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1、producter:王智,李文俊问题 questions 1. How many main dialects in old English?2.According to this ranking,whats the chinese rank?3. Do you think Chinese might overtake English as the most prevalent language one day in the future ?4501100Old English 古英语时期古英语时期11001500Middle English中古英语时期中古英语时期1500Modern Engl

2、ish现代英语时期现代英语时期古英语(Old English或Anglo-Saxon)是指从450年到1150年间的英语。语法和德语比较相近,形态变化很复杂。语言史学家一般把英语的历史分为三个时期:古英语、中古英语、现代英语。古英语的名词有数和格的分别;数分为单数、复数;格分为主格、所有格、与格、宾格,一个名词加起来共有8种变化形式。Old English (English Old or Anglo-Saxon) refers to English from 450 years to 1150 years. Grammar and German are similar, and the mor

3、phological changes are very complicated. Language historians generally divide the history of English into three periods: Old English, Middle English and modern English. Are the ancient English noun number and the case number; divided into singular and plural; the case is divided into the nominative

4、genitive, dative and accusative, a term add up to a total of 8 variations.日耳曼部落在不列颠定居以后,各自占领一些地区。盎格鲁人占领了泰晤士河以北的英格兰大部分地区和苏格兰的低地,朱特人占领了肯特郡一带地区,撒克逊人占领了泰晤士河以南的大部分地区。各个部落建立了一些小王国,出现了英语史上的七国时代(the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy)。直到公元830年,阿尔弗烈德大王(Alfred the Great)才统一了整个英格兰地区。由于全国长期没有统一,所以古英语时期存在着多种方言,主要的方言有四种:西撒克逊语

5、(West Saxon)、肯特语(Kentish)、莫西亚语(Mercian)和北恩布瑞安语(Northumbrian)。这四种方言都曾一度占主导地位。西撒克逊语保存下来的手稿最多,其它方言在形成英语的过程中也起到了重要的作用。After the Germanic tribes settled in Britain, each occupied some areas. The occupied Thames River in most parts of North England and the lowlands of Scotland, Jutes occupied Kent area, t

6、he Saxons occupied most of the area south of Thames River. Every tribe has established a small kingdom, appeared in the history of English seven times (the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy). Until ad 830, Alfred A Wang (the Great Alfred) to unify the entire England area. Because the country has no unified, so

7、the Old English period there are a variety of dialects, dialect mainly has four kinds: the West Saxon (West Saxon), Kentish (Kentish), Mercian language (Mercian) and North Ruian (Northumbrian), embu. These four dialects were once dominant. West Saxon manuscripts preserved most other dialects of in t

8、he process also plays an important role in the formation of English .特色古英语的词汇有着浓厚的日耳曼语族的特点。这主要表现为复合法是重要的构词方法,复合词在古英语词汇中占有显著的地位。据统计,在史诗贝奥武夫(Beowulf)3183行的诗句中,竟有1069个复合词。有些复合词中不重读的部分,渐渐失去独立地位,而演变为词缀,如 for-,in-,-ful等派生法在古英语中也广泛使用,共有24个名词后缀、15个形容词后缀,-dom,-hood,-ship,-ness,- the,-ful,-ish 等词缀都可溯源到古英语时期。古

9、英语时期诗歌有一种特殊的修辞手法,即头韵(alliteration),由此产生的许多短语一直保留至今,如 might and main(全力地),friend and foe(敌友),a labour of love(出自喜爱而做的事)。Old English vocabulary has the characteristics of grumous the Germanic languages. The main performance of the composite method is an important word formation method, compound words

10、in the ancient English vocabulary occupies a significant position. According to statistics, in the epic (Beowulf) in the 3183 lines of the poem, there are actually 1069 compound words. Some compound words in unstressed part, gradually lose independence, and the evolution of affix, such as for-, in-,

11、 -ful derived method is also widely used in Old English, there are a total of 24 noun suffixes, 15 adjective suffixes, -dom, -hood, -ship, -ness, -ful, -ish - the, etc. affix are traceable to the Old English period. Poetry of the Old English period there is a special kind of rhetoric, namely alliter

12、ation (alliteration), many of the resulting phrase has been preserved, such as might and main (full), friend and foe (a labour of love ), (from love do).名词弱变化名词变格举弱变化名词变格举例例格阳性中性阴性nama “名字”age “眼睛” tunge “舌头”单数复数单数复数单数复数主格namanamanageagantunge宾格namannamanageagantungan属格namannamenaaganagenatungan与格na

13、mannamumaganagumtungan形容词形容词强变化形容词强变化gld “快乐”阳性中性阴性单数复数单数复数单数复数主格gldgladegldgladugladu宾格gldnegadegldgladugladeglade属格gladesgldragladesgldragldre与格gladumgladumgladumgladumgldre工具格动词 古英语的动词变位远比现代英语复杂强变化动词举例:强变化动词举例:stelan “偷”陈述语气虚拟语气现在时过去时现在时过去时单数第一人称stelestlstele第二人称stilststlst第三人称stilstl复数第一人称stelas

14、tlonstelen命令式分词不定式单数stel过去(ge)stolen不带 to复数stela现在stelende带 to弱变化动词举例:弱变化动词举例:lufian “爱”陈述语气虚拟语气现在时过去时现在时过去时单数第一人称lufielufodelufie第二人称lufastlufodest第三人称lufalufode复数第一人称lufialufodonlufien命令式分词不定式单数lufa过去(ge)lufode不带 to复数lufia现在lufiende带 toHere are some examples of old English:ic lufie 我爱我爱u lufast 你爱

15、你爱he lufa 他爱他爱we lufia 我们爱我们爱 ic lufode 我爱过我爱过u lufodest 你爱过你爱过he lufode 他爱过他爱过we lufodon 我们爱过我们爱过 Middle English refers to the English used in the period 1150 to 1500. This period of English and old English, compared to the pronunciation and spelling, vocabulary and grammar have produced a greater

16、change. A large part of the Old English vocabulary has been eliminated, and has absorbed a lot of French and Latin vocabulary.中古英语是指1150年到1500年间所使用的英语。这个时期的英语和古英语相比,在读音和拼写,词汇和语法方面都产生了较大的变化。一大部分古英语词汇被淘汰,转而吸收了很多法语和拉丁语的词汇。主格主格所有格所有格宾格宾格名词性所有格名词性所有格反身代词反身代词单数第一人称ic/ich/iminme/miminmi seiven第二人称pou/pu/tu

17、pipepinpin seiven第三人称阴sche(o)/ schoheo/hireheo/hireheo self阳he his/hissehine/hinhis him seluon中hithishit/hin his his sute复数第一人称we ure/our(e)us ouresus self第二人称ye eower/gur/eoureow/you youressou seive第三人称heo/he/pa/peiheroe/peirpempamslues海 sea 铅笔 pencel 苹果 appel 梨 pere 男孩 boy 女孩 girl 战争 warre 活的 live

18、n 人们 peple 武器 armes 盾 sheld 矛 spere 血 blod 死亡 die 食物 food 匕首 daggere刀 knif 兵 soudier 骑士 chevaler 驻守 garison 统治 reule 统治权 dominioun 王朝 dynastie 公主 princesse 贵族 nobilite 僧侣 abesse 教士 clergie 修道院 monasterie 牧师 preost 绞死 hongen 刑罚 penalteMiddle English and modern English during the Renaissance, English

19、evolved into Middle English, in the 15th century, through vowel change, further evolved into what is called the English in modern English. Has been absorbing foreign words in English, and until today it is the same, especially Latin, Greece language. Due to this, modern English can be said to be the

20、 worlds largest vocabulary of the language. 中古英语与近代英语在文艺复兴时期,英语进化成中古英中古英语与近代英语在文艺复兴时期,英语进化成中古英语,在十五世纪,由于元音大改变,英语更进一步进化语,在十五世纪,由于元音大改变,英语更进一步进化成所谓的近代英语。英语一直在吸收外来词汇,直至现成所谓的近代英语。英语一直在吸收外来词汇,直至现今亦是如此,特别是拉丁语、希腊语。由于如此,现今今亦是如此,特别是拉丁语、希腊语。由于如此,现今英语可以说是世界上最多字汇的语言。英语可以说是世界上最多字汇的语言。To the end of the Middle Eng

21、lish, English has been established as the status of the English language. Chaucers works have proved that English has become a mature literary language. The simple process of English grammar has been largely completed, the spelling is fixed, and the basic vocabulary has been formed. In short, the ba

22、sis of modern English has also been laid. If reading English before middle ancient times seems to be reading another language, then the difference between English and modern English since sixteenth Century is not so obvious.Modern English is generally divided into early modern English and late moder

23、n English in 1700. 1700 English language standardization and standardization process has been completed, the future of English pronunciation and grammar are no major changes, only the vocabulary continues to expand and enrich.到中古英语末期,英语已经确立了作为英国国语的地位。乔叟的作品证明,英语已成为一种成熟的文学语言。英语语法的简单化过程已大体完成,拼写走向固定,基本词

24、汇也已形成。总之,现代英语的基础也已经奠定。如果说阅读中古英语以前的英语仿佛是在读另外一种语言,那么十六世纪以后的英语与当代的英语的差别也就不那么明显了。现代英语一般以1700年为界,分为早期现代英语与后期现代英语。1700年英语规范化和标准化过程已经完成,这以后英语的语音和语法都无大的变化,只有词汇不断地扩大和丰富。1.分布及适用地区 Distribution and application area1)英式英语(British English或UK English,简称BE、UK-E)。在英国(不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)使用的最主要的语言。 1) English (English UK o

25、r English British, referred to as BE, UK-E). The main language used in the United Kingdom (the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland). 2)美式英语(American English或USA English(US English),简称AE、AmE)。在美国(美利坚合众国)是最主要的语言。(2) American English (English USA or English American (English US), referred to

26、 as AE, AmE).In the United States (United States of America) is the most important language.起源及发展1)英式英语 英语跟汉语一样历史比较悠久的语言之一。最招可追述到公元前。英语在历史的长河里发展来,1399年亨利四世是第1个英语为母语的英国国王,从此以后英语有了更好的发展。其发展过程在多种文化和语言的影响之下慢慢发展壮大形成如今的英语。目前英语是国际影响力较大的语言,汉语也逐步发展已经向国际化走出了第一步慢慢走向了国际化。澳大利亚、加拿大,英国美国等等好多国家以英语为国语。1) British Eng

27、lishEnglish is one of the oldest languages like Chinese. Most strokes can be traced back to bc. The development of English in the long river of history, 1399 Henry IV is the first English speaking king of England, since English has a better development. Its development process in a variety of cultur

28、al and language under the influence of the slow development of the formation of todays english. At present, English is the language of international influence, Chinese has gradually developed to the internationalization of the first step towards the internationalization of the. Australia, Canada, th

29、e United Kingdom, the United States and many other countries to English as a national language.2)美式英语 300多年前英语没有英式英语和美式英语之分。美国英语追述到300多年前,源于伊莉莎白时期的英语,其历史和美国的移民史有着非常密切的联系。美国独立战争为界点美国式英语慢慢开始与英国式英语有区别。1806年诺亚韦伯斯特(Noah Webster)首创American English。1828年韦伯斯特完成美国英语词典一书。后来两百年时间里,英语在北美多种语言、多种文化的酝酿之下形成了如今富有美国文

30、化色彩的美国式英语。2) American English more than 300 years ago English has no British English and American English. American English dates back to 300 years ago, from the Elizabeth era English, its history and the history of immigration to the United States has a very close contact. The United States of Amer

31、icas war of independence as a point of American English slowly began to have a difference with the British english. 1806 Noah Webster (Webster Noah) first English American. 1828 Webster completed the American English Dictionary a book. Later in two hundred years, English in a variety of languages in

32、 North America, a variety of cultural brewing under the formation of a rich American culture of American english. After the second World War, Americas international status had been raised quickly. 第二次世界大战后,美国的国际地位提出了第二次世界大战后,美国的国际地位提出了快速快速The economic base determines the superstructure, so American

33、English soon came up from behind.经济上的基础决定上部结构,所以美国英语不久迎头赶上。经济上的基础决定上部结构,所以美国英语不久迎头赶上。 The European renaissance and the printing press brought many new words from Latin and Greek.欧欧洲新生和印刷机从拉丁语和希腊带来很多新词。洲新生和印刷机从拉丁语和希腊带来很多新词。 Today we still borrow from Latin and Greek to name new inventions, like video

34、, television and cyberspace.今天我们仍借从拉丁文和希腊文名称的新发明,像视频、今天我们仍借从拉丁文和希腊文名称的新发明,像视频、 电视和电视和网络空间。网络空间。The problem of learning American English and British English学习美式英语和英式英语注意的问题学习英式英语的注意点:Learn the attention of British English: 学习英式英语首先要简单了解英国文化及英国人的说话方式,还有除了一般的学习方法之外要经常看一下英音电影。把电影中的重要的和喜欢的句子几下来背下来也是蛮不错的。

35、看电影过程不仅要看情节,注意电影的口语和一些关键发音。多背背就有感觉Learning British English first of all to a simple understanding of the British culture and the British way of speaking, as well as in addition to the general learning methods to often look at the British film.It is quite good to have the important and favorite sente

36、nces in the film. Watching the film process not only depends on the plot, pay attention to the films spoken and some key pronunciation. Have a feeling on the back学习美式英语的注意点:Pay attention to American English: 学习美式英语首先要简单了解美国文化以及美国人的说话的具体特点,还有除了一般的学习方法之外要经常看一下美音电影。把电影中的重要的和喜欢的句子几下来背下来也是蛮不错的。看电影过程不仅要看情

37、节,注意电影的口语和一些关键发音。多被从几个电影或者几个著名的美式英语演讲就有感觉了。比如说“奥巴马的演讲”集也很不错的选择。Learning American English first of all to a simple understanding of American culture and the specific characteristics of the American language, as well as in addition to the general learning methods to often look at the u.s. It is quite

38、good to have the important and favorite sentences in the film. Watching the film process not only depends on the plot, pay attention to the films spoken and some key pronunciation. Many have been feeling from a few films or several famous American English speech. Obamas speech, for example, is a goo

39、d choice元音:一是o音:短音的o(如often),英语中发音仅仅为一个缩短了的长音o(如or),而美式的短音o听起来和英语的短音/很像,同时长音o后面如果有r都通常像上一段里说的那样儿化了,没有的话(如plausible, applause)就自动变成了一个短音的o的发音。 另外对u,i和其他元音组合的浑元音化用词: Use word:英语和美语中有些同样的词语的常用意思是不同的,或者同样的东西用不同的词语来说,而且绝大部分这种词语是和文化风俗有关的,但并不对交流产生实质性影响Some common meaning of the same word in English and Ame

40、rican English are different, or the same thing in different words, and most of the words are related to culture and custom, but do not have essential influences on communication辅音:r:字母r简直是代表了英美两国的所有差别,到处都是它。在做辅音时,其实差别也就是当r在第一个词的词尾,而第二个词以元音开头,英语把r完全当作元音处理,而美语会把r连读当作后面一个词的开头元音的辅音,如词组clear animosity,英语

41、会读成clear|animosity,而美语会读成clear-ranimosity。 R: the letter R stands for all the differences between Britain and America. In consonants, in fact the difference is when the R in the first word suffix, and second words beginning with a vowel, English vowels as the R complete treatment, while the United S

42、tates would take r tone as a word behind the beginning of vowel consonant, such as phrase clear animosity, English will be read as clear|animosity, and American read into clear-ranimosity.差异单词的区别 汉/英/美棺材 coffin /casket 魔术师 conjuror/ magician 蒸汽锅 cooker /stove 谷物 corn /grain 棍棒 cosh/ blackjack 领带 cra

43、vat /(neck)tie 十字路口 cross-roads/ intersection 碗柜 cupboard/ closet 窗帘 curtain /drape 煎报 cutting /clipping 骑自行车的人 cyclist /cycler 舞厅 dancing saloon/ dance ball 死者,故人 deceased/ decedent 无尾礼服 dinner-jacket /tuxedo 抹布 dish-cloth /dish towel 老资格,老前辈 doyen /dean 绸缎店 drapers shop /dry-goods store 西洋象棋 draug

44、hts /checkers 客厅 drawing room/ parlor 睡衣 dressing-gown /bathrobe 酒类饮料 drink /liquor 偶然拜访 drop in/ drop by 垃圾箱 dust-bin /ashcan 公司的休憩时间 elevenses /coffee break 雇佣 engage/ hire 机车,车头 engine /locomotive 过分 excessively/ overly global language 国际性语言 一种语言,在当今世界上处于什么样的排名,地位如何,主要取决于6个指标。1 使用某种语言的母语人口数量。Numb

45、er of native speakers of the language 评分:4分 2 使用某种语言的非母语人口数量。Number of non-native speakers of the language 评分:6分 3 使用这种语言的国家数量与人口。Number and population of countries using the language 评分:7分 4 使用这种语言的国家的经济,科技与军事实力。Economic, scientific and military power of the countries using the language 评分:8分 5 在外交

46、,国际贸易,国际组织,学术交流等领域使用这种语言的频率。 Number of major fields, such as diplomacy, international trade relations, international organizations and academic community, using the language globally 评分:8分 6 在社会人文领域的声望 International socio-literary prestige of the language) 评分:4分 如果是联合国的官方语言,额外加3分(汉语、英语、法语、俄语、阿拉伯语与西班

47、牙语 Chinese, English, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish )上面6个指标,就是判断一种语言在当今世界的排名,地位的综合指标。满分是40分。根据上面那6个指标,所做出的排名first:英语 37分second:法语 23分third:西班牙语 20分fourth:俄语 16分fifth:阿拉伯语 14分sixth:汉语 13分seventh:德语 12分eighth:日语 10分 ninth:葡萄牙语 10分 tenth:印地语 9分全球性交流媒介:英语 Global communication media: English 洲际交流媒介:法语、

48、西班牙语、俄语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语 Intercontinental exchange media : French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese Is english a global language ?There is a picture called A country is not invaded by Britain. 有一张图片叫做英国没有入侵过的国家Andorra 安道尔安道尔Belarus 白俄罗斯白俄罗斯 Bolivia 玻利维亚玻利维亚 Burundi 布隆迪布隆迪 Central African Republic 中非共和国

49、中非共和国 Chad 乍得乍得 Congo, Republic of 刚果共和国刚果共和国 Guatemala 危地马危地马拉拉 Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦科特迪瓦 Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦吉尔吉斯斯坦 Liechtenstein 列支敦斯登列支敦斯登 Luxembourg 卢森堡卢森堡 Mali 马里马里 Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛马绍尔群岛 Monaco 摩纳哥摩纳哥 Mongolia 蒙古蒙古Paraguay 巴拉圭巴拉圭 Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美与普林希比共和国圣多美与普林希比共和国 Sweden 瑞典瑞典Tajikistan

50、 塔吉克斯坦塔吉克斯坦 Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦 Vatican City 梵蒂冈城梵蒂冈城在国际社会,17、18和19整整三个世纪,国际通用语言都是法语。但是,20世纪开始,英语就一步步地取代法语,成为了国际通用语言。在英语国际地位提升的这一时期,我们看到,先是英国后是美国成为了世界第一强国,而支撑起英美世界强国地位的,不仅仅是英语族群扩张占领的广大殖民地,更主要的是英语文化表现出来的那种持久旺盛的创造力。仅就普通人熟悉的科学技术发明而言,我们可以看到,从19世纪到20世纪,从蒸汽轮船、蒸汽机车到汽车流水线、飞机,从电灯、电影、电报、电话到电台、电视、电脑,都是由英国人


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