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1、.1测试治具原理讲解测试治具原理讲解 一、前言:一、前言:( (设计理念)设计理念)二、夹治具制作流程二、夹治具制作流程三、各型治具简介与运用三、各型治具简介与运用四、制作时程之掌控四、制作时程之掌控五、结论五、结论讲师:吴家龙讲师:吴家龙.2Testability Consultant, Fixture Testability Consultant, Fixture Fabrication & Test Program DevelopingFabrication & Test Program DevelopingCUSTOMERCAD/ GERBERINTERNETLANDREXC.A.FT


3、SSEMBLYCHECK PINDELIVERTO USERWIRINGRECEPTABLE & PORBE INSERTIONDRILLINGROUTING.3ATE-04压床CD-Rom双座成品测试治具手控功能测试治具机械式手控测试治具笔记型计算机机械式手控测试治具NLX功能测试治具新型手控功能测试治具空压功能测试治具简易功能测试治具真空功能测试治具VXI功能测试治具真空式实插功能测试治具GenRadGenRad 双面真空治具GenRad 单面真空治具Stinger 双面空压治具Stinger 单面空压治具Viper双面空压治具Viper二层式空压治具H pHP 1B1S 测试治具PT96

4、0 测试治具JetJet 双面测试治具Jet 单面测试治具Jet 二层式测试治具TRITRI 518 双面测试治具TRI 518 单面测试治具TRI 518 二层式测试治具SCHUHII功能性测试治具与功能性测试治具与 ATE & ICT ATE & ICT 测试治具介绍测试治具介绍.4 利用四支培林轴承及单轴汽缸,上下动作,确保其精度及稳定。Press plate moving up and down guided by 4 post with bearings andsingle-spindle cylinder for good accuracy and stability. 使用双开关

5、设计,须双方同时按键方能动作,确保人员操作之安全。PDU operates only when both of SW bottoms are pushed for protecting operators safety. 内附延迟控制器,治具确实紧密压合后方开始送电及启动测试。测试完成,则在压板松压前先行切断电源,可确保测试稳定性及保护待测板。Enclosing delay timer, which will turn on power and boot testing while fixture is pressed at steady condition.When finishing te

6、st, power will be turned off before pressing plate moving up.This design can guarantee test stability and protecting UUT. 适用于各种ICT及功能测试治具。Apply to ICT and Functional test fixture.ATE-04 PRESS DOWN UNITATE-04 PRESS DOWN UNIT压压 床床 .5 体积小,整齐美观。Compact size and tidy looks. 利用气动方式,操作简单、快速、安全。Operated by

7、air cylinder for easy, quick, and safe operation. 可调整测试角度(090度),方便UUT取放。Adjustable test angle from 090 degrees, convenient UUT placing and picking. 测试连接器采模块化方式设计,易于维修。Module-designed test connectors for convenient maintenance. 双治具座,另行加装控制电路,便可轮替测试,避免等待时间之浪费。Double fixture base, can alternatively tes

8、t two UUT after adding on control circuit,time saving and high test performance. 适用于CD-ROM, CD-R/W, DVD。Apply to CD-ROM, CD-R/W, DVD.CD-ROM DUAL WELL FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURECD-ROM DUAL WELL FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE双双 座座 成成 品品 测测 试试 治治 具具.6 杠杆式机构设计,操作方便,结构具弹性,变化多。Leverage mechanism for convenient oper

9、ation. Flexible structure for various requirement. 上升式针板设计,不需压床,探针接触性佳。Up-lifted probe plate for probe well contact, and not need PDU. 避免人工插拔之偏差所造成之电路板毁损。Prevent PCB and connectors from damage caused by poor plug in/out workmanship. 所有测试配件均可置入治具盒内,单机安装,速度快。Easy Installation: All required accessories

10、 are installed in one fixture box. 适用于各种PC板及数字式功能机板。Apply to all kinds of PC board and digital functional board.MANUAL FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTUREMANUAL FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE手手 控控 功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.7 连结器同步插入机构设计,操作方便快速。Ergonomics simultaneous plug in mechanism for fast and convenient operation. 避免人工插拔

11、之不正确所造成之电路板毁损率。Prevent PCB and connectors from damage caused by poor plug in/out workmanship. 结构变化性高,可依厂商的需求设计。Flexible Structure: Can be adapted to customers specific requirement. 可不使用探针避免因使用小号探针衍生之电气问题。Probeless structure is available to solve the contact problem due to very small size of contact

12、probe. 适用于各种笔记型主机板。Apply to all kinds of notebook motherboard. MECHANICAL MANUAL FUNCTIONAL FIXTUREMECHANICAL MANUAL FUNCTIONAL FIXTURE机机 械械 式式 手手 控控 测测 试试 治治 具具.8 测试用I/O连接器采用模座设计,多个连接器可同时插入I/O port,使用方便,快速,避免人工不正确插拔造成之损伤。Module-designed I/O testing connectors, which can be plugged into I/O port sim

13、ultaneously forfast operation and avoid the damage caused by poor plug in/out workmanship. 外围测试组件及连接器均采用模座固定在治具上,整齐美观,方便在生产在线之置放。All needed peripherals and test connectors are fixed on the fixture by holding module forconvenient setup on the production line. 各种连接器及外围组件均可轻易自固定模座中取换,维修方便,迅速。Convenient

14、 and quick maintenance: All test connectors and peripherals can beeasily replaced from the holding modules. 治具盒可依客户要求规格设计,达到外表美观,操作有效率之目的。Customized fixture kit for volume quantity to meet specified high performance operation criterion. 适用于笔记型计算机主板之功能测试。Apply to functional test of notebook PC main b

15、oard. MMF FOR NOTEBOOK FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTUREMMF FOR NOTEBOOK FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE笔记型计算机机械式手控测试治具笔记型计算机机械式手控测试治具 .9 待测板放置方式简便,节省人工插拔时间,且方便保养。Convenient UUT placing and plugging into fixture connectors, easy operation and time saving. 所有测试配件均可置入治具盒内,单机安装,速度快。Easy Installation: All required access

16、ories are installed in fixture box. 治具盒可回收, 制作新机种时,只需制作针板,可降低成本。Cost Saving: Recyclable fixture box for cost saving and environment protection. 可作气缸式或手动式(自动测试)治具。Two Fixture Types: Pneumatic or manual type is optional. 气缸式治具设有自动锁定装置以保护PCB.The Pneumatic type fixture is designed with auto-lock until t

17、est completed for PCB protection. 适用于NLX主机板及附加卡测试。Apply to NLX motherboard and add on cards. NLX FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURENLX FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.10 直压式机构设计,待测板下压平整,稳定性佳。Straight pressing down mechanism, keep UUTs flatness and high stability under testing. 行程大,待测板取放容易。Long stroke

18、mechanism for convenient PCB placing and picking. 治具座可单独更换,节省成本Separate fixture box from pressing down base, convenient replacinganother fixture box for different UUT. 适用于测试点数较少,或具高零件之待测板,如: CD-ROM, HDD。Apply to the PCB with less test pads, such as CD-ROM, HDD or analog board. NEW MANUAL FUNCTIONAL

19、TEST FIXTURENEW MANUAL FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE新新 型型 手手 控控 功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.11 治具控制键、显示灯号可依客户需求设计, 变化性高, 操作人性化。Customized control button and display for friendly operation. 测试卡均可置于治具盒内, 而HDD, CD-ROM可依客户需求置于治具内或放入本公司所制作的设备盒内, 配合治具使用, 外表整齐,方便在生产线之摆放布置。All required testing accessories could be put into

20、 the fixture box or stand-alone box.Tidy outlook and convenient connecting to peripherals. 配合ATE-04压床使用,使顶针受力平均,接触性佳,稳定性高。Fixture can be fitted in Landrex ATE-04. ATE-04 is a reliable high stability press downunit for well probe contact. 治具底板为可掀式设计, 容易保养。Fixture bottom plate can be slopping-lifted f

21、or easy maintenance. 适用于PC主机板或其它数字电路板功能测试。Low cost solution for PC motherboard and digital board functional test. PNEUMATIC FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTUREPNEUMATIC FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE空空 压压 功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.12 治具结构小,不占空间。Compact size for saving space. 针板可做为掀起式, 以方便维修和配线修改。Slopping-lifted probes plate d

22、esign is optional for easy maintenance and re-wiring on field. 治具盒可依客户需求设计,以达到操作方便。Customer designed fixture box for specified operation requirements. 使用杠杆式夹具操作,可以达到省力的作用。Leverage mechanism for preventing labor in vain. 适用于小机板或CD-ROM 机板功能测试。Best choice for small board and CD-ROM board. SIMPLE FUNCTI

23、ONAL TEST FIXTURESIMPLE FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE简简 易易 功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.13 所有测试配件均可置于治具盒内,单机安装,速度快。Easy Installation: All required accessories are installed in the fixture box. 使用真空吸引, 探针受力平均, 接触性佳, 寿命长。Good Probe Contact and Long-term use: Fixture works by vacuum to make theprobes contact under equa

24、l pressure. 治具盒开阖容易,保养方便。Simple fixture box for easy open and closing. 治具盒可回收,因此制作新治具时,制作上盖和针板即可。Cost Saving: The fixture kit can be recycled when new fixtures are required. 提供各项控制开关,功能键,计数器及各种接口之预留孔位。Providing pre-punched holes for all control switches, functional buttons,counters and the necessary

25、 interface connectors. 是PC主机板或其它数字电路板功能测试之最佳选择。Best choice for PC motherboard and digital board. VACUUM FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTUREVACUUM FUNCTIONAL TEST FIXTURE真真 空空 功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.14 斜面式治具盒设计,测试讯号量取方便。Slopping fixture box with slot connector for easy access of test probe contacting UUT.1. 符合人体工学。Ma

26、tching the ergonomics.2. 治具盒可测面积最大化设计。Maximize the measurable dimension. 不使用时,导轨可横置,节省存放空间。PCB slide can be laid down on test plate for easy store keeping. 防反插设计,避免反插造成UUT之损坏。Anti-reverse slot design, which can protect UUT from the damage caused by plugging in reversely. 可装配VXI 之各种接口连接器进行治具制作。Can be

27、 adapted with various VXI interface connectors. VXI FUNCTIONAL FIXTUREVXI FUNCTIONAL FIXTURE功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.15 安全性结构化真空治具, 具有多重特性:Safety structure vacuum fixture which has several characters:a) 操作方便、安全: 隐藏式泄气孔, 拉起上盖把手即可打开治具, 操作简易, 安全性高。Safety and easy operation: Hidden air leaking hole for opening

28、 fixture cover easily while pulling up handlever of the upper cover.b) 防漏性佳: 使用一体成型之防漏圈条,防漏性佳。Using seamless and leakproof urethane frame for good vacuum seal.c) 全铝框设计,防止静电产生,坚固耐用,可回收。Whole aluminum frame for preventing static electricity. Recyclable one for environment protection.d) 使用转接板, 安装方便,无需插

29、拔连接器/线。Using interface panel for convenient connecting to ICT.e) 省力式上盖及针板,待测板取放容易。Leverage upper cover and probe plate for PCB easy placing and picking. GENRAD DOUBLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTUREGENRAD DOUBLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTURE双面真空双面真空 ATE ATE 测试治具测试治具.16 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our

30、free Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 可安装GenRad OXP功能之感应板及放大器。Be able to install specific sensor plate and AMP for GenRad OXP. 凸字孔制程,提高探针准确度。Dual probe guiding hole drilling process for accurate probe contact. 适用于双面均有测试点的待测板。Apply to PCB with double-side test

31、 pads.GENRAD DOUBLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTUREGENRAD DOUBLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTURE双面真空双面真空 ATE ATE 测试治具测试治具.17 安全性结构化真空治具, 具有多重特性:Safety structure vacuum fixture which has several characters:a) 操作方便、安全: 隐藏式泄气孔, 拉起上盖把手即可打开治具, 操作简易, 安全性高。Safety and easy operation: Hidden air leaking hole for opening f

32、ixture cover easily while pulling uphand lever of the upper cover.b) 防漏性佳: 使用一体成型之防漏圈条,防漏性佳。Using seamless and leakproof urethane frame for good vacuum seal.c) 全铝框设计,防止静电产生,坚固耐用,可回收。Whole aluminum frame for preventing static electricity. Recyclable one for environment protection.d) 使用转接板, 安装方便,无需插拔连

33、接器/线。Using interface panel for convenient connecting to ICT.e) 省力式上盖及针板,待测板取放容易。Leverage upper cover and probe plate for PCB easy placing and picking. GENRAD SINGLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTUREGENRAD SINGLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTURE单面真空单面真空 ATE ATE 测试治具测试治具 .18 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our f

34、ree Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 可安装GenRad OXP功能之感应板及放大器。Be able to install specific sensor plate and AMP for GenRad OXP. 凸字孔制程,提高探针准确度。Dual probe guiding hole drilling process for accurate probe contact. 适用于一般单面测试点的待测板, 如:主机板。Apply to PCB with single-sid

35、e test pads. Ex. Motherboard GENRAD SINGLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTUREGENRAD SINGLE SIDE VACUUM TEST FIXTURE单面真空单面真空 ATE ATE 测试治具测试治具 .19 上下针板结构:测试点可双面选点,方便电路板布线设计。Double side probe plates: Test pads can be spread on both sides of PCB for convenient PCB layout. 凸字孔制程,提高探针准确度。Dual probe guiding hole dri

36、lling process for accurate probe contact. 使用可调式培林座,容易保养。Using adjustable bearing holder for easy maintenance. 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our free Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 可安装GenRad OXP功能之感应板及放大器。Be able to install specific sensor plate and

37、AMP for GenRad OXP. 使用于GenRad之 Stinger机种中。Apply to GenRad Stinger series. 适用于一般双面有测试点的待测板, 如: Notebook, 及零件较低之待测板。Apply to PCB that has double-side test pads andthat with low component height. Ex: Notebook. GENRAD STINGER DOUBLE SIDE PNEUMATIC TEST FIXTUREGENRAD STINGER DOUBLE SIDE PNEUMATIC TEST FI

38、XTURE双面空压双面空压 ICT ICT 测试治具测试治具.20 凸字孔制程,提高探针准确度。Dual probe guiding hole drilling process for accurate probe contact. 使用可调式培林座,容易保养。Using adjustable bearing for easy maintenance. 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our free Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 可

39、安装HP Test Jet或GenRad OXP功能之感应板及放大器。Be able to install specific sensor plate and AMP for HP Test Jet or GenRad OXP. 适用于一般单面测试点,不制作sensor plate之待测板, 测试点数较少或较多高零件的板子,如: Power board, Monitor board 。Best choice for PCB that has single side test pads without sensor plate,PCB with less test pads or PCB wit

40、h high component height. Ex: Power board, Monitor board. STINGER SINGLE SIDE PNEUMATIC TEST FIXTURESTINGER SINGLE SIDE PNEUMATIC TEST FIXTURE单面空压测试治具单面空压测试治具 .21 上下针板结构,测试点可双面选点,方便电路板布线设计。Double probe plates: Test pads can be spread on both sides of PCB for convenient PCB layout. 凸字孔制程,提高探针准确度。Dual

41、probe guiding hole drilling process for accurate probe contact. 使用可调式培林座,容易保养。Using adjustable bearing holder for easy maintenance. 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our free Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 可安装GenRad OXP功能之感应板及放大器。Be able to install spec

42、ific sensor plate and AMP GenRad OXP. 适用于一般双面有测试点之电路板,如: NOTEBOOK及零件较低之待测板。Apply to PCB that has double-side test pads and that with low component height. Ex: Notebook. 使用在GenRad Viper机种。Apply to GenRad Viper series. GENRAD VIPER DOUBLE SIDE PNEUMATIC TEST FIXTUREGENRAD VIPER DOUBLE SIDE PNEUMATIC T

43、EST FIXTURE双面空压双面空压 ICT ICT 测试治具测试治具.22 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our free Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 可安装GenRad OXP功能之感应板及放大器。Be able to install specific sensor plate and AMP for GenRad OXP. 针板FRP材质,不易变形,长久使用不影响探针准确度。Probe plate is made of F

44、RP, which will never change its shape easily, for good probe accuracy. 适用于一般单面测试点且制作sensor plate之待测板, 如:主机板。Best choice for PCB that has single side test pads and sensor plate. Ex: motherboard. 使用在GenRad Viper机种。Apply to GenRad Viper series. GENRAD VIPER TWO LEVEL PNEUMATIC TEST FIXTUREGENRAD VIPER

45、TWO LEVEL PNEUMATIC TEST FIXTURE二层式空压二层式空压 ICT ICT 测试治具测试治具.23 P-Pin Wire fixture:1B1S ( One bank and one single side)1B1D ( One bank and one Double side)2B1S ( Full size and one single side)2B1D (Full size and one double side)2B2S (Full size and two single side) Wireless Fixture: 1B1S, 1B1D*Now we

46、just produce 1B1D, but the process of product is the same. 1B1S is without the top model. Bottom model kit types:1.One bank2.Two bank (Full size) Top model kit (Hold-down Gate) types:1. Apply to 1B1S, 2B1STestable Dimension: 400*290mm2. Apply to 1B1DTestable Dimension: 310*210mm3. Apply to 2B1DTesta

47、ble Dimension: 350*350mm4. Apply to 2B1SApply to: Not Available HP TEST FIXTUREHP TEST FIXTUREHP HP 功功 能能 测测 试试 治治 具具.24 上下针板结构:测试点可双面选点,方便电路板布线设计。Double probe plates: Test pads can be spread on both side of PCB for convenient PCB layout. 凸字孔制程,提高探针准确度。Dual probe guiding hole drilling process for ac

48、curate probe contact. 使用可调式培林座,容易保养。Using adjustable bearing holder for easy maintenance. 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our free Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 针板FRP材质,不易变形,长久使用不影响探针准确度。Probe plate is made of FRP, which will never change its shape e

49、asily, for good probe accuracy. 可安装HP Test Jet或Teradyne FramScan+功能之感应板及放大器。Be able to install specific sensor plate and AMP for HP Test Jet or Teradyne FramScan+. 适用于一般双面有测试点的待测板, 如: Notebook, 及零件较低之待测板。Apply to PCB that has double-side test pads and that with low component height. Ex: Notebook. JE

50、T DOUBLE SIDE TEST FIXTUREJET DOUBLE SIDE TEST FIXTURE双面双面 ICT ICT 测试治具测试治具.25 随治具附赠Test-Link软件,可缩短PCB维修工时。Enclosing our free Test-Link program with fixture for shortening PCB trouble shooting hours. 适用于一般单面测试点,不制作sensor plate之待测板, 测试点数较少或较多高零件的板子,如: Power board, Monitor board 。Best choice for PCB t


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