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1、国际贸易进出口实务国际贸易进出口实务Practical International TCourse Introduction Teaching focuses : Fundamentals of international trade: basic concepts, principles in international trade, international rules and practices Practical knowledge: like establishing contract, arranging insurance, transportation, payment, i

2、nspection, etc Case study: through case study, detailed problems and tips will be discussed Teaching arrangementsHomework Formation of final scoreFinal exam 60%Class performance 40% (homework 70%+class discussion 15% + attendance 15%)Homework and ExamKnowledge about international trade Some figures

3、about Chinas international trade. 2004 total trading volume $ 1. 15 trillion 2007 total trading volume $ 2.17 trillion 2010 total trading volume $ 2.97trillion Biggest Trading Partners:EU, the U.S., Japan, ASEAN, Hong KongChapter 1:International TradeInternational Trade Reasons for international tra

4、de Benefits of international trade1. Problems in international tradeInternational Trade Definition of International Trade International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between nations. It is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services produced

5、 in another country.Question Suppose that an American-based multinational company set up two subsidiaries in China. The parent company signed a sales contract with the subsidiaries, which stipulated that the parent company would make the delivery to the subsidiary in Shanghai, which would forward so

6、me of the goods to the subsidiary at Chengdu. Question: is the transaction between the parent company and the two subsidiaries considered international trade?Reasons for International Trade Resource reasons Economic reasons Political reasons Innovation and peoples need, political reasonsResource rea

7、sons Favorable climatic conditions and terrain Natural resources Skilled workers Capital resources Favorable geographical location and transport costs Insufficient productionFavorable climatic conditions and terrain Climatic conditions and terrain are very important for agricultural produces. This d

8、ifference enables some countries to grow certain plants and leaves other countries with the only choice to import the produces they consume.Examples 咖啡产地 咖啡是一种茜草科(Rubia)常绿植物,生长在热带(tropical)和亚热带(sub-tropical)地区,年收获,盛产咖啡豆的国家首属巴西(Brazil),其产量约占,占全世界产量的第一位,其次是哥伦比亚(Colombia),占,因此,咖啡有六成在中南美,(中国云南,海南有少量生产)。

9、 被认为是咖啡顶级品的蓝山咖啡(Blue Mountain Coffee),产于牙买加(Jamaica)西部的蓝山山脉,因而得名。蓝山海拔2256公尺,咖啡树栽种于1000米左右的险峻山坡地带。 牙买加岛属热带雨林气候,四季和昼夜温差不大,年均气温为26C,年均最高气温为31C,最低为21.7C。79月为高温季节,气温在3034.5C之间,最高可达3637C。 Food World major agricultural products exporting countries: The U.S. , Canada, France, Australia, Argentina, China, Br

10、azil, South Africa, ThailandNatural Resources Middle East: crude oil South Africa: 白金 platinum、黄金gold、铬chromium; Chile, Peru, Zaire : copper Bahamas: tourist resort Korea: ginseng Skilled workers US, Japan and western European countries have skilled workers who are able to manufacture sophisticated

11、equipment and machinery such as jet aircrafts and computers. An important part of technology transfer is the training of technical workers.Skilled workers Swiss watch 提起瑞士,人们很快会联想到OMEGA、Rolex等驰名世界的名贵钟表,瑞士的钟表工业是从家庭手工业(cottage industry)开始的,钟表制造技术世代相传,这使得瑞士的钟表工业能够得到保持和发展。Skilled workers German car tech

12、nician Chinese chef Indian IT talents (India is the 2nd largest software exporter)Capital resources Developing countries need to modernize their industries and economies with advanced machinery, equipment and plant that they are not yet able to manufacture because of the lack of capital. This has gi

13、ven rise to the need for international trade.Favorable geographical location and transport costs Countries develop trade because they are close to each other. Sino-Japanese trade US-Canada EU Some countries become big trading countries because they have natural harbors Rotterdam in Holland Singapore

14、 Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore 新加坡位于马来半岛(Malaya)最南端,领土由新加坡岛和附近54个小岛组成,地理位置十分重要,向称“东方十字路口”。扼守着马六甲海峡(straits)入口处的航行要道。 国际航运、航空和贸易中心 新加坡以此为基础,从邻国大量进口各类初级产品(raw products),汇总、分级、包装后再行出口,形成了以转口贸易(entrepot trade)和航运业(shipping)为主体的独特经济类型。 新加坡四面环海,以炼油(oil refining)和造船(ship building and repairing)为核心的工业部门具有世界意义。

15、 Rotterdam Known as the “Gateway to Europe”, the Netherlands dominates a geographic location as optimal as Taiwan. It lies in the economic and trading hub of Europe. Over 55% of the cargoes handled in Rotterdam are destined for other European nations. Insufficient production Some countries cannot pr

16、oduce enough items they need. UK: only 5% of its population is engaged in agriculture and they mainly grow fruits and flowers. As a result, they have to import 60% of its total agricultural consumption. China: insufficient wheat, crude oil production Two Important Principles in Foreign Trade Absolut

17、e Advantage Comparative Advantage Basic concepts Opportunity cost 机会成本 Labor theory of value 劳动价值论Opportunity cost Opportunity cost is the amount of another goods or services that might otherwise have been produced. The economists think the provision of production elements is limited, and people can

18、not produce goods unlimitedly. In this situation, if the production elements are used in producing product A, then the production of product B has to be given up. If this is the case, the benefits brought by producing B is the opportunity cost of producing A. Under the guidance of opportunity cost,

19、limited resources can be allocated to yield maximum profit. Labor theory of value For classical economists, the value of goods is determined by the cost of production, with the relative cost of production of various goods revealed by the labor content. For instance, suppose that goods A has a labor

20、content of 2 hours, but goods B requires 10 hours of labor for its production. The classical economists thought that goods B would be 5 times as valuable as goods A. Absolute advantage Adam Smith An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776. A Nations wealth was reflected i

21、n its productive capacity( the ability to produce final goods and services) Absolute advantage: Lower real cost cloth Perfume France 10yds./hr 30bottles/hr. Australia 30yds./hr. 15bottles/hr.Absolute advantage 2. Specialization would generate productivity gains 3. Free environmentComparative advanta

22、ge David Ricardo On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation in 1817 1. If a country did not possess absolute advantage in any product, could it (or would it) trade? 2. Even if a country possessed absolute advantage in two products, it still must be relatively efficient than the other countr

23、y in the production of one commodity than the other. Comparative advantage In economics, the law of comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, a firm, or a country) to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another party.Comparison Rice copp

24、er Ratio of costs France 2R./hr 4C/hr. 1R: 2 C Australia 1R./hr. 1C/hr. 1R: 1C After trade: Copper Copper France 4C*1(=4R./hr) 4C/hr. 2R./hr 4C/hr. Rice Rice Australia 1R./hr. 1R* 2 (=2C/hr) 1R./hr 1C/hrComparison Textiles Perfume Ratio of costs France 30yds./hr 60bottles/hr. 1T: 2 P Australia 15yds

25、./hr. 20bottles/hr. 1T: 4/3 P After trade: Perfume Perfume France 60P*3/4T (=45yds./hr) 60bottles/hr. 30yds./hr 60bottles/hr. Textiles Textiles Australia 15yds./hr. 15T* 2 P (=30bottles/hr) 15yds./hr 20bottles/hrIn real transaction, the exchange ratio cannot be as above, because the two countries ha

26、ve two different ratios. There should be one common ratio. Rice copper Ratio of costs France 2X4 4 1R: 2 C Australia 1 1Y2 1R: 1C X/4=1/Y or XY=4 If X=3, then Y=1.33; if Y= 1.5, then X=2.67 In both cases, they gained by trading with the other party.Political reasons Political objectives can sometime

27、s outweigh economic considerations between countries. One country might trade or restrict trade with another government for different political reasons. U.S.-Japan trade Trade between China and less developed countriesThe benefits of international trade Cheaper goods Greater variety of goods come fr

28、om more countries; Wider market with increasing number of trading partners; Growth of economy Cheaper goods 1. cost advantage according to the two theories 2. competition in the world market is constant, which makes the price even lower. 3. Higher quality with same price is still a cost advantageGre

29、ater variety of goods Greater variety of both capital goods and consumer goods Benefits: Increase the quality of life Increase the productivity of industriesWider market Wider market enables economies of scale It extends the life of products. Growth of economy Foreign trade creates jobs that have bo

30、th political and economic significance. For instance, in Holland those foreign investors have hired up to 350,000 Dutch natives to work, accounting for 20% of the total workforce of the nation. 在我国,每出口一万美元的农产品,就将带动20人的就业。2005年我国出口农产品贸易达到271亿美元,这就意味着,有5400万农民的就业依赖我们的农产品出口 Problems in international tr

31、adeTrade restrictions Cultural problemsMonetary conversion Trade restrictions Reasons for trade restrictions Kinds of restrictionsReasons for trade restrictions Diversified and independent economy Protection of vital industry Infant industry protection Employment protection Political reasonsProtecti

32、on of vital industry Vital industries are of vital importance to a country, like agriculture, transportation, energy, telecommunication. British textile industry (18th-19th century) Japans steel industry (after WWII) IT industryPillar industries Japan relies on industries of car, electronics, optics

33、, computer and so on China relies on industries of steel, car, oil refining, electronics, textiles, ship building, nonferrous metal, logistics, etc. Information security 微软Windows操作系统和微软IE浏览器是当今各国网络化的代名词,尤其是在国内,Windows操作系统占据了90%以上的市场份额。 当一个国家的所有领域都完全信息化、网络化的时候,谁垄断了PC的操作系统和IE浏览器也就意味着谁实质上掌控了这个国家的经济、政治

34、命脉。 人类的战争经历了冷兵器时代、热兵器时代、机械化时代、核武器时代,而今正处于向核威慑下的信息化非接触战争时代转化,这就意味着以后的战争完全就是国家信息网络安全的较量,完全是幕后信息战的较量。 也正是出于这种政治、军事国防等国家安全方面的考虑,在去年新加坡国防部已经把两万台个人电脑由微软的操作平台转换到了开源软件上; 中国、日本和韩国也就共同开发应用在Linux平台上的应用软件达成了一致协议。 欧盟委员会于08年2月再次对微软公司开出8.99亿欧元(合13.5亿美元)的罚单,这是欧盟历史上对单个企业开出的最大一笔反垄断罚单,到目前为止,欧盟已对微软处以总计16.8亿欧元的罚款。 分析师称,

35、这项罚款对微软“完全没有任何财务性影响,即使微软一天在财务报表中突然蒸发了13.5亿美元,对其未来增长也毫无压力。” Infant industry protection There is an infant industry argument which maintains that a new industry needs to be protected until the labor force is trained, the production techniques are mastered and the operation becomes large enough to enjo

36、y the economies of scale to compete with a mature industry.China Chinas exhibition industry Chinas software industry Chinas finance industry Chinas car industryChinas car industry 2008年我国我国生产汽车934.5万辆,超过美国位居世界第二。日本日本生产汽车1156.4万辆,连续3年位居世界第一。美国美国汽车产量为868.1万辆,位居世界第三。德国德国604.1万辆,位居第4。韩国韩国汽车产量为382.7万辆,连续

37、4年位居世界第五。 Employment protection Domestic jobs need to be protected from cheap foreign labor, esp. labor-intensive industry, such as textile industry. 2005 world textile trade quota was canceled, as a result millions of workers were unemployed world wide. Political reasons Antagonistic countries will

38、 ban trade A country may restrict trade with another country because of domestic political affairs, like unemployment, economy slowdown, presidential election etc.Kinds of restrictions Tariff Barriers A tariff is a duty or fee levied on goods being imported or exported. Non-tariff Barriers All barri

39、ers other than tariffs that in some manner impede trade or raise the cost of trading, which includes informal measures, should be included among non-tariff barriers.Functions of tariff 1. To increase the price of goods to make domestic goods more competitive 2. To raise tax revenues for a government

40、 3. To protect infant industries. 4. To adjust industry structure. 5. To adjust trade balance of a country.Forms of duties 1. according to the purposes of import duties 2. according to the time of collection 3. import surtax 4. according to the methods used in imposing import duty 5. according to th

41、e different tariff rates appliedPurposes Revenue tariff It is collected mainly for government revenue relatively low Protection tariff It is collected in order to protect the domestic market. Very highMethods Specific duty (从量税) Per unit, pound, kilo, etc. Ad valorem duty (从价税) Mixed tariff/compound

42、 duty US$1per bottle and 20% ad valorem Alternative duty US$ 10 per bottle or 22% ad valoremTime Import duty It is collected when goods are imported. Export duty It is collected when goods are exported, which is used to control the export of anything with national importance.Different rates 1.Prefer

43、ential duties A lower tariff is granted to import from countries that are given preferential treatment. Within NAFTA, China-ASEAN 2. Duties under generalized system of preferences (GSP) 3. MFN duties 4. General dutiesDuties under GSP GSP: A large number of developed countries permit duty-free entry

44、of a selected list of products imported from particular developing countries. Three principles of GSP: 1.Generalized : all manufactured or semi-manufactured goods from LDCs; 2. Non-discriminatory: to all LDCs 3. Non-reciprocal GSP giving countries Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Belgium,

45、 Ireland, Denmark Greece, Portugal, Spain, Japan, Norway New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Canada, PolandContents of GSP 1. Country eligibility criteria: a selected list of countries (OPEC and communist countries) 2. Product eligibility criteria: “Import sensitive” items

46、 3. Competition need criterion: individual product. 4. Graduation policy 5. Rules of originRules of origin Rule of direct consignment Substantial transformation Certificate of originMFN duties A nation entering into a tariff treaty that includes the MFN treatment is required to extend to all signato

47、ries any tariff concessions granted to any participating countries. Simplify tariff bargaining and increase the likelihood of tariff reduction All members of WTO are entitled to MFN treatment.Import surtax Import surtax is additional to import duty, it is temporary in coping with international payme

48、nt difficulties, maintaining balance of trade and preventing dumping, subsidy, and is discriminatory against a particular country. Countervailing duty(反补贴税) Anti-dumping duty(反倾销税) Variable levy(差额税) Countervailing duties It is collected against bounty, grant or subsidy during production, transport

49、and export etc. Anti-dumping duties Is collected when importing country believes that there is dumping(a not universally defined concept that can mean the selling price in a foreign country is below domestic selling price, world market price or production cost. Variable levy (差价税) It is collected at

50、 the difference between world market prices and the prices for domestic producers.Export subsidies Export subsidies refer to government payment and other extraordinary economic benefits provided to home firms. High value-added industries Linkage industries: providers of ingredients to other industri


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