1、第 1 页 ,共 2 页浙浙 江江 理理 工工 大大 学学20162016 年硕士学位研究生招生入学考试试题年硕士学位研究生招生入学考试试题考试科目考试科目:英语翻译基础英语翻译基础代码代码:357(请考生在答题纸上答题请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效在此试题纸上答题无效)Part I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into theirtarget language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this
2、part of the test, 15 inEnglish and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30 points)1. IOC16.巴别塔2.UNESCO17.翻译单位3. ISO18.可支配收入4. IPR19.跨境交易5. OTC20. 全民公投6. Semantic Translation21. 元文本7. high net worth individuals22. 大气污染治理8. big data analysis23. 百年目标9. brick-and-mortar store24. 信托基金10. parallel cor
3、pus25. 译者主体性11. covert translation26. 难民危机12. film censorship27. 社会保障制度13. subprime mortgage crisis28. 依法治国14. territorial dispute29. 和而不同15. Skopos Theory30. 和平发展道路Part II.Translate the Following Paragraphs into Chinese (60 points)My most remorseful memory involves helping Mother sell cabbages at m
4、arket, andme overcharging an old villager one jiao intentionally or not, I cant recall beforeheading off to school. When I came home that afternoon, I saw that Mother was crying,something she rarely did. Instead of scolding me, she merely said softly, “Son, youembarrassed your mother today.”Mother c
5、ontracted a serious lung disease when I was still in my teens. Hunger, disease,第 2 页 ,共 2 页and too much work made things extremely hard on our family. The road ahead lookedespecially bleak, and I had a bad feeling about the future, worried that Mother might takeher own life. Every day, the first thi
6、ng I did when I walked in the door after a day of hardlabor was call out for Mother. Hearing her voice was like giving my heart a new lease onlife. But not hearing her threw me into a panic. Id go looking for her in the side buildingand in the mill. One day, after searching everywhere and not findin
7、g her, I sat down in theyard and cried like a baby. That is how she found me when she walked into the yardcarrying a bundle of firewood on her back. She was very unhappy with me, but I could nottell her what I was afraid of. She knew anyway. “Son,” she said, “dont worry, there maybe no joy in my lif
8、e, but I wont leave you till the God of the Underworld calls me.”I was born ugly. Villagers often laughed in my face, and school bullies sometimes beatme up because of it. Id run home crying, where my mother would say, “Youre not ugly,Son. Youve got a nose and two eyes, and theres nothing wrong with
9、 your arms and legs,so how could you be ugly? If you have a good heart and always do the right thing, what isconsidered ugly becomes beautiful.” Later on, when I moved to the city, there wereeducated people who laughed at me behind my back, some even to my face; but when Irecalled what Mother had sa
10、id, I just calmly offered my apologies.My illiterate mother held people who could read in high regard. We were so poor weoften did not know where our next meal was coming from, yet she never denied myrequest to buy a book or something to write with. By nature hard working, she had no usefor lazy chi
11、ldren, yet I could skip my chores as long as I had my nose in a book.Part III.Translate the Following Paragraphs into English (60 points)最怕的事情很快就发生了。他看到,两个德国兵架着妻子的胳膊往河堤上拖。妻子尖利地喊叫着,双腿拖拉着地面。两个孩子,被一个身材高大的德国兵一手一个,倒提着腿儿,仿佛提着鸡鸭,拎到了河堤上。小石头从一个德国兵手里挣脱,好像还咬了德国兵一口。然后他看到石头的小小的乌黑的身子在河堤上倒退着,倒退着,一直倒退到站在他的背后的德国人的枪口
12、前面,刺刀在艳阳下一闪烁,他的身体就被戳穿了。那孩子似乎叫了一声,似乎什么声音也没发出,就像一个黑色的小球,滚到河堤下面去了。孙丙贴在树上,只看到河堤上一片血光,灼暗了他的眼睛。德国兵都退到了河堤上,有的单腿跪着,有的站着,托着枪,瞄着镇子里的人。他们的枪法都很准, 一声枪响,几乎就有一个人,在大街上或是在院子里, 前仆或是后仰。 清兵们举着火把,把他家的房子点燃了。先是黑烟如树,直冲云天,一会儿就升起了金黄色的大火。火苗子啵啵地响着,宛如鞭炮齐鸣、风突然地大起来,火和烟都东倒西歪着,烟熏火燎的味道,和着浓厚的烟尘,飘到了他的面前。更加可怕的事情发生了。 他看到德国兵把他的妻子推来搡去, 在推来搡去的过程中撕破了她的衣裳,最后使她一丝不挂他的牙齿深深地啃进了树皮,额头也在树干上碰破了。他的心像一颗火球,飞到了对岸,但他的身体如被绑在了树上,一动也动不了。德国人把妻子白花花的身体抬起来,前悠后荡着,然后一脱手妻子宛若一条白色的大鱼,落进了马桑河里。河水无声地飞溅起一朵朵白花,一朵朵白花,无声无息地落下。最后,德国兵把他的云儿和宝儿用刺刀挑起来,也扔到河里去了。他的眼前一片血红,如被噩梦魔住,心中急如火烧,身体无法动弹。他竭尽全力挣扎着,终于,发出了一声吼叫,身体解放了,会动了。他努力地往前扑去,身体砸断了一些树杈子,沉重地落在了柳树下柔软的沙地上。