1、第一课时第一课时 What school do you go to?How do you go to school?What do you do at the weekend?musicI like music.He/She likes music.pianoGuess:Listen, oppisite,oneplay the pianoHide hands, turn, cakedrumGuess:High, catch, play the drumsBlow, One or threeCDGuess:Happy,paperlisten to CDsRobbert, one or three
2、chant piano, piano, play the piano. drum, drum, play the drums.CD, CD, listen to CDs.Fast reaction:play the piano play the piano listen to CDsplay the drums play the drums listen to CDsplay the drumsFast reaction:He playsHe plays the drums.What do you do at the weekend? He plays the piano.He listens
3、 to CDs.Brain storming: Lets readHe plays the piano.He reads books.He watches TV.He plays the drums.He plays the piano.He plays football.He listens to CDs.What do you do at the weekend/ on Sundays? I at the weekend/ on Sundays.He/She at the weekend/ on Sundays.chantHe plays the piano.He plays the dr
4、umsHe listens to CDs.Ba la la la laplay the piano play the piano listen to CDsplay the drums play the drums listen to CDsplay the drumsFast reaction:play the drumsHe plays the drums.What do you do at the weekend? He plays the piano.He listens to CDs.Brain storming: Lets readHe plays the piano.He rea
5、ds books.He watches TV.He plays the drums.He plays the piano.He plays football.He listens to CDs.What do you do at the weekend/ on Sundays? I at the weekend/ on Sundays.He/She at the weekend/ on Sundays.Does he play the piano?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.Does he play the drums?Does he play the drums?Y
6、es, he does.No, he doesnt.Does he listen to CDs?Make sentences:Does heYes, he does.No, he doesnt.What school do you go to?How do you go to school?What do you do at the weekend?Brain storming: Lets readHe plays the piano.He reads books.He watches TV.He plays the drums.He plays the piano.He plays foot
7、ball.He listens to CDs.Does he on Sundays?play the pianolisten to CDs1. 2.listen to CDs3.4.play the pianoDoes your motherDoes Meiyangyang read books on Sundays?Does Xiyangyang on Sundays? Does Huitailang watchTV on Sundays?Does Huitailang on Sundays?Lanyangyang goes swimming on Sundays.Does Lanyangy
8、ang on Sundays?Does Xiyangyang play football on Sundays?Does Xiyangyang on Sundays?Does read books on Sundays? play football play Ping-pong play the piano play the drums listen to CDs watch TV go swimmingYes, he / she does.No, he / she doesnt. my motherDoes your motherDoes your mother go swimming on
9、 Sundays?Yes, she does.Lets go., tooLets go swimming, too.OK. Lets go!激励学生学习的名言警句激励学生学习的名言警句 51关于学习或励志的名言警句1百川东到海,何时复西归;少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。意思是:时间像江河东流入海,一去不复返;人在年轻时不努力学习,年龄大了一事无成,那就只好悲伤、后悔。出自汉乐府长歌行2 成人不自在,自在不成人。意思是:人要有所成就,”必须刻苦努力,不可放任自流。出自(宋)罗大经鹤林玉露引朱熹小简3 读书百遍,其义自见。 意思是:能把一本书读过百遍,其中的含义自然就领会了。出自三国志魏书。4 读书破万
10、卷,下笔如有神。意思是:读书多了,下笔写文章就如有神助。出自(唐)杜甫奉赠韦左丞丈二十二韵。5 大志非才不就,大才非学不成。 意思是:没有才,宏伟的志向就不能实现;不学习,就不能成大才。出自6(明)郑心材郑敬中摘语。6 非学无以广才,非志无以成学。意思是:不学习便无法增长才于,没有志向就难于取得学业上的成功。出自诸葛亮集诫子书。7发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至。 意思是;下决心学习,连吃饭也忘记了;有所心得便高兴得忘记了忧愁,不知道老年就要逼近了。出自论语述而。 8功崇惟志,业广惟勤;惟克果断,乃罔后艰。 意思是:取得伟大的功业,由于有伟大的志向;完成伟大的功业,在于辛勤不懈地工作;办事果断
11、,没有后患。出自尚书周官。9 积财千万,不如薄技在身。 意思是:积累许许多多的财富,不如学习一种小小的技术。出自颜氏家训勉学。 10 立志言为本,修身行乃先。意思是:人的立志,语言忠实是它的根本;修养自已的品德,应以行动为先。出自(唐)吴叔达言行相顾。 11 莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切。 意思是:不要虚度年华,不然到了满头白发之时,只有徒叹奈何了。出自(宋)岳飞满江红。12 人品、学问,俱成于志气;无志气人,一事做不得。意思是:一个人之所以具有高尚的品德,渊博的学问,都是由于他有志气;没有志气的人,什么事也做不成。出自(清)申居郧西岩赘语。13 山积而高,泽积而长。 意思是。山是由土石日积月累而
12、高耸起来的,长江大河是由点滴之水长期积聚而成的。比喻知识、业绩都是由少到多,由小到大长期积累、创造而成功的。出自(唐)刘禹锡唐故监察御史赠尚书右仆射王公神道碑铭。14为学之道,必本于思。思则得知,不思则不得也。 意思是:学习必须以思考为根本,思考就能得到知识,不思考就得不到知识。出自(宋)晁说之晁氏客语15为学正如撑上水船,一蒿不可放缓。 意思是:作学问就象撑着逆水的船,连一蒿也不能放松。比喻学习不要自满,要坚持有恒。16 为学须先立志。意思是:作学问首先应当立志。出自朱熹语录17 学者不患立志不高,患不足以继之耳;不患立言不善,患不足以践之耳。 意思是:作学问的人不怕志向立得不高,就怕不能持
13、之以恒;不怕作品里的话说得不漂亮,就怕自己不照着做。出自 薛方山记述上篇18学者大不宜志小气轻,志小则易足,易足则无进;气轻则以未知为已知,未学为已学。 意思是:学习要树立大志,没有大志就容易自满,自满了就不易有长进了。学习要有勇气,缺乏勇气,不懂的东西会自以为已经懂了,没有学到的东西会以为已经学到。出自近思录集注卷二。19学不博者,不能守约;志不笃者,不能力行。 意思是:学识不广博,就不能得其要领;志向不笃诚,就不能努力去做。出自(宋)杨时二程粹言论学。20学贵知疑,小疑则小进,大疑则大进。 意思是:学习贵在懂得提出疑问。有小疑问得到解决,总能有小进步;有大疑问得到解决,就能有大进步。出自格言联壁学问类。