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1、2022年国家大学电大毛概论和文学英语赏析网络核心课形考网考试题作业汇编及答案 (2022-2021版)国家开放大学电大毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论网络核心课终结性考试试题及答案100%通过考试说明:2022年秋期电大把毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论网络核心课纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,它共有八次专题测验(50分),一次终结考试(试题A或试题B或试题C)(50分)。针对该门课程,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具

2、的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。提示:利用Ctrl+C(复制) Ctrl+V(粘贴)来完成终结性期末考试文字输入任务。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。试题A(开卷)(终结性试卷一)论述题:思想理论是社会变革的先导。毛泽东思想作为马克思主义中国化的第一个重大理论成果,至今依然闪耀着真理光芒。要读懂中华民族近代的苦难辉煌史,读懂中国共产党和中国人民的伟大奋斗史,离不开毛泽东思想这把金钥匙。请试述毛泽东思想发展的历史进程。答案:(1)毛泽东思想是马克思列宁主义同中国实际相结合的产物。正确的理论必须结合具体情况并根据现存的条件加以阐明和发挥。同样,正确的革命理论,只有同亿万群众




6、的以工农联盟为基础的各个革命阶级联合专政的民主共和国。 2) 新民主主义的国体:新民主主义共和国。 3)新民主主义的政体:采取民主集中制的人民代表大会制度。 4)前途:新民主主义共和国既有社会主义因素又有非社会主义因素将来必然要过渡到社会主义共和国。新民主主义经济纲领: 1)没收封建地主阶级的土地归农民所有是新民主主义革命的基本内容(中心内容)。土地革命是民主革命的基本内容。土地革命的演变:中国共产党的第一个土地法井冈山土地法。抗日战争时期中国共产党实行的土地政策是减租减息(二五减租、一分减息)。1946年“五四指示”中共中央关于清算减租及土地问题的指示1947年10月颁发了中国土地法大纲19

7、50年6月中华人民共和国土地改革法 2)没收官僚资本归新民主主义国家所有这是新民主主义经济纲领中的又一项重要内容。没收官僚资本建立社会主义性质的国营经济。 3)保护民族工商业是新民主主义经济纲领中极具特色的一项内容。对民族资本主义采取保护的政策不但有利于资产阶级同时也有利于无产阶级。文化纲领:新民主主义的文化就是无产阶级领导的人民大众的反帝反封建的文化是无产阶级领导的民族的、科学的、大众的文化。试题C(开卷)(终结性试卷三)论述题:文化兴国运兴,文化强国运强。中国特色社会主义文化,坚持以马克思主义为指导,植根于中国特色社会主义伟大实践,源自于中华民族五千多年文明历史所孕育的中华优秀传统文化。理




11、商家为消费者提供的每一件商品,是诚信的代言;看见需要帮助的人热心上去搭把手,是友善的暖流 每个人都是道德建设的奉献者,也是道德风尚的受益者。作为城市文明创建一份子的我们,更应该以社会主义核心价值观为导向,积极投身到创建文明城市的工作中,让我们的城市更加美丽。总之,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观是一项复杂的社会系统工程,必须与各方面工作有机会融合,协调发展。最新国家开放大学电大文学英语赏析网络核心课形考网考作业及答案100%通过考试说明:2022年春期电大把该课程纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,它共有七次形考任务。针对该门课程,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生

12、的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具(CTRL+F),把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。形成性考核占课程综合成绩的30%,终结性考试占课程综合成绩的70%。形考任务1(在线自测)题目1_ is an example of metaphor.选择一项:B. “ Her tongue is a sharp knife.” 题目2_ contains an example of simile.选择一项:D. “Her eyes twinkled like star

13、s.” 题目3_ is an example of personification.选择一项:C. “Soon night will steal hours from the day.” 题目4_ contains an example of assonance.选择一项:C. “The best for less.” 题目5_ is an example of parallelism.选择一项:A. “Least said, soonest mended.” 题目6_ contains two examples of metaphor.选择一项:A. “The Negro lives on

14、a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. 题目7_ contains an example of simile.选择一项:D. “ Her tongue is like a sharp knife.” 题目8_ contains an example of assonance.选择一项:A. “United we stand, divided we fall.” 题目9_ contains an example of parallelism.选择一项:D. “United we

15、 stand, divided we fall.” 题目10_ is an example of personification.选择一项:D. “The houses are cold, closed and unfriendly.” 题目11The proverb “Lies have short legs” is an example of personification. 选择一项:对 题目12 “Suspicions amongst thoughts are like bats amongst birds.” is an example of simile. 选择一项:对 题目13

16、“ The runner peaked before the end of the race.” is an example of personification.选择一项:错 题目14The statement “He was my North, my South, my East and West” is a good example of assonance because it contains the repeated “m” .选择一项:错 题目15 “The life of Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segr

17、egation.” contains examples of metaphor.选择一项:对 题目16 “Dont stand there like a tin of milk.” is an example of assonance.选择一项:错 题目17 “Her story is one of struggle, success and sadness.” is an example of alliteration.选择一项:对 题目18 “The flowers nodded in the breeze.” is an example of personification.选择一项:对

18、 题目19 “Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice” contains examples of irony.选择一项:错 题目20“Haste makes waste.” contains examples of alliteration and assonance. 选择一项:错形考任务2(在线实时小组讨论)本次形成性考核的任务为在线小组实时专题讨论,讨论围绕2篇短篇小说(一篇课外,一篇课内)进行,讨论后以小组为

19、单位提交报告。本次在线小组讨论的成绩将计入形成性考核成绩(20%)。略:形考任务3(在线自测)题目11. Match the works with their writers.1) The Pearl John Steinbeck2)A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens3) Jane Eyre Charlotte Bront4)Lord of the Flies William Golding5) Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad2. Choose the correct answer.题目2Heart of Darkness ope

20、ns in what physical setting?选择一项:A. A boat on the Congo river. 题目3What is the proper word that can be used to describe Scrooge at the beginning of A Christmas Carol?选择一项:C. Miserly. 题目4_ is the evil character in the novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. 选择一项:B. Mr Hyde 题目5In Lord of the F

21、lies, a group of boys survive _ during a nuclear war.选择一项:C. an air-crash 题目6_is a novel about the strength, endurance and cunning intelligence of one man pitted against the forces of nature.选择一项:D. Old Man and Sea Text 1External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, n

22、o wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. Foul weather didnt know where to have him. The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one

23、respect. They often came down handsomely, and Scrooge never did. Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me? No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it was oclock, no man or woman ever o

24、nce in all his life inquired the way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blind mens dogs appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, would tug their owners into doorways and up courts; and then would wag their tails as though they said, No eye at all is better than an evil eye,

25、 dark master.题目7From which novel is the text taken?选择一项:B. A Christmas Carol 题目8Which of the following summarizes the method of characterisation?选择一项:C. Through the narrators exposition. 题目9Scrooge is portrayed as _ in Paragraph 1.选择一项:B. a cold miser 题目10The underlined sentence in paragraph 2 can b

26、e paragraphed as _.选择一项:A. No beggars would ask him for even a tiny little money 题目11Which of the following statements best summarizes the text?选择一项:C. The text conveys the anti-social character of Scrooge. Text 2 The dealers did not glance at one another nor at the pearl. The man behind the desk sa

27、id, “ I have put a value on this pearl. The owner here does not think it fair. I will ask you to examine this this thing and make an offer. Notice,” he said to Kino, “I have not mentioned what I have offered.” The first dealer, dry and stringy, seemed now to see the pearl for the first time. He took

28、 it up, rolled it quickly between thumb and forefinger, and then cast it contemptuously back into the tray. “Do not include me in this discussion,”he said dryly. “I will make no offer at all. I do not want it. This is not a pearl it is a monstrosity.” His thin lips curled. Now the second dealer, a l

29、ittle man with a shy soft voice, took up the pearl, and he examined it carefully. He took a glass from his pocket and inspected it under magnification. Then he laughed softly. “Better pearls are made of paste,”he said. “I know these things. This is soft and chalky, it will lose its color and die in

30、a few months. Look .” He offered the glass to Kino, showed him how to use it, and Kino, who had never seen a pearls surface magnified, was shocked at the strange-looking surface. The third dealer took the pearl from Kinos hands. “One of my clients likes such things,” he said. “I will offer five hund

31、red pesos, and perhaps I can sell it to my client for six hundred.” Kino reached quickly and snatched the pearl from his hand. He wrapped it in the deerskin and thrust it inside his shirt. The man behind the desk said, “Im a fool, I know, but my first offer stands. I still offer a thousand. What are

32、 you doing?” he asked, as Kino thrust the pearl out of sight. “I am cheated,”Kino cried fiercely. “My pearl is not for sale here. I will go, perhaps even to the capital.” Now the dealers glanced quickly at one another. They knew they had played too hard; they knew they would be disciplined for their

33、 failure, and the man at the desk said quickly, I might go to fifteen hundred. But Kino was pushing his way through the crowd. The hum of talk came to him dimly, his rage blood pounded in his ears, and he burst through and strode away. Juana followed, trotting after him.题目12The text is taken from _.

34、选择一项:B. The Pearl 题目13It is obvious that the three dealers _.选择一项:A. conspired together to cheat Kino. 题目14Which of the following is true of the third dealers?选择一项:B. He just went through the prearranged plot with other buyers. 题目15In context, the word played” is closest in meaning to _.选择一项:B. cons

35、pired together to cheat 题目16The sentences in the last paragraph suggest that _.选择一项:C. Kino was angry beyond words and was becoming violent in his anger形考任务4(作品朗诵)本次录音任务将计入形成性考核成绩(10%),由教师评阅给分。略:形考任务5(作品朗诵)本次录音任务将计入形成性考核成绩(10%),由教师评阅给分。略:形考任务6(在线自测)题目1Macbeth is William Shakespeares well-known comed

36、y.选择一项:错 题目2The Crucible by Arthur Miller, concerns a real historical incident, involving witchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria.选择一项:对 题目3Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in his play The Importance of Being Ernest. 选择一项:错 题目4 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is a prote

37、st poem against racial discrimination. 选择一项:错 题目5Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost are well-known American poets. 选择一项:对 题目6In the poem “Acquainted with the Night”, the speaker expressed his distress at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of life. 选择一项:错 题目7The Old Man and the Sea

38、is one of Ernest Hemingways best-known short stories. 选择一项:对 题目8Pip is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel A Christmas Carol. 选择一项:错 题目9The novel The Heart of Darkness exposes the corruption, cruelty and greed of the colonial system in Africa. 选择一项:对 题目10 “I Have a Dream” is a famous

39、 speech made by President Lincoln during the American Civil War. 选择一项:错 题目11Usually _ works by starting a story at a point in the recent past, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past.选择一项:C. flashback 题目12_ occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical or

40、phonological pattern in close proximity. 选择一项:A. parallelism 题目13_ can be established by describing the place where the action takes place, or the situation at the start of the story. 选择一项:A. Setting 题目14_ is written to commemorate someone who has died.选择一项:A. An elegy 题目15A writer can show characte

41、r by giving a physical description, through _ and through deeds. 选择一项:D. dialogue 题目16_ is an example of simile.选择一项:B. Her eyes twinkled like stars. 题目17_ is an example of parallelism.选择一项:D. “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” 题目18_ contains an

42、 example of alliteration.选择一项:C. “He was secret, self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.” 题目19_ contains examples of metaphor.选择一项:C. “The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. 题目20_ is an example of personification.选择一项:B. “The years have

43、silvered her hair.” Text 1 Elizabeth: I think you must go to Salem, John. (He turns to her.) I think so. You must tell them it is a fraud. Proctor (thinking beyond this): Aye, it is, it is surely. Elizabeth: Let you go to Ezekiel Cheever - he knows you well. And tell him what she said to you last we

44、ek in her uncles house. She said it had naught to do with witchcraft, did she not? Proctor (in thought): Aye, she did, she did. (Now a pause.) Elizabeth (quietly, fearing to anger him by proddin.): God forbid you keep that from the court, John. I think they must be told. Proctor (quietly, struggling

45、 with his thoughts.) Aye, they must, they must. It is a wonder they do believe her. Elizabeth: I would go to Salem now, John - let you go tonight. Proctor: Ill think on it. Elizabeth (with her courage now.): You cannot keep it, John. Proctor (angering.): I know I cannot keep it. I say I will think o

46、n it! Elizabeth (hurt, and very coldly.): Good, then let you think on it. (She stands and starts to walk out of the room.) Proctor: I am only wondering how I may prove what she told me. If the girls a saint now, I think it not easy to prove shes a fraud, and the town gone so silly. She told it to me in a room alone - I have no proof of it. Elizabeth: You were alone with her? Proctor (stubbornly): For a moment alone, aye. Elizabeth: Why, then, it is not as you told me. Proctor (his anger rising): For a moment, I say. The others come in soon after. Elizabeth (q


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