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1、试卷第 1 页,共 8 页 九年级(下)中期考试英语试题九年级(下)中期考试英语试题 第卷(共 95 分) .听力测试。(共 30 分) 第一节(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. See you. B. Not at all. C. Nice to meet you, too. 2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Never mind. 3. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Take it easy. C. Dont wo

2、rry. 4. A. Thats right. B. Youre welcome. C. Sorry to hear that. 5. A. Good idea. B. Quite beautiful. C. Come on. 6. A. Well done. B. With pleasure. C. I agree with you. 第二节(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 7. A. To the airport. B. To the bus station. C. To th

3、e railway station. 8. A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 9. A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days. 10. A. Her friend. B. Her brother. C. Her sister. 11. A. A doctor. B. A writer. C. A scientist. 12. A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 第三节 (每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长

4、对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回答第 13 和 14 小题。 13. How is the weather in Beijing today? A. Its hot. B. Its warm. C. Its cold. 14. When is Jack going back home? A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Thursday. 听第二段材料,回答第 15 和 16 小题。 15. What is the new movie about? A. The Chine

5、se womens volleyball team. B. The Chinese womens football team. C. The Chinese mens volleyball team. 16. What spirit of the team encourages all Chinese? A. Loving peace. B. Never giving up. C. Depending on oneself. 第四节(每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 17. Sandy

6、 is the_ of the trip today. A. guide B. teacher C. actor 18. There are_ groups on the trip. A. two B. three C. four 19. If you get lost, you can find Sandy_ A. on Bus No. 2 B. by the river C. at the ticket office 20. Before taking photos with the people who work at the palace, you should_ A. pay the

7、m first B. wear traditional clothes C. ask them if its OK 试卷第 2 页,共 8 页 . 单项选择。单项选择。(每小题每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分分) 21She dreams of going to _ university, such as Peking University. Aan Bthe Ca D/ 22Mikes aunt is _ English teacher. We all like _. Aour; she Bour; her Cwe; he Dwe; her 23Whats the _ of your da

8、ily running? To keep healthy, of course. Achoice Bchance Cpurpose Dprogress 24 _ people come to Wuxi every year. About _ of them are from the USA AMillions of; three thousands BMillion of; three thousand CMillions of; three thousand DMillion of; three thousands 25Adults are encouraged _ teenagers mo

9、re chances to make their own decisions. Ato give Bgive Cgiving Dgave 26I still decide to try my best to face the challenge bravely _ it may end in failure. Aunless Buntil Cthough Dif 27Chinese people across the country will come back to their hometowns and celebrate the new year with their families

10、_ New Years Eve. Aat Bon Cin Dfor 28Ted has worked in this company since he _ from school. AGraduated BGraduates Chas graduated Dhad graduated 29Jack does his homework _ Mary. So they both always get good grades in the exams. Amore careful than Bas careful as Cmore carcfully than Das carefully as 30

11、Could you tell me _? Well, the key is to be polite and patient. Aif can you catch up with everyone Bwhy can you get along with everyone Cif you can catch up with everyone Dwhy you can get along with everyone . 完形填空。完形填空。(每小题每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 15 分分) 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标

12、号涂黑。 Tom worked hard in an office. But it seemed that there was little change in his life. He was unhappy and didnt want to improve himself any more. His father, Joe, knew this and decided to have a talk with_31_ . One day, Tom and his father went for a walk after dinner._32_ they were walking along

13、 a river, Tom said,“Dad, you always tell me to learn something new. To be_33_, I dont want to make any change. Joe looked in the river, saw a dead_34_ and pointed at it. “Tom, what is that over there? “Its a dead fish.” “Whats the fish doing? Its moving down with the running water. “But the fish is

14、dead._35_can it be moving? asked Joe. “Its moving as the river is moving.” Joe turned to his son and said, “Life is_36_the river. Its always moving and always changing. Some people dont want to change, but their life is always changing whether they like it or not. A dead fish only moves along the ri

15、ver, while a living fish can control its journey. Whats your choice if you want to live a_37_life?” This made Tom_38_his aunt who had already stopped learning and developing. And she just stayed the way she used to be, living like a dead fish. Guided by his_39_, Tom understood what he sid. He didnt

16、want to become a person like his aunt. So he 试卷第 3 页,共 8 页 made up his mind to_40_ learning and developing himself. 31Ayou Bme Cher Dhim 22AOnce BWhile CAfter DBefore 33Ahonest Bhappy Cquiet Dpatient 34Abird Bdog Cduck Dfish 35AWho BWhich CHow DWhen 36Ain Bover Clike Dby 37Aworse Bharder Cgreener Db

17、etter 38Agive up Bthink of Cwait for Dhear from 39Aaunt Bfather Cuncle Dfriend 40Acontinue Bfinish Cavoid Dstop . 阅读理解。(4143 小题,每小题 1 分,4459 小题。每小题 2 分,共 35 分) A Are you interested in magic products from China? Here are some of the best-selling products and the customer reviews(用户评价). For more infor

18、mation, please click . Foot Massager Roller Price: $18.95 Peter I am in total love with this product. I used to have foot pain because of working. I use it for about 30 minutes every day while I am watching TV. I find that my feet no longer hurt as much after using this. I have bought 5 more as gift

19、s for my friends and family. Self-heating Instant Hotpot Price: $15.99 Ann When I first saw it, I couldnt believe my eyes. OMG! It really began steaming(蒸汽) when I added a little water. And the taste was just the same as what I had at the restaurant! I told several friends about it and they were cra

20、zy, too. We love this amazing food from China. Rubber Hot Water Bag Price: $14.99 Elle I bought it 2 months ago, and I must say I am pleased with the quality. It is made in China. As I expected, it works really well! This is all I wanted. With it, I will not feel cold in winter. My husband Bill like

21、s it too because it helps with his back pain. 41_ likes the product very much and has bought 5 more for friends and family as gifts. APeter BAnn CElle DBill 42If you feel some pain in your stomach and always feel cold in winter, you can choose _. AFoot Massager Roller BSelf-heating Instant Hotpot CR

22、ubber Hot Water Bag Dsteam food in a Chinese restaurant 43This passage is probably a(an) _. Anews report Bad. Cnotice DStory B What will come to Beijing in 2022? Beijing is the hosting city for the Winter Olympic Games in 2022. Choose home-stay(家庭寄宿)Beijing 2022 for your accommodation(住宿)! Beijing d

23、oes not have enough hotels available to hold all people that will visit the city for the Winter 2022 Olympics. However, home-stay Beijing 2022 now has almost 450 different kinds of home-stay accommodation 试卷第 4 页,共 8 页 available. We have made arrangements (安排) with people who want to share their liv

24、ing flats for a few days or weeks with visitors. All hosts speak English! Beijing has a large number of expats (侨民) from English-speaking countries, so it is possible that all hosts speak English. Much cheaper than a hotel! Hotel prices will become 10 times higher than usual. More space than in a ho

25、tel! A hotel room is just a room. At home-stay Beijing 2022, you can choose what kind of accommodation you want. More experience than in a hotel! We think that staying with people who live here can add much more joy to your experience. More information Read our introduction on the about page. If you

26、 have any questions, please have a look at our Frequent(经常的)Asked Questions pages for answers! 44Almost all hosts in home-stay Beijing 2022 can speak _. AFrench BEnglish CJapanese DGerman 45If you choose home-stay Beijing 2022, you cant _. Aspeak Chinese Bmake friends with Chinese people Csave more

27、money Dlive there for free 46What can we infer from the advertisement(广告)? AThere will be more visitors to Beijing than the hotels can hold. BA 400-dollar room in the past may cost 200 dollars now. CMost visitors will choose the flats of home-stay Beijing 2022. DHome-stay will help visitors to learn

28、 to speak good English. 47Who is the ad most probably made for during the 2022 Olympics? AThose who will work as Olympic volunteers. BThose who will provide accommodation for visitors. CThose who will come to Beijing from different parts of China. DThose who will come to Beijing from foreign countri

29、es. C Wang Yaping, together with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu, went into space aboard the Shenzhou XIII on October 16th, 2021. The 41-year-old Wang became the first Chinese female astronaut(女航天员)to enter Tiangong space station. Wangs space dream started in 2003, when China sent its first astronaut Ya

30、ng Liwei into space. At that time, Wang was a pilot in the Chinese army. After having safe flights for 1,600 hours over nine years, Wang was a strong candidate (候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010. She pushed herself hard, getting the same training as men. “The space environment wont change because

31、you are a woman,” she told Xinhua. The hardest part is the high-G training. Sitting in a spinning(旋转的)machine, Wang would become blind for a while because her brain was short of blood. “Theres a red button(按钮)”, said Wang. “If you cant stand it, you can press it to stop.” But Wang never used it. “Th

32、ere is no such red button in my heart.” That strong spirit finally made her dream come true in 2013. She joined the team for the Shenzhou X mission(任务). Wang said that as astronauts, women have their own advantages(优势). “Women may be more patient and can better deal with loneliness. Womens hearts ar

33、e also easier to adapt to the weightless environment, making them more suitable for long-term missions.” Wang Yaping went a long way before becoming the first woman to enter the Tiangong space station. She sets a good example for all women who dream of going to space. 试卷第 5 页,共 8 页 48Wangs words mea

34、n _ in Paragraph 2. AThe space environment is easy to change. BOnly men can go to space station in the world. CBoth male and female astronauts can go to space. DMen and women will face the same difficulties in space. 49The underlined word “adapt” in the fourth paragraph probably means _ . A合适 B改编 C适

35、应 D接受 50Which of the following is TRUE? AWang is the first female astronaut in the world. BWang dreamed of being an astronaut in 2003. CIt was a short time before Wang made her dream come true. DWang pressed the red button when she became blind after the high-G training. 51What advantages does a fem

36、ale astronaut have according to Wang? a. More patience. b. Less weight. c. More problem-solving skills. d. Better ability to deal with loneliness. Aad Bab Cbc Dbd D Long long ago, there lived a man and a woman who had seven sons. The couple wanted a daughter very much, and finally, they had a girl.

37、She was very pretty and her parents loved her very much. One day the father needed water for the child, so he sent the seven brothers to a well (井) in the forest to get it. Once there, though, the boys began to fight and the water jug(壶)fell into the well. The boys looked into the well and thought o

38、f their father. They were afraid to go home. Hours passed, “Where are those boys?” shouted the angry father. “They are probably playing a game and have forgotten about the water. I wish they were all turned into ravens(乌鸦)!”And when he looked up, he saw seven black birds flying away. The father was

39、shocked. “What have I done?” he thought. , but it was too late to take back his words. Later, the girl grew up and discovered she had brothers. The story of their bad luck influenced her deeply, and she decided to find them. For years, she searched and did not stop. She made up her mind to find them

40、. Finally, she found their home. To enter it, she needed a special key made from a chicken bone, which she did not have. The girl thought for a moment, and then took a knife and cut off one of her fingers. With it, she opened the front door and went inside. On a table, there were seven plates and se

41、ven cups. She ate and drank a little from each of them. In the last cup, she accidentally dropped a ring that her parents had given her. Later that day, the ravens returned for their meal. The girl hid behind the door and watched. When the seventh raven drank from his cup, something hit his mouth. T

42、he raven knew it at onceit was his parents ring. “I wish our sister were here,” he said, “and then we could be free.” At that moment, their sister ran to kiss them, and suddenly the ravens were humans again. They went home together happily. 52The seven brothers were afraid to go home at first becaus

43、e _. Athey lost their fathers ring Bthey threw away the water jug Cthey didnt get back any water Dseven black ravens shocked them 53Which of the following sentences can be put in the _? AThe father regretted what he had said. BThe father was not pleased with his life CThe father was worried about hi

44、s little girl. DThe father was angry with what his sons had done. 54The ravens become human again after _. AThey ate a magic ring BTheir sister kissed them COne raven made a wish DThey drank a special cup of water 55What lesson can we learn from the story? ADont talk to strange people. BThink twice

45、about what to say. CYour parents always know best. DWork hard and you will be happy. 试卷第 6 页,共 8 页 E Have you ever paid for educational podcasts (播客) or live videos? Ask some people and most of them will say yes. “Pay-for-knowledge” has been a fashionable thing these years. Everything you think of c

46、an be found online, skills of talking, designing, computer programming and so on. Why is “pay-for-knowledge” industry(产业) developing so rapidly? First, its development is based on the Internet. With a fast network and a smart phone, anyone who has passed the identity (身份) check can be an online teac

47、her, and anyone with an online account (账户) can buy “pay-for-knowledge products that he or she wants at a good price. Second, people are afraid to miss any information. They hope for more useful information which is usually at the hands of experts. Moreover, the need to learn new skills in todays jo

48、b market also pushes people to learn on such educational podcasts. The industry of “pay-for-knowledge” has proved to be a great way of making money. It promises possibilities of turning information into money. It is good for the development of our country and it can help sellers make lots of money.

49、Besides, buyers can enjoy self-growth from it. Whats more, this is a reflection (反映) of peoples respect for knowledge and talents. However, “pay-for-knowledge” also causes a few problems. For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as “How to be a good CEO?” which sounds like if you

50、 pay for it, you are sure to succeed. For another, a large number of customers buy them just for showing off. That means, with or without these products, they can make it anyway, because they are those who have the ability to learn by themselves. In general, the best is the one that suits you most.


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