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1、 20222022 年年 1 1 月浙江省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷月浙江省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷 一、阅读理解(共一、阅读理解(共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2.52.5 分,满分分,满分 2525 分)分) 阅读理解 For nearly a decade now, Merebeth has been a self-employed pet transport specialist. Her pet transport job was born of the financial crisis (危机) in the late 2000s. The down

2、turn hit the real estate (房地产) firm where she had worked for ten years as an office manager. The firm went broke and left her looking for a new job. One day, while driving near her home, she saw a dog wandering on the road, clearly lost She took it home, and her sister in Denver agreed to take it Th

3、is was a loving home for sure, but 1. 600 miles away. It didnt take long for Merebeth to decide to drive the dog there herself. It was her first road trip to her new job. Merebeths pet delivery service also satisfies her wanderlust. It has taken her to every state in the US except Montana Washington

4、, and Oregon, she says proudly. If she wants to visit a new place, she will simply find a pet with transport needs there. She travels in all weathers. She has driven through 55 mph winds in Wyoming, heavy flooding and storms in Alabama and total whiteout conditions in Kansas. This wanderlust is inhe

5、rited from her father, she says. He moved their family from Canada to California when she was one year old, because he wanted them to explore a new place together As soon as she graduated from high school, she left home to live on Catalina Island off the Californian coast, away from her parents, whe

6、re she enjoyed a life of sailing and off-road biking. It turns out that pet transporting pays quite well at about $30, 000 per year before tax. She doesnt work in summer; as it would be unpleasantly hot for the animals in the car; even with air conditioning. As autumn comes, she gets restless-the sa

7、me old wanderlust returning. Its a call she must heed alone, though. Merebeth says, When I am on the road, Im just in my own world. Ive always been independent-spirited, and I just feel strongly that I mush help animals. 1Why did Merebeth changed her job? AShe wanted to work near her home. BShe was

8、tired of working in the office CHer sister asked her to move to Denver DHer former employer was out of business. 2The word wanderlust in paragraph 2 means a desire to? Amake money. Btry various jobs. Cbe close to nature. Dtravel to different places. 3What can we learn about Merebeth in her new job?

9、AShe has chances to see rare animals. BShe works hard throughout the year CShe relies on herself the whole time DShe earns a basic and tax-free salary 阅读理解 The United States rose to global power on the strength of its technology, and the lifeblood that technology has long been electricity. By provid

10、ing long-distance communication and energy electricity created the modern world. Yet properly understood, the age of electricity is merely the second stage in the age of steam which began a century earlier. It is curious that on one has put together a history of both the steam and electric revolutio

11、ns. writes Maury Klein in his book The Pore Makers, Seam, Electricity and the Men Invented Modern America. Klein, a noted historian of technology spins a narrative (叙述) so lively that at times it reads like a novel The story begins in the last years of the 18th century in Scotland, where Watt perfec

12、ted the machine that changed the world. Klein writes/America did not invent the steam engine, but once they grasped its passwords, they put it to more uses than anyone else. Meanwhile, over the course of 19th century, electricity went from mere curiosity to a basic necessity. Morse invented a code f

13、or sending messages over an electromagnetic circuit Bell then gave the telegraph a voice. Edison perfected an incandescent bulb (白炽灯泡) that brought electric light into the American home. Most importantly, Edison realized that success depended on mass electrification, which he showed in New York City

14、. With help from Tesla, Westinghouses firm developed a system using alternating current (交流电), which soon became the major forms of power delivery. To frame his story, Klein creates the character of Ned, a fictional witness to the progress brought about by the steams and electric revolutions in Amer

15、ica during one mans lifetime. Its a technique that helps turn a long narrative into an interesting one. 4What is Kleins understanding of the age if electricity? AIt is closely linked to the steam age BIt began earlier than proper thought CIt is a little-studied period of history DIt will come to an

16、end sooner or later 5What can be inferred about Ned? AHe was born in New York City BHe wrote many increasing stories CHe created an electricity company DHe lived mainly in the 19th century 6What is the text? AA biography. BA book review. CA short story. DA science report. 阅读理解 The benefits of regula

17、r exercise are well documented but theres a new bonus to add to the ever-growing list. New researchers found that middle-aged women who were physically fit could be nearly 90 percent less likely to develop dementia (失智症) in later life and is they did, it came on a decade later than less sporty women

18、. Lead researcher Dr. Helena Horder, of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, said: These findings are exciting because its possible that improving peoples cardiovascular (心血管的) fitness in middle age could delay or even prevent them from developing dementia. For the study, 191 women with an averag

19、e age of 50 took a bicycle exercise test until they were exhausted to measure their peak (最大值的) cardiovascular capacity. The average peak workload was measured at 103 watts. A total of 40 women met the criteria for a high fitness level, or 120 watts or higher. A total of 92 women were in the medium

20、fitness category: and 59 women were in the low fitness category, defined as a peak workload of 80 watts or less, or having their exercise tests stopped because of high blood pressure, chest pain or other cardiovascular problems. These women were then tested for dementia six times over the following

21、four decades. During that time, 44 of the women developed dementia. Five percent of the highly fit women developed dementia, compared to 25 percent of the women with medium fitness and 32 percent of the women with low fitness However, this study does not show cause and effect between cardiovascular

22、fitness and dementia it only shows an association. More research is needed to see if improved fitness could have a positive effect on the risk of dementia and also to look at when during a lifetime a high fitness level is most important She also admitted that a relatively small number of women were

23、studied, all of whom were form Sweden so the results might not be applicable to other groups. 7What is on the ever-growing list mentioned in the first paragraph? APositive effects of doing exercises. BExercises suitable for the middle-used CExperimental studies on diseases. DAdvantages of sporty wom

24、an over man. 8Why did the researchers ask the woman to do bicycle exercise? ATo predict their maximum heart rate. BTo assess their cardiovascular capacity CTo change their habits of working out. DTo detect their potential health problems 9What do we know about Dr. Horders study? AIt aimed to find a

25、cure for dementia. BData collection was a lengthy process CSome participants withdrew from it DThe results were far from satisfactory. 10Which of the following is the best title for the text? AMore Women Are Exercising to Prevent Dementia BMiddle-Aged Women Need to Do More Exercise CFit Women Are Le

26、ss Likely to Develop Dementia. DBiking Improves Womens Cardiovascular Fitness 二、任务型阅读(共二、任务型阅读(共 5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 1010 分)分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 I have the same 24 hours in a day as you do, but I have made specific choice that allow me to make the most of every day,

27、 and still feel happy and relaxed. 11 Pick the most important 12 Focus on spending time that for you is fun and productive! Chose the life of an adviser because I like to work with companies, but dont want the life of a big company CEO. My choices are based on the lifestyle I want Combine your activ

28、ities. Many people go crazy trying to figure out how to spend time with friends, family, work, play, etc. 13 Find ways to enjoy them in a combined manner, Build your social life around people your work environment. Find people in your company who share common interests and develop your career (职业) a

29、round the people and activities you love. 14 You would think learning, takes more time from you, but actually there are always new ways of doing things that can save you time on daily tasks, freeing you up for the most important Always be looking for a new way to gain back an hour here or there Ligh

30、ten up. The world wont come to an end. In most cases just because you left a few things undone Celebrate progress and keep refining (改进) toward a happy productive existence. 15 Every completion is a small victory that adds up in a big way. A. Speed up. B. Be an active learner. C. Stop trying to bala

31、nce time between them all. D. Make choices about what is meaningful in your life. E. The things you do well usually give you greater joy. F. Perhaps these tips will help you make the most of your time. G. This is why making lists is important in any productivity handbook 三、完形填空(共三、完形填空(共 2020 小题,每小题

32、小题,每小题 1515 分,满分分,满分 3030 分)分) once again 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 When Beverley Burdeyney turned seventy four last year; she started having problems with her 16 , notably dryness and discomfort I was simply 17 a terrible experience. Ms. Burdeyney said at her home in Toronto

33、. I felt so helpless and insecure because the quality of my 18 was affected. Ms. Burdeyney talked to some friends who had 19 problems and discovered that they were largely suffering in 20 Nobody chooses to talk about it because it seems so 21 she said. But more and more are suffering, and lives are

34、being 22 . Eventually. Ms. Burdeyney leaned about plans for an eve research 23 at Tel Avi University in Israel. The research team 24 Canadian doctor Allan Slomovic, who has done 25 work on eye care using stem cells. Seeing a ray of hope, Ms. Burdeyney began raising 26 for the project with a friend,

35、Toronto businessman Meyer Zeifman 27 she has raised $ 110. 000 with another $40, 000 28 . Im trying to get more and more people to 29 that there are solutions (解决办法), said Ms. Burdeyney, a trained nurse who is still working as a personal trainer after 30 I say there is no old 31 , theres only neglec

36、t. (忽视) Dont stand 32 , do something about it. Ms. Burdeyney 33 that she is hoping to do more for the research project. I just want to bring 34 into people eyes and this is just the 35 . There is still a long way to go 16Athroat Bskin Clungs Deyes 17Agetting over Bgoing through Cholding on Dpassing

37、down 18Astory Btreatment Clife Drelationship 19Asimilar Bvarious Cpersonal Dspecial 20Aturn Bpeace Cvain Dsilence 21Aunbearable Babnormal Cinsignificant Ddisturbing 22Acompromised Bforgotten Csubstituted Dseparated 23Acourse Bprogram Cpaper Dconference 24Ainformed Bdoubted Cincluded Ddismissed 25Apa

38、rt-time Bcontroversial Cvoluntary Dground-breaking 26Amoney Bstandards Cawareness Dquestions 27AAs ever BSo far CIn return DOnce again 28Awasted Bdonated CExpected Dearned 29Aimagine Bconfirm Cremember Dunderstand 30Aretirement Bchildbirth Cgraduation Dmarriage 31Atime Brule Cage Dtale 32Astraight B

39、still Cfirm Dalone 33Acommented Bleaned Creminded Dadded 34Alight Bjoy Ccolor Dbeauty 35Afuture Bbeginning Ctruth Dmeaning 四、语法填空(共四、语法填空(共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Kim Cobb, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, is on

40、e of a small but growing minority of academics 36 are cutting back on their air travel because of climate change. Travelling to conferences, lectures, workshops, and the like -frequently by plane 37 (view)as important for scientists to get together and exchange information But Cobb and others 38 (be

41、)now questioning that idea pushing conferences to provide more chances to participate remotely and 39 (change) their personal behavior to do their part in dealing with the climate change crisis. On a website called No Fly Climate Sci, for example, 40 (rough) 200 academics-many of them climate scient

42、ists 41 (promise) to fly as little as possible since the effort started two years ago. Cobbjor her party, started to ask conference organizers who invited her to speak 42 she could do so remotely: about three-quarters of 43 time, they agreed. When the answer, was no. she, declined the 44 (invite)Tha

43、t approach brought Cobbs air travel last year down by 75% and she plans 45 (continue) the practice. It has been fairly rewarding, she says, a really positive change. 五、写作五、写作( (共两节,满分共两节,满分 4040 分分) ) 46假定你是李华,在中国爱尔兰文化节活动中结识了爱尔兰朋友 Chris, 现在他已 回国, 请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括: 1) 回忆活动经历:2) 分享个人收获:3)希望保持联系。 2) 注意;

44、1)词数 80 左右: 2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 47阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 When De Gullickson was assigning project mates for his psychology class, I secretly hoped he would pair me with my best friend or at least a classmate I could have some fun with. Above all I hoped he wouldnt assign me to work with the fi

45、ercely competitive extremely serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match. As fate (命运) would have it, Dr. Gullickson very deliberately matched everyone in class and announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid I went up to

46、 my new teammate and introduced myself He looked at me as though I werent there. I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably make him fail to get an A in the course. He wasnt t mean or abusive. He just gave me the impression he could do whatever project we dreamed up better if

47、he did it alone. Needless to say. I didnt look forward to an entire term of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didnt say anything for fear that I would make things worse. The project required each team to develop a hypothesis(假说), set up an experiment to test the hypothesis, d

48、o the statistical analysis and present the findings, Whatever grade the team received would be shared by both students. When my teammate and I met to discuss our project! I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades-the exact opposite of

49、me. I actually wanted to drop the class at one point, but stopped short because I didnt want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out. I decided to stick to it no matter what. After long discussions, we somehow agreed to do a study on the psychological well-being of teenagers! I wasnt sure

50、what it meant exactly, but at least we had a topic. 注意: 1)所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右: 2)应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语: 3)续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好: 4)续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1; We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. _ Paragraph 2: One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious di


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