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1、20202021学年度第一学期学生素质终期评价本试卷分听力和笔试两部分, 共II大踱75小题, 满分100分. 考试用时90分钟注意事项:1. 答卷前, 考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的签字笔填写自己的学校, 班级、姓名及考生号, 并用2B铅笔把对应考生号的标号涂黑. 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号;不能答在试卷上. 3.非选择題必须用0.5mm黑色字迹签字笔作答, 渉及作图的题目, 用2B铅笔画图. 答案必须写在答题卡各題指定区域内的相应位實上;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后 再写上新的答案;改

2、动的答梁也不能超出指定的区域. 不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液. 不按以上要求作答的答案无效. 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁, 不要折叠答题卡. 听力部分(25分)I听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息. (共5小题, 每小題1分, 计5分)1. A. tennis B. test C. text2. A. look out B. come out C. take out3. A. in 1970B. in 1917 C. in 19604. A. Lets have fish tonight B. Lets have meat tonight C. Lets have fish and meat

3、 tonight5. A. Shes too old to move. B. She wants to move.C. Shes too tired to move. II. 听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题, 6. A. Of course, you cant.B. Im afraid so.C. Youd better not.7 A. Wow, good job. B. Bad luck.C. Thats all right.8. A. Take it easy! B. What a pity!C. Sounds great!9. A. Nice to meet you agai

4、n. B. Nice to meet you.C. How do you do?10. A. Yes. I will. B. I agree with you.C. Its kind of you.III. 听对话和问題, 选择正确答案。(共8小題, 每小题1分, 计8分)11. What is the weather like tomorrow?AB C12. What will the girl do first?A. Watch TV.B. Clean the window.C. Work on the computer.13. Whats the mans advice?A. Forg

5、et about it.B. Take the dictionary.C. Work hard.14. What kind of salad does the woman order?A. A green salad.B. A fruit salad.C. A chicken salad.15.What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends.B. Strangers.C. Relatives.IV. 听对话、短文和问题, 选择正确答案. (共7小題, 每小题1分, 计7分)16. How much docs the gi

6、rl want to spend on the gift?A. 50 dollars. B. 10 dollars. C. 20 dollars. 17. What will the girl buy for her friend? A. A basketball. B. A book. C. A shirt. 18. Why is the boy nnhappy?A. He is not feeling well. B. He can*t think of a topic for her writing. C. He cant find his pictures taken in Xian1

7、9. What docs the girl tell the boy to do?A. To take a course in writing. B. To go on a visit to ChinaC. To write about his travel in China. 20. What does the girl have to do then?A. She has to finish a passage, too. B. She will fly to Xian. C. She will help the boy with the passage. V 听短文填空(共5小题, 每小

8、题1分, 计5分)Information SheetCost of visiting the museum:21. Its _.Rules for the museum:22. Firstly, dont have _ or drink here23. Secondly, dont _ the things here. 24. Thirdly, keep _ in the museum. 25. Fourthly, please leave before _.笔试部分(75分)I.词汇(共10 小题,每小题1分,计 10 分)根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。In th

9、e US, the (26)_(sixteen) birthday is special. People usually have (27) _(importance) celebrations for teenagers. That is (28)b_ the party is their first step to be an adult. Some of the parties are very big celebrations and cost a lot of money. Everyone (29) _(wear) beautiful clothes. These parties

10、(30)_(hold) in hotels and there are even music group playing. People usually give gifts (31)_the sixteen-year-olds. Some gifts can be very expensive. The young people enjoy (32)t_ at the party with singing and dancing. However, other parties are simpler and people just have them at home. Sometimes (

11、33)_ (family) celebrate them in other ways, such as going on a special trip together, watching (34) _ interesting movie or eating a big meal in a nice restaurant. How do you plan(35)_(celebrate) your birthday?II. 单项选择(共10小题, 每小阪I分, 计10分)36. When an earthquake happens. I think the most important safe

12、ty _is to keep calm. A. ruleB. doubtC. conditionD. problem37._my survey, 70 percent of my classmates go to school by bike, A. In order toB. Because ofC. According toD. Instead of3X. The organization Wild Aid is _ to protect wild animals. 一It has done a lot so far. A. cheered upB. picked upC. taken u

13、pD. set up39. Im so glad that I _ nearly half of the test now. A. finishB. finishedC. will finishD. have finished40.一Alice has gone out.Oh, has she? What time _ she _?A. has; goneB is; goingC. will; goD. did; go41. My grandma is a really nice personone of _people I know.A. niceB. nicerC. nicestD. th

14、e nicest42. Mother had a hard lime getting Helen up in the morning. She called and called, but Helen _ wake up. A. wouldntB. mustntC. needntD. shouldnt43. Emily is glad that she _ for her honesty at that meeting. A. praisesB. praisedC. is praisedD. was praised44. WeChat(微信)really influences peoples

15、life. _. It is easier for us to keep in touch with others. A. MainlyB. Exactly C. Simply D. Mostly45. Tom became interested in books at a very young age. He read every book he could find and bought hooks of all kinds. Today Tom has a big collection of books. His favourite books are mystery novels an

16、d books about detective stories. The passage mainly tells us _.A. why Tom does the readingB. how Tom learned to readC. how much Tom likes to readD. what Toms favourite books areIII. 完型填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)It was Easter 1998, and my family was on a once-in-a-lifetime (千载难逢)trip to the Solomon Island

17、s for my sisters wedding. I was travelling with my husband, my four-year-old son and my daughter, who was nearly two. Wed been 46 it was very hot in the Solomon Islands, so wed taken lots of light cotton clothes and were wearing the same as it was summer. The only problem was that we had to catch an

18、 overnight (前夜的)bus that 47 at midnight for the airport so we could make our early flight to Honiara. It was cold on the bus! My husband and I were snuggling (使依偎) our children as best we could, trying to keep them 48 . The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off, but we didnt take much

19、49 . The little ones were restless (焦躁不安的), unable to sleep for the biting cold. Then at one stop, an old lady came forward from the back of the bus and stopped by our seat. I sat forward to see what she wanted and she 50 out a small knee mg (毯子). My little girl couldnt wait to 51 tor it and pulled

20、it tight around her. The lady said shed made the rug herself and seeing that we were cold, then she wanted ns to use it. A Her she went back to her seal, our now-warm children nodded off (打盹), and they slept all the way to the airport. Just a stop or two before we arrived, the rug lady made her way

21、to the door to get off. I tried to wake up the children to 52 her rug, but she said, “ No, keep it. I can 53 make another one!”Over the years, that little rug became a 54 to me and to my children of the kindness of strangers. That rug was handmade with the colors carefully chosen. Yet its maker part

22、ed with it to keep my family warm for a night. I am forever 55 not just for the warmth that night, but for the lifelong reminder (提示)of the goodness of people. That rug has warmed my life. 46. A. advisedB. toldC. mentionedD. taught47. A. wentB. pulledC. leftD. drove48. A. calmB. quietC. sleepyD. war

23、m49. A. careB. actionC. temperatureD. notice50. A. heldB. letC. putD. worked51. A. sendB. reachC. payD. look52. A. borrowB. affordC. offerD. return53. A. everB. alwaysC neverD. even54. A. symbolB. choiceC. factD. dream55. A. hopefulB. thankfulC. helpfulD. peacefulIV. 阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)AWalk Fo

24、r CharityPlease join us for our yearly Walk For Charity. Starting in Weldow, you can choose an enjoyable 10, 20. or 30 kilometers route. The money raised will provide support to help homeless people. Start forming a team of three people now. and then come along on the day. Please read the instructio

25、ns below carefully. See you on Sunday, 12 May. V Jessop (Walk organizer)PS: Wei done to last years walkers for helping to raise $21, 000. The money has already been used to build a childrens playground. Start Time: 30km: 10:00 am 20km: 10:30 am 10km: 11:00 amClothing should be suitable for the weath

26、er. If it rains, bring raincoats and be prepared for all possibilities. It is better to wear shoes dial have been worn in, rather than the new ones. Route Maps will be given from the registration (登记)point. Where the route runs along the road, walkers should keep to one side for safety. Buses: For t

27、he 10 and 20 kilometers* routes, a bus will be waiting at Fenton to take walkers back to Weldow. The bus will leave every half hour starting at midday. The service is free and there is no need to book. 56. The money raised this year will be used to _. A. for a team of three people B. help homeless p

28、eopleC. build a children playgroundD. protect the city environment57. According to the route map, the 20 kilometers walkers finish at _. A. WeldowB. Great RushlyC. Lower D. Fenton58. The first bus is leaving Fenton for Weldow at _. A. 14:30 pmB. 13:30 pmC. 12:30 pmD. 11:30 amBShould we be afraid of

29、sharks? Maybe not. New research into the reasons for shark attacks (攻击)suggests that sharks dont like the way bumans taste! In fact, most people who are attacked by the shark arc still alive after receiving only one bite (咬). Why is this?There arc many opinions to explain why sharks sometimes attack

30、 people. One opinion is that sharks arc just curious (好奇的). We know that sharks are the strongest animals in their environment, so they are not afraid of anything. Naturally that means they arc interested in the unusual things they meet. Because they dont have hands or feet, the only way they can fi

31、nd out an object is to bite it! It is thought that sharks sometimes bite humans for this reason, and then swim away. Scientists also say that sharks would not waste energy trying to cat a human, as we have a lot of bones (骨头). It is hard for a shark to eat us because sharks dont have hands, and they

32、 cant pull the meat off our bones. Maybe thats why they only bite us once. Unluckily, one bite from a large shark is serious enough to hurt people greatly!Another opinion is that sharks attack humans by mistake. Some sharks may sometimes mistake humans for a seal. An example of this is when a shark

33、attacks a surfer. A surfer lying on a surfboard looks like a seal when seen from below. Sharks like seals because they have thick fat. Whatever the reason for shark attacks on humans, sharks should be afraid of us. Sadly, we kill almost 40 million of them each year. 59. Most people _ after they are

34、attacked by sharks. A. are deadB. are still alive C. are eaten D. arc not hurt60. Which sentence about sharks is true?A. One bite from a shark is nothing serious. B. Sharks might mistake humans for seals. C. Sharks pull meat off bones when they eat. D. Sharks like to attack surfers because of their

35、thick fat. CEveryone sick of hearing, *Put on your seat bell!” But its good advice. People who wear seat belts arc 45 percent less likely to be killed while riding in the front seat of a car. The US government wants more seal belt laws. It says children aged 4 to 15 are often killed in car accidents

36、. In 2015, there were 1, 627 children aged 4 to 15 killed in car accidents. More than 1, 000 of those children were not wearing scat belts. If they had been wearing seat belts. 500 of those children could be alive today. These children arc too old to be in car scats, but they often sit in the back s

37、eat. Seat belt laws in many slates, including Wisconsin, only require people in the front seat to wear seat belts. Children who arent wearing seat belts can be thrown from the car. The risk of dying in an accident is three times greater if the person is thrown from the car. New laws could require ch

38、ildren aged 4 to 8 to be ;n booster seats (辅助软座椅)in the car. Booster scats help seat belts fit children properly. Right now, only 5 percent of children aged 4 to 8 are seated in booster seats. While parents have the choice of whether wearing seat belts or not, children arc too young to make that cho

39、ice. Even if you decide not to wear a seat belt, make sure your children are in seat belts and car seats. Its the law and it will save their lives. 62. The underlined sentence “Everyone gets sick of hearing in the first paragraph means_”.A. there is something wrong with everyones earsB. all people f

40、all ill when they hear somethingC. many people dont pay attention to wearing seat beltsD. none of the people knows it is a piece of good advice63. More than two-third of 1, 627 children were killed because _. A. they werent using seat beltsB. they were too careful when they walked on the roadC. they

41、 were not old enough to sit in the carD. they wore seat belts64. You must get your children to put on seat belts in order to _. A. keep them comfortable in the car seatB. keep them safeC. keep them awake in the car all the timeD. prevent all kinds of traffic accidents65. What would be the best title

42、 of this passage?A. Children Should Put on Scat BeltsB. Too Many Traffic Accidents Happened RecentlyC. Traffic Laws Are Very ImportantD. Parents Arc Important to ChildrenD阅读短文. 并按要求完成下列试题。A new smart city will soon be built in the middle of the Arizona Desert. It is amazing and it will be the best c

43、ity in the world. What is a smart city?A smart city is a city area and people there can use the latest technology to collect information and manage resources. People live a quality life. The environment there is clean and sustainable (可持续的). Bill Gales has a project. Gates bought 25, 000 acres (英亩)o

44、f land near Phoenix two years ago. He planned to build a smart city with die latest technology, high speed Internet, and large data centers. The city is named Belmont. It will become one of Arizonas larges? cities. About 3, 800 acres will be used for office and business space. About 470 acres will b

45、e used for public schools. Around 80. 000 flats will be built The project says that about 182, 000 people will live in Belmont in the future. The project also introduces how cities of the are nm. So it is great. Most people think it is the hardest project. Also at present, no one knows when it will begin, or how much it will cost. Gates hasnt revealed (透露J any detail yet. But he has already spent more than $80 million on the project. 66, 67题完成句子:68題简略回答问题;69题找出并写下全文的主题句:70題将文中画线句子译成汉语。66. People in the smart city can _information. 67. Belmont will become _


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