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1、人教版八年级英语上册期末复习全套教材2022-5-28八 年 级 ( 上 ) U n i t s 1 2第一第一部分夯实基础过教材部分夯实基础过教材2022-5-28中考目标导航重点单词Unit 1 Holidays and vacation (假期)1. _ pron.任何人2. _ adv.在任何地方3. _ pron.没有什么;没有 一件东西 4. _ pron.每人;人人;所 有人5. _ pron.我自己;我本人 6. _ pron.(pl.yourselves)你 自己;您自己7. _ v好像;似乎;看 来P38 It seems that.似乎8. _ adj.厌倦的;烦闷的 b

2、e bored with对感到厌倦anyone3次9次5次anywherenothingeveryonemyselfyourselfseembored2022-5-28重点单词9. _ n. 日记;记事簿10. _ n. 活动 11. _ v. & n尝试;设 法;努力 P39 try to do sth.尽力做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事 try ones best to do sth.尽某 人的最大努力去做某事12. _ n. 鸟13. _ n. 自行车;脚踏车14. _ n. 差别;差异 make a difference 影响;有作用15. _ n. 顶部;表面16.

3、_ n. 伞;雨伞 17. _ adj.湿的;潮湿的;下 雨的18. _ prep.& adv.在下 面;到下面diary3次14次21次6次3次activitytrybirdbicycledifferencetopumbrellawetbelow2022-5-28重点单词19. _ adj.& adv.足够的 (地);充足的(地);充分的 (地) P39 20. _ n小山;山丘21. _ n鸭Unit 2 Free time activities (闲暇活动)22. _ n.家务劳动;家 务事23. _ adv.几乎不;几乎 没有P3924. _ adv.在任何时候; 从来;曾经 hard

4、ly ever 几乎从不25. _ adv.一次;曾经 once a week一周一次26. _ adv.两次;两倍27. _ n. (国际)互联网; 因特网enough7次15次4次10次hillduckhouseworkhardlyeveroncetwiceInternet2022-5-28重点单词28. _ n. 节目29. _ adj.忙的;满的;充 满的 be full of.be filled with. 充满30. _ adv.大概;或许;可能31. _ adv.最小;最少 adj.& pron.最小的;最少的 at least至少;不少于;起码32. _ n. 咖啡33. _

5、n. 结果;后果 as a result 结果34. _ n. 百分之35. _ adj.& adv.在线(的); 联网(的)36. _ n.电视节目;电视机37. _ conj.虽然;尽管;即使program7次4次6次fullmaybeleastcoffeeresultpercentonlinetelevisionalthough2022-5-28重点单词38. _ prep.以;凭借;穿 过 39. _ n头脑;心智 (v.)介意;对(某事)烦恼 keep.in mind记住 mind doing sth.介意做某事40. _ n. 身体 41. _ adv.在一起;共同42. _ n.

6、 作者;作家43. _ n.牙科医生44. _ n.杂志;期刊 45. _ adv.然而;不过 46. _ adv.几乎;差不多 47. _ pron.没有一个;毫无48. _ n.得分;点 v.指;指向 point at 指向 point out(向某人)指出;指明through8次20次4次7次5次mindbodytogetherwriterdentistmagazinehoweveralmostnonepoint7次2022-5-28词汇拓展1. hunger(n.)饥饿_ (adj.)饥饿的 2. health(n.)健康;人的身体(或 精神)状态 _(adj.)健康的 _(adv.)

7、健康地3. decide(v.)决定;选定 _(n.)决定;抉择 decide to do sth.决定做某事4. build(v.)_(过去式/过去分 词)建筑;建造 _(n.)建筑物;房子5. wonder(v.)想知道;琢磨 _(adj.)精彩的;绝妙的 6. wait(v.)等待;等候 _(n.)男服务员;侍者 _(n.)女服务员;侍者 wait for 等待(针对短文填空)hungry4次14次4次healthyhealthilydecisionbuiltbuildingwonderfulwaiterwaitress2022-5-28词汇拓展 cant wait to do sth.

8、迫不及待 要做某事7. die(v.)_(过去式/过去 分词) _(现在分词)消失;灭 亡;死亡 _(n.)死;死亡 _(adj.)死的;失去生 命的 die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 die of 死于(疾病、饥饿等) die from 死于(创伤、交通事故 等)双性词8. trade(v.)做买卖;从事贸易 _(n.)商人 (n.)贸易;交易(针对短文填空)died10次dyingdeathdeadtrader2022-5-28词汇拓展9. like(v.& n)喜欢;喜爱 _(反义词)不喜爱(的 事物);厌恶(的事物)10. swing(v.)_(过去式/ 过去分词) _(现在分词)

9、(使)摆 动;摇摆 (n.)摆动;秋千重点短语1. _拍照2. _ 外出3. _ 购物4. _ 到达;抵达5. _给的感觉; 感受到6. _ 走进;发生; 开始;上升7. _ 去度假8. _ 待在家里(针对短文填空)dislikeswungswingingtake photos/take a photogo outgo shoppingarrive in/atfeel likecome upgo on vacationstay at home2022-5-28重点短语9. _帮助做家务10. _ 对有好处11. _ 玩得高兴12. _ 在周末13. _在某人的空 闲时间 14. _ 一月一次

10、15. _ 因为 16. _ 相当多;不少 17. _ 多于 18. _ 少于写作佳句闲暇活动1. Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. 上个月我们询问了学生们的闲暇时间的活动。help with houseworkbe good forhave a good timeon weekends/on the weekendin ones free timeonce a monthbecause ofquite a fewmore thanless than2022-5-28写作佳句2. It is g

11、ood to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think _ is through exercise.通过上网或 者观看游戏类节目来放松很好, 但是我们认为最好的放松方式是 通过锻炼。 3. Exercise _ the mind and the body.锻炼对身心健康有益。4. Exercise, _ playing sports is fun, and you can _ your friends and family as you play together.像做运动这样 的锻炼是有趣的,当你和你 的

12、朋友、家人在一起玩的时 候, 你可以和他们共度时光。 the best way to relaxis healthy forsuch as spend time with2022-5-28口语交际谈论过去的事情(Talk about past events)1. Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. 2. How did you like your trip? Well, it was my first time there, so everything was really interesting.3. Did you

13、buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father./No, I bought nothing.4. How was the food? Everything tasted really good!谈论做某事的频率(Talk about how often you do things)5. What do you usually do on weekends? I always exercise.2022-5-28口语交际6. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the mov

14、ies maybe once a month. 7. Do you go shopping? Yes, I go shopping once a week.语法1. 复合不定代词(P142)2. How often(P186)3. 频度副词(P159)2022-5-28教材例句过考点Still no one seemed to be bored.但是似乎没有人感到无聊。(Unit 1 P3)【考点精讲】seem的用法考点 1(1)seem( to be) 名词/形容词,意为“似乎是”。(2)seem to do sth. 似乎做某事。(3)It seems/seemed that 从句 意为“

15、 似乎”。如: It seems that no one knows what happened in the past. 似乎没人知道 过去发生了什么。2022-5-281. You do not seem _ (realize) that you have no right to do so.2. It seems _ Helen is very happy today, because she has been praised by her teacher.(盲填)(4)(sth.) seem like.(某物/某事)好像/似乎。如: It seemed like a good idea

16、 at that time. 当时这个主意好像不错。to realizethat【考点冲关】2022-5-283. 孩子们看起来非常累,所以他们早早去睡觉了而且很快就睡着了。 (翻译) _ _4. It seems to be a good chance to show ourselves in public. (翻译) _The children seemed very tired, so they went to bed early and fell asleep quickly.这似乎是一个在公众面前展示我们自己的好机会。2022-5-28My sister and I tried pa

17、ragliding.我姐姐(妹妹)和我尝试滑翔伞。(Unit 1 P5)考点 2【考点精讲】try的用法2022-5-285. Girls, lets try _ (knock) at the back door. Maybe someone is sleeping in the room.6. “I will try my best _ (improve) the teaching quality.” The new teacher said in the speech.7. I always believe that nothing is difficult if we try _ (we

18、) best to do it.knocking【考点冲关】to improve our2022-5-288. The next time you feel stressed or tired, try _ (do) some exercise you enjoy.9. 这个问题对我而言的确很难,但是我想试一试。(翻译) _doingThe problem is really difficult for me, but I want to have a try.2022-5-28And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything be

19、low. 而且因为糟糕的天气,我们看不到底下的任何东西。(Unit 1 P5)考点 3【考点精讲】辨析because of与because词(组)词性用法例句because of 介词短语后接名词(短语)、代词、动名词。He cant take a walk because of the rain.He cant take a walk because it is raining.因为下雨,他不能散步。because从属连词后接句子,引导原因状语从句。2022-5-2810. 我们不能直接告诉你结果,因为我们需要做一些研究来找到答案。 (翻译) _ _11. 因为我糟糕的发音,我害怕在英语课上

20、问问题。(翻译) _ _We cant tell you the result directly, because we need to do some research to find out the answer.【考点冲关】Because of my poor pronunciation, Im afraid of asking questions in English class.2022-5-2812. Tourists will be punished because of their impolite behavior in our country from now on.(翻译

21、) _ _13. Because the bad weather, the pilot had to land the plane at the airport in another city. (改错)_ Because后加of从现在开始,在我们国家,游客将会因为他们不礼貌的行为而受到惩罚。2022-5-28My father didnt bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.我爸爸没有带足够的钱,所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼肉 。(Unit 1 P5)考点 4【考点精讲】enough 的用法单词

22、用法enough作形容词时,置于名词前、后均可。作副词时,置于所修饰的形容词、副词之后。拓展 enough to do sth.常与too .to 或 so.that句型转换。如: Tom isnt old enough to go to school.Tom is too young to go to school.Tom is so young that he cant go to school. 汤姆太小了,不能去上学。2022-5-2814. Jack is confident enough _ (face) all challenges in hiking. 15. 这个教室足够大,

23、能容纳50个学生。(翻译) _16. 食品安全越来越重要,我们应该足够重视它。(翻译) _ _17. Mum, I think Im old enough dress myself. Let me have a try.(改错)_to faceThe classroom is big enough to hold fifty students.【考点冲关】Food safety becomes more and more important, and we should pay enough attention to it.enough后加to2022-5-28What do you usua

24、lly do on weekends?你周末通常做什么?I often go to the movies.我经常去看电影。(Unit 2 P9)考点 5【考点精讲】 常见的频度副词(2017.45、2011.49)always/usually/often/sometimes/seldom/hardly/never这些副词均表示频度,在句中的位置一般在实义动词之前,be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。用百分比表示频度副词的频率大小如下图:2022-5-28注意2022-5-2818. My aunt is quite nervous about her first visit to London,

25、because she has _ been abroad before. A. sometimes B. always C. never D. often19. People there _ use umbrellas in the sun, because they would rather enjoy the sunshine. A. hardly B. often C. always D. usuallyCA【考点冲关】2022-5-2820. Children _ use body languages to show their parents how they are feelin

26、g before they can talk. A. often B. seldom C. hardly D. never21. No matter what problems my friends have, my door is _ open to them. A. never B. seldom C. always D. sometimesAC2022-5-28She sometimes goes shopping.她有时去购物。(Unit 2 P11)考点 5【考点精讲】辨析sometimes, some times, sometime与some time(2016.87)词(组)词性

27、含义及用法sometimes副词 “有时”,可用于句首、句中或句末,在句中作状语。some times(2016.87)名词词组“几次,几倍”,其中的times为可数名词的复数形式。sometime副词 “某个时候”,指某个不明确的时间。some time2022-5-2822. 即使你妈妈有时候误会了你,你也不应该顶撞她。(翻译) _ _23. I have been to Haikou some time, and thats really a beautiful city. (改错)_24. Sometime dreaming is good for peoples health, bu

28、t dreaming too much is bad.(改错) _ 25. You can hand in your homework sometimes before Friday. (改错)_timetimesAlthough your mom misunderstands you sometimes, you are not supposed to talk back.【考点冲关】SometimeSometimessometimessometime2022-5-28It is healthy for the mind and body.这有益于身心健康。(Unit 2 P13)考点 6【

29、考点精讲】 mind的用法(2013.76)词性含义用法名词头脑,想法,智力keep.in mind记住change ones mind改变某人的想法make up/set ones mind to do.下定决心做come into ones mind浮现在某人的脑海动词介意,对(某事)烦恼mind doing sth.介意做某事(2013.76) 注意;当心 mindn./pron.小心/注意2022-5-28拓展 Would/Do you mind (ones)doing sth.?意为“你介意(某人)做某事吗?”表示介意用:Sorry, Im afraid./Better not.等作

30、答。表示允许或者不介意用:Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all.等作答。26. Would you mind _ (make) some room for the patient?27. We must keep it _ mind that we are not children any more, so we should be independent.(盲填)【考点冲关】makingin2022-5-2828. 你介意说慢一点吗?(翻译) _29. 我昨天想去爬山,但是现在我已经改变主意了。(翻译) _ _30. After hearing t

31、he old mans words, the young man made up his mind to work harder.(翻译) _31. Would you mind my ask you for help to solve this difficult problem? (改错)_Would you mind speaking a little more slowly?I wanted to climb the mountain yesterday, but now I have changed my mind.听了那位老者的话,这个年轻人下定决心更加好好工作。askasking

32、2022-5-28第一部分夯实基础过教材第一部分夯实基础过教材八年级(上)八年级(上) Units 342022-5-28中考目标导航重点单词Unit 3Personal traits(个人特征)1. _ adj.爱交际的;友好的; 外向的2. _ adj.& adv.较好的(地); 更好的(地)3. _adj.工作努力的;辛勤的4. _ adj.极好的;了不起的5. _ adv.不过;可是;然而 conj.虽然;尽管;不过6. _ v笑;发笑n.笑声 laugh at 嘲笑7. _ n镜子8. _ adj.必需的;必要的9. _ adj.& pron.两个; 两个都 P44outgoing2

33、5次betterhardworkingfantasticthoughlaughmirrornecessaryboth2022-5-28重点单词10. _ n.成绩等级;评分等 级11. _ modal v.应该;应当; 可以12. _ v.伸手;到达;抵达13. _ n.手 14. _ v.感动;触摸15. _ n.内心;心脏16. _ n. 现实;事实 in fact 确切地说;事实上;实际上17. _ v.分享;共享;共用;分摊 share sth.with sb. 与某人分享 某物18. _ adj.相像的;类似的 be similar to 与相像的, 类似的19. _ adj.最初的

34、;最早的20. _ n.信息;消息grade3次25次4次3次8次shouldreachhandtouchheartfactsharesimilarprimaryinformation2022-5-28重点单词Unit 4Your town (你的城镇)21. _n.戏院;剧场 22. _ n.座位;坐处(如椅子 等) 23. _ n.银幕;屏幕24. _ adj.(在空间、时间上) 接近 close to几乎;接近25. _ n.票;入场券 26. _ n.歌;歌曲27. _ adj.新鲜的;清新的28. _adv.相当;十分;很 adj.漂亮的29. _ n.菜单30. _ v.扮演 n.

35、表演者31. _ n.早(或午、晚)餐; 一餐所吃的食物theater/theatre3次11次4次6次seatscreencloseticketsongfresh prettymenuactmeal2022-5-28重点单词32. _ n.作用;职能;角色 play a role in发挥作用;有影响33. _ n.奖;奖品;奖金34. _ pron.每人;人人; 所有人35. _ n实例;范例 for example 例如36. _ adj.贫穷的;清贫的4次8次roleprizeeverybodyexamplepoor2022-5-28词汇拓展1. talent(n.)天资;天赋 _(a

36、dj.)有才能的;有 才干的 be talented in在方面有 天赋2. beauty(n.)美;美丽 _ (adj.)美丽的;美好的 _(adv.)美好地;漂亮地3. compete(v.)竞争;对抗 _ (n.)比赛;竞赛;竞争 _(n.)参赛者;竞争者 compete for 为竞争 compete with 和竞争4. win(v.)_(过去式/过去 分词) _(现在分词)获胜; 赢;赢得 _(n.)获胜者;优胜者 P45(针对短文填空)talented3次beautifulbeautifullycompetitioncompetitorwonwinningwinner2022-5

37、-28词汇拓展5. say(v.)说;讲_(n.)谚 语;格言;警句6. choose(v.)_(过去式) _(过去分词)选择;挑选 _(n.)选择;挑选 choose to do sth.选择做某事 have no choice but to do sth.除 了做某事别无选择7. serve(v.)接待;服务;提供 _(n.)接待;服务 _(n.)仆人8. create(v.)创造;创建 _(adj.)有创造力的; 创造性的 _(n.)创造力9. perform(v.)表演;执行 _(n.)表演;演出 _(n.)表演者;演员(针对短文填空)10次sayingchosechosenchoic

38、eserviceservantcreativecreativityperformanceperformer2022-5-28词汇拓展10. give(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)提供;给 give up放弃 give out分发;散发 give away赠送;捐赠11. loud(adj.)响亮的;大声的 _(adv.)喧闹地;大声 地;响亮地 _(adv.)大声地;出声地12. quiet(adj.)安静的_ (adv.)轻声地;轻柔地;安静地 _(反义词)吵闹的13. clear(adj.)清楚易懂的;晴朗的 _(adv.)清楚地;清晰地; 明白地14. true(adj.)真的;符合

39、事实的 _(adv.)真正;确实 _(n.)实情;事实(针对短文填空)gave5次24次6次givenloudlyaloudquietlynoisy clearly trulytruth2022-5-28词汇拓展15. serious(adj.)严肃的;稳重的 _(adv.)严重地;严肃 地;认真地 take.seriously认真对待16. bad(adj.)坏的;糟的 _(比较级)更差(的); 更坏(的);更糟(的) _(最高级)最差(的); 最坏(的);最糟(的) _(adv.)严重地;差; 非常17. cheap(adj.)廉价的;便宜的 _(adv.)便宜地;低廉地 _(反义词)昂贵

40、的18. magic(adj.)有魔力的;有神奇力 量的 _(n.)魔术师 _(adj.)魔法的;有魔力的(针对短文填空)seriously5次worseworstbadlycheaplyexpensive magicianmagical2022-5-28词汇拓展双性词19. break(v.)_(过去式) _(过去分词)(使)破; 裂;碎;损坏 _(adj.)破损的;残缺的 break down 发生故障;瓦解 break off断开;折断 (n.)间歇;休息 take breaks/take a break休息20. laugh(v.)笑;发笑_(n.) 笑;笑声 laugh at嘲笑 (

41、n.)笑声21. care(v.)在意;担忧;关心 _ (adj.) 体贴人的;关 心他人的 care for 照顾;非常喜欢 care about 关心;在意(针对短文填空)brokebrokenbrokenlaughtercaring2022-5-28词汇拓展 (n.)照料;照顾;照看 _(adj.)小心的;细致 的;精心的;慎重的 _(adj.)粗心的;不小 心的 _(adv.)细致地;小心 地;谨慎地 take care of照顾;处理22. comfort(v.)安慰;使舒适 _(adj.)使人舒服的; 舒适的 _(反义词)使人 不舒服的;令人不舒适的 (n.)舒适;安慰23. re

42、port(v.& n)报道;公布 _(n.)记者(针对短文填空)careful10次carelesscarefullycomfortableuncomfortablereporter2022-5-28重点短语1._ 使显现;使表现出2._ 寻找3._ 编造(故事、谎 言等)4._ 实现5._ 同意某人6._ 有相同特征; (想法、兴趣等方面)相同7._ 擅长于8._ 是的职责; 由决定9._ 各种类型的;各种 各样的10._ 到目前为止;迄今 为止bring outlook formake upcome trueagree with sb.have. in commonbe good atbe

43、 up toall kinds ofso far2022-5-28写作佳句交友1. For me, a good friend likes to do _ things_me.对我而言, 好朋友会喜欢和我做同样的事情。2. Im shy so its not easy for me to _But I think friends are like booksyou neednt a lot of them_ theyre good.我很害羞,因此交朋 友对于我来说不是一件容易的事, 但是我认为朋友如书不在多 而贵在好。3. My best friend Julia _ _ me.我最好的朋友

44、朱莉娅和我非常不同。4. We can _ and share everything. 我们可以谈论和分享 每件事情。the sameasmake friendsas long as is quite different fromtalk about2022-5-28写作佳句娱乐节目5. Everyone wants to win, but the most important thing is to learn something new and _每个人都想赢,但是最重要的事情是能够学习新的东西,并且获得乐趣。口语交际谈论个人特征;人物对比(Talk about personal trai

45、ts; Compare people)1. Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom. 2. Are you as friendly as your sister? No, Im not. Im friendlier. 3. Whos more hardworking at school? Tina thinks she works harder than me. have fun2022-5-28口语交际讨论喜好;进行对比(Discuss preferences; Make comparisons)4. Wha

46、ts the best movie theater to go to? Town Cinema. Its the closest to home. And you can buy tickets the most quickly there. 5. Which is the worst clothes store in town? Dream Clothes. It has the worst service. 6. What do you think of 970 AM? I think 970 AM is pretty bad. It has the worst music.2022-5-

47、28教材例句过考点Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.萨姆和汤姆都会打鼓,但是萨姆打得比汤姆好。(Unit 3 P17)【考点精讲】辨析both与either(2013.89、2012.32)考点 1单词含义及用法both表示“两者都”,常用短语both.and.,表示“和都”,谓语动词用复数。(2013.89、2012.32)either表示“(两者中的)任意一个,或者”,常用短语either.or.,表示“或者或者”,谓语动词和距离其较近的主语的数保持一致。注: either在句中作

48、主语时,谓语动词用单数。2022-5-281. Either of the twin sisters _ (like) reading books and drawing pictures.2. 杰克和我曾经都去爬过那座山。(翻译) _3. I bought two books yesterday. Both this one or that one is useful for my English learning.(改错)_4. Both Kate and I am ready for the new high school life.(改错)_likesBoth Jack and I h

49、ave ever climbed that mountain.【考点冲关】BothEitheramare2022-5-28Tara works as hard as Tina.塔拉和蒂娜工作一样努力。(Unit 3 P18)考点 2【考点精讲】as.as的用法(2014.86、2012.29)as.as.意为“和一样”,两个as之间用形容词或副词的原级(2014.86、2012.29);否定形式not so/as.as.意为“不如”。as.as的相关句型及搭配:be famous as作为而出名;the same as.和一样;as.as possible尽可能;as long as只要;和一

50、样长2022-5-28拓展as用法一览表词性含义例句介词作为He works in the school as a math teacher.他在这所学校当数学老师。像;如同The old woman was dressed as a young lady.这位老妇人穿得像一位年轻女士。连词依照You must do as Paul tells you.你必须按照保罗吩咐的做。(引导方式状语从句)当时As she left the room,she remembered that book.她离开房间时,想起了那本书。(引导时间状语从句)因为;由于You must hurry up as th


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