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1、PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork peopleSource: Statistical from Jan. 02 to Jan.03 PIC中国公司技术服务部中国公司技术服务部牛如广牛如广-2005-PIC种猪饲养管理技术种猪饲养管理技术Management of PIC Breeding PigsPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA

2、The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people康贝尔母猪在中国的生产性能Camborough Performance In ChinaSource: Statistical from Jan. 02 to Jan.03 PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork

3、peoplePICPIC的产品的产品PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork peoplePICPIC的产品的产品PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people简述简述 后备母

4、猪的培养后备母猪的培养 最大程度蛋白质的沉积最大程度蛋白质的沉积 Maximize protein growth 控制体重的过快增长控制体重的过快增长Controlled weight gain 达到合适的种用体况达到合适的种用体况Achieve body tissue targets 妊娠期妊娠期 Gestation 各阶段的饲喂评定各阶段的饲喂评定 Critical stages of feeding 胚胎的生长胚胎的生长 Tissue gain (restoration) 哺乳期哺乳期 Lactation 尽可能地多采食尽可能地多采食 Maximize Intake 尽量减少失重尽量减少

5、失重Minimize tissue lossPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people后备母猪的培养后备母猪的培养Gilt Development- 营养需要营养需要Nutritional Requirements 营养营养 Nutrition 保育保育 育成育成 Nursery-Grower 保持最快速度的生长保持最快速度的生长Maximize lean tissue gro

6、wth rate 育肥育肥 Finisher Maximize lean tissue growth rate; however, dont maximize throughput 饲料配方比屠宰猪的能量低一点饲料配方比屠宰猪的能量低一点 Lower energy diets than commercial 蛋白能量比与屠宰猪相近蛋白能量比与屠宰猪相近 Same amino acid to energy ratios as commercial diets 有效磷含量有效磷含量0.35% .35 available phosphorus 添加复合维生素添加复合维生素B 及铬及铬 Added B

7、 vitamins, choline, and chromiumPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022PIC 康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议Gilt Development PIC C22 Recommendations 生长猪(25-65kg) Growing gilts (From 25 to 65 Kg) 饲喂与营养 Feeding

8、and Nutrition自由采食自由采食Giltsshouldbefedonad-libitumbasis(freeaccesstofeed)饲料配方与生长猪相近饲料配方与生长猪相近Dietscouldbesimilartogrowerpigs清洁的饮水清洁的饮水Availabilityofcleanwateratalltimes.15头猪至少有一个饮水器头猪至少有一个饮水器Onenippleper15pigsmore圈舍与环境 Housing and environment后备母猪的栏位与育肥舍相近后备母猪的栏位与育肥舍相近Giltsshouldbehousedinpens,similar

9、tofinisher饲养密度与育肥舍相近饲养密度与育肥舍相近Spaceallowancesshouldbesimilarascommercial(78sqft)室温适中室温适中Temperatureshouldbeinthethermo-neutralrangebetween(18-23C).保证足够的通风保证足够的通风ProvideadequateventilationPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The

10、better pork people6/1/2022 隔离驯化期 60-120kg solation and Acclimation 60 Kg-120 KgThisimportantprocessshouldcontinuesinthisperiod.圈舍Housing 种猪应合理分群饲养种猪应合理分群饲养Giltsshouldbehousedpreferablyinpens每天饲喂每天饲喂2-3次,保证能够采食到足够量的饲料,但也避免浪次,保证能够采食到足够量的饲料,但也避免浪费费Ifinstalls,fullfeedtoavoidwastageandimproveintakefeed2o

11、r3times/day每头种猪的饲养空间至少应为屠宰猪的每头种猪的饲养空间至少应为屠宰猪的1.5倍倍Spaceallowancesinpensshouldbeofminimum150% ofcommercialproduction每栏饲养每栏饲养12头左右,最多不超头左右,最多不超过过18-20头头Groupsizeshouldbe12withmaximumof18-20gilts/pen公猪刺激其性成熟,控制其生长速度公猪刺激其性成熟,控制其生长速度BoarExposuretoslowgrowthandtostimulateestrus日增重为日增重为680gGoalADG680grPIC

12、康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议Gilt Development PIC C22 RecommendationsPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022“清洁的环境,干燥的地板,良好的通风,适宜清洁的环境,干燥的地板,良好的通风,适宜的温度的温度Environmentshouldbeclean,withdryflooring,wellventi

13、latedwithadequatetemperature”温度的重要性 Temperature in thermo neutral zone for gilts, (18-23 C )过高或过低的温度都会影响种猪的性成熟过高或过低的温度都会影响种猪的性成熟过高的温度还会影响种猪的采食量过高的温度还会影响种猪的采食量过低的温度需要消耗额外的饲料来维持体能过低的温度需要消耗额外的饲料来维持体能光照(对种猪有影响但还未得到证实)Lighting (effect not clearly demonstrated)每天应提供给种猪每天应提供给种猪12-16小时的光照小时的光照空气质量 Air quali

14、ty如果如果ThedevelopmentofgiltsinclosedbarnsimposestheneedforsystemsthatprovideadequateventilationandairqualityProvidewithfreshairwhiletargettemperatureandrelativehumidityaremaintained.Recommendedventilationratesingilts:(CFM/head)Cold(0.34);Moderate(1.13);Hot(4.25)PIC 康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议 Gilt Devel

15、opment PIC C22 RecommendationsPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022“清洁的环境,干燥的地板,良好的通风,适宜的温度清洁的环境,干燥的地板,良好的通风,适宜的温度Environmentshouldbeclean,withdryflooring,wellventilatedwithadequatetemperature”空气质量

16、Air quality如果是封闭式的猪舍,应该保证良好的通风以提高空气质如果是封闭式的猪舍,应该保证良好的通风以提高空气质量量Thedevelopmentofgiltsinclosedbarnsimposestheneedforsystemsthatprovideadequateventilationandairquality在 保 证 温 度 和 湿 度 适 宜 的 前 提 下 , 保 持 空 气 新 鲜在 保 证 温 度 和 湿 度 适 宜 的 前 提 下 , 保 持 空 气 新 鲜Providewithfreshairwhiletargettemperatureandrelativehu

17、midityaremaintained.推 荐 的 种 猪 猪 舍 空 气 流 通 量推 荐 的 种 猪 猪 舍 空 气 流 通 量 R e c o m m e n d e dventilationratesingilts:(CFM/head)冷冷Cold(0.34);适中适中Moderate(1.13);热热Hot(4.25)PIC 康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议康贝尔后备母猪的培养建议 Gilt Development PIC C22 RecommendationsPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people

18、PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork peopleKg/dayPIC康贝尔种猪从被选康贝尔种猪从被选 作种用到第一次断奶间的采食作种用到第一次断奶间的采食量量 Feeding Level for PIC C22Gilts From Selection Through First WeaningAd Lib*To condition 2.2 2.5 * 2.3- 2.7Ad lib被选作种用被选作种用Selection配后配后100天天Day 100产仔前产仔前Pre-farrow 哺乳哺乳Lactation再配再配

19、Service初配初配Service断奶断奶WeanTo appetiteGestation130 Kg P2 16-18 mmP2 16-18 mmP2 18-20 mm * Feed level depends on delivery weight. Ex: 220 lbs (Ad Lib); 250 lbs (5.0 lbs/d).* Promote growth but dont let get too fat. P2 endpoint, 18-20 mm.2.2Ad lib for 7 dLactationGestationIsolation&Acclimatation7PIC CH

20、INA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people初配体重及初配体重及P2背膘厚度对母猪背膘厚度对母猪5胎胎内生产性能的关系内生产性能的关系初配体重初配体重 Lbs Kg初配初配P2背膘厚度背膘厚度, mm 产活仔总数产活仔总数257 11714.655.6277 12515.861.4300 13617.762.3321 14320.064.6345 15622.460.6365 16625.3

21、59.3PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people妊娠期的饲养妊娠期的饲养 Gestation Feeding to Condition 目标目标 Targets 妊娠期的增重妊娠期的增重 Pregnancy Weight Gain 后备母猪后备母猪 34公斤公斤Gilts 75 pounds (34 kg) 第二胎母猪第二胎母猪 25公斤公斤P2s 55 pounds (25

22、 kg) 三胎及三胎以上的三胎及三胎以上的 35-45公斤公斤P3 35-45 pounds (18 kg) 产仔时的背膘产仔时的背膘 Backfat at farrowing 最小为最小为16 16 minimum 目标为目标为18-20 18-20 target 最大为最大为22 22 maximum PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people妊娠期饲养妊娠期饲养 背膘背膘

23、 体况评分体况评分 日采食量日采食量PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people12345最适宜的最适宜的 3.0 3.5至少至少 2.0平均背膘厚度平均背膘厚度:mm1011-1516-1819-2222 +妊娠猪的体况评分标准妊娠猪的体况评分标准PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people

24、PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people妊娠猪的体况评分标准妊娠猪的体况评分标准PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people妊娠期的饲养妊娠期的饲养 Gestation Feeding 饲喂程序饲喂程序 Feeding program implementation 每天饲喂一次或两次每天饲喂

25、一次或两次Once versus twice a day feeding 据饲喂结果的差异性及各农场的实际情况据饲喂结果的差异性及各农场的实际情况 保证足量的清洁饮水保证足量的清洁饮水 Clean Water needs to be available 母猪日饮水量为母猪日饮水量为19公升,在夏天则需要公升,在夏天则需要22-30公公升升PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork peopl

26、e妊娠期的饲喂营养要求妊娠期的饲喂营养要求 营养需求营养需求 赖氨酸赖氨酸 Lysine 后备母猪后备母猪 0.65 % gilts 经产母猪经产母猪 0.60 % herd 能量能量 Energy 1465 Kcal/lb 钙磷比钙磷比 Ca/P 0.90% 钙钙; 0.42%有效磷有效磷 粗纤维粗纤维 Fiber 4 5 % 添加量添加量 added 原料取决于价格和实用性原料取决于价格和实用性 Source dependent on cost/availabilityPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork pe

27、ople PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022妊娠期妊娠期 圈舍及环境要求圈舍及环境要求 Gestation(Housing and Environment)需要考虑到圈舍及环境因素 Housing & Environment Considerations定位栏饲养优于群体饲养定位栏饲养优于群体饲养如可能,定位栏饲养如可能,定位栏饲养妊娠舍栏位应保证清洁干燥妊娠舍栏位应保证清洁干燥适宜的温度应为适宜的温度应为(18-23C).最低温度为最低温度为14C.如果使用滴水等降温系统,最高温度

28、不超过如果使用滴水等降温系统,最高温度不超过23-26C在早期妊娠阶段,过高的温度在早期妊娠阶段,过高的温度(30C+)会导致初配母猪的胚胎死亡会导致初配母猪的胚胎死亡空气质量空气质量:湿度湿度50%-80%一氧化碳一氧化碳50ppm氨气氨气25ppm通风通风,CFM(Cold12,Temperate40,Hot150)PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people哺乳期饲养哺乳期

29、饲养 饲喂程序的执行饲喂程序的执行 重点重点 Keys 根据农场实际情况根据农场实际情况 System dependent 尽可能地多采食尽可能地多采食 Dont let program minimize feed intake 每天多次饲喂每天多次饲喂 Feed multiple times/day 制作饲料消耗卡制作饲料消耗卡 Feed Cards 优点优点 遵循固定的程序遵循固定的程序 Follows specific pattern 及时知道母猪采食状况及时知道母猪采食状况 Know when sows are off feed 缺点缺点 费时费时 Takes time 记录的准确性?

30、记录的准确性? Recording accuracy questionablePIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people哺乳期饲养哺乳期饲养 饲喂程序的执行饲喂程序的执行 一贯的饲喂方式一贯的饲喂方式 Feeding Methods Continued 务必保证饲槽里的饲料干净新鲜务必保证饲槽里的饲料干净新鲜 Keep clean/fresh feed in feeder at

31、 all times 每天清理饲槽每天清理饲槽 Clean feeders daily 必要时除去被污染的饲料必要时除去被污染的饲料 Remove spoiled feed as neededPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people哺乳期的饲养管理哺乳期的饲养管理窝产仔数窝产仔数1-7天天8-14天天14-19天天99.8 (4.5 Kg) 12.5(5.7Kg) 13.8(

32、6.3Kg)1010.6(4.8Kg) 13.4(6.1Kg) 14.9(6.8Kg)1111.3(5.1Kg) 14.4(6.5Kg)16.2(7.4 Kg)哺乳期间饲料消耗量与窝产仔数间的关系哺乳期间饲料消耗量与窝产仔数间的关系aFirst Litter 350 lbs BW. PGR = 165, 230, and 265 g/d for weeks 1, 2, and 3.bIntake estimate based on: 1,530 Mcal/lb, 85% of energy balance achieved.PIC CHINA The better pork people PI

33、C CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people从产仔到断奶间的饲喂从产仔到断奶间的饲喂 How to Feed the Sow from d-1 to Weaning PIC Lactation Intake Guide Feed to Scale until day 3 then strive to exceed feed amounts shown. DO NOT LIMIT feed to the amounts shown on day 3

34、and after. Days Post Farrowing At least 3 feedings/day beginning day 5 -1 Far 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 Body Condition Score 2 Fw 1 2 3 4 5 1 Wn 1 2 3 4 5 Am

35、ounts shown represent the average feed disappearance for a 10,000 sow herd. Sow Gilt P O U N D S P E R D A Y PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people康贝尔母猪哺乳期的饲喂水平康贝尔母猪哺乳期的饲喂水平 Feed Intake Levels for Lactating

36、Cam 22 Sows Average Intake in Kg by Parity and Seasonal Range Observed 21 d lactation5.24.8 5.55.18 6 5.56.26 6S. Pollo PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people初产母猪的培养初产母猪的培养- 断奶体重与发情间隔的断奶体重与发情间隔的关系关系y = 0.002

37、8x2 - 1.0337x + 102.17 R2 = .762 0510152025303580100120140160180200220Weight of sow at weaning, kgWean to mating interval, dPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people影响采食量的因素影响采食量的因素 水流量水流量 (饮水不充足会引起便秘饮水不充足会引起便秘

38、) 保证保证24小时都可以采食小时都可以采食 24 hour feed access 饲料配方稳定饲料配方稳定 Consistent diet composition 粉料或颗粒料粉料或颗粒料 高质量的颗粒料促进采食高质量的颗粒料促进采食 低质量的颗粒料降低采食低质量的颗粒料降低采食PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022康贝尔母猪哺乳期的饲养康贝尔母猪哺乳期

39、的饲养 Management of C22 sows in Lactation在圏舍方面在圏舍方面 About the room圏舍清洁,干燥且消毒过的圏舍清洁,干燥且消毒过的 Have the room clean, dry and disinfected设施齐全设施齐全 Have all needed equipment in place (heat lamps, mats, etc.)温度适宜温度适宜 Room temperature should be comfortable for the sows (18-22 C )饲槽及饮水器运作良好饲槽及饮水器运作良好 Feeders and

40、 nipples should be in good condition饮水器的水流饮水器的水流2公升每分种公升每分种 Water flow of 0.5 gal/minute (2 lt/min) is needed水压不要过高水压不要过高 Low water pressure 在转猪方面在转猪方面 Moving the sows进入产房前需清洗母猪进入产房前需清洗母猪 Wash the sows before entering into farrowing room轻轻地将母猪赶到产房轻轻地将母猪赶到产房 Move the sows gently to the room在早晨将母猪赶到产房

41、在早晨将母猪赶到产房 Move them early in the morning将相应的母猪卡片转移到产房将相应的母猪卡片转移到产房 Bring sow in with her individual cardPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022产房的环境要求产房的环境要求 Farrowing Environment空气质量空气质量 Air quality

42、氨气氨气Ammonia 25 ppm一氧化碳一氧化碳Carbon monoxide 50 ppm湿度湿度 Humidity50%-80%通风通风 Ventilation rate冷冷 Cold 20 CFM适中适中Temperate 80 CFM热热 Hot500 CFM (400 if drippers are used)PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork peoplePICPIC

43、的产品的产品PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022产房的温度要求产房的温度要求Farrowing Room Temperature圈舍温度圈舍温度适宜的圏舍温度 促进母猪采食量,提高其泌乳性能,每天至少饲喂三次圈舍温度的调节应根据母猪的需求而非乳猪产仔前产仔前 16-20 C产后第一天至第三天产后第一天至第三天 20-22 C产后第四天至断奶产后第四天至断奶

44、 18-20 CPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people如何达到妊娠期最佳的采食量?如何达到妊娠期最佳的采食量?What Compromises Lactation Intake ? 食欲下降,泌乳食欲下降,泌乳 Devastates intake and milk output 营养水平的高低对其采食量无太大影响营养水平的高低对其采食量无太大影响 Little can be

45、 done nutritionally 最好的选择最好的选择- 早期断奶早期断奶 Most powerful options split or early wean 在天气很热的情况下在天气很热的情况下Extreme Heat Stress PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022从断奶到配种间隔的饲养从断奶到配种间隔的饲养 Wean to Service I

46、nterval目标: 减少从断奶到配种的间隔时间使用妊娠饲料或哺乳饲料 Use Gestation or Lactation feed尽可能地多饲喂Feed as much as possible每天饲喂2-3次,但也要避免浪费 Feed 2-3 times a day to avoid feed wastage随时保证充足的饮水 Water should be available at all times preferably through Nipple 评定体况较差的猪只并使其尽快恢复 Identify sows in poor condition to start recovering

47、 them, soon在断奶后第一天就用公猪诱情 Work with the boar for estrus stimulation from day 1 after weaningPIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022从断奶到配种间隔的饲养从断奶到配种间隔的饲养 Wean to Service(环境卫生角度环境卫生角度 Hygiene & Environm

48、ent)需要考虑到的环境卫生 Hygiene & Environment Considerations配种区必须干净,干燥并且消毒过的Breeding area should be clean, disinfected and dry圈栏必须冲洗、消毒,并且必须干燥后再进断奶猪 Wash, disinfect and let the crates dry before placing weaned sows适宜的温度 Temperature comfort zone (18-23 C ). 最低的临界温度 Minimal critical temperature is 13 C空气质量 Air

49、 quality :湿度 Humidity50%-80%氨气 Ammonia 25 ppm一氧化碳 Carbon Monoxide 50 ppm通风 Ventilation rate Cold 14 CFM, Temperate 50 CFM and Hot 300 CFM PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people PIC CHINA The better pork people6/1/2022从断奶到配种间隔的饲养从断奶到配种间隔的饲养

50、Wean to Service(圈舍方面圈舍方面)将母猪轻轻地从产房赶到指定的配种区域将母猪轻轻地从产房赶到指定的配种区域Movesowsgentlyfromfarrowinghouseintodesignatedbreedingarea断奶母猪定位栏饲养断奶母猪定位栏饲养Houseweanedsowsinindividualstallsorcrates与公猪充分接触与公猪充分接触(视觉,声音及嗅觉视觉,声音及嗅觉)Providegoodcontactwithboars(sight,soundandsmell)定位栏设计需符合下列条件定位栏设计需符合下列条件Cratedesignshoulda


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