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1、高中英语经典长难句分析及重点词汇用法41. At that time, there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his fluency in Chinese and dressed as a Chinese man, even shaving his head in the Chinese style.【句式翻译】那时候,欧洲人在中国的活动受到种种限制,因此为了在旅行时不引起别人注意,他努力使自己的汉语讲得很流利,并且穿着中国人

2、的服装,甚至像中国人一样削发(留辫)。【句式分析】本句是复合句,so引导结果状语从句,unnoticed和shaving作状语。【词语点拨】1)restriction n. 限制The park is open to the public without restriction.这个公园对公众开放,没有任何限制。There is no restriction on the number of people.人数不限。2) dress v. 打扮;穿衣 n. 衣服;礼服;dress后常接sb/oneself,不接衣服作宾语;构成短语:be dressed in穿着Father dressed u

3、p as a clown to make children laugh.为了逗孩子们笑,爸爸装扮成小丑。She hurriedly dressed her son and drove him to school. 她匆忙地给儿子穿上衣服,开车送他到学校。I feel awkward as everyone except me is in evening dress.我感到很尴尬,因为除了我,谁都穿了夜礼服。Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white.图画中的天使通常身穿白衣。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第26句。2

4、)过去分词作状语:过去分词作状语时,常表示被动和完成,此时分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。表示时间、条件、原因、让步时可转换为相应的状语从句;表示方式、结果和伴随时可转化为并列分句。如:My father sat quietly on the couch, lost in thought(=and he was lost in thought). 我父亲静静地坐在沙发上,沉浸在思索之中。Looked (=If it is looked) at a distance, the painting seems much more beautiful.隔着一段距离看,这幅画似乎要漂亮得多。有些分词作状语

5、,没有逻辑上的主语,已成为习惯用法:given(考虑到,如果), provided that(如果),compared with/to等。Our greenhouse is nothing compared with yours.我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫。I will agree to go provided / providing ( that ) my expenses are paid.假如为我负担费用,我就同意去。42. Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions, oft

6、en facing many dangers including disease, near-starvation, severe environments and conflicts with the local people.【句式翻译】勇敢的年轻人借机进行植物探索活动,他们常常面临许多危险,包括疾病、饥饿、严酷的环境以及同当地居民的冲突。【句式分析】本句是简单句,facing many dangers在句中作状语。【词语点拨】including prep.包含 include v.包含 There are ten people in this office including me.这个

7、办公室连我共有10人。This book includes some information you need.这本书包括你需要的一些信息。【语法点拨】现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第26句。43. A consumer can complain to the organization, giving reasons for their complaint, and if the complaint is correct, the organization can make the company stop using the offending advertisement.【句式翻译】消费者可

8、以向这个机构投诉,提出投诉的理由,如果投诉是正确的,该机构可以责令该公司停止使用这种令人不愉快的广告。【句式分析】本句是复合句,if引导条件状语从句,giving reasons作状语,using作宾语。【词语点拨】complaint n.抱怨;投诉 complain是其动词形式The worker accepted his dismissal without any complaint.那个工人毫无怨言地接受解雇。She made a complaint about the noise.她就噪音问题提出了投诉。She wrote a letter to her local newspaper

9、 to complain about the new road.她给当地的报纸写了一封信,抱怨新修的马路。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第26句。2)doing作宾语,具体用法参见第31句。44. In no time, the Del Monte Gold took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the worlds best-selling pineapple variety, and delivering natural levels of sweetness in the mouth, up until then only f

10、ound in tinned pineapple.【句式翻译】德尔蒙金菠萝立刻占有了市场,很快成为世界上销售最好的菠萝,吃到嘴里有一种天然的甜味,在那之前,只有罐装菠萝才有这种味儿。【句式分析】本句是简单句,becoming和delivering在句中作状语,tinned作定语。【词语点拨】1)in no time 立刻,马上Clothing seems to wear out in no time nowadays.现在的衣服好像很快就穿破了。2)variety n.种类;多样性The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of amusements.

11、 这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。My last job lacked variety; I was doing the same things all the time.我上次的一份工作缺乏多样化, 我老是在做同样的事情。3)deliver v. 递送;发表(演说等)The newspaper is delivered to my school every Tuesday.每周二报纸被送到我的学校。Mr. Smith will deliver a speech on English learning this Friday.本周五史密斯先生要做一个关于英语学习的演讲。4)takeby

12、 storm强攻;使大为轰动The news will take the public by storm.这个消息将会令公众大吃一惊的。The group of young musicians took Europe by storm.一 群年轻的音乐家使整个欧洲为之倾倒。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第26句。2)过去分词done作定语:过去分词作定语表示被动和完成意义,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。单个分词作定语一般放在被修饰词之前,分词短语作定语一般放在被修饰词之后。如:The injured workers are now being taken good care of

13、 in the hospital。受伤的工人现正在医院受到良好的照料。They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard. 他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。The scientists invited (=who were invited) to the meeting are from developing countries.被邀请参加会议的科学家来自发展中国家。45. Shay didnt make it to another summer and died that winter, having never forgotten being the

14、hero and making his father so happy and coming home and seeing his mother tearfully hug her little hero of the day! 【句式翻译】Shay 在那一年的冬天死了,没有活到第二年的夏天,他永远也忘不掉自己当英雄以及让自己的爸爸如此高兴,忘不掉跑回家看到含泪的妈妈抱住这个小英雄的场景。【句式分析】本句是简单句,didnt make it和died是并列的谓语动词,having never forgotten作状语,being the hero, making his father,com

15、ing home,和seeing.是并列的宾语。【词语点拨】1)make it (to)及时到达;成功;约定时间Its hard to make it to the top in the show business.想在演艺圈出人头地,实非易事。I cant make it to dinner tonight; but, can I take a rain check?今天晚上我不能去吃晚饭, 但是我们改天再吃好吗?Make it anytime that suits you ; Im always free.我反正有空,就你的时间吧。【语法点拨】1)现在分词的完成形式作状语,具体用法参见第2

16、5句。2)doing作宾语,具体用法参见第31句。46. In the fall of 1985, I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Super Court bench Somewhere. 【句式翻译】1985年的秋天,我是一个有着明亮眼睛的女孩,要去哈佛大学学习,目的是从事法律工作并梦想着坐在某处最高法院的法官席上。【句式分析】本句是简单句,heading off, aiming at和dreamin

17、g of是并列的定语,sitting on 作介词of的宾语。【词语点拨】1)head v.朝行进;前进(后面常接介词for或to/towards等)Where are you heading for?你要到哪儿去?Our ship made head against the wind and waves.我们的船顶着风浪前进。2)aim v. 目的在于;瞄准;针对 n.目的;目标Businesses will have to aim at long-term growth.企业必须以长期增长为目标。The new measures are aimed at protecting the en

18、vironment.新措施旨在保护环境。I aim to be a policeman when I leave school.我打算中学毕业以后当警察。The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions.该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对印度文化和传统的认识。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作定语, 具体用法参见第35句。2)doing作宾语,具体用法参见第31句。47. Some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter doesnt attemp

19、t to paint objects as we see them with our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object, using color, line and shape to represent them.【句式翻译】有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中展现物体的某些品质特征,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。【句式分析】本句是复合句, doesnt attempt to和concentrates on是并列谓语, as在句中引导状语从句,

20、using color作状语。【词语点拨】concentrate vi. 专心于;集中You should concentrate on the road when youre driving.开车时注意力应集中在路上。When working, one should concentrate and not allow oneself to be distracted.工作时要集中精力,不要分心。【语法点拨】现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第26句。48. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise

21、 around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army, Im not alone in my opinion.【句式翻译】根据我的经验,慢跑是最被人高估的运动形式,从退出我们的慢跑大军的人数判断,不只是我有这种观点。【句式分析】本句是复合句,who引导限制性定语从句,修饰the people,Based on my experience和judging from作状语,jogging作主语。【词语点拨】1)base v. 基于;把建立在 n. 基础;基地We must

22、base ourselves on the interests of the people.我们一定要从人民的利益出发。Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论的基础是实践,反过来理论又为实践服务。Knowledge is the important base of teachers specialization.知识是教师专业化的重要基础和前提条件。Shanghai is the most important industrial base of China.上海是中国最重要的工业基地。2)alone adj.单独的

23、,独自的I want to have a talk with him alone.我要和他单独谈一谈。He doesnt feel lonely when he is left alone.在只剩下他一个的时候,他并不感到孤独。3)judging from/by从判断Judging from his accent, he must be from Hunan.从他的口音判断, 他一定是湖南人.Judging by the sound of his voice, the man couldnt be very young.听声音, 那人已不太年轻。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第2

24、6句。2)过去分词作状语,具体用法参见第41句。3)doing作主语,具体用法参见第29句。49. She retired from diving after Atlanta and went to study economics at university. While there she decided to make a comeback and went on to compete at the Sydney Olympic Games, where she won her fourth Olympic gold, again making Olympic history.【句式翻译】

25、在亚特兰大之后,伏明霞退役,到大学里学习经济。读书期间,她决定复出参加悉尼奥运会,并且获得了自己的第四枚奥运金牌,再次改写了奥运会历史。【句式分析】While在句中引导省略的时间状语从句,where引导非限制定语从句,修饰the Sydney Olympic Games,to make和to compete作宾语,making作结果状语。【词语点拨】compete v.竞争;参加比赛He at last got a chance to compete in the Olympics.他终于获得了参加奥运会比赛的机会。These products are of high quality and

26、able to compete internationally.这些产品品质很好,在国际市场上有竞争能力。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第26句。2)不定式to do作宾语,具体用法参见第27句。50. With more than three children, for example, wives took on more of the extra work, clocking about 28 hours a week compared with husbands 10 hours.【句式翻译】比如说,如果孩子数量超过三个,妻子们每周做家务的时间会增加到28个小时,而丈夫仅

27、为10个小时。【句式分析】本句是简单句,clocking和 compared with作状语。【词语点拨】take on承担;呈现;具体用法参见第3句。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作状语,具体用法参见第26句。2) 过去分词作状语,具体用法参见第41句。51. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production r

28、ate. 【句式翻译】这项研究发表于2009年,它发现用笔和纸来写,参与者写的文章更长,写的句子更完整,写单词的速度更快。【句式分析】本句复合句,that 引导宾语从句,从句中又有一个when引导的状语从句,published在句中作后置定语,writing作状语。【词语点拨】1) participant n. 参加者 participate vi.参与He is an active participant in the civil rights movement.他是人权运动的积极参加者。Terry cant participate in the match because he has h

29、urt his foot.特里不能参加比赛,因为他扭了脚。2) rate n.比率;速度House prices are rising at a higher rate than inflation.房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour.轿车以每小时40里的速度行驶。【语法点拨】1)现在分词作状语, 具体用法参见第26句。2)过去分词作定语,具体用法参见第44句。52. But the donator who started sending envelopes with cash to deserving

30、 causes, accompanied by an article from the local paper, has made a northern German city believe in fairytales.【句式翻译】但是,捐赠者开始给值得关注的事业发送装有现金的信封,当地报纸随之发表一篇文章,这一切使一个德国北部城市相信童话。【句式分析】本句是复合句,who 引导限制性定语从句,修饰the donator,sending 作宾语,accompanied作状语。【词语点拨】1) deserving adj.值得的(后面常接介词of) deserve v.值得A job well

31、 done is deserving of praise.一件工作做得好应该受到表扬。If you do wrong, you deserve punishment.你如做错事, 应当受罚。2)accompany vt.陪伴Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa.肯答应陪我一起去非洲。Jane was willing to accompany you to the park to go out for a walk.简愿意陪你去公园散步。【语法点拨】1)过去分词作状语, 具体用法参见第41句。2)doing作宾语,具体用法参见第31句。53

32、. Basic Math starts from the relatively easier concepts and gradually moves on to the more troublesome ones, so as to allow for steady and sure understanding of the material by students.【句式翻译】基础数学源自相对容易的概念,逐渐转移到更麻烦的,以便允许学生能稳定地、有把握地理解材料。【句式分析】本句是简单句,so as to allow在句中作目的状语。【词语点拨】1) gradually adv.逐渐地Th

33、e drugs work well at first but gradually lose their effectiveness.这些药的效果起初非常好,但后来逐渐失效。After months of work, the new book is gradually taking shape.经过几个月的努力,这本新书渐渐成型了。2)allow v. 允许,常用于以下结构:allow doing 允许做They allowed smoking in this room only.他们只允许在这间屋子里抽烟。allow sb to do允许某人做My boss doesnt allow me t

34、o use the telephone.我的老板不允许我用电话。allow sb sth让某人有I will allow you 10% off the price if you pay now如果你现在付款,我可以给你打九折。allow sb in/out/up允许某人进来/出去/起床The patient was allowed up after ten days.十天后病人才被允许起床(下地)。allow for考虑到,把考虑进来,体谅We should allow for every possible delay.我们考虑到任何可能的延误。【语法点拨】不定式作目的状语,具体用法参见第2

35、1句。54. Professor H. Siegel, honored by Kentucky Educational Television as“the best math teacher in America,”is a devoted teacher and has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious.【句式翻译】H西格尔教授被肯塔基州教育电视尊称为是“美国最好的数学老师”,他是一个尽职的教师,在解释数学概念方面很有天赋,能把这些概念解释得清楚明

36、了。【句式分析】本句复合句,that在句中引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词ways,honored作后置定语。【词语点拨】1) devoted adj.忠诚的;挚爱的 devote vt. 奉献,把用于He married well and happily and was a devoted father and husband.他婚姻美满幸福,是位尽职尽责的父亲,忠实的丈夫。The editors devoted a whole page to the discussion of the housing problem.编辑用一个整版来讨论住房问题。2) have a gift for = h

37、ave a talent for在方面有天赋You have a surprising gift for seeing into peoples minds.你有惊人的才能,能看出别人的心思。Yang Liping has a love for music and a gift for dancing.杨丽萍热爱音乐,并具有舞蹈天赋。【语法点拨】过去分词作定语, 具体用法参见第44句。55. For example, therere the obvious tendency to smile when smiled at and there are less obvious changes t

38、hat reflect emotions of surprise, anger or sadness such as a change in our heart rate and blood pressure.【句式翻译】例如,别人朝你笑你很可能笑,反映惊讶,愤怒或悲伤情绪的变化不太明显,如我们的心率和血压的变化。【句式分析】本句复合句,when在句中引导省略的状语从句,that引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词changes,smiled at作状语。【词语点拨】1)tendency n.倾向;趋势;tend v.倾向Prices continue to show an upward tende

39、ncy.物价呈继续上升的趋势。There was a tendency in him to walk away from the impossible thing.而对无能为力的事情,他往往就绕开走了。People tended to accept her invitations.人们都乐于接受她的邀请。2)reflect v. 反映;反射; reflection n.反射;映像Does this letter reflect how you really think?这封信反映你的真实想法吗?Every solid object will reflect a sound.任何固体都能反射声音

40、。One can see the reflection of the tower in the water.塔的影子倒映在水中。【语法点拨】过去分词作状语, 具体用法参见第41句。56. Fans used to be crazy about a specific film, but now the public tends to base its consumption on the interest of celebrity attached to any given product.【句式翻译】粉丝过去会对一部具体的电影而疯狂,但是现在,公众的消费倾向于建立在对名人的兴趣上,这些名人与某

41、种指定的产品有联系。【句式分析】本句是并列连词but连接的复合句,attached to作后置定语。【词语点拨】1)used to过去经常,表示过去的习惯动作或状态,后接动词原形。其否定式为:used(n)t to/ didnt use to;be/get used to 习惯于,其中的 to 是介词,后接名词或动名词。如:His uncle used to live in Paris.他的叔叔过去一直住在巴黎。Nancy usednt /didnt use to eat so many sweet things.南希过去不常吃那么多的甜食。You used to play basketbal

42、l, usednt /didnt you?你过去常打篮球,是吗?Charles is used to looking after himself.查尔斯习惯于自己照顾自己。2)attach vt. 缚上;系上;附加;连接;构成短语:attach oneself to依附;热爱,依恋 be attached to连在上,附属于;热爱,依恋attach importance to认为重要Attach a stamp to the envelope and mail the letter.把邮票贴在信封上,把信寄出去。The cities attach great importance to the

43、 pollution problem.这些城市非常重视污染问题。A couple should be deeply attached to each other.夫妻应该相亲相爱。The little girl attached herself to her English teacher.这个小姑娘非常喜欢她的英语老师。【语法点拨】过去分词作定语,具体用法参见第44句。57. Their study found that theobromine, found in cocoa, was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than

44、 codeine, which was considered the best cough medicine at present.【句式翻译】他们的研究发现可可含有的可可碱治疗咳嗽的有效性比可待因高三分之一,可待因目前被认为是最好的治咳嗽的药。【句式分析】本句是复合句,which在句中引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词codeine,found in cocoa作后置定语。【词语点拨】consider v.考虑;认为Im considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。He considered how he should answer the que

45、stion.他考虑应当怎样回答这个问题。We have to consider what material to use first.我们先得考虑用什么材料。We consider that a friend in need is a friend indeed.我们认为患难之友才是真正的朋友。At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。【语法点拨】过去分词作定语,具体用法参见第44句。58. Supported by his

46、 academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someones future success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.【句式翻译】萨洛维教授在他学术研究的基础上提出, 在预测一个人未来的成功时, 他的性格,通过情商测验来衡量, 也许比他的智商更为重要。【句式分析】本句是复合句,that引导宾语从句,从句中包含有一个when引导的省略的状语从句,supported

47、和predicting在句中作状语。【词语点拨】1)support vt. 支撑;支持;供养;为提供资金;n. 支持;支撑物;赡养They supported us in the struggle for an increase in pay.他们支持我们争取增加工资。The research was supported by the government.这项研究由政府出资。I depend on my friends for emotional support.我靠朋友给我感情支持。Her job is the familys only means of support.她家全靠她的工作维持生计。2)suggest vt.建议;表明。当“建议”讲时,后面可以接动名词,接从句时,从句用虚拟语气;当“表明”时,后面的从句常用陈述语气。His pale face suggested that he was badly ill. 他苍白的脸色表明他病得很厉害。I suggest bringing the meeting to an end.=I suggest that


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