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1、国家开放大学电大一网一平台管理英语1一体化考试机考形考任务1题库及答案形考任务1题库试题1- Please call me Mary. Thats my first name. 选择一项:A.How are you? B.Are you胆ry?C.How shall I address you? 试题2一Sally, Mary Brown. - Nice to meet you. Im Sally Johnson, the Sales Manager. 选择一项:A. Thanks a lot B. this is our new secretary C. What a pleasure 试题

2、3People here usually each other by their first names instead of family names. 选择一项:A.work B. call C.hear 试题4Keeping eye contact makes the other person welcome and comfortable. 选择一项:A.feeling B. to feel C.feel 试题5I think is impolite to call people by their first names. 选择一项:A.it B.as C. that 试题6二、翻译:

3、从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1. I11 show you around and introduce you to other colleagues. () A.我给你显示下周围,把你介绍给其他的同事。B.我在周围出示并把你介绍给其他的同事。C.我带你四处转转,把你介绍给其他的同事2. How long have you been working here? () A.你在这里工作多久了?B.你什么时候在这里工作的?C.你怎么在这里工作的?3. Your life has changed and you will get used to it. () A.你的生活已经

4、发生了变化,你要适应它。B.你的生活已经发生了变化,你要被它利用。C.你的生活已经发生了变化,你要使用它。4. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shaking hands manners. () A.自从我们想要有一个好印象,我们就了解了正确的握手方式。B.既然我们都想给别人留下一个好的第一印象,那么了解一下正确的握手礼仪就非常重要了。C.既然我们都得到了一个好印象,所以知道正确的握手礼仪非常重要。5. I like the working atmospher

5、e here. () A我喜欢这的工作气氛B我喜欢这里发挥作用的空气。C我喜欢这里的工作环境。试题1- Hello, Im David Chen. Nice to meet you. 选择一项:A. Very nice. B. Nice to meet you too. C.Are you? 试题2- Excuse me, 一Yes, its 8633-2788. If you have any other questions, dont hesitate to ask. 选择一项:A. Why my telephone doesn t work? B. could you please te

6、ll me whats the telephone number on my desk? C.When shall we have lunch? 试题3Dont be afraid 选择一项:A.to B.of C.on 试题4ask a lot of questions. Isnt it impolite to call people by their first names? The underlined word is of the same word class as 选择一项:A. interesting B.work C.possibly 试题5Im looking forward

7、 to 选择一项:A.working B.work C.worked 试题6together with you. 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T错误写“F。Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true ( T) or false ( F). Introduce Yourself on the First Day of Work How to introduce yourself on the first day of work? If you are looking for

8、some ideas, here are some tips for you. Dont be afraid to ask a lot of questions. Youre new and its better to do something right the first time than have to do it again. Nobody expects you to know everything. Smile a lot and be as friendly as possible to everyone you meet - no matter what their posi

9、tion is or how important they are! Use your lunch hours to get together with your co-workers. Get to know them and their interests. Pay attention to the ru配urs, but dont join them. You dont want to be thought as a gossip. Dont complain about your boss, any co-workers, or the job you did before. Cont

10、inue to arrive early and dont rush out of the door at the end of the day. it. Keep a positive attitude and an open mind. Your life has changed and you will get used to 1. 2. Nobody expects you to know everything on the first day at work. (T ) Youre new, so you shouldnt ask any questions. ( F ) 3. 4.

11、 You should be friendly to both your co-workers and the leaders. (T ) Its not polite to learn about the interests of your co-workers. (F ) 5. You can leave your office as quickly as you can at the end of the day. (F ) 试题 1- Hi, Im Melinda Smith, the new secretary. Nice to meet you here. - Hi, Im Mik

12、e Brown from the Training Center. 选择一项:A. See you later. B. I hope you11 be happy working here. C. Thats OK. 试题 2一Sally, Mary Brown. - Nice to meet you. Im Sally Johnson, the Sales Manager. 选择一项:A. Thanks a lot B. What a pleasure C.this is our new secretary 试题 3Hello, everyone. Id like to 选择一项:A. in

13、troduce B.meet C.welcome 试题 4Smile a lot and be 选择一项:A.very B.as C. so 试题 5to you our new secretary, Melinda Smith. friendly as possible to everyone you meet. Isnt it impolite to call people by their first names? The underlined word is of the same word class as 选择一项:A.work B. interesting C.possibly

14、试题 6二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Shaking Hands Manners If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handshake is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the

15、right shaking hands manners. Stand up and maintain eye contact while shaking hands. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, stand up and shake his or her hand. It is impolite to be still seated. Keep right distance between the two of you; not too close, but enough distance to shake you

16、r hands well. Keeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable. Keep a handshake brief and firm. You let go of each others hand after 2-3 seconds. Make sure your handshake ends before your conversation does. Ones handshake should show a feeling of strength and wa工mth. The hand

17、 should be firm and not lifeless like seaweed. Then, how firm should a handshake be? Just grasp the persons hand completely and do not press it too hard. 1.吓ich of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?() A. Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting. B. Handshakes

18、 are more than a way of greeting. C. Handshakes can show our personality. 2. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should (). A. stand up and shake his or her hand B. keep seated and shake his or her hand C. bow and say hello to him or her 3. Keeping eye contact while shaking han

19、ds makes the other person feel (). A. nervous B. comfortable C. afraid 4. How long does a handshake usually last?( ) A. As long as the conversation lasts. B. 5 minutes. C. 2-3 seconds. 5. Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?() A. brief and strong B. brief and firm C. br

20、ief and soft 国家开放大学电大一网一平台管理英语1一体化考试机考形考任务2题库及答案形考任务2题 库试题1正确- Id like to apply for a library card. 选择一项:A.Are you a student? B. Fill out the application form first, please. C. With pleasure. 试题2- May I use your bike for a moment? 选择一项:A. By all means. B. I have no idea. C. It doesnt matter. 试题 3- W

21、hat is your job? - Im accountant. 选择一项:A.a B.an C./ 试题4How do I_ the gym? 选择一项:A.get to B.arrive C.go 试题 5Charles regretted_ the TV set last year. The price has now come down. 选择一项:A. to buy B.buying C.of 试题 6二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T 错误为“F。Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fe

22、d up with it, she finds it boring and she wants to change her career. Her employers,Lucky Shops , are not too bad. They give her quite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with her boss. Her salary is quite good, but, because she is not happy, she wants to l

23、ook for something else. Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They said she should resign and try another career, so she took action. She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting. She had to write out her CV to

24、apply for a job, and she did that on Wednesday evening. Xiaoyan helped her with it. She has a lot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience 1n some a工eas.1. Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary. (F) 2. She doesnt like her boss. ( T) 3. He

25、r friends agreed that she should resign. ( T) 4. She has no experience of selling. (F) 5. She s worried about her lack of experience in some areas. ( T) 试题 1一Wow, this place is amazing. 选择一项:A. Thank you. B. I dont think so. C. It belongs to my grandparents. 试题 2- Its rather cold in here. Do you min

26、d if I close the window? 选择一项:A. Yes, please. B. Sure, please. C. No, go ahead. 试题3I have been looking forward to 选择一项:A.hear B. being heard C.hearing 试题4from my parents. Had you come five minutes earlier, youthe train to Beijing. But now you missed it. 选择一项:A.could catch B.would have caught C.would

27、 catch 试题5Its high time that he settled down in the country and _ a new life. 选择一项:A.starting B.started C. start 试题 6二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1. New York University has forty-eight thousand students. () A.纽约大学有学生四万八于名。B.纽约大学有学生四千八百名。C.纽约大学有学生四百八十名。2. Many people dont listen to music and they

28、can get along quite well. ( ) A. 许多人不听音乐,而且他们能够得到很好的东西。B. 许多人不喜欢音乐,但是身体非常好C. 许多人不听音乐,却生活得相当好。3. Of course, it has special meaning for people like me. () A. 在课程里,它有像我这样的人的意思。B. 在这个过程里,它有特殊意思,因为人们喜欢我。C. 当然,它对我这样的人具有特殊的含义。4. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. ( ) A. 然而它有一次错了,给了正确的时间。B.

29、然而,它曾有一次没有报出准确的时间。C. 然而,有一次,它不及格,报出准确的时间。5. We dont need to clock in and out here. ( ) A我们上下班不需要打卡B我们不需要在这反复思考。C我们没有必要来回摇摆试题1? - My mother is retired. My father is a manager. 选择一项:A. What are your parents doing right now. B. Do your parents sti 11 work. C. What do your parents do. 试题2- Id like to ap

30、ply for a library card. 选择一项:A.With pleasure. B.Are you a student? C. Fill out the application form first, please. 试题3Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of movies_ bad for their mental development. 选择一项:A. that is B.as is C.which is 试题4Im a deputy manager. I _ an IT company. 选

31、择一项:A.work about B.work for C.work 试题 5With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased_ he was a man of action. 选择一项:A. what B.which C. that 试题 6二、完形填空:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从 A、B、C三个选项中选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。Each morning, millions of us turn on our radios and televisions for the weat

32、her forecast. Do the cloudy skies mean rain? Will rising temperatures bring a (B) to melt snow and ice? Once we hear the forecast, we decide what clothes to wear and (A) to carry an umbrella or not. (C) , though, weather forecasts are obviously incorrect. Yes, though the accuracy of forecasts has im

33、proved in recent years, predicting(预测)the weather is a fascinating mixture of art and science. Predicting the weather is not all hard science. The computers can only give some descriptions of the behavior of the atmosphere(大气)Furthermore, even an accurate forecast for a large area may not take (C) t

34、he effect of local area on the weather. So some (B) of art is also necessary. 1. A. climate B. spell C. term 2. A. whether B. what C. if 3. A. In no time B. For the first time C. From time to time 4. A. the place of B. care of C. into consideration 5. A. case B. degree C. extent 国家开放大学电大一网一平台管理英语1一体

35、化考试机考形考任务3题库及答案形考任务3题 库试题1- Hey, Derek, which do you think is harder to learn, marketing or designing? 选择一项:A. Personally, I think designing is more difficult. B. It is the best design I have ever seen. C. I like it very much. 试题2- Im not sure what I11 do. I hope to watch TV and enjoy myself. 选择一项:A

36、. What are you doing? B.Where are you going? C.What are your plans for summer vacation? 试题3Through the work plan, the team leader is able to_ the tasks at hand, the deadlines for completion, and the responsible parties for effective management. 选择一项:A.modify B. identify C.simplify 试题4She kept on_ al

37、though she was tired. 选择一项:A.working B.work C. to work 试题 5Your goal is to publish a book and havemanuscript sent out to publishers by November 2016. 选择一项:A.an B.the C.a 试题 6二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T错误写“F”Whatever projects you do, you need to have a clear and accurate action plan. Here are a f

38、ew ideas to make a good action plan. First, know your goals. If you dont know where youre going, youre likely to end up anywhere, or even nowhere. The action plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed (SMART). It will take you toward the completion of that goal. Next, list t

39、he necessary strategies that will be used to realize the goals. Be clear about very important events, and also any hidden difficulties you may meet. Break large tasks into smaller ones. Set deadlines for each task. Without clear deadlines, some tasks may never get completed. Thirdly, follow your pla

40、n and dont stop until its finished. Once your plan is made and shared with the team, the next step is simple: take daily action and make sure that everyone is doing their part. Finally, change the date if you must, but never give up on the goals. Sometimes unexpected situations and events can appear

41、 and prevent you from finishing the tasks on time. If this happens, do not be discouraged - change your plan and continue working to meet your goals. 1. Whether you need to have a clear action plan depends on what kind of project you do. ( F) 2. SMART stands for suitable, measurable, achievable, rel

42、evant, timed. ( F) 3. When making an action plan, youd better take possible difficulties into consideration. (T) 4. Dont change your plan even if some unexpected events happen. ( F ) 5. This passage is mainly about how to make a good action plan. ( T) 试题1- Well have a charity book sale together with

43、 Menglin Publishing House next month. 一Yes. I think the Music Square is large enough. 选择一项:A.Could you give any suggestion on the location? B. Which place is suitable? C.Can you tell me the possible location? 试题2- Im afraid not. But I11 be free this afternoon. 选择一项:A.Can you spare me a few minutes n

44、ow? B. Is there any vacancy in your company? C.Do you have the time? 试题3your plan and dont stop until it is finished. 选择一项:A.Follow B.Stick C. Insist 试题4You can pick a specific time and place and ask them_ they want to go. 选择一项:A.where B. that C. if 试题5Within the team, a work plan can tell each memb

45、er what _ and why. 选择一项:A.has been done B. is being done C.has done 试题 6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A work plan is an important tool to tell what tasks to do, when to finish, who to take, where to go and how to get there. The work plan organizes your task with a timetable of what, whe

46、n and how a job needs to be done. Within the team, a work plan can tell each member what is being done and why. A work plan sets objectives. The clear objectives can help the process of planning, developing and managing a project. Through the work plan, the team leader is able to identify the tasks

47、at hand, the deadlines for completion, and the responsible parties for effective management. An effective work plan can show you whether your project is being carried according to the timetable. If everything is going on well, just keep on following the plan. The schedule should be flexible. It can

48、be changed for more realistic timelines when meeting any problems. 1. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage? ( ) A. A work plan keeps people informed. B. A work plan helps cut down expenses. C. A work plan is important in planning and management. 2. What can the clear obj

49、ectives help? ( ) A. It can help each member know what is being done and why. B. It can help the team leader with effective management. C. It can help the process of planning, developing and managing a project. 3. What does the underlined word deadlines mean? ( ) A. duration B. death time C. the poi

50、nt in time at which something must be completed 4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ( ) A. When meeting any problems you can change your plan for more realistic timelines. B. When meeting any problems you should not change your plan. C. When meeting any problems yo


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