) 去去寻寻找找.(现在分词短语(现在分词短语doing sth 表示表示表伴随表伴随)16. Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese 现在分词短语作原因状语现在分词短语作原因状语17. have an/no idea that/wh-从句从句/to do 知道、不知道知道、不知道18. have the pleasure of doing sth (to experiencing an ent

12、irely new taste/flavour) 有有幸幸、开心、开心做做. =It give/bring sb (great) pleasure to do sth =It is a (great) pleasure to do sth =take/find (great) pleasure in doing sth =get (great) pleasure from doing sth =do sth with (great) pleasure19. what was even more important was .更为重要的更为重要的是是(主语从句)(主语从句)20. the fri

13、endship (which had been) offered (to) us 给给我们的友谊我们的友谊21. boiled dumplings served with vinegar 被提供配有被提供配有醋的水饺醋的水饺 (过去分词短语作定语)(过去分词短语作定语)pserve (food) with sth 连同(配菜)一起连同(配菜)一起提供提供、端上(饭菜)、端上(饭菜)Teacakes should be served (hot) with butter. 茶点应该趁热配有黄油一起端上。茶点应该趁热配有黄油一起端上。pserve sb (with) sth(food/a meal/

14、breakfast/lunch/ dinner)pserve sth(food/a meal.) to sb 向某人提供、端上一顿(食物、一顿饭)向某人提供、端上一顿(食物、一顿饭) He was ready to serve dinner to his friends/to serve his friends (with) dinner _ he realised that he had forgotten to turn on the oven and the meat was not cooked yet.22. where making dumplings has always bee

15、n a family affair _ everyonefrom the youngest to the oldest joining in to help.“with sb/sth doing”结构在此作定语结构在此作定语,修饰修饰a family affair(事物事物)23. pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions 被被塞满中国塞满中国切切葱片的煎饼卷葱片的煎饼卷 (过去分词短语作定(过去分词短语作定语)语)when with pstuff A with B 用用B填满填满/装满装满/塞满塞满A =fill A wit

16、h Bp=stuff A into B .把把塞进塞进.p (A) be stuffed with B (A)被填满)被填满/装满装满/塞满(塞满(B) =be filled with.She has 500 envelopes _ (stuff) _ leaflets. 她有她有500个信封要装上传单。个信封要装上传单。She has 500 leaflets _ (stuff) _ envelopes. 她有她有500百个份传单要装进信封里。百个份传单要装进信封里。to stuff to stuff with into How do you think youre going to fit

17、 all that stuff into your car? U(名字不详或不重要的)东西(名字不详或不重要的)东西; 物品物品24. a slice of (bread) 一片(面包)一片(面包)pslice.off 切下切下pa sliced loaf 切片面包切片面包25. wander (around) the open range on horses / horsebacks 骑着马在开旷草原漫骑着马在开旷草原漫游游 wander (around/about/through) the streets 在街上到处闲逛在街上到处闲逛26. Guangdongs elegant dim s

18、um 广东的精致点心广东的精致点心27. small servings of food in bamboo steamers 用用竹蒸笼竹蒸笼装的装的小份小份食物食物28. the exceptional stewed noodles 美味的炖面条美味的炖面条despite obtaining exceptional scores in maths and physics 尽管获得优秀的数学和物理成绩尽管获得优秀的数学和物理成绩p exceptional adj 非常非常好的好的, 优秀的优秀的, 杰出杰出的的(usually good, outstanding);特别特别的的, 异常的异常的

19、, 罕见罕见的的 (very unusual)At the age of five he showed/had (an) exceptional talent as musician/for music.29. be A as varied as B A 像像 B 一样各式各样一样各式各样/种类繁种类繁多多 (varied adj. of many different types)He led a full and varied life30. at the/a minimum 最起码,至少,最少最起码,至少,最少At a minimum, we must recruit two new te

20、achers.p(do sth) with the minimum (amount) of effort 没费没费什么劲,轻易地(做某事)什么劲,轻易地(做某事)pkeep/reduce sth to a minimum 使使.保持、把减少到保持、把减少到最低限度最低限度pa minimum/maximum of 30 students in a class 至少、至少、最多最多.31. go hand in hand (with sth) (与(与.) 密切相关密切相关 It is widely held that wealth and power go hand in hand in mo

21、st societies.=It is widely held that wealth goes hand in hand with power in most societies.p(walk/stroll) hand in hand 手牵手地(行走、溜达)手牵手地(行走、溜达)pgive/lend sb a (helping) hand 向某人施以援手向某人施以援手p(be) (close/near) at hand 在附近在附近/手头;即将发生手头;即将发生/到到来来p(be) in hand 正在被处理正在被处理pthe job/task in/at hand 正在、需要处理地工作、任正在、需要处理地工作、任务务pon the one hand, on the other hand一方面,另一方一方面,另一方面面p(make/paint) by hand 用手工(制作、绘制)用手工(制作、绘制)p(experience) (at) first hand 亲手经历亲手经历pshake hands with sb=shake ones hand 与某人握手与某人握手pwelcome sb/sth with warm hands 热忱欢迎、接受热忱欢迎、接受phands up 举手举手


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