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1、2021-2022 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第1页 (共 11 页) !#$!#$ 班级_ 姓名_学号_ 成绩_ ! # $ 1. %&( 11 )*(+,-./60 ,0./123 100 345& 10 3/67!&83 110 39 *!&:; 90 3?.ABCDE3FGHIJKLM* 3. &.?NOPDQRSE=?.A/=&AT?UV* 4. W 18/1348 0.X?NY 2B ZDQ=?.A912/4960 0.X?NY_a_DE=?.XbcdeA* !#$%&!#$%& ( )*)*+ +!#$%&()*+,-#./01$%&()21$%&(345678

2、)928:;? A*BC*DEF*B-21$%&(GH#5I- JK LM N)278 LOP NQR听下面一段对话,完成第 1 至第 2 小题。 1. What does the man want to buy? A. Some maps. B. Some math books. C. Some geography books. 2. How much are they? A. Six yuan. B. Twenty yuan. C. Twenty-six yuan. 听下面一段对话,完成第 3 至第 4 小题。 3. Where is the nearest bookstore? A. I

3、n front of the cinema. B. On the left of the cinema. C. On the right of the cinema. 4. How will the girl get there? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot. 听下面一段对话,完成第 5 至第 6 小题。 5. Which club does the boy want to join? A. The climbing club. B. The swimming club. C. The skating club. 6. What will the two

4、 speakers probably do next? A. Have a class. B. Go swimming. C. Go home. 听下面一段独白,完成第 7 至第 8 小题。 7. What can we know about the museum? A. The bus to the museum usually leaves at 9:30. B. Visitors can watch a 3D film on the third floor. C. You cant eat food or take pictures in the museum. 8. What does

5、 the speaker mainly talk about? A. The best way to visit the museum. B. Different kinds of films in the museum. C. The plan for a school trip to the museum. 2021-2022 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第2页 (共 11 页) S#()TUVWXY-Z1(GH#5I- JK N)278 M NQR请根据所听到的内容和提示词语, 将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。每空只填一个一个词。 Different ways

6、to celebrate the World Book Day 9 books with your friends u agree on one book to read u meet up to talk about it Have a film night u watch a film based on one of your favourite books think about the differences between them u watch a film to 10 your reading interests Make your summer reading 11 u th

7、ink about which books youd love to read visit your favorite bookshop or a nearby 12 check out the winners of the year ask for advice from your teachers and friends R R,-./,-./+ +0 0& ( )1 1+ +BJK N)278 L NQ 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 13. Is this pencil-box Toms? No. This is a red one. _

8、is black. A. He B. Him C. His D. Hers 14. Lily often goes shopping with her mum _ Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at D. from 15. Jim, why are you so excited? Oh, you know, there _ a basketball match tomorrow. A. are going to have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. are going to be 16. I must go

9、now because my friend Lucy _ for me. A. waits B. wait C. will wait D. is waiting 17. Good news! Our head teacher Mr. Wang _ back tomorrow. A. comes B. come C. came D. will come 18. Can you drive a car? No, I _. A. cant B. dont C. wont D. havent 19. Please _ the bus and walk with me to the park. A. g

10、et down B. get off C. get up D. get on 2021-2022 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第3页 (共 11 页) 20. I want to join the Food and Drink Club, but I cant cook. _. I can teach you. A. Dont worry B. Youre welcome C. Its my pleasure D. Thanks 0_JK LM N)278 L NQR(一)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的词,并将指代该词的字母并将指代该词的字母填涂在答填涂在答题卡的相应位置上。

11、题卡的相应位置上。 We live on the planet (星球) Earth. Could we live on a 21 planet? To find out, scientists have been studying Mars for a long time. They 22 special machines to Mars. These machines are called rovers. Scientists on Earth tell rovers what to do. Talking to rovers is something like playing a com

12、puter game. From Earth scientists can 23 what rovers are doing. Rovers usually move along the surface of Mars. They take pictures, study the planet and send the 24 back to Earth. They help us learn many things about Mars. (二)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Sarah had nothing to do. Sh

13、e didnt have 25 today, and it was only 9:00 in the morning. Looking through the 26 , she could see that her friend, Mel, was outside looking at the goldfish swimming around in their pond. Mel lives next door. Just then, the telephone rang. Sarah went to 27 the phone, but tripped (绊倒) on a book and f

14、ell. “Hello?” she asked, trying to hold back the pain (忍住疼痛). “Is that you, Sarah?” asked Mel. “You have to see my goldfish.” “Mel!” Sarah cried. “I tripped getting the phone, and all you are calling for is to see your fish?” Sarah looked through the window 28 at Mel, who smiled up at her. “Youve go

15、t to come and see this, Sarah. The 29 of my goldfish has changed.” Mel was always coming up with crazy ideas. Sarah had to put the phone down and 30 downstairs (楼下) to see Mel. This time she was surprised to see red goldfish swimming around. “What happened?” asked Sarah. “I dont know!” answered Mel.

16、 “All I know is that last night they were 31 .” Just then Sarah found something behind the fishpond. Its a bottle with some red drink. “Mel! Your fish turn red because you 32 the red drink in their water.” A. information B. different C. see D. send 2021-2022 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第4页 (共 11 页) Mel sm

17、iled up sheepishly at Sarah and said, “You passed! I didnt think youd be able to solve (解决) this mystery (谜题). Come on. Lets go and see if there are some other mysteries to solve in the neighborhood.” 25. A. money B. food C. time D. school 26. A. wall B. door C. window D. floor 27. A. answer B. coll

18、ect C. check D. catch 28. A. sadly B. angrily C. happily D. carfully 29. A. size B. mouth C. colour D. sound 30. A. head B. cross C. leave D. wait 31. A. free B. fine C. large D. short 32. A. touch B. hold C. buy D. place 23#$23#$+ +0 0& 4 4( ( )1 1+ +abcde)fgdehi)9de3j8:; ABCD 0A*BC *kEF*B- JK lM N

19、)278 M NQ A Lost and Found There are a lot of things in our Lost and Found office and the number keeps growing! Here are some of them. A large old leather (皮制的) suitcase was found in the hall on March 4th. It has golden buttons (纽扣) and two small locks. There is a raincoat, a crayon, a pencil, and s

20、ome books in it. A black backpack with front and side pockets (口袋) was found at the caf. There is a blue bottle in one of the side pockets. Things inside the backpack are a city map, a notebook, and a brown wallet. A womens watch was left at the Visitor Center. It has a round face and is red in colo

21、ur. It is a little big in size. You can collect it at the office. Someone left a history book in one of our halls. When it was found, it was opened to the chapter ( 章 节 ) of computers. The book is new and has an orange cover (封面). There are drawings on every page. 2021-2022 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第5页

22、 (共 11 页) 33. Where was the backpack found? A. At the caf. B. In the hall. C. At the Visitor Center. D. In the Lost and Found office. 34. Whats in the suitcase? A. A notebook. B. A wallet. C. A map. D. A crayon. 35. What color is the watch? A. Red. B. Brown. C. Black. D. Orange. 36. The history book

23、 _. A. has no pictures in it B. has pictures of oranges in it C. tells readers something about oranges D. tells readers something about computers B Left Out Bella was playing basketball when she saw a car pulled up in Jills driveway. Jill jumped out of the car, laughing and waving goodbye happily to

24、wards the car. Bella watched as the car drove away. Her eyes started to water. “Hey, whats wrong?” Mum asked. “Nothing. I dont want to play any more.” Bella stormed inside and shut the door heavily. How could Jill do that to me? I thought we were friends. There was a knock on the door. Her mum calle

25、d outside, “Bella, are you OK?” Bella ignored (忽略) it and put her pillow (枕头) over her head. “Ill be downstairs if you want to talk later. Its a good choice to calm (平静) yourself down first.” Finally, Bella calmed down and went to talk with her mum. Her mum always had some good ideas to help her. “W

26、hats going on, Bella?” Mum asked. “Jill went somewhere with our friends and she didnt invite me,” Bella said, “Why wouldnt she ask me? I thought we were friends.” “Oh, honey, Im sorry. Id be very sad too if I felt left out. Maybe Jill knew that you wouldnt like what they were going to do,” Mum said.

27、 “Maybe” Bella wasnt sure. “Why dont you talk with Jill about it at school on Monday?” “I dont want to talk to her. Im angry! Im just going to ignore her.” “Well sometimes ignoring another person is a good choice, but if you ignore her, how can you solve the problem? Not talking about it is just goi

28、ng to make it worse, and 2021-2022 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第6页 (共 11 页) you might lose Jill as a friend.” “I still want Jill to be my friend, but talking about it is uncomfortable.” “I really think talking to her about how you feel is the best way to solve the problem.” “OK, Mum, Ill talk to her at sc

29、hool. Thanks.” And guess what? Bellas mum was right! Jill knew Bella didnt like snakes, and she and the other girls went to the zoo to see the new snake show. Bella was glad she talked to Jill to solve the problem. 37. Bella felt very sad because _. A. people in the car ignored her B. she didnt want

30、 to play basketball C. she felt left out by the other girls D. Jill and other girls went for a picnic 38. After talking with mum, Bella thought _. A. Jill and she wouldnt be friends any more B. ignoring another person was a good choice C. it was very uncomfortable to talk about it D. she would talk

31、about it with Jill at school 39. Jill didnt ask Bella to go to the zoo because Jill _. A. didnt take Bella as her friend B. forgot to ask Bella the day before C. knew Bella didnt like snakes D. thought Bellas mum wouldnt let her 40. We can learn from the passage that _. A. true friends always do eve

32、rything together B. children should solve problems on their own C. there should be no secrets between friends D. A talk with friends helps understand each other C There are two main reasons why people spend more money than they need to they want to feel better by moving closer to pleasure or by movi

33、ng away from pain. By buying a new dress or a new smartphone, we keep ourselves happy and away from any real problems we might have to solve. Here are a few reasons why people buy more and more. We will take you through each of them and let you know better about your shopping behavior (行为). 2021-202

34、2 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第7页 (共 11 页) You are hoping to impress (给给留下深刻印象留下深刻印象) other people. Humans are likely to show off their richness and importance to the rest of the world by buying more and more things that they dont really need. What to do instead: Remember that feeling good is better than

35、looking good, because another expensive sweater doesnt make you feel better in the long run. You are jealous (嫉妒嫉妒) of people who have more. We like to compare ourselves with the people around us. This results in us buying things only because our friends have them too, not because we really need the

36、m. What to do instead: Happiness is in the little things. A big buy does not necessarily (必然地) bring about a lot of happiness. It might give you a feeling of happiness the moment you receive it, but this goes away quickly. It is way more meaningful to have a simple (简单的) dinner and talk with your fr

37、iends and family. You feel like you are not in control (控制控制) of your life. We believe owning (拥有) things will make us feel safe. This is true when it comes to our needs like food or clothing. But we wrongly believe owning more will result in even more security (安全感). What to do instead: Learn to li

38、ve with “enough”. Give up the idea of having even more than you need. Before shopping, just ask yourself why am I buying this? You are bored (无聊的无聊的). The most common reason why we buy things is simple boredom. When we dont have anything else to do, when we dont have a purpose (目标), we simply get so

39、mething new to spice up our day and we believe this will make us happy. What to do instead: Live with a purpose. Use your time and money for important things that will make a better future for you and for the people around you. So instead of going for the short-lived joy of a new buy, sign up for vo

40、lunteer work or go out and see the world. So whats your own shopping behavior like? What are you going to do when you want to buy something you dont really need? 41. People show off their importance to the rest of the world because they _. A. hope to impress other people B. are jealous of other peop

41、le C. are not in control of their life D. feel bored of their life 42. A big buy does not necessarily bring about a lot of happiness because _. A. looking good is better than feeling good B. that feeling of happiness goes away quickly C. owning more costs you too much money D. a new buy makes a bett

42、er future for you 2021-2022 学年度第二学期初一年级期中测验(英语学科) 第8页 (共 11 页) 43. The underlined words “spice up our day” mean to _. A. make full use of our day B. add excitement to our day C. have a long hard day D. spend a day without purpose 44. From the passage we know the writer wants us to _. A. take control

43、 of our own life B. stop buying any new things C. work out our life purpose D. get into good shopping habits D In many families, the oldest child is often expected (期待) to take care of younger ones, take on more housework, and tend to (倾向于) have more expectations placed on them. But why do older chi

44、ldren seem to “always have to do everything”? Parents give housework to the most capable (有能力的有能力的). Sometimes, parents need children to do some housework when they are busy. Because the oldest child is the most likely to be able to carry out the work, parents tend to give the housework to that chil

45、d. It doesnt necessarily mean that younger children arent as capable of doing housework. Sometimes, parents overlook (忽略) younger children because they seem so young. However, its important to ask yourself, “Are younger children now ready to take on more work?” “Can we hand out some of the housework

46、 to the younger ones?” Remember, many hands make light work. Younger children look up to the oldest. Whether older children want them to or not, their younger siblings (兄弟姐妹) look up to them. This may put kind of pressure (压力) on the oldest to do things to help the younger children go on to look up

47、to them. In this way, older children often jump in to help younger ones with math homework, reading, housework, etc. As a result, older children, not the younger ones, have more chances to be leaders. Parents put pressure on the oldest to be an example. How many times do we hear a parent say to the

48、younger ones, “If you just would do what your brother does”? Saying this, a lot of parents put pressure on the oldest to work as an example to their younger siblings. This may help the older ones take on more responsibilities (责任), but it can go too far. Some older children are likely to become peop

49、le-pleasers. They tend to say “yes” to others just to please everyone but themselves. So, be sure to spend time with your oldest child. While were placing all those responsibilities on our oldest kids, wed better remember that its important to spend time with them. Its easy to become caught up in yo

50、unger siblings needs, but that doesnt mean our older kids dont need us! When youre working on the housework and responsibilities for the next week, make sure you spend some time with your oldest doing something fun. 45. Parents often give housework to the oldest because _. A. only the oldest want to


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