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1、中考英语话题专项复习(个人情况)一、必背话题素材 【常用话题词汇】1.外貌:tall,short,strong,thin,handsome,beautiful/nice,goodlooking,fat,look like,(be) of medium height,a round face,two big eyes,have a sweet smile,short straight hair2.性格品质、与人相处:kind(be to sb.),friendly(be to sb.),strict(be with sb.),shy,quiet,active,outgoing,patient(b

2、ewith sb.),popular(be with sb.),easygoing(随和的),lovely,loving(慈爱的),humorous,brave,funny,clever/smart,calm,lazy,selfish(自私的),mean(吝啬的),get on/along with sb.3.职业:teacher,worker,doctor,nurse,dentist,driver,writer,engineer,farmer,policeman/policewoman,postman,actor/actress,singer,dancer,scientist,musicia

3、n,cook,pilot,coach,manager,businessman4.兴趣爱好:hobby,like,prefer,enjoy,favorite,be fond of,be interested in(1)体育:go fishing,go hiking,play basketball/football,running,swimming(2)收藏:collect stamps/old coins/balls/shells(贝壳)(3)其他:fly kites,read novels,write stories5.能力:be able to,be good at/do well in,l

4、earn about,learnfrom,try one s best to do sth.,be talented in二、佳句欣赏与运用谚语类A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助之。Everyone has his price.天生我材必有用。Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。人物介绍类Jack is a 15yearold boy with great ability.He has a strong wil

5、l and never gives up.He s of medium height and always wears a pair of glasses.He s very helpful.He is always ready to help others.My grandparents have had a great influence on me.She always encourages us to speak English as much as possible.仿写我的英语老师总是鼓励我努力学习。My English teacher always encourages me t

6、o study hard.He is friendly to everyone and he often helps people out.Heis good at math and he is also talented in sports.仿写露西在美术方面很有天分。Lucy is talented in art.I used to be shy,but now I m outgoing.I spend some of my free time playing football for my team.仿写她经常花一些时间辅导我们做作业。 She often spends some tim

7、e helping with our homework.There is no doubt that he is a successful teacher.仿写毫无疑问,我的妈妈是一位伟大的妈妈。 There is no doubt that my mother is a great mother.介绍想感恩的人及如何表达感恩之情类Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.Among them,I should give my special thanks to my mom who has done much for me.I wa

8、s so grateful at that time that my eyes were filled with tears.I not only got the deep love from my mom but also was moved by her deeply.I will be responsible for my decisions in order not to make my parents worry about me.She gave me a hand in time though she was very tired at night.仿写我想把我最特别的感谢送给我

9、的语文老师,因为她教会了我许多。 I would like to give my special thanks to my Chinese teacher who has taught me a lot.仿写尽管爸爸很忙,但是他总是在我有困难的时候帮助我。Though my father is very busy,he always gives me a hand when I am in trouble.仿写不仅在生活中而且在学习上,我都要感谢父母。I will thank my parents not only in life but also in study.兴趣爱好类Hobbies

10、can open up our eyes to the outside world.Hobbies can make me grow as a person,develop my interests and improve my skills.My life is full of happiness because of my hobby.I m fond of classical literature.Li Lei is interested in/takes an interest in/has a strong interest in swimming.He is crazy about

11、 listening to English songs.He often loses himself in reading books.Daming gets excited about watching movies.I m deeply in love with climbing mountains.仿写我对旅游有浓厚的兴趣。I have a strong interest in traveling.仿写她热衷于收集各种东西,如火车票、邮票和硬币。She is crazy about collecting all kinds of things,such as train tickets,

12、stamps and coins.三、典例剖析每到毕业季,学生们都会以各种方式表达对老师的感激之情,如“因毕业希望老师批准永久请假”“最后一堂课唱歌送别班主任”等。悲欢的背后是老师对学生的关怀和学生对老师深深的敬意。请根据下列提示和要求,以“I Love You,My English Teacher”为题,写一篇短文。内容包括:1.介绍老师的外貌特征及性格特点;2.喜欢他(她)的原因;3.表达对老师的喜爱之情。要求:1.结构完整,表达通顺,语言规范,书写清晰;2.文中不得出现真实的人名、学校名等信息;3.词数80左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。I Love You,My English Te

13、acherI have met many good teachers in the last three years.My English teacher .审题指导这是一篇提纲作文。需仔细审题,理解信息,明确要点。本文适合四段式写法:第一段简要点明你喜欢的老师是谁;第二段介绍你喜欢的英语老师的相关情况;第三段说明你喜爱这位老师的原因;第四段抒发你对老师的情感。文章时态主要采用一般现在时,人称以第一人称为主。但是在叙述老师的相关情况时,应使用第三人称。写作导图 作文失分点与高分句型失分点此类作文是全国各地中考的高频话题之一,对大多数学生来说比较容易写作。结合此篇作文来讲,易失分的地方主要有:1

14、.描述人物外貌时,be与has混淆不清;2.不善于运用亮点短语、并列句和复合句,句式简单枯燥,缺乏趣味性。高分句型指引:1.He is strict with every student.He cares about every student.(改为并列句,使句意保持不变)2.The students from poor families have trouble.He is always ready to help them.(用“when引导的从句”和“in trouble”升格,改为复合句)3.With the help of him,many students like Englis

15、h.(用“fall in love with”和“because of him”升格,使句意更立体) 满分作文I Love You,My English TeacherI have met many good teachers in the last three years.My English teacher Mr.Huang is one of them.Now let me tell you something about him.Mr.Huang is of medium height and a little thin.He always wears a pair of glasse

16、s.He is very strict with us but he cares about every student.When the students from poor families are in trouble,he is always ready to help them.I like my English teacher because he has many good ways to make our class lively.Many students fall in love with English because of him.I love you,my Engli

17、sh teacher! I will never forget you.高分点评本文的亮点之处有:1.be of medium height,be strict with,care about,be in trouble,be ready to do sth.,fall in love with等短语的灵活运用,体现了作者丰富的语言积累和扎实的基本功;2.but,because等连词的运用,使句式结构富于变化,同时表意更加清楚明白;3.整篇作文层次分明,内容完整:第一段引出写作主题;第二至三段分别对应写作要点提示的前两点;最后一段表达自己对老师的喜爱之情(写作要点提示的第三点)。四、实战演练抗

18、击新冠肺炎期间涌现出了许多英雄,如钟南山院士、李兰娟院士、张继先医生等。他们冲在抗击新冠肺炎第一线默默地保护着我们,他们是我们的英雄和榜样。请以“The Hero in My Heart ”为题,写一篇英语短文,讲述疫情期间你心中的英雄以及他她的故事。要求:1.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于80个;2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计;3.请将短文写在答题卡上,写在本试题卷上无效。The Hero in My HeartThere are many heroes in our life.Among them,Doctor Zhong Nanshan is one of the

19、 heroes I admire most.He fought against the terrible viruses twice without thinking about his own safety.In 2003,he led his medical workers to fight against SARS successfully.Seventeen years later,although he is already 84,he led his team to Wuhan to fight against COVID19.With his knowledge,he gave

20、lots of useful advice on what to do to avoid the virus.His advice saved thousands of people.He is a good doctor in the eyes of Chinese people. Zhong Nanshan s spirit is well worth learning.I ll study hard and be a useful person like him in the future. 思路点拨1.体裁:记叙文2.人称:以第三人称为主3.时态:以一般现在时为主(介绍第2点时用过去时)4.段落布局:三段式写作:第一段直接引入写作主题,说明你心目中的英雄是谁(提示第1点);第二段介绍这个英雄人物的事迹(可列举12个示例,提示第2点);第三段说明你的态度或未来的打算(可从英雄身上具备的精神品质出发来表明看法,提示第3点)。4


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