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1、万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部目 录万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe info

2、rmation contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部质量目标: 确保工程验收一次通过,合格率100%,酒店创南宁市结构优质工程奖。1、梳理管控难点、要点2、明确节点工艺做法3、优化施工流程 前期 计划万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部一、工法区展示要点1、要求总包方要求建造工法样板区2、

3、由总包负责对各劳务班组进行工法培训3、项目公司工程部及监理记录、监督 样板 先行万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 一、工法区展示要点培训培训工法样板策划工法样板培训大面积展开实体样板施工工法样板培训明确管控要点规范节点做法实体样板施工施工验收整改大面积展开过程控制事前控制施工施工实体样板培训万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe i

4、nformation contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 一、工法区展示要点工法样板施工明确管控要点;规范节点细部做法;经过项目部、监理单位、业主验收合格后实行。工法样板培训交底对进场各劳务班组进行工法样板培训交底;结合可视化交底;万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 二、工法样板区展示

5、结构样板工艺展示工艺展示:框架结构样板框架结构样板工艺说明工艺说明:脚手架水平间距1100,距离梁边300梁底脚手架设置有防滑扣件梁柱节点加密区长度:750板上设置长条马镫,间距800万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部工艺展示:工艺展示:核心筒支模样板核心筒支模样板工艺说明:工艺说明:木方大小为50X100,间距不大于250对拉螺杆水平间距450钢管竖向间距600另设置对拉螺杆,加固

6、剪力墙边角 二、工法样板区展示结构样板万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 二、工法样板区展示结构样板工艺展示:工艺展示:劲性柱结构样板劲性柱结构样板工艺说明工艺说明:梁柱节点加密区长度900劲性柱箍筋采用八字

7、箍木枋大小为50X100,间距不大于250采用槽钢和对拉螺杆固定柱模万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 二、工法样板区展示砌筑样板工艺展示工艺展示:砌筑及二次结砌筑及二次结构样板构样板工艺说明工艺说明:后开线

8、槽采用切槽处理线槽切缝砂浆灰浆比同抹灰砂浆二次结构封模前贴双面胶防止漏浆轻质砌块底部要求三匹实心砖或者灌芯的混凝土小型空心砌块封顶砖斜砌砂浆饱满门窗洞口留设,砖墙上留洞留槽万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice

9、二、工法样板区展示装修样板工艺展示:工艺展示:抹灰样板、外墙内保抹灰样板、外墙内保温样板、外墙涂料样板温样板、外墙涂料样板工艺说明:工艺说明:不同材料间挂网抹灰,挂网出边界100灰饼大小50X50,灰饼间距不超过2m涂料和保温分层处理,保证观感效果万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herei

10、n is subject to change without notice 二、工法样板区展示屋面工程工艺展示:工艺展示:屋面作法样板屋面作法样板工艺说明:女儿墙压顶做滴水线压顶外高内低,4%找坡卷材的搭接长度:不小于100单砖立砌保护SBS卷材防止晒裂万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained he

11、rein is subject to change without notice 二、工法样板区展示卫生间工工艺展示:艺展示:卫生间样板卫生间样板工艺说明:工艺说明:增加同层排水,防止沉池积水造成渗漏;所有带水周边增加200高素混凝土反坎;管道安装位置确保洁具安装空间。万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information cont

12、ained herein is subject to change without notice 二、工法样板区展示管井工艺展示:工艺展示:管井样板管井样板工艺说明:工艺说明:水管井周边做200高混凝土挡水坎,底部安装地漏;所有管道排布要求整齐标示清晰;同一排阀门成线,不同的管道阀门要求开启方向一致;管中管采用石棉水泥表面加防火胶泥封堵。万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014

13、WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 二、工法样板区展示管线布置工艺展示:工艺展示:机电综合管线样板机电综合管线样板工艺说明:工艺说明:空间管线尽可能采用共用支吊架做到整齐有序,走向和分色标示要清晰,管道保温要求严格合缝,排烟管道要求采用角钢法兰万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业

14、地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 三、材料样板区展示展示内容包括:材料名称、规格、品牌、厂家、主要技术参数万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information c

15、ontained herein is subject to change without notice 三、材料样板区展示展示内容:箍筋样板、拉钩样板、电渣压力焊链接、直螺纹套筒连接、铜热水管、不锈钢给水管、线盒样板万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to

16、change without notice 三、材料样板区展示材料堆场,规划整齐、分类清楚万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示钢筋钢筋绑扎实体样板:板为双层钢筋时,两层筋之间须加设钢筋马蹬,以

17、确保上部钢筋的位置,上层钢筋相交点全部绑扎,负弯矩钢筋每个相交点均要绑扎。梁底和板底保护层垫成品砂浆垫块。万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示混凝土 梁、板、柱砼实体样板:严格控制垂直度和平整

18、度,保证观感质量万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示砌筑、抹灰 抹灰:用灰饼控制抹灰高度,灰饼50X50,间距不超过2m,抹灰要求平整度和垂直度控制到4mm以内砌筑:轻质砌块底部要求三匹实心砖

19、或者灌芯的混凝土小型空心砌块,二次结构封模前贴双面胶防止漏浆,封顶砖斜砌砂浆饱满万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、 实体样板展示成品保护 冷却水管保温,表面铁皮保护,交工之前表面包裹塑料膜;风机用塑料膜

20、保护万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示成品保护 电梯门周边砌挡水坎防止电梯井积水设备基础在安装前用木护角保护自动扶梯用木盖板进行成品保护万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 W

21、ANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示成品保护 楼梯踏步、柱、楼梯入口的阳角用木护角进行成品保护万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is

22、 subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程屋面风机安装管控要点:1、风机位置离采光定3米以上2、基础高度300mm为宜,接地扁铁由基础内引出。3、防虫网固定在风管端部。4、风管引出风井处向下倾斜10万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herei

23、n is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 5、出风井处封堵用耐候胶收边。6、风管出风井部分安装铁皮防雨板7、风阀执行机构有防雨帽。 四、实体样板展示屋面工程万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change withou

24、t notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程屋面砖样板:屋面砖对缝,要求灰缝整齐、灰缝大小一致,且控制在810mm之内;每6m设置1.5cm的分隔缝,用耐候胶填充万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量

25、监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程滴水线样板:所有屋面女儿墙压顶和所有井道的压顶、盖板周边做滴水线万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe informati

26、on contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程外铺屋面预留排烟气道:混凝土反坎高出屋面面层300mm,两侧为混凝土墙,另两侧做防水百叶万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject

27、 to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程天沟和楼梯踏步阳角增加钢护角,保护边角万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程重力排水样板:重力排水要求支架均匀

28、,支架间距不超过2m:出水口底部增加水簸箕万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程屋面采用单砖立砌保护卷材,防止晒裂万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA Inst

29、ituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示屋面工程DN50PVC排汽管(打筛孔)不锈钢排汽孔(DN50)200圆柱砼护墩屋面排汽管暗埋部分采用屋面排汽管暗埋部分采用PVCPVC管,外露管,外露部分为增强耐候性及防撞,采用不锈部分为增强耐候性及防撞,采用不锈钢管。钢管外做

30、钢管。钢管外做200200圆柱砼保护墩。圆柱砼保护墩。万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示采光顶万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe inf

31、ormation contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 实体工程样板实体工程样板通过采光顶样板段,确认施工质量标准四、实体样板展示采光顶万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change

32、 without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice u弯弧玻璃与垂直面玻璃交接打胶是表面质量观感的关键。u打胶要求:两侧贴美纹纸,打胶一次成活、不能停顿;胶峰密实、美观。四、实体样板展示采光顶万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice

33、商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示采光顶采光顶底部优化设计、加焊扣板龙骨、保证铝扣板平整度原设计优化设计后万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe inf

34、ormation contained herein is subject to change without notice 四、实体样板展示采光顶 原设计原设计优化设计后采光顶开启窗增加弧形挡雨板,防渗效果更好修改设计效果万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject

35、to change without notice 管道走向清晰吊牌规范 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 变电所样板要求:1装修层阴阳角顺直,平整度垂直度达标2。灯具安装整齐美观,

36、设备安装排布合理规范,3、墙上要有系统图、操作规程和管理制度4、防火门挡鼠板,高度不超过6005.、采用复合盖板,防止静电 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 地下室综合管线三维效果

37、图地下室综合管线三维效果图地下室制冷站房三维效果图地下室制冷站房三维效果图利用BIM技术进行综合管廊、大型设备房的深化设计,通过三维模拟可以合理分配各类管线的安装位置,在安装前解决了管道交叉碰撞问题 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subjec

38、t to change without notice 综合支吊架,整齐美观 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 地下室正式消火栓系统提前打压、通水,装修及安装阶段采用永临结合消火栓箱

39、 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 成排管道弯起点、弯起角度一致 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe

40、 information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 防火封堵:内填防火岩棉,外薄钢板,接缝处涂防火胶泥1.21.2厚包厚包边钢板边钢板 管管 道道防火岩防火岩棉棉风风 管管管道管道防火胶泥防火胶泥 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe

41、 information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 实心砖实心砖构造柱构造柱混凝土空心砌块墙体混凝土空心砌块墙体抹灰抹灰平导平导轨面轨面卷帘导轨卷帘导轨防火卷帘导轨保护采用实心砖砌成防火卷帘导轨保护采用实心砖砌成砖垛保护,抹灰平导轨面砖垛保护,抹灰平导轨面 四、实体样板展示地下室机电万达学院Wan Da Ins

42、titute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 五、现场文明施工及安全防护通过可视化技术交底活动,青秀万达等工地取得了实实在在的的成效。南宁市城乡建委在青秀万达广场项目推广可视化技术交底,让工人能够潜移默化,养成良好行为习惯,更清晰的了解现场作业顺

43、序和工艺,减少误差,从而提高施工质量:1.建筑文化长廊;2.美丽工地“四字经”口诀彩页和公益广告围挡;3.标准图集, 用本地标准化做法的实例照片集合成册;4.施工工艺样板间;5.技术交底动漫;万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change witho

44、ut notice 五、现场文明施工及安全防护万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 五、现场文明施工及安全防护万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe infor

45、mation contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 五、现场文明施工及安全防护万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管

46、部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 五、现场文明施工及安全防护电梯井门洞口应设置栅栏防护门,防护门为高度不低于1.2m的金属栏门。栅栏门刷红白相间油漆。并在门口下部设200mm高挡脚板,上刷红白相间油漆。万达学院Wan Da Institute 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 五、现场文明施工及安全防护框架楼层临边的四周无围护结构时,必须设两至三道防护栏杆,栏杆高度不低于1.2m,立杆间距1.5m,并满挂密目安全网。万达学院Wan Da Institute 2014 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice 商业地产质量监管部质量监管部


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