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1、Lesson 1 A Private ConversationNew words and expressionprivate praivit作adj. 个人的,私人的private letter 私人信件 private school私立学校 private company 私人公司 private view 个人观点作n. 士兵(一般指男性大兵)例:Saving Private Ryan拯救大兵瑞恩(1998美国战争片)重要词组 in private/publicCan I speak to you in private?译:我可以私下同你谈谈吗?反义词 public 公共的,公开的publ

2、ic place 公共场所public park 公立公园 public house 酒馆同义词 personal 个人的Personal Statement 个人陈述 Personal Assistant 个人助理Conversation n. 对话,会话,交谈常见句型: have a conversation with sb. 例:I had a long conversation with my father yesterday evening.have a conversation about sth. 例:Shall we have a conversation about your

3、 vacation ?同义词:同义词:conversation 无拘束或非正式的谈话talk 谈话内容可正式或非正式chat 闲谈、聊天discussion (小型的)讨论、商议dialogue 双方对话,戏剧对白Theatre itn. 戏院;剧场英式写法:tre , 美式写法:tertheatre , theater 剧院metre , meter 米centre , center 中心常见句型: go to the theater 去看戏seat 作n. 座位take a seat 占一个座位,坐下have a seat 有一个座位例:Miss , is this seat taken?

4、 云中漫步作v. 安排就坐;可容纳He seated us in a chair.The theatre seats 3000 people.seat 和 sit 的区别:sit vi.后不可直接加宾语 Sit down , please. 请坐下。 Sit on the chair. 请坐在椅子上。seat vt.后可直接加宾语 常见句型:sb. be seated.就座实践练习题: When all those students_ , he began his lecture. Asit B. set C. seated D. were seatedplay作n. 孩子们玩耍,玩;戏pla

5、yground 运动场playboy 花花公子作v. play后接“球类”:play basketball/football打篮球, 踢足球 play chess下国际象棋play 后必须接定冠词the 再加“乐器”:play the violin拉小提琴loudly构词法 大部分 adj. + ly变成adv.:loud + ly 变为loudly大声地rude + ly 变为 rudely粗鲁地beautiful + ly 变为beautifully美丽地angry经典用法 be angry with sb 生某人的气be angry at / about sth 为某事而生气副词 改y为

6、i,加ly angrily扩充学习 cross 生气的angry 生气的 (英式)mad 气的发疯 (美式)be blue in the face 气得发紫attention经典用法 pay attention to sb/sth比较学习 notice 不用心去看attention 用心去盯着口语应用 Attention, please! 请大家注意!Attention! 立正!bear作n. 熊 作v. 同义词:bear, stand 忍受My sister can not bear mouse in the house. 屋子里有耗子,我姐姐可无法忍受。suffer 忍受伤害、精神、病痛、

7、失败She was suffering from a headache. 她正经受头痛之苦。作n. 事情thing 泛指事情matter 一般指麻烦的事情 Whats the matter?business 私人事情 Its none of my business. affair 事务、事件(较正式) international affairsbusiness作n. 生意、出差do business with sb 和某人做生意Business is business. 公事公办on business 出差“Bill, would you come to Peking university ?

8、” “Sorry, I cant. Im on business in Shanghai now.”Text本文语法:简单陈述句一个完整的简单陈述句应该包括以下几个部分:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语或补语 + 方式状语 + 地点状语 + 时间状语(可前置句首)问:一个最简单的陈述句至少应包括哪几个部分? 答:一个主语和一个谓语。1 the film I enjoyed yesterday I enjoyed the film yesterday.2 the news listened to I carefullyI listened to the news carefully3 well The

9、man the piano played The man played the piano well.4 games played yesterday in their room The children quietlyThe children played games quietly in their room yesterday.5 He opened the door quietly. 6 He left immediately. 7 He planted a tree in the corner of the garden. 8 He read the letter quickly i

10、n his office before lunch. 9 I borrowed a book from the library this morning. 10 The cook spoilt the soup. 11 We stay at home on Sundays. 12 There are a lot of people at the bus stop. 13 The little boy ate greedily an apple in the kitchen this morning. 14 She draws beautifully. 15 I like music very

11、much. 16 They built a new school in our village last year. 17 The match ended at four oclock. 18 She received a letter from her brother last week. I eat. 我吃。He drinks. 他喝。I eat and drink.我吃我喝。(并列句)文中 Last week I went to the theatre. 时间状语 主语 谓语 地点状语 Lesson 1 A Private Conversation Last week I went to

12、 the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any atte

13、ntion. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily. Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. “This is a private conversation!”1LastweekIwenttothetheatre.参考翻译 上个星期,我去了戏院看戏。语言点1 时间状语开门见山,过去的时间用过去时态顺理成章。故将go改为 went。语言点2 表示目标地点,在theatre,cinema,p

14、ictures等词之前一定要加定冠词the。例如:go to the theatre = go to the play去看戏go to the cinema 去看电影(英式英语)go to the movies 去看电影(美式英语)go to the pictures/films 去看电影be at the theatre/cinema 在戏院看戏/在电影院看电影2Ihadaverygoodseat.参考翻译 我的座位相当好。语言点1 had的原形have,沿续last week的时态。语言点2 a very good seat = a very good place 视线无遮挡,所处的位置非

15、常好,而非椅子本身材料好。3Theplaywasveryinteresting.参考翻译 那场戏剧演得非常有意思。语言点 very 为副词,interesting为形容词,副词修饰形容词一般放在其前面。比如: very hot非常热, quiet easy 十分简单,但good enough 为例外。4 Ididnotenjoyit.参考翻译 但是我却颇为扫兴。语言点1 did not 为写作展开式,其缩写didnt为口语式,比如:cannot/can not=cant, could not=couldnt,do not=dont,will not=wont, have not=havent等

16、等语言点2 enjoy 的用法: enjoy sth 从sth中得到精神上的娱乐或快乐,比like意义要深得多。 enjoy music享受音乐, enjoy dinner享受宴会, enjoy life享受生活 enjoy doing enjoy swimming 喜欢游泳, enjoy fishing喜爱钓鱼 一般不可说enjoy sbThis morning I enjoyed my English teacher. 但enjoy oneself是个例外!比如请客人吃菜时:Enjoy yourself!5Ayoungmanandayoungwomanweresittingbehindme

17、.参考翻译 一对年青的男女正坐在我的后面。语言点1 a young man and a young woman 为主语,放在最前面起强调作用,强调谁坐在我的前面,他们必定和故事发展有直接关系。比较I was sitting in front of them.5 5Ayoungmanandayoungwomanweresittingbehindme.语言点2 young adj., man n. 形容词修饰名词作定语。请注意它的位置,一般放在被修饰的名词之前,但如果是介词短语、形容词短语或修饰名词的从句则放在被修饰名词之后。比如:a man in the room(介词短语)在房间里的一个男人。

18、Is it a problem difficult to solve(形容词短语)? 这是个难解决的问题吗?5Ayoungmanandayoungwomanweresittingbehindme.语言点3 请注意这里的时态:were sitting 过去进行时,与sat不同。语言点4 behind 反义词:in front of。原句还可改为:I was sitting in front of them.6 Theyweretalkingloudly.参考翻译 他们俩在那里一直大声地交谈着。语言点1 talking 为动词,loudly副词,副词修饰动词一般放其后面。hit hard重重地打,

19、 speak slowly大声地说,touch softly温柔地抚摸语言点2 were talking 过去进行时,为何而不用“They talked loudly.”?原因:be doing 是介绍背景的最佳选择,可以起到加强印象的效果。比较:I speak English.我讲英语。 I am speaking English now.我现在正在讲英语。7Igotveryangry.参考翻译 我变得非常生气。语言点比较:I was very angry.我过去很生气。 I got very angry.我变得非常生气。原因:用get表示变得,强调有变化的过程。总结用法:get在作“变得”

20、时常后接形容词 got old变老, got hot变热, got hungry感到饥饿的,均含有渐进的意味。8Icouldnotheartheactors.参考翻译 我听不见演员们在说什么。语言点1 could not 写作展开式,couldnt 为口语缩略式。语言点2 hear 听到 Can you hear the signal? 你能听到这信号吗?listen to 听 Dont listen to him. 不要听他的话。9Iturnedround.参考翻译 我转过了身去。语言点1 turn转过,round 圈子,周围 turn round 转身,turn left 向左转, tur

21、n right向右转, turn over翻身 语言点2 turn round 英式英语 turn around 美式英语10.Ilookedatthemanandthewomanangrily.参考翻译 我生气地看着那一对男女。语言点 比较学习:see 看见(结果) watch 观看(动态) look 看(动作) Look, look! 快看,快看 不会说watch, watchlook at 看着(持续动作) Please look at my fingers.请看着我的手指。11.Theydidnotpayanyattention.参考翻译 但是他们压根就没有看我一眼。语言点1 要想表达

22、注意的程度只需在attention前加形容词即可:pay no/any attention to 不注意pay a little attention to 稍加注意pay much attention to 比较注意pay more attention to 更加注意pay great attention to 非常注意pay close attention to 关注,盯着语言点2 any一般用在否定句中,pay any attention 意思为“根本就不注意”。此处pay any attention后无介词to,补充完整应为They did not pay any attention t

23、o me.介词to后常接目的宾语,但无目的宾语则省去介词to。12.Intheend,Icouldnotbearit.参考翻译 最后,我实在忍无可忍了。语言点 辨析学习:表达“最后” in the end at lastfinallyin the end 经过一系列变化后最终发生。at last 经过克服困难,最终达到目的。finally 按照一定的顺序进行到最后。13.Iturnedroundagain.Icanthearaword!Isaidangrily.参考翻译 我再次转过身去,并生气地说到:“我一个字都听不清!”语言点 口语中经常会说:Can I have a word with you? = May I talk with you?重要谚语:Actions speak louder than words. 行胜于言。14.Itsnoneofyourbusiness,theyoungmansaidrudely.Thisisaprivateconversation!参考翻译 “这不关你的事,”那个年青的男人说,“这是我们私人之间的谈话。”语言点 none of ones business 不关的事


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