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1、浙江省湖州市2021年中考英语真题一、听下面五段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(每题1分)(共5题;共5分)1.Where does the woman want to go? A.Hill Street.B.Cafe.C.Supermarket.2.When will the meeting begin? A.At 8:00.B.At 8:10.C.At 8:30.3.What is Bob going to do this afternoon? A.Watch a movie.B.Study for a test.C.Go to Helen

2、s house.4.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.At a store.B.At a restaurant.C.At a cinema.5.What does the man mean? A.He is busy tonight.B.The price is high.C.He doesnt like football.二、听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3个小题,请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(每题1分)(共2题;共5分)6.听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。 (1)What are the spe

3、akers going to do? A.Run.B.Train.C.Play.(2)Why do the speakers take part in the activity? A.To win the game.B.To keep healthy.C.To raise money.7.听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。 (1)How does Tony feel? A.Tired.B.Bored.C.Sleepy(2)What does the woman suggest? A.Listening to music.B.Seeing a doctor.C.Having a rest.(3)Wh

4、ats the possible relationship between the two speakers? A.Doctor and patient.B.Teacher and student.C.Mother and son.三、听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(每题2分)(共1题;共10分)8.听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。 (1)Who is giving the speech? A.A visitor.B.A teacher.C.A guide.(2)What will G

5、roup Two do in the museum? A.Work as guides.B.Put on a short play.C.Do service work.(3)What does the speaker think of the activity? A.Its good for their study.B.Its good to get working experience.C.Its good to understand the people around.(4)How long will the bus ride take? A.30 minutes.B.45 minutes

6、.C.60 minutes.(5)How will the weather probably be on Saturday? A.Sunny.B.Rainy.C.Cloudy.四、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)(共1题;共15分)9.阅读下面短文, 理解其大意, 然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Love, joy and the warm feeling of getting together dont cost a thing. But gifts do cost money. So whats a poor family to do?Befor

7、e New Year, I told my mother that the only thing I 1 was a pogo stick (弹簧单高跷). However, my mother said they were so expensive that we couldnt 2 one. On a Saturday before New Year, my family 3 together. While my mother and I were picking out the gifts, my dad said, Ill be back soon I need to see some

8、thing in the tool area. A little later, he came back with a long box. I remember wondering if there was a 4 in it. When we arrived home, my dad put the box in the garage. While my parents were busy with their chores, I 5 walked out to the garage and found the box. I was so 6 and I knew as soon as I

9、opened that magical box, my bright, shiny pogo stick would appear. No such 7 ! Inside the box was a 8 old broom(扫帚). That New Year morning, I got some nice gifts 9 I didnt get the present that I really wanted. After cleaning up the room, my dad went to the garage. When he came back in, he was 10 a b

10、eautiful pogo stick. I couldnt 11 it! My parents probably got quite a laugh from the trick they played on 12 . Although we didnt have much 13 , my parents gave me the most important gift of all: lots of 14 . That was over 60 years ago and I still think about those 15 memories. I will never forget al

11、l the joy my parents brought into my life. 1. A. ownedB. wantedC. forgotD. found2. A. makeB. borrowC. acceptD. afford3. A. went shoppingB. did choresC. took a walkD. had dinner4. A. toy gunB. pogo stickC. toolD. broom5. A. quietlyB. politelyC. suddenlyD. certainly6. A. surprisedB. satisfiedC. excite

12、dD. relaxed7. A. purposeB. promiseC. adviceD. luck8. A. magicB. sillyC. differentD. smart9. A. butB. soC. andD. or10. A. preparingB. hidingC. choosingD. carrying11. A. understandB. decideC. believeD. explain12. A. meB. usC. himD. her13. A. courageB. timeC. moneyD. trouble14. A. trustB. loveC. smileD

13、. pride15. A. completeB. unbelievableC. educationalD. wonderful五、阅读理解(本题有13小题,每小题2分,共26分)(共4题;共26分)10.阅读理解 RED BANK, New Jersey(January 31, 2020). These days, women go to space. They sail (航行) around the world. They have all kinds of adventures (冒险). This wasnt true hundreds of years ago. Back then,

14、 women were expected to stay home. But that didnt stop these three women from taking off and doing big things. Jeanne Baret (17401807): Baret was a French scientist. She studied plants. And she was the first woman to sail around the world. In 1766, Baret wanted to set sail with a group of scientists

15、. But they were all men. Women werent allowed to travel on French navy ships. So Baret dressed up like a man. And she sailed away. Lady Hester Stanhope (17761839): Stanhope was from England. She wanted to travel. She traveled throughout the Middle East by herself. And she led an archeological dig th

16、ere. She was the first woman to do this. Nellie Bly (1864-1922): Bly was a reporter. In 1887, she wrote a story about hidden problems at a hospital. She dressed up like a patient at the hospital. Then she wrote an alarming six-part report. The story made Bly well-known. It also led the way for other

17、 women reporters. Two years later, Bly set a world record. She traveled around the world in seventy-two days! (1)The passage is probably from the _ _ column (栏目) of a magazine. A.PeopleB.ScienceC.HealthD.News(2)According to the passage, _ set a record traveling around the world in 72 days. A.Red Ban

18、kB.Jeanne BaretC.Lady Hester StanhopeD.Nellie Bly(3)It is the most important to tell that _, if you are retelling this passage. A.women today have all kinds of adventuresB.women could do great things even centuries agoC.Jeanne Baret was the first woman to sail around the worldD.Nellie Blys report ab

19、out life inside a hospital made her famous11.阅读理解 The first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang, completed a huge number of projects during his rule. Between 221 and 210 B. C. , he started the building of the Great Wall. The emperor also ordered the building of a huge army of life-sized terracotta soldie

20、rs (士兵). These, he hoped, would protect his tomb after his death. Lost in TimeThe soldiers in Xians terracotta museum are today light brown, but they werent always. They began as an army of red, blue, yellow, green, white, and purple. Sadly, most of the colors did not last to the present day. After

21、being exposed (暴露) to air during digging, the coating under the paint began to fall off. The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg, taking away with it important pieces of history. New TechnologyNow new technology is starting to show the armys true colors. Archeologists (考古学家)

22、have recently discovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers. Many of these still have their painted features, including black hair, pink faces, and black or brown eyes. Chinese and German researchers have developed a chemical liquid (液体) to help save the soldiers colors. After finding a soldi

23、er or another art piece, archeologists put the liquid on it. They then cover it in plastic. Back to LifeArcheologists are also finding colors in the dirt around the soldiers. Its important not to do anything with the dirt, so the colors wont be lost. We are treating the dirt as an art piece, says Ro

24、ng Bo, the museums leading archeologist. The next challenge, says Rong Bo, is to find a way to use the colors onto the army-again. Once that happens, artists can bring Emperor Qins army back to its full, bright colors. (1)What is the passage mainly about? A.The death of Emperor Qin Shihuang.B.How th

25、e terracotta army was colored.C.The true colors of the terracotta soldiers.D.How the soldiers lived during Qin Dynasty.(2)What does the underlined word they in the passage refer to? A.Archeologists.B.Artists.C.Researchers.D.Soldier.(3)Which statement would Rong Bo probably agree? A.The soldiers shou

26、ld stay in their present, brown color.B.People should try to bring back the armys bright colors.C.Archeologists can only guess at the soldiers true colors.D.Artists should be able to paint the soldiers in colors they want.12.阅读理解 Why is it that the people you meet when backpacking (背包旅行) seem to be

27、more interesting and outgoing than your friends at home? Thats my experience, anyway. Very often, youll meet people that are fun to travel with and worth getting to know. Ive spent time with people of many countries and have found out some interesting things about their cultures. Its a great way to

28、learn more about the world. Its often easy to make new friends while youre traveling, and youll be able to hang around with them for a few days, until one of you leaves for the next exciting place. Relationships of this kind are shorter but can be just as strong as friendships back home, because you

29、 do so much together in that short time. I often find I like to share things about myself that Id never say to my close friends. It is safe, I think, because we probably wont meet again, except online. One thing thats important when youre backpacking is to make sure you carry only basic needs, so yo

30、ur backpack isnt too heavy. I travel light these days. One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just throw them away when you move on, instead of washing and waiting for things to dry. Many hostels (小旅社) dont provide shampoo and shower gel. You can get mini bottles in supermarkets. Iv

31、e discovered that many backpackers visit little places other tourists dont go to, and by using local shops and guest houses, they help those places with much-needed financial (经济上的) support. Most small guest houses allow you to stay for unlimited time, so you can spend as long as you like exploring

32、the local area. Backpackers are also kinder to the environment, because they use trains and buses rather than cars. So, what are you waiting for? (By Andy Robinson)(1)According to Andy, friendships made with other backpackers _. A.are less serious than those with his friends at homeB.end at the mome

33、nt they separate from each otherC.help him to decide where he would like to travel toD.allow him to talk about himself in an honest way(2)Which text message would Andy send to a friend? A.Why dont you fly out to visit me? Well stay in a famous hotel on the coast. B.Im leaving here tomorrow and then

34、I will drive a car along the coast.C.Ive met some great people. Tomorrow were going by boat to an ancient village in the mountains together. D.Im glad I filled up my backpackIve got everything I need, though it isnt easy to carry it around!(3)The best title for the passage can be _. A.Friendships on

35、 the WayB.Traveling with a BackpackC.A Backpacking ExperienceD.Tips on Travel13.阅读理解 Masa walked slowly towards the house, stopping now and then to cut off dead leaves or fading flowers. There were few weeds (杂草). Yuki had spent many hours of her two-week visit weeding in the garden. Masa wondered i

36、f Yuki had spent so much of her time outside because she wanted to avoid talking to her. But Yuki must have wanted very much to see us, Masa told herself. She had visited in the last weeks of June, as soon as her college was out for the summer. She said she wanted to stay longer but couldnt because

37、she had to work. Besides, she needed to use the studio at her college for photography and she had to go to the library to read, Why do you have to go to college to study art? Masa asked her. All the great artists didnt go to college.Yuki shook her head. That was a different time. Its hard to explain

38、. I was thinking you could live with us all year round and still be an artist. This is a nice quiet place to live. I dont know. How would I support myself here? You can always give lessons. Masa said. But I dont want to spend a long time looking at kids drawings.What will you do after you graduate,

39、anyway? Will you become a teacher somewhere else then?Grandma, I dont know. Yuki sighed. What is the use of going to college if you dont know what youre going there for? Maybe Im going because I dont know. I just want to study art now. I dont want to think that far ahead. The minute Masa was going t

40、o point out that this was too careless a way to live, Yuki suddenly stood up and put on her straw hat. Im going to the garden to weed your flowerbed, she said, Let me know if theres something else I can doOn Yukis visit, Masa felt strained when they talked, and she was sure Yuki also felt it. But Yu

41、ki was never rude or irritable (易怒的). Even when they disagreed, her face was always full of patience. (1)According to the passage, Yuki was _. A.a gardenerB.an artistC.a college studentD.an art teacher(2)From the underlined sentence, we can infer (推断) that Yuki wanted to _. A.end the conversationB.w

42、eed the flowerbedC.leave Masas gardenD.take some photos(3)It can be learnt from the passage that _. A.Yuki studied art because she wanted to be a teacherB.Masa wasnt satisfied with Yukis work in the gardenC.Masa and Yuki agreed on living together all the yearD.Masa and Yuki had very different ideas

43、about college(4)The underlined word strained in the last paragraph probably shows Masa felt something _. A.unforgettableB.uncomfortableC.thankfulD.crazy六、任务型阅读(本题有4小题,每小题1分,共4分)(共1题;共4分)14.阅读下面材料,完成任务。每空不得超过三个词。 Read the following information. Complete Sebs notes.Date of Pauls arrival: _Meet him at

44、6 p. m. at:_The show is on: Thursday 8 MayName of the theatre:_Get to the theatre before: 7 p. mTicket costs: _七、单词拼写(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)(共1题;共10分)15.根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Things SpotterIf you often lose things, youll be happy with a new _ (发明) called Things Spotter. Itll look like a small key tag that can be put on your objects. The tag will _ (连接) to your mobile phone through BlueTooth technology. When you find something missing, dont _ (担心) !Just press a button on your mobile phone and a map on your screen will tell you where to look.


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