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1、联想记忆法联想记忆法词根词缀记忆法词根词缀记忆法单词记忆核心方法单词记忆核心方法1.1 谐音谐音联想记忆法:联想记忆法:pest n. 昆虫custom n. 风俗umbrella n. 雨伞ambulance n. 救护车1.2 拟声拟声联想记忆法联想记忆法drop n.水滴,眼药水 v. 下落,降落dip v. 蘸,浸deep adj.深深的deepen v. 加深,变浓1. 1. 联想记忆法联想记忆法pound n.英镑,磅 v.敲击,撞击pond n.池塘,水塘,大西洋pond-pend-pens1 称重 to weigh:depend / independence/ pendulou

2、s 2 悬挂 to hang: suspend3 支付 to pay: spend/ expend1. 1. 联想记忆法联想记忆法1.3 拆分拆分联想记忆法联想记忆法dappled adj. 有斑点的hippo n. 斑马between n. 在.中间basin n. 盆地twin n. 双胞胎combat n. 打斗1. 1. 联想记忆法联想记忆法1.4 象形象形联想记忆法联想记忆法loom n.织布机 v.隐约出现zoom v. 聚焦,变焦boom v.繁荣ee- see / seem / seek / peek1. 1. 联想记忆法联想记忆法gen-产生产生:gene n. 基因gene

3、tic adj. 遗传的,起源的gender n. 性别generate v. 产生,发生genealogy n. 家谱,家系oxygen n.氧hydrogen n.氢种族:种族:degenerate v. 退化genial n.种族genesis n.起源homogeneity n. 同种genocide n.灭族,灭种genius n. 天才genuine adj.真正的A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, (what is more important), always in its genuine form, wit

4、h the right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right structure.翻译:儿童从早到晚都能听到别人在讲(母语),而且更重要的是,听到的总是一种正确的发音、语调、用词以及语法结构的纯正语言。例句例句1 1:理解长难句的基本步骤:1. 识别出有几个谓语动词;2. 找出主句的谓语动词,先理解主句;3. 再去理解从句和短语。volv- ,volu- 卷,转卷,转volume n. 卷,册,音量evolve v. 进化,发展evolution n.进化,演变revolve v. 旋转,循环出现revolu

5、tion n. 革命involve v. 包括,潜心于involvement n.包含,连累Work, (for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under) , involves responsibility for a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well.翻译:对于大多数美国和中国的55岁或者以下的妇女而言,工作的全部职责包括了负责家务、照顾孩子以及在家务之外还要上班。tact-, tang- 接触,触摸接触,触摸tact n. 机智,老

6、练tactics n. 战术,策略tactful adj.机智的,圆滑的tactile adj. 有触觉的,能感知的tangible adj. 有触觉的,能感知的contact n. 接触,联系Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, (unless there was a ship nearby), would be on an island 885 miles away.翻译:他仍然忍不住想到,如果发生了什么意

7、外,那么除非附近有条船,否则它能用电台联系到的最近的人也885英里之外的岛屿上。cur/cure (cure= care) 留心,介意留心,介意cure 治愈,治疗security 安全curiosity 好奇心 curio 古董curate 教区牧师manicure 美甲pedicure 足疗accurate 准确的Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to seriously overturned by new disc

8、overies.因此,尽管在很多方面,我们对社会体制的认识极度不准确,但是这些认识并不能够被新的发现所正式推翻。over- 过多过多overloaded 超载的,超负荷的overpopulated 人口过多的overcome 征服overprice 标价过高overuse 过度使用extr- , extra- 在在.意外,超过意外,超过 extracurricular 课程以外的extrajudical 法律以外的extraordinary 非凡的extreme 极端的extremity 极端extravagant 奢侈的,浪费的extrovert 性格外向的What I was being

9、blamed for, it turned out, was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper.原来,我因为一场报纸行业罢工而受到责备。罢工造成不得不用人工把那些通常是夹在周日报纸里面的广告插页递送出去。It is, everyone agrees, a huge task that the child performs when he learns to speak

10、, and the fact that he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation.每个人都同意,孩子学说话是件艰巨的任务,而且他们能在如此短时间内做到,确实需要好好解释一下。1.(Cambridge4Test1Passage2)_probablyhavestereoscopicvisionforwardandupward.Eyepositioninfreshwaterdolphin,whichoftenswimontheirsideorupsidedownwhilefeeding,suggeststhatwha

11、tvisiontheyhaveisstereoscopicforwardandupward.淡水海豚眼睛的位置表明它们的立体视觉是向前和向上的。(这种海豚经常侧着游,或者捕食时头冲下)因此这道题的答案为freshwaterdolphin。2.(Cambridge4Test1Passage1) TURE/FALSE/NOTGIVENChildrenonlyacceptopinionsonrainforeststhattheyencounterintheirclassrooms.Inthefaceofthefrequentandoftenvividmediacoverage,itislikelyt

12、hatchildrenwillhaveformedideaaboutrainforestswhatandwheretheyare,whytheyareimportant,whatendangersthem independentof anyformaltuition.在媒体频繁生动的报道中,孩子们很有可能已经形成了关于热带雨林的一些想法,而这些想法的形成独立存在于任何正规的学校教育之外。另一方面,生活为我们带来情趣、快乐、满足,并且偶尔伴随着平静的喜悦或者突如其来的激动。On the other hand, life brought us its interests, its enjoyments, its satisfaction, and , (at certain rare intervals), a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement .


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